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I just read a romance novel that explains in story form many of the do's and dont's of a good author and the writing experience:
With Seduction in Mind by Laura Lee Guhrke copyright; 2009 Avon Books.
It is also an excellent story.
I will order this
Thank you for the suggestion, it is a great example of the support writers on this board give one another , which make this a great board.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
I've had the idea for a while now...
that having a collection of links to writer resources could be a good thing.
~And so it goes...
Do This. Don't Do That. Or Is It The Other Way Round?
The problem I have with 'good writing' guides is that someone's 'do' is very often someone else's 'don't'.
What they also fail to mention is that none of their advice will make the slightest difference if your style is pedestrian, if your dialogue is wooden, if your plot is predictable, if your use of atmosphere and suspense is weak, if your changes of pace jar, if your characters are flat and your eye for detail lacking.
I hope I haven't put anyone off...
Oh absolutely not...
what may be a big No No to one writer, may be the perfect solution for another. I'm advocating for a collection of resources to allow each of us easier access to advice/tools/other resources. It's up to the individual on what to do with said resources.
Writing stories is an art form. There's no exact one way to do it.
~And so it goes...
Put Off? What Would Paul or John Say?
It's just that I spent years writing this story. It's not a clean story, and the main character is a dirty man. I based it on a novel . . . the author's name was Lear. I've pinned a lot of hope on this story. It's what I want to do with the rest of my life, write. Right now it's about 250,000 words, but I could make it longer if you think it has value. You see, the protagonist has a needy wife and a son who's in the newspaper business.I could change it, if it needs it.
No rules . . . but all the rules apply.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Some do Nicki
Carina Press digital first imprint of Harlequin
if you check their FAQ, you will see that their head editor details what they do and don't reject manuscripts for.
[ no cost to author if accepted, and 40% royalties with them ]
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
A different type of writer's guide.
This is not your ordinary writer's guide. This was written by a very good friend of mine who finally convinced me that I should take the big step and submit a manuscript that I'd been working on.
The book is available at Amazon for Kindle and Barnes and Noble for Nook.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann