Today's Funny

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I'm not a cat person. They don't like me. So I definitely giggled at this...




Poor li'l kitty! Mean ol' dot out to get cha? :( hugs Talia

Cats are insane!

Btu, we all know that.

During their rare appearances for other than food or a toilet break, cats often go mildly beserk. With flattened ears and tail at a jaunty angle, they go tearing around the house doing the most spectacular but inane things imaginable.

Then, for no reason, they will suddenly sit, lick a paw, and walk out in the most stately manner known to the animal kingdom.

Thus, we who live with them, are continually amazed and endlessly entertained.

Silly Cat! ;-}

Red MacDonald

Just bought

Angharad's picture

Cat Sense by John Bradshaw who's a biologist at the Anthrozoology Dept he founded at Bristol University. He's studied cats and their interaction with humans for 25 years. I'm trying to interest Whizz in reading it to get a balanced opinion - ha ha!

Also bought Feral by George Monbiot.


If you can find

wolfjess7's picture

it the is a book by Daniel Keith called 'Cats vs. Humans a study in Insanity'. It is good for more than one laugh and thought provocing experence. But don't ask for Whizz to give you a balanced opinion. It seems that humans don't come off very well in anyones book.

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf