Doesn't look like the same place, does it? New paint, some new furnishings.... :)
It's been a bit of a struggle but here we are in the new digs. If you're visiting on a mobile device, a phone or tablet, you may notice more good changes. We're not done yet, we're all moved in but we still have some unpacking and re-arranging to do.
Right now, we're all asleep....
Erin, Piper and Cat
P.S. If you appreciate what we're doing here, we have more bills coming up, please consider sending us a gift to keep the site up and operating.
You can give through either Hatbox or Janglewood. And thanks.
New account signups turned off temporarily while repairing the despamicizer.
H, E.
Looking Good
Great work Everyone! The paintwork and layout look good, no doubt there will be teething problems but you done good - sleep well
we are back
My hat off to the BC team great job you should pat your self's on the back. I love the set up. Now take a few days get some rest.
First Impressions
OMG, so much pink!
- When logging in I am asked to reset my timezone, but any attempt to bring up my account gives an error. 'My Account' does not exist in the right sidebar. If I use my latest story post and go there that way, I still get an error when I click edit.
- No graphics on any of the teasers on the home page. If I click on my story, there's no graphics there either, and the formatting is hinky.
- 'My Stories' is entirely blank.
- The distance between lines displayed seems excessive. This new theme certainly occupies more real estate but much of it is empty.
Otherwise, so far, so good. Considering how long it took I'm guessing it wasn't just a simple upgrade so I'm not really surprised some of it is less than functional right now.
Way too much
of pink, I´d say. I can say with certainty it is too agressive for my eyes. I liked the pale tones of old skin much better. Other than color scheme I think this new GUI looks good.
were back
thanks for getting back online as soon as, been missing reading stories.
Bug number 1 seen, there is no my account section on the right hand side to make changes (look, things to show etc)
Bug number 2 seen, when you log in it says please set your time zone, when you click on it you get an error (The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later. .)
If I see any more I will let you know
were back 2
will we be able to alter screen width, and the moment it only fills the middle half of my screen, will we get the option to full screen?
I will adjust the max-width
I will adjust the max-width setting of the theme shortly.
More pink
More pink than I'm used too... The home button redirects to the maintenance page for me. Also, on my phone, Moto X running Kitkat (4.4.4.) and the latest version of Firefox, the front page looks a little funky. I'll post a screen capture in just a moment.
Have a delightfully devious day,
screen caps
Can't seem to edit comments anymore hmmm... Don't know if it was intentional but the sidebars are way down at the bottom of the page on my phone.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Sidebars and Editing Comments
Yes, sidebars are at the bottom on phone layouts. We're still experimenting but we think most people want content at the top. Editing comments is part of the permissions problem we are having. Don't be surprised if the site goes buggy now and then while we fix things. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I wish we could choose
I wish we could choose between mobile and desktop layouts. Somehow even when my browser is set to desktop I keep getting the mobile version.
It's currently based on screen-width, and is completely device independent. I will see what we can do to help make things easier on you.
login link
My only main complaint about the way it's arranged is that I have to scroll all the way down to the bottom in order to login in. If you do keep it that way I'd suggest putting a login form or heck even just a link up top.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Login link
Instead of bookmarking to log in and then have to hunt for the login fields, try using instead. You'll find the page much smaller.
Maint Page
The redirect to maintenance is probably a caching problem. Most likely solution is to try clearing your browser cache. If that doesn't work, it may be a cache at your ISP that will likely expire in a few hours.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
D'oh! Should have thought of that... Any case a clearing of the cache did resolve the issue.
Have a delightfully devious day,
I've been rereading some of the older chapters on this series.
I can pull this chapter up OK,\
But if I try to pull the next chapter up, even using this address, I get file not found.
File not found
Use the links at the bottom of the story to go to the next chapter, don't create your own address because you are using the node number for one chapter and the chapter number for a different one, which of course, is an address that does not exist.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Author account
I managed to find my account and confirm the images associated with my stories are indeed there (just not linking) so it's the lack of a menu item that prevents most from getting in there. The access is via /topshelf/user/#user if you can remember your user number!
