Fantasy Odyssey 1


“Just die you bastard...” I mumbled as I fought a particularly tough opponent in one of my various video games. I was sitting at my computer desk on Friday night, enjoying a bit of role-playing and rampage as I had come to recognize as my end of week ritual. The game I was playing was a relatively new one called ‘Siege of the Darkwauld’, a pretty decent open world role-play game where class and race do factor in to storylines and character interactions.

As I gutted my enemy I reclined in my chair and took a swig of my ginger beer. My glasses had slid down a bit so I gave them a little push back up and swatted a bit of my dark grey hair out of my face. ‘Once it starts to get around shoulder length it can become kind of a pain in the arse’, I thought to myself, ‘maybe I should get a trim tomorrow or something...’ Just as I was thinking about that, I noticed the Friday night line-up I had switched on for a bit of back ground noise had suddenly been interrupted by some news flash.

Good evening folks. We are sorry to interrupt your regular scheduling but a situation in the down town area of New York involving two powerful mutants has broken out. Or reporter at the scene, Natasha, will fill in the details. To you Natasha.

“Oh shit.”

Thank you, desk person. As you can see, it is a scene of utter carnage as a strange fire mutant person and some rock thing are fighting it out; seemingly to the death. We are unsure about what caused this fight to break out. When we tried to interview the fire guy he melted my camera man.

That would explain the terrible feed we are getting here, Natasha. The situations sounds quite bad. I know for a fact that we only have two camera men left on staff, and I doubt that they’re willing to go out into the field after the whole ‘finger’ incident.

The situation certainly does seem dire, desk person. *click*

“Jesus... fuckin’ mutants... and fuckin’ newspeople...” I muttered as I fell back into my desk chair after switching off the television. The stuff going on in that downtown area was exactly one of the reasons that I didn’t like mutants. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I had anything in particular against mutants. I had the same dislike for normal people to be honest. I suppose that it’s because I’m an anti-social person by nature. But not some isolated computer world addict type of anti-social, more the Daria type.

“Fuck it...” I mumbled as I went back to my game. It didn’t really concern me and I was apathetic enough about things that actually did. As I un-paused my game to pick up the loot from my opponent I realised that my character had gone up a level. As I opened the perk selection page I took a bit of time to admire the character I had built so far. What? You all do it.

Anyway, the character was a female of the orcish race. The reason I had chosen to go with an orc is because I wanted to see how social interactions would go with such a race, and because after a bit of research I had found out that orcs have a much higher stamina levels then other races. The reason she was female was because of an old trick I had discovered in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. As it turns out, female avatars have much smaller hit boxes then males, which makes avoiding deadly strikes that much easier. As or her name, I really wasn’t in a creative mood at the time when I started the game so I just put in my initials, M.R; Mick Reiling.

As I continued to destroy all before me like a king I noticed myself getting all hot again and closed my window so I could turn on the air-con. I had started getting weird bouts of strong heat about a week ago, and every time it hit me it felt a little hotter. Most people would feel some sort of concern over something like that, but I had never really gotten very sick as I grew up and if I did I was over it quickly, so I gave it no mind.

It was a few minutes later that I started hearing some booming sound off in the distance. I made my way over to my window and peeked out only to see an explosion only a block or so away. I barely had time to register it as a fiery being shot out of the explosion and several armoured vans shot down the street outside my window. I quickly shut my curtains for some dumb reason and ducked underneath the window.

“What the hell!” I whispered to myself, “That kind of thing is happening right outside my window!? Are you shitting me!?” Already panicking, suddenly hearing an explosion right outside the apartment and actually being shook by the force sent me into full blown hyper-ventilation mode.

‘Jesus fucking Christ, I’m gonna die! That was way to close, it’s going to blow up this building next! FUCK!’ I sprung up to get to the phone in order to call someone, even though the armoured vans kinda gave away that they were already there. But as soon as I stood up I fell straight back down to the ground as I only then noticed just how ridiculously hot my body felt.

My vision was already getting blurry and turned black before I could do anything to help myself.



...More blackness...

...Even more blackness...

...okay... stop that...

As those weird thoughts faded away I managed to crack open my eyes and found that there was light streaming in through the curtains. I squinted my eyes for a moment as the sudden brightness didn’t feel too good at all.

