Got a nasty surprise tonight when I fired up SKYPE. Last week it was fine. Tonight it is showing my REAL NAME! I went steaming down to the Microsoft store, ready to ... I don't know what! Instead of yell and cuss, I started crying. DAMN !
So, the guy patted me on the shoulder and told me I was going to be alright.
He changed my name on SKYPE twice and it changed it back again.
I just turned on SKYPE when I got home to return someone's call, but I now see it is 12:15 AM where she is. I'll try it tomorrow.
I do not know if Facebook, Homeland Security, the FBI, or some numno marketer did it. I can not believe that anyone in law enforcement would think me dangerous. If this happens again, it will be the end of SKYPE and Facebook.
I wonder if this is in anyway connected with the battle that Google was having with the GOV?
I talk to people in Northern Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and even Jamestown. And yes I have been wishing that I could go help the Kurds in Northern Iraq to kill Isl insurgents. Medicially, I doubt I would survive the trip getting there.
Got an email about Skype earlier
Seems 2 of the moderators / support volunteers for the online game company I volunteer for had their skype accounts hacked.
they have shut those down and are getting new accounts.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
I don't know when it changed, but mine went from (middlename.lastname) to (1stInitial.2ndInitial.lastname).
While it did change it to my name, it actually is more anonymous than before (since almost nobody knows my first name/initial).
DK If It's the Relevant Factor Here...
…since I don't know whether Facebook editorial policies extend to Skype (and I'm not a member of either).
But if so, this article (and the preceding ones in the series) from the San Francisco Chronicle may be relevant. Seems that Facebook apparently has been fooling around with accounts of people who aren't using their "legal names" or close equivalents.
My question is
My question is, how would they know my legal name? I have a Facebook account, as Patricia Marie Allen, and that's certainly not my legal name. There's nothing in the set up that I remember that asks my legal name, only an email account. My email for the account is the same as the one I use here. When I set up that email I was seriously paranoid about people connecting that to my "legal" life that I went to great lengths to hide that from that account. I opened an email account with hot mail under my online name, then used that to open an email account with Lycos, then used Lycos to open a Yahoo account. Then I closed the hot mail account and then a year later, the Lycos account.
So how do they trace me back to my legal name?
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
The Cat is Out of the Bag
I am no spy or anything like that but I do talk to people who I would rather did not know my real name. I've talked to lots of Saudi, Iraqi, and Iranian people. That is where I got the ideas for some of my stories. I don't fear the people I have talked to but the people they know may be dangerous. Facebook has taken the choice for who knows my real name from me.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry to those people who got screwed by facebook/skype, and absolutely no offense to anyone here.
But I'm pretty glad I never signed up for facebook out of my own paranoia.
If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:
Skype != Facebook
Just for my own sanity, where did you get any inclination that there is any connection between Skype and Facebook? Skype is owned by Microsoft not Facebook.
SKYPE ownership
I've been told by a couple of different people that SKYPE and FB do some things together. I sort of suspected that some of this is driven by Homeland Security. The government has been putting a lot of effort into flushing out those who can be a danger to America, and the over spray is the personal privacy suffers.
Some of you may remember the battle that Google was having with Homeland Security over forced sharing of information. I do not know how that turned out, but I assume that the Government bullied Google into submission.
And I don't actually care if they look over my shoulder or not. I converted to Islam and started using a Muslim name, and donated money to a school in Mosul, Iraq, three of the criteria that they use to watch people. I've done some work to encourage American Muslims to be more cooperative with the folk who need to know about hostile acts.
Recently, people on Facebook were doing some subtle posts that felt like radicals recruiting for who knows what. It seems to have disappeared now.
A reason to ditch 'social media'?
because it is unsociable?
While I use Skype and my account id is nothing like my real name here or anywhere I steadfastly refuse to sign up for G+, FaceBlock, Twatter etc. I do not want my personal details broadcast around the internet and sold to the Ad Agencies. If you search for my real name, you will find plenty of other people with the same name as me but you won't find me and I plan on keeping it that way. Yes I might appear paranoid but I have been very careful ever since I had my Identity stolen in 1973!
I'm sorry Gwen, this
I can not believe that anyone in law enforcement would think me dangerous
Is simply not true.
In this day and age, Everyone is considered armed and dangerous until emphatically proved otherwise. Just look at the recent tazering of an 80yr old unarmed man by 'law enforcement'. Shoot First and sometimes ask questions a lot later. This was happening pre 11th Sept. That tragic event just cemented it.