I've taken about two weeks off from writing and it appears the ability has left me. I usually knock out 2000 words a day with minimal effort and have stories flying through my head at a breakneck speed. No longer. I am struggling just to get the next session of writing done, my thoughts aren't flowing, and it is really upsetting me.
I had this scene planned out before getting sick and going into the hospital and before it was so crystal clear that I was certain I could knock it out in 5 minutes and now I don't have a feel for it. Perhaps my time as an author has come to an end because this is tedious. If it is tedious for me to write it, I can only imagine what it's like for the reader.
Writer's block
Sounds like you may be experiencing a bout of writer's block. This article may be of some help.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Step away from the keyboard
- except to come here and chew the cud, of course.
It happens to everybody, in all professions. You get to a point where you just can't do what you're supposed to. It happened to me several times during important IT projects. If you have to show a warm body, you do so and just get through it.
If it is writing, you do have the option of not writing, and I suggest you take it. This doesn't mean you'll never write again, but you need a break to clear the stuff out of your head that's getting in the way.
Trust me, you'll soon be champing at the bit to begin again. You just have to chill until that feeling comes again.
Break time
It sounds like you have worn out your muse. Please, take a break from writing and visit your friends here at BC. In time your muse will whisper in your ear the basis for your next story and it will come back to you. Until then take care, and heal yourself. HUGS!
OK, I'm not a Doctor but I assume you are or have just finished your antibiotics you were prescribed when leaving the hospital. It will take a few days to purge the medication from your system. Depending on what you have been taking or are taking, some antibiotics can manifest the symptoms of anxiety and depression. A little research may be enlightening. You may be in a medication induced slump in your writing.
Don't just pop a pill because a Doctor gave it to you and think everything will be sunshine and roses. Be sure the Doctor knows what you are taking, both prescription and over the counter, and ask what you can expect from the new medication. Doctors are not mind readers and most are very busy so you have to ask questions.
I usually have a list of all things I take on a daily basis, prescriptions, vitamins, minerals, over the counter (aspirin, Tylenol, NyQuil, etc) with dosage also Doctor and Pharmacy if prescription, in my purse to give to Doctors, EMS and/or Hospital and it is usually behind my ID in case I'm unable to respond.
Tide is out
You are a great writer and you will be able to write again, you tide is out and you need to rest a bit and allow the tide to come back in and float your creativity again. The connection between your creative spirit [ Muse ] and your body can be a bit finicky when it comes to the body being able to process the complex flow your Muse sends to your fingers.
I love your writing and look forward to reading more when you are rested and the tide comes back in.
Huggles & Love
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
It happens to the best of us
especially when there's something causing an imbalance in our lives. I've been there myself a few times and each time I come back later with a million ideas and stories and not enough time to get it all down. It'll pass and you'll be writing again in no time.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Please don't despair...
...and DEFINITELY don't give up...
I am not an 'author' in that sense...I dabble with 'writing' here and there...for fun. Even then, there are ebbs and flows. I DO write a lot professionally (not novels or fiction)...and it is easy to get burned out. It is even easier to get burned out when you take pride in your work... I have absolute confidence that someone of you caliber and prowess will prevail and come back into your 'flow'.
Give yourself time and space.
I would second all the comments the others have made.
I had a two week stay in the hospital and it was another week before I really recovered.
And I know distractions and worries interfere with my creative ability.
Let your body and mind recover. Try some light exercise and other activities.
The muse is still in you and she will start speaking to you again.
Hugs and prayers, honey!
Gillian Cairns