Bike - too tired tonight.

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Sorry folks, I've been trying to write Bike but just keep falling asleep over it. I've not been sleeping very well recently, so I think an early night is called for. Will try to do better tomorrow, sorry to disappoint again.



Take Care

Please never let us keep you up, we will still be here when you wake up. Bike is worth the delayed gratification



With those with open eyes the world reads like a book


It's alright!

Dahlia's picture

We understand that you have a real life as well as the one you lovingly create for us here on BC. Thanks for all you do.


I hate it when

littlerocksilver's picture

... my head crashes into the keyboard. I can be typing away and suddenly there are a bunch of /////////////////////////////. Sleep well.


I understand...

I understand the feeling, and just this once I forgive you. :-) (I can use the time to take my quiz, rather than put it off some more.)

Sleep well, and may you have pleasant dreams.


As I said before, this old

As I said before, this old rednek understands. So take a night off and may you have pleasant dreams

You could never disappoint.....

D. Eden's picture

And although I shall miss seeing another episode tonight, I wish you a good night's rest dear friend.

Until the morrow,


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus