Halloween Memory Part 3

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After Lisa left, Jill told me to sit in her stylist chair. I sat down and broke down crying. Jill hugged me close and said "Princess, if you want to talk now we can." I said "No probably not now." Jill said "Janet, if you want you can stay with me tonight." I said "I should probably go home and get whatever is coming over with." Jill said "If anything happens, now or anytime, you come to me." I told her I would, hugged her close and thanked her. Jill said "You know Sharon and I were talking about hiring you at least part time to help in the Salon. We would love to you here." I asked "As Janet or me?" She said "Janet would be nice but, I am sure either way would be fine." I thanked her again and told her I would think it over and that I wasn't sure how it would set with Lisa. Jill pulled away from our hug, stood in front of me and looked me in the eye. "Princess, that bitch does not deserve you! You need to start thinking about you and your happiness too. Got it!" I nodded my head.

Jill said "Well does Janet go home to Lisa or?" I shook my head "I don't know I am confused right now." She said "Then let me decide for you, we will take off this dress, you put on what you wore today and let Janet go home." I nodded ok. Jill helped me undress, I put on the skirt, blouse and shoes from earlier. I hugged Jill, said "Leave the door unlocked." She said "Princess it will be." And I headed out the door.

I drove home crying. I almost did not go up to the apartment, I almost got back in my car to drive to Jill's. Finally I unlocked the door, the place was dark. I thought what if she has left. I slowly walked back to the bedroom. Lisa was in bed, maybe asleep maybe pretending and not wanting to be bothered. I walked back into the living room, trying to decide what to do next. I ended up going into the bathroom, looked in the mirror at Janet and thought that is who I really am. I slowly started removing the makeup, took off the skirt and blouse, hose, bra and panties. I found some nail polish remover and went to the kitchen and remove the polish from my nails. I looked at my toes and decided to leave the polish on them. I took out the earrings, looked back at the nail extensions and realized I didn't have any way to remove them. I finally got a pair of clippers and cut them back. I went in and laid down on couch, covered my self with an afghan and cried myself to sleep.

It was late when I woke up. I laid on the couch listening for any sound from Lisa, after a few minutes I slowly got up and walked back to the bedroom. She was not there. I wondered if she had left me, no her clothes and other things were all still here. I thought about calling her at work but decided if she were she would get mad for interrupting her. I sat down in the kitchen to ponder my dilemma. I decided to shower and go see Jill.

I drove over to Jill's apartment and knocked on her door. She answered wearing only a robe over a naked body. I said "What if a stranger came to your door and saw you like that?" She sleepily replied "That's what peepholes are for, come in princess." I came in and sat down, Jill offered coffee. She said "so what happened?" I told her the whole story. Jill said "Princess I am going to give you some advice. First as I said last night that bitch does not deserve you. You need to wake up and realize she is going to hurt you worse than she already has. Second, leave her, leave her now! Move in with me until you get back on your feet. We can work through your issues and you can be Janet all you want." I looked at Jill letting everything she said soak in. I replied "I have no job, no money, nothing." She said "You have a job! At the Salon! And I can cover you until you are settled." I said "Jill I am just so confused." Jill moved over next to me on the couch and held me. Finally she said "Remember the gaff and how I told you it belonged to a TV friend?" I nodded. "She lived with me for a while so I know what you are going through and how to help. Please princess don't pass this up." We sat and hugged each other for a while, every so often me crying. I said "Jill, I first need to meet with Lisa face to face and talk this out." Jill said "That is fair enough." We just sat for awhile, not talking just holding each other. I said "I should go and find Lisa." Jill said "Princess I am always here for you."

I drove by Lisa's workplace, her car was there. I then headed home and started fixing supper. Lisa arrived home, I said "Supper is ready." She said "Good I am starved." We ate in silence finally I said "Lisa about last night." She interrupted and said "I guess it's just work and all getting me down, we should have just had fun with it." I then said "I have a part time job." She said with a smile "Really where, doing what?" I said "At the Salon helping Sharon." Lisa gave me a quizzically look, then said "I talked to someone today who has a full time job for you." I hung my head and said "Ok".

I applied for the full time job and got it. I told Sharon and Jill about it and thanked them. They both said, they would sure miss me working with them. I said me too and started to leave. Jill walked me out and said "I you sure about this?" I said "Yes the money is good." She then said "You are welcome to my place anytime for some Janet time." I hugged her and thanked her and said I would take her up on it.

3 weeks later I stopped at Jill's for Janet time. She was there crying, I asked what was wrong. She said her father had gotten very ill and she needed to move back home to help. We hugged and cried together. Then Jill helped me become Janet again, we cried and hugged some more. She took pictures of Janet. She said she hoped I would come to my senses, leave the bitch and let Janet out. She said Janet was the best girl friend she ever had. She gave me her parents number and said call when you can and hopefully we could be together again. I left.

I called Jill a week later, she said her father had passed away. We cried together on the phone. She said she was holding the Janet picture close. I tried calling again the next week. The number had been disconnected.

The following month Lisa and I separated. She had been caught stealing at work and turned out that was not the first time she had stolen from people. I had moved out.

I tried to find Jill but had no luck. Sharon told me she had lost track of her too.

The greatest mistake I made was not taking Jill's advise.

The End

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I think we need a part 4

littlerocksilver's picture

... and then parts five and six, or more until this story gets properly resolved.


I guessing the "Memory"...

Means much or this happened. If so I feel for you and Jill.

Hugs, Jessie C

Jessica E. Connors

Jessica Connors