Teething Problems
Hi, a couple of bugs in the system
1 no stories in my listing
2 cannot sent messages
3 Have you removed the 'split teaser at cursor' when you post a story? this gave the reader a good idea what the story was about
4 Some pictures do not link in
No doubt you are still working hard on it and I hope I haven't pi**%d you off too much
Christina H
On the list...
1. MyStories is not working for most people, we know but have not had time to find and fix the problem
2. PrivateMessages are for the moment turned off because of a bug allowing spammers to get past our spam filter by creating an account and using the URL of the PM to bypass permissions
3. No, the split teaser was actually a hack we had done, one of the few in the system, it should be restored soon
4. Yeah, the missing images is a known problem, Piper was working on it and will get back to it soon
We've got a MUCH longer list than these four but it is shorter than it was last night. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Images & stories
I've uploaded my story images to a personal webspace and linking from there so the images will now appear properly (for those stories I've adjusted). I know this kludge won't work for everyone but worth remembering if you have storage on another server.
All my stories were available via my name in the Author list, although not the stats. It's a work-around for now. I'm just glad the site is back, thanks team!
Off site images not preferred
They present problems of their own and ones not soluble on our end. We're working on the MyStories problem. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Offsite images
It's a straightforward http request to an image file on one of my sites, something I've used on CMS platforms elsewhere. If the images problem is resolved then I'll undo the edits, my problem is that my title is in the image and not the text. Curious though that my signature avatar is displayed.
Hugs, Shiraz
I don't see the complaints about too much pink
I was using the default theme before, and while yes, there might TECHNICALLY be more now, it's also a lot softer shades, giving the entire site a much softer, smoother look. I really like it so far: simple, clean, and the layout is more aesthetically pleasing than previously. even with how subtle most of the changes are.
Keep up the great work!
Melanie E.
Some of the pink will be exchanged for other colors when we can get to the hacking of the theme.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Favorite list
did you remove this list? I can't find it.
Favorites missing?
I'lll look into this but it sounds fixable. :) It's now on the list but next up: lunch! :P
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
URLs missing page titles?
Before the udate the URLs for the story and blog pages did contain a "human readable" title which is now missing for new entries.
Will this come back?
Story title in the url
We should be able to fix this, but haven't had time to look yet. It's on the list.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Looking good!
It looks good to me so far and is going to have some hiccups as things settle in. My only problem is I could not find the Kudos/good story button/ image to mark that I'd read that story and liked it. I generally leave a comment when I have finished all the chapters in a story. OOPS, before I forget! THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR HARD WORK KEEPING THIS SITE GOING!!
Kudos is now ThumbsUp
Kudos has been replaced by ThumbsUp which does not have a good story button; it has a thumb. If you aren't see a thumb to click at the bottom of the story, it is probably still a problem with the permissions table which we are still working on. :)
We didn't replace Kudos by choice, it wasn't available for this version of our core software.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Welcome back
Just that :) I'm....sort of getting used to all the pinkness, perhaps my eyes are adjusting....
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
New Look
It looks great, but I have one problem. How come there are no authors' names listed along with the titles of new stories or chapters? How will I know if my favorite authors are posting a new story, without having to open up each and every new posting?
This is definitely...
something that I miss as well.
~And so it goes...
It's Been Fixed
If you look at the front page, it should be fixed now :)
Good to see our authors' names again!
~And so it goes...
author names
Thanks for fixing the front page!
Could you please also have a look at the "New this week" list and the other quickcuts lists which are also missing the authors?
Ch ch ch changes
Sits in the corner away from all the change. Afraid to touch it. I do like the new pink tones though. Good job everyone.
~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.