“What... the hell happened? What time is it?” I groaned as I started to sit up, noticing the strange gravelly sound to my voice that also carried a stranger high octave to it. Based on just how ‘nice’ I was feeling I chalked it up to a very sore throat. That theory would have been great if not for the fact that my throat wasn’t sore at all. As I sat up I noticed how weird my chest felt. I looked down to see two medium sized lumps on my chest where my small sized man-boobs should have been. I didn’t actually have any man-boobs but humor is always good to help ease a growing panic.

“Heheh... okay... whose punking me? This is not real right now. There is now way that what I think has happened, has happened!” I started to yell. Just to add fuel to the freaking the fuck out fires, I glanced at my arm and saw that instead of the slightly tanned Caucasian skin I was used to seeing, it seemed to have become a medium shade of green.

It was at this point that I finally sprinted for the nearest mirror. I skidded around the corner of the short hallway and tripped, hitting the wall. To panicked to really care about the pain though, I launched myself right back onto my feet and came to a sudden stop in front of the bathroom mirror.

The face staring back at me was one I would never think to find outside of a fantasy realm.

An Orc.

An Orcess!

“What the.... WHAT THE FUCKING HELL!!!!” I screamed at the mirror. My hair didn’t look very different in length but was now a deep black colour. My wide eyes were now an amber colour that seemed to glow a little.

As I continued to stare at my reflection with my mouth agape I saw that I now had what would be considered fangs, including two large ones that stuck up from my lower jaw over my upper lip. The final freakish part of my new look was large pointed ears sticking out the side of my head.

All I could do was stare at my new face with wide eyes.

“Did I go... through a burnout?... Is that what that heat was?” I whispered to myself. “How the hell did I go through a burnout!? I’m not a mutant!”

That’s what I said but seeing the evidence presented in front of my eyes I now had to admit that that may exactly be the case. I dropped down onto my couch and just stared at the blank television screen. I had no real clue how to react to this. Freaking out would be a good idea but I had already gotten a good amount of that over with, so I supposed a quick setting in of numbness was a good second phase.

As I sat on the couch I glanced over to the digital clock next to the television and got another slap in the face from reality. It was Thursday. For me, last night was Friday. Already coming to the conclusion I really didn’t want to come to I looked at the date on the screen and found that the obvious was true. I had been lying on my floor unconscious for A WHOLE GOD DAMN WEEK!

“But... but... If I’ve been here for a week the guys at work must have been calling non-stop to know why the fuck I didn’t show up! God damnit!” I growled as I leaped up and ran over to my desk to check my mobile expecting to find a text telling me that I’m fired from my job at the game store but when I looked at my inbox I found that I hadn’t received any texts or calls from work.

‘What? Why hasn’t anyone called? Did they think I took the week off without telling them? Wait...’ I looked back to the spot I where I had been lying for the past week and presumably changing for the duration.

“I was... lying in the same spot I collapsed...” I mumbled to myself, a slightly bitter realisation starting to come over me.

“No one even called anyone to tell them I was missing...”




“Those pricks! Even I would have called the police of paramedics or... someone if they went missing for a week! No one even came to check on me!” I threw my phone back on the desk and ground my teeth in agitation. It wasn’t so much that no one care that I was missing, but rather that they didn’t even bother calling someone who could check around FOR them.

As I continued to brood I began to realise that I really had to come to terms with the body I was occupying. Not go out and wear a dress or something like that but to finally say it.

“I’m fucking female.”

“....What do I do?....”


Heyay, heyay
What’s the matta wit ya?
Heyay, Heyayayay

As I sat on my couch, slightly bopping my head to some Redbone, I thought about how my day had turned out. Overall, it was shit. I had woken up after losing a week of my time to find that I happened to be a mutant after going through a burnout. After that I had also found out that I had been turned into an Orc woman; complete with fang and small tusks, hide-like green skin, pointed ears, tough black claws, amber eyes, and as it turned out when I had cut myself with said claws earlier, I also had black blood. Jesuses fucking ballsack, it was a shitty day.

I was currently sitting on my couch as the night slowly set in; watching a comedy to help calm my nerves and wearing my typical pyjama relax wear. As it turned out my height hadn’t changed at all and the only real difference in terms of my size was that I was a bit thinner, though that was most likely from not eating for a week. Oh yeah, after I had stopped being so pissy about my douche bag co-workers no giving two shits about me enough to even call someone, I realised that I was absolutely starving.

