Done and Done

Well, it's done.

I just posted the last Week of Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Spring here on Big Closet. It's also posted on FictionMania, by the way.

The story took a lot longer to write than I had hoped because of my ill health. There were sometimes a week or more when I just couldn't get my mind around writing or editing. However, I'm feeling a lot better -- if still a bit weak.

Chris and I talked at length about posting the final result, and we decided to put the chapters (Weeks) up about four days apart. That meant a minimum of 52 days for the 13 parts. It took 78 days, but that included time to recover from the colostomy I had back in July to be able to do the final edit and post.

But enough of any plea for sympathy.

This story represents about three years of the lives of Chris and myself. We think that it's pretty good, and we hope that you agree.

Tell us if we did. Tell us what we did right, so we can try to repeat it. Tell us what we did wrong, so we can try to do better and to not make the same mistakes. And tell us what you'd like to see. The plotlines are still flexible. We have used readers ideas in the past, and we're willing to do so again.

More than one reader said that they wanted to wait until the entire story was posted to read it and comment. Well, it's all there now. Red. Enjoy. And comment.

We're waiting to hear from all (okay, at least some) of you.

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