Its all very good. I like the new site layout
Its also very pink why so much pink
I've noticed that the 'track'
I've noticed that the 'track' option is missing from the account page (well, the account page is gone, and most of the links from it are now on the side column)
I'll admit that it was one of my favourite tools. Will it be coming back?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Describe what it did
I'm not familiar with it, what did it do and how did you use it?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
The "track" option allowed you to view a user's comment history
When you visited their unique user page. I used it on occasion myself on occasion: it was handy for when I'd get a comment from someone I was unfamiliar with, since I could look at their response to other user's stories to judge what their tastes were.
The option is still there on individual users' account pages, in its same old spot. Perhaps the other user simply needs to refresh?
Melanie E.
Main account link is showing
Main account link is showing back up now, including the Track tab.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Front page
I have the reverse of a problem somebody else mentioned. The sidebars are right up at the top. But where the content should be I have a 1 digit column of letters and symbols which pushes the content way down the page a long way.
Can't wait to get the accounts active, lot of stuff on the home page that I had turned off previously.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Screen Grab - Fail!
If this works this is a screen grab of what I see.
Can't insert the piccy, it's not a URL
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
You can upload pics
Use the button in the mini-editor that looks like a sunset to upload a pic. But you don't need to, you're missing a CSS file somehow that is messing up the formatting of the community bar at the top of the page. That may clear up as the various page caches get synced or now that my account is working, you can go in and turn the community bar off for yourself.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Caching & Formatting
I've still got the single character wide column. This time I can read enough to see what it is. It seems to be posting info (posted by, audience, type of story, that stuff. Anyway it looks to be the listing for "Eve - Chapter 37". I turned off the community menu last night, after I post this I'll go see about clearing the cache. Will advise.
They know they can survive
uploading piccys and logged-in appearance
I know about the 'sunset' tool, but that requires a URL, which I didn't have. I tried to use the copy and paste command, cause that is the only way I can find to handle the screen grabs, they won't save to HD. Everytime FF "updates" it is worse than the time before. I can't clear the cache anymore, that option is no longer there
My non-firefox browser (internet explorer?) displays the logged-in pages just fine; but FF fails everytime when I login. BTW, this is on two different O/Ss: Windows Vista on a laptop and Android 4.2.2. Also I have an internet laptop, Acer Aspire One with Windows XP. It actually has a lower resolution than the the android tablet, yet it goes straight to the desktop display while the tablet gets stuck in mobile.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Uploading pics
The sunset tool does not REQUIRE an url, it just offers you the opportunity to enter one. If you hit the BROWSE button, you can browse your own directories on site and there is an UPLOAD button to upload a new file. Piper and I just tried this on my Android tablet and Piper's Android phone and it works for us. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I have the latest Firefox,
I have the latest Firefox, and it has the option to clear the cache. It just took a while for me, because there was a lot in there, even though I did an OS reinstall about a month ago. In fact, it's in the same spot it's been for "generations".
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Order of story comments
I prefer to see the comments in chronological order, oldest to most recent. However, I am now seeing them in reverse order (newest first) and i don't see a way to change my preference, which was available in the old software.
I'll look into the comments order
There may be an option to make that personally selectable.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Front page
For some reason, the front page still shows the maintenance screen for me.
Caching problem
We may have just solved that a few minutes ago but it may take some time for the various caches in various places to sync up.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Figures, I'm finally able to be back and you were in the middle of an upgrade ;)
Everything looks good so far, but I'm wondering if there's a problem with the blogs. I tried to post in mine but it didn't seem to take.
It's good to be back and thanks for all the work you and the rest of the staff have been putting into this place
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
I think there is something
wrong with Blogs at the moment. I just tried to post one about the entire story of Easy As Falling Off A Bike is gone. All 2450 chapters.
~And so it goes...
<Insert Expletives Here>
I can't edit my comment. The latest of EAFOAB is still there, but it's not in today's story list. It's also not in Angharad's story list. It seems to be in a story list of it's own.
~And so it goes...
Unintended Features
Thank you for all the hard work you are doing to get the site up with the new software release. Several of the issues I noticed and are mentioned in other comments have already been corrected.