I had wondered why I wasn’t busting to go to the toilet, or why I hadn’t gone already while I was unconscious, but I just figured that my body had to use everything it could during my overly long nap to stop myself from dying from starvation. Though I really doubted I could starve to death after just a week, it at least helped the toilet thing make sense.

And back in the present, I was currently pondering just what the hell I should do. I had a couple of thoughts; one was that I should probably go back to work as I need the money... maybe even urgently as my lights and air-con were both on for the whole week. But then again, my new appearance may scare the life out of some people. The other thought was; fuck them. I don’t look that horrific, just unusual. And anyway, I can look however the hell I want. I guess the problem with that thought was that I didn’t want to look this way.

Thankfully, due to a lifelong regime of apathy, I had gotten over the whole completely change sex-race-body thing. I didn’t like it or particularly accept it, but I had gotten over the shock and the freak out. After all, a body is a body. I didn’t see any point in freaking out about it too much when I couldn’t do anything to change it. It would be like freaking out about how a meteor might take a wrong turn and hit earth one day. You can’t do anything about it, and if it did, you would be dead before you noticed it. So what’s the point to it other then wasting time.

No, instead I decided to slip into my typical gamer mindset of strategy.

“Okay, I need to come up with a game plan. What’s my plan of action?” I asked myself in my new feminine yet kind of gravelly sounding voice, “I... suppose I could just go back to work... The boss would probably just let me pick right back up if I prove it’s me and explain what happened... I mean, if they didn’t care enough about me to call a missing persons line then I doubt that they’ll care about me looking... different now.”

I leaned back on the couch and stared intently at the ceiling while trying to find a way to comfortably cross my arms without messing with my new boobs which I DID NOT want to think about at the moment. After a while of staring I eventually just decided, “Fuck it. I’ll just tell them now.”


“Whoa. That’s just... whoa man.” I heard my boss, Chris, say over the phone in response to my story. I had called him up just as he was finished with dinner apparently. For some reason he felt it necessary to explain in detail just exactly what he had been eating before he even asked who was calling.

“Yeah. Very whoa. Whoa but true. So is it cool if I just... come back tomorrow? Even looking like I am now. Cause I really need the money, man.” I asked him.

“Well... I don’t know... how can I tell if you’re really the real Mick? What if you’re just some imposter or... or something.”

“..... You’re kidding me right? Why would someone want to pretend to be me? WAIT! Don’t even answer that! Let’s just get to the fucking point already. How can I prove I’m Mick to you?”

“Well... I would have to ask you something only Mick would know... Oh, man I got it! What is my password?”

“Password? For what? The staff computer? The game storage-?”

“No, no. The password for my laptop.”

“Oh. That password. We don’t talk about that one.”

“Well I need you to tell me or I won’t believe you.”

“Cant I just tell you one of the other passwords?” I tried to plead.

“No!” Chris replied, “It has to be that one!”

“But it’s so fucking bad! I can’t say it man!”

“You have to say it.”

“God damnit! It’s... it’s kittyBALLS. You made your laptop password kittyBALLS and it’s terrible you dumb, fucking stoner!” I yelled.

“Oh wow! It’s definitely you Mick. No one else knows that password... or talks to me like that... well actually-“

I cut him off, “Shut the hell up. Can I come back to work or is there going to be a problem or what?”

“Nah man, come back whenever you want. I didn’t even notice you were gone really...”

“Yeah. Thanks for that by the way. Your gross negligence is much appreciated.” I replied dryly.

“Hey, no problem man. What does negligence mea-“ I hung up on him.

I rubbed at my forehead, careful of my claws as I did so, and sighed. I suppose it was good that I still had my job. Chris and the others constant stoner behaviour was both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, they were so easy going that they would even give some bloody, Satin looking motherfucker a job if it asked. On the other hand I suddenly realised why I didn’t feel to shocked when I found out that none of them had contacted me or someone else about me.

‘Well, I guess I can shower now or tomorrow morning before work. I fucking reek.’ I thought to myself. I looked down at the boobs on my chest and shuddered in debate over whether to deal with that aspect now, or later.

“Fuck it. Just repeat your life motto man. Life motto. I’ll just get it over and done with now so I wont have to care about it later.” I let out a long suffering sigh, which isn’t very rare as it is my usual sigh when I have to deal with people, and wandered off towards the bathroom.


So that's it so far. I'm not sure whether to go into a plotline involving the MCO now and use a villain I've been making for a while later, or do it the other way round. Tell me what you want in the comments. Criticisms are always appreciated.

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