Golden Girl Part 2

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Image and video hosting by TinyPicGolden Girl Part 2.

Scientists all over the world have sought how to enhance human body. Exposure to deadly chemicals and nuclear fusion Gamma Ray did nothing except shorten the life of the test subject.

Days had passed, Nick, his wife, and son were all together at Dr Sinclair's clinic, for Betty and Ted this had to be very boring, with nothing to do except watch TV, Ted had asked and received permission to use the weight room, his words, "To work off some steam". Betty kept busy with her knitting, where as I was the hamster in the cage. Compare to the escape from the hospital this was even worse. Still wearing a dress for the first time had been a scarey situation.

72hrs ago;
Nick, Standing there in a dress and low heels. "This is crazy, it will not work"!
Savage, "Yes it will, you simply walk out arm in arm with the good Doctor as his date".
Nick, "What about the press"?
Savage, "They'll be to busy trying to get pictures of your wife, son and me leaving in the three convoys we will have leaving here".
Nick, Pulling the hem of the dress down, "At least couldn't I have wore pants? And I'm still not used to these dam heels".
Betty, "The heels are only two inches, and the dress works for you far better then wearing pants, they will be to busy staring at your legs then the rest of you, and you will be arm in arm with the good Doctor, he will make sure you don't fall on your butt. Now stand still so I can finish the rest of your makeup".

The hospital had held a press conference to announce that Nick Farley was being moved to a VA hospital for further surgery that needed to be done, which VA hospital they refused to say.

The plan worked, it was crazy, but it worked. Three ambulances with police escorts left the hospital, there was a show of faces as the wife left with one, the son with another and Director Savage with the third. While all of this was going on Nick and the Doctor walked out the front door to the Doctor's car, got in and drove off and no one except a few younger gents noticed, but they were to busy watching the little lady butt as she walked arm in arm out and left.

As for getting Betty and Ted where Nick was even easier, once at the VA hospital they simple took a helicopter ride from an air ambulance off the roof to another waiting helicopter for a ride to the clinic.

Since arriving at the clinic, she had been put through a battery of tests, x-rays, MRI, blood work and more test. She broke three weight lifting machines and four tread machines doing some of these tests. She had been clocked at speed well over 200 MPH with no shortness of breath or rapid heartbeat and before the last weigh machine gave out had lifted the machine max weight with little effort. They had brought in some very special equipment and machines to try and push her to her limit.

Nick, "Well Dr, what is this for"?
Dr Sinclair, "We are going to test your strength, as well as this shield you have".
Nick, "So how does this work"?
Dr Sinclair, "Well we place you in the center of this contraption, as you can see it is well padded in areas around it inside, these areas, under our control, will attempt to make contact with your body and we can control the amount of pressure of those areas".
Nick, "Looks like it was well build, whose idea was it for this"?
Dr Sinclair, "Mine, after the last weight lifting machine broke I knew we needed a far better way to determine just how strong you are and how strong is this shield of your".
Nick, "OK so when do we get started"?
Dr Sinclair, "Right after you put this on", handing her a three piece, skin tight, black outfit that looked as if it had some sort of sensors all over it.
Nick, "What the? Is this some sort of joke? I have to wear this"?
Dr Sinclair, "This suit has sensors on it and it is absolutely necessary that we get the best possible readings. You can change over there, a nurse will assist you".
Nick, "OK", moving to where he had pointed, the nurse joining him behind the screen and with a little help he had it on, stepping out he kept trying to cover his breasts, "Dam it Doctor, I feel like I'm naked wearing this, are you sure its absolutely necessary for me to wear something like this"?
Dr Sinclair, "No need to worry Nicky, I have already seen you naked and its only the nurse and I here, so you have little to worry about, so step in the machine and lets get to work".
Nick, "OK", She moves to the machine and steps in, turning to face them, the nurse reaches in and does a few hook ups of lines to the suit and steps back shutting the entrance in front of Nick.
Nurse, "All ready Doctor".
Dr Sinclair, "Good, Nicky can you hear me ok"?
Nick, "Yes 5x5 here doctor".
Dr Sinclair, "Good we will start overhead first, I am going to lower it and begin to apply pressure behind it, be sure to tell me when it begins to bother you in any way".
Nick, "Well do doctor".
Looking up, she sees the padded plate starting to lower on her, putting both hands up over her head she waits for contact, when it does not come, she looks up in surprise, its sitting about 10 inches above her hands, "Dr, did you stop it"? She starts to lower her arms and sees it start to lower once more, putting her hands back up it rises away from her, "Dr"?
Dr Sinclair, "It seems that when you are aware of something that will happen your body seeks to protect you, that plate had over 3000 PSI pushing down on it, yet you felt nothing"?
Nick, "Nothing".
Dr Sinclair, "OK, I'm not going to try and max this out just yet, I still wish to test further areas of this shield before you break the machine".
Nick, 'giggles', "OK Doctor".
Dr Sinclair, "I'm going to try and surprise you by moving plates from areas without telling you where and when, we will try to keep this as random as possible".
Nick, "OK Doctor".
After several minutes of almost nothing happening, from her perspective, she sees plates, that are in front of her, move but all are stopped almost as soon as they begin to move.
Nick, "Doctor"?
Dr Sinclair, "It is really incredible, the computer has been randomly trying to hit you but is being blocked, and it has been increasing the PSI on each attack, currently its just over 5000PSI, that over two and half tons trying to make contact with your body"!
Nick, "I don't feel a thing here Doctor".
Dr Sinclair, "OK time to break the machine".
Nick, "I hate breaking all your toys Doctor, 'giggles' but if you insist".
Dr Sinclair, "Oh I insist, coming from above Nick, we are going to see how much you can take or break this toy of ours".