I have noticed an issue with the story lists (Quickcuts) and Story Teaser sections where it seems that not all the posted stories are being displayed. Earlier this evening I found Bike (part 2450) in the list but not in the Teaser section. I now do not see it listed in either location even though it is still reachable using the url in my browser history.
There is no such thing as a bug, just unintended features.
Michelle B
EAFOAB is broken
no links on main screen, can not jump between chapters 1074 to 1075, 1075 does no seem to exist.
I can not edit my previous comment,
Another problem.
The link to the chapter is
Clearing the cache did something, I can now go to the next chapter, but editing a previous comment still seems to be gone.
OK, it appears the edit function appeared.
Printer friendly version has lots of repeated extras
When you click the printer friendly version at the start of a story it picks up all the category info for each part
Good luck with your computer wrangling

Rhona McCloud
I've had the same issue
With the Print Friendly. It does work as far as getting all the chapters from the title page (or first chapter).
Some thoughts for the future
firstly, I hate Pink. Not all of us are 'girly-girls' you know. I have been known to wear pink. I have a piccy of me wearing a Pink Jacket and Mini Skirt that was taken around 1968/69 in Carnaby St but honestly, you can have too much of it.
Secondly, perhaps such a radical change should have been introduced via a 'Beta' site?
Then a lot of the problems could have been sorted before the switch over.
Last, did I mention that I hate pink....
Where are the kudos totals?
I don't hate pink, but I'll
I don't hate pink, but I'll admit I preferred the old colour scheme. It was easier on the eyes.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Minor issue
It looks nice. One weird thing I've noticed - my organizing pages show everything twice. I don't think it used to do that, although I'm not 100% certain.
Here's a link
That is new, and part of a
That is new, and part of a "feature" that we are trying out. Maybe I can change it a bit how it works, but the goal was to have 2 sets of book navigation, one before comments and one after comments.
file names?
good work on the upgrade. I know how nerve wracking that job can be! I'd like to add my vote against so much pink though!
I've run into a problem you had once before after an emergency recovery. I use the 'Down Them All' add-on in FireFox, to grab new stories for reading off-line, especially after I've been away for a few days, and it allows you to name the downloaded files from the site's file info. If you notice the format of newly added stories vs. the older ones, the new ones don't have the filename as part of their url.
For instance:
Eve - Chapter 38 is
Eve - Chapter 37 is
I can cope with 'fiction' changing to node, if that's a design decision, but I really need the filename!
Thanks for keeping the site going though!
We've got it on the list
We will try to fix that in the middle of the night some night soon, re-building that table takes a lot of time and the site will go down for a bit when we do it. This was a feature I added to the old site and has to be re-employed.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I see you've fixed it already
I see you've fixed it already! Thank you :)
New look
Oh, it's... purple... that was unexpected. The first thing I saw when I opened the site was breastforms. lol
Awesome work, guys.
Access denied
I cannot access Melodie Thomas's stories via Author list, saved browser bookmark, or from within the storythat I was reading from last night. It doesn't advance to next chapter at the end of each chapter, or from right hand panel chapter list. All I get is "Access denied". I am not sure if this is her decision or part of the mountain of work in front of you. Thanks for all your efforts. I will be patient. You have done a great job so far.
Here's her page:
Access denied is a permissions problem and we know we have one of those, we're working on it. That can also be caused by a corrupted cookie or sessions file and will usually clear up if you logout, close the browser window, reopen and log back in. But if that doesn't work, it's probably the bigger issue we are working on.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Link colors
In the current color scheme almost everywhere the links don't change the color to show if you have visitied a link before.
The only place it works is the list of stories by the same author on the right side of a story.
On the list...
We're aware of this and it will get fixed. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Excellent work;
congratulations all round.
Thank you so much for implementing the chapter/story forward/back at the end of the comments. A really stellar implementation!--I don't think you shall ever have the problems that /. had.
