New tg anime

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Hey all have you seen the new anime that started recently called ' gonna be the twin-tails! ! Or " ore, twin-tail ni narimasu". It's about a schoolboy who saves girls with pigtails from aliens by turning into a pigtail girl himself with power armour. Too kewl and hilarious


Is there a link

You can offer us.???? Sounds fun


With those with open eyes the world reads like a book


Just watched it

it was pretty good but it would be better with subtitles. I have to work on my japanese some more.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.

Depending on where you are

Depending on where you are from is where you can see it for free a week later or a price day of airing. Crunchyroll is for mostly europe area and funamation for the USA.


zulu mack's picture

Thank you for all your comments


zulu mack's picture

It's on YouTube subbed version

Hey Jenna.

Would you like to practice Japanese with me?