I've reinstalled my OS, so I haven't finished tweaking FF, but the text-rendering is superb, although I do disable font colours in almost all sites to help me to decypher the screen.
Talk to you later when I've logged on with my antediluvian Nokia.
Warm hugs,
Post scriptum. When you have time, could you look into implementing a larger subset of HGML code? Diacriticals work, but, as you see from my sig, not all characters render. But there's plenty of time for the small things later.
Don't ever feed your Aardvark honey.
Entity code
Thanks for the kudos. :)
Re your p.s. : The proper entity code for that symbol is & mdash ; = —
&mrule; may work in some browsers but it is non-standard.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Sorry--a flashback to my hot-metal proof-reading daysl
Bangs head on desk.
Get some rest and soup, guys.
Don't ever feed your Aardvark honey.
A Very Specific Plus
Since a lot of the feedback so far seems to consist of only negatives, I thought I'd let you know something extremely positive about the site:
I absolutely LOVE the improvement to the site when viewed on mobile.
I never use my phone much for commenting or checking account details, but I use it absolutely CONSTANTLY for reading, and even in landscape the old design required a lot of resizing, with the borders on both sides making scrolling the page without sending the text off one edge or the other next to impossible. Now, with the repositioning of the bars based on whatever esoteric code you used, and apparently shrinking down borders? Things look absolutely great on my phone (Atrix HD with a 720p screen running chrome.) Great work, peeps, I'm really liking the new design so far.
But why so many complaints about the pink? The site's ALWAYS been pink, and on my monitor it's, if anything, less garish now than it was before. The breast forms add right at the top of the stories now has me a bit nonplussed, but that's ad code, not y'all, so *shrug*
Melanie E.
Thank you :)
Thanks, Melanie.
Yeah, the colors of the current site were actually copied from the old site, but the right hand column had not yet been hacked to be blue instead of pink like the left one, so it made the whole site look more pink than before. Accordingly, I have made both columns blue for the moment until I have enough more urgent things to do. Stop. Reverse that. LESS urgent things to do. :)
Hugs and thanks again,
Erin, Piper and Cat
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Personally, I'm not
Personally, I'm not complaining (well, I didn't like how pink it was, and yes, it WAS more pink than before. It was even more exaggerated by my monitor, which has a colour glitch), but rather asking about features.
The site's back up, it was only down a couple of days, and things will be worked on. I figure that many of the comments/complaints/errors that are being pointed out are _not_ being worked on. They're being added to a list, and eventually they'll get addressed one way or another. (Yea, nay, or 'live with it!').
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
There's only 3 of us
And about two dozen things on the list that need fixing. And sometimes it takes all three of us to figure something out. Sigh. :D
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Looking Good!
OOH! I like the new look and feel. Very nice. It was worth the wait, even though I went into dormouse withdrawal and had to chew hazelnuts. ;-D
Red MacDonald
It sure does look pretty — more modern aesthetic, some better layouts… Is this Drupal 8, too?
7 not 8
Drupal 8 isn't quite ready for prime-time, so this is the latest version of Drupal 7 at current. :)
I just tried to make a donation, and Amazon gave the message
Invalid Request
We cannot process your payment request because of an error. Please contact the website where you initiated this payment.
I use noScript, which 'filtered a possible Cross Site Scripting error', and is probably the reason it failed. I'll try again tomorrow, and if it still fails I'll disable noScript temporarily and make a payment. But if it's possible to avoid whatever NoScript objected to, you might get a few more contributions.
I don't think...
Not sure we have any javascript on that page, I just looked and don't see any. But there definitely is javascript on the landing page at Amazon.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Blogs've gone all funky!
After today's afternoon update all the blogs are bein' weird: I can read the blurb on the blog list page, but actually clicking on them to read them results in a screen with the side bars and an empty text box in place of the blogs.
Is this on my end or the server's?
Melanie E.
Working on it
Looks like some sort of failure of the slave DB server. The fallover fell over, perhaps. Piper is on it.:)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Ooh, new skin!
First up, thanks for all your hard work - given the vast quantities of spare time you all devote to this site, it's very much a labour of love!
Second, I'm still getting used to the new skin (e.g. the 'box' surrounding a story / chapter entry, providing an added visual separation from the View / Edit / Outline / Track buttons and tags up top, action links below is now invisible. Not necessarily a bug - I can understand the reasons for making the background white rather than cream), but no doubt it'll grow on me over time (particularly when I can drag myself back to reading stories on here rather than spending all my time conversing with a selection of site members on the Book of Faces!
Anyway, as I now have money to spare, I can (finally!) afford to put my money where my mouth is and have donated $50 (well, £31.75 in my currency, according to the payment friend site...).
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I love the speed. I like most everything I'm seeing here. You guys are doing a really great job.
The front page is a bit looser, more space between the lines. I'll get used to that though.
Overall, extremely high marks for the work you have already done.
Awesome work!
I really like the new design--and the pink does not bother me in the least! I know how much work this is and here is a BIG heartfelt thanks from me!
Something that I noticed that I am not sure was intentional or not is that the 'kudos' (or 'votes for') no longer are included in the 'My Stories' table. It was to be able to track those there. Is there any way to get that back?
Again, thanks for the tremendous effort!
Working on it
I mentioned this above somewhere, but the method to do this (Kudos/ThumbsUp/Votes) in the documentation doesn't work on our site; the author of the module says it doesn't work on all installations. We will work on this as we get time because it is important.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I did not mean to add to your stress load. I read the piece about the kudos not working, but I guess I took away from that the current method was the replacement--not a workaround. :)
We ALL really DO appreciate what you are doing, so don't let us stress you out because we can't keep up with the furious pace that you must be working at!
Hugs and MORE HUGS!
Chrome on Mobile Device
Using Chrome on a desktop is rendering expected results -- so that's good. Even the large 'dot' after the dynamic toolbar.
But Chrome on a Mobile device is not rendering correctly. The dynamic toolbar is rendered okay. But the "Home ... Stories..." etc toolbar is rendered as a two column list with very wide spacing between the text and rows. This is in landscape mode. In portrait mode it even worst.
The Bigclosestr Team is doing a great job. I know they will find solutions.
Best Wishes
"May you live in Interesting Times" is a promise, not a threat!
Menu fix
We put a fix in place for this problem, it works somewhat on our devices, but is not ideal. We'll keep trying to make it work better.
Erin, Piper, and Cat
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Is there anyway you can bring back the code that leaves stories I've read highlighted on the home page? My "old-timers disease" seems to make me have to search back and forth between the home page and my bookmarks each day in order to find out where I left off the day before.
Other than that, the new look is fantastic and reading the stories is much easier on the eyes.
Thank you for all the work you girls put into making this the site that it is.
On the list...
Yes, it can be fixed, it's just getting the time to track down the space in the CSS to fix it. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Wurks on Nokia E51
–but since I'm probably the only one in the world still using it....
Multiple thumbs-up!
Don't ever feed your Aardvark honey.
I was having withdrawal! :p
Looks good. Wondering, Is there a customizable setting page?
>i< ..:::
They show up on top, but the save is on the bottom. With a long story in between, this is a minor aggravation, can't the save button be next to the comment?
This feels like something new to me, I don't believe it was doing this several days ago.
link still going to a maint page
the 'newest 100' quicklink above works ok, but after checking the first page, at the bottom it says (in the current case) '1 of 9' with a 'next' button.
The 'next' button points to '' but it goes to '' and this in turn, after a note about the page moving, redirects automatically to ''
There can't be many of these left now, It's a while since a problem showed up!
Try clearing the cache
Some cache somewhere is probably causing that but we have cleared ours at this end multiple times and the cache at Cloudflare has been purged. It is likely a cache on your machine or in a proxy somewhere between you and us.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
That did it
I didn't think I'd been to that page while you were upgrading, but maybe a preload had cached it. Anyway, problem solved, thanks.