Looking up she sees the plate begin to lower, once more stopping at about 10 inches she waits, watching it, slowly it begin to come lower, still she feel little to nothing, at 5 inches she can begin to feel a pressure, she puts her hands up and pushes back. At 4 inches the pressure is a little higher, at 3 she could feel it more and at 2 inches something broke and the all pressure from the machine stopped.

Dr Sinclair, "Incredible, simply incredible"!
The nurse open the front of the machine, disconnecting Nick from the leads, she smiles at Nicky, "Sounds as if the doctor is very happy with you".
Nick, "Well doctor, what did I do besides breaking this toy of yours"?
Dr Sinclair, "My God, girl, you did over 25 tons, thats is over 50,000 pounds of dead weight over you and you hardly worked a sweat up"!
Nick, "What! 25 tons?"!
Dr Sinclair, "We will have to rebuild the toy here, make it bigger and badder to really see what you can do"!
Nick, "How long before we can try again"?
Dr Sinclair, "A week at least".
Nick, "A week"?
Dr Sinclair, "No worries Nicky, I have more toys here to use on you, tomorrow we going to be checking out that fantastic speed of your, they promised me that the test track would be ready then".
Nick, "OK so what now"?
Dr Sinclair, "Today we are done, you can change out of the sensor suit and take the rest of the day off, I'll be going over this data we got so far and I promise to brief you later this evening. OK"?
Nick, "Sure thing Doc".
Changing back into her sweats she said her byes to both and went looking for her wife. She found her in their bungalow sitting with her knitting again. First leaning over her they quickly air kiss and then she sits down next to her with a little 'sigh' escaping from her.
Betty, Looking up, "So dear, how it go today"?
Nick, "I broke another one of the doctor's toys".
Betty, "Another!, Oh dear, just be glad you are not paying for this".
Nick, "So true", looking around, "So where Ted"?
Betty, "Some cute nurse has him all wrap around her finger, we may lose our boy to that one, giggles', she a keeper for sure".
Nick, "Well good for him, I was getting a bit concern after that last one he was chasing before".
Betty, "That one? Just was a gold digger, he was lucky he found that out early and not after bedding her, if she had got her hooks in him".
Nick, 'nods', "I'm glad he has something to do and someone to help with this present situation".
Betty, "Speaking of something to do"?
Nick, "Yes"?
Betty, "We need to get you some more clothes to wear young lady".
Nick, "What? More clothes, for what! I got all I need right now, I'm wearing the sports bras Mom, and the cotton undies, I am comfortable in these sweat and runner shoes, besides I still have the dress and heels from our "Great Escape" so I don't need any more clothes".
Betty, "Yes you do Nicky", 'dropping her knitting in her lap, her index finger points at her, "besides I am tired of seeing you in nothing but those ugly grey sweats".
Nick, "And what is wrong with my sweats"?
Betty, "It seems I have another rebellious young lady that needs to be taught that there is more to life and clothes then those things", point at her sweats, "Besides you smell after that workout, go take a shower dear".
Nick, "Yes dear", getting up she walks to their room, retrieves another sport bra and undies, along with another set of sweats turns and enter the one bath that is shared by both bedrooms, pulling off her top and pants she is standing there in her bra and panties when the other door opens and she hears, "Oops, Sorry Dad", the door quickly shuts and a whisper from the other side is heard, "Dam my Dad is a fox!" With a small smile on her face she locks the other door and turns on the water for her shower.
As she washes off the dirt and sweat from the test, she hears their door open, "Just me Dear, be right out, just getting something", then she hear the door close. Getting out of the shower she grabs one of the huge bath towels and drys off then turns to get dress and see that her choice to wear has been replaced. There for her is a matching white bra and panties, a blouse and a pair of shorts. The blouse is pink and the shorts are red, and match the flats that replaced her running shoes.
Nick, "Honey"?
Betty, "Yes Nicky"?
Nick, "Where are my clothes"?
Betty, "Right there young lady".
Nick, "I can't wear this"?
Betty, "Oh? Why not? Young women have been wearing outfits just like that for years".
Nick, "But I'm Not".
Betty, "Yes, you are a young woman!" Betty marches in, picks up the bra, hands it to her, "And by God you will dress like one or so help me Nicky"!
Nick, "OK, OK! I get the message loud and clear sweetheart".
Betty, "Good! As soon as you are dressed, we are going shopping at a base BX, the Director will have our escorts outside in 15 minutes, so you better hurry so I can do a little makeup on you as well before we leave".
Nick, "Shopping, Betty please do we have".
Betty, "Yes we do, I am sick and tired of seeing you in those sweats, we are going to buy you a proper wardrobe for a young lady of today and you will wear it. The only time I want to see you in sweats after this is when the doctors need to poke and prod your butt".
Nick, knowing she faced a losing battle, "Yes dear".

Fifteen minutes later a black SUV pulled up outside the bungalow. One of the suits gets out and walks to the door, knocks and steps back as the two ladies exits, another suit opens the passenger door of the SUV waiting till both are in and shut the door, speaks into his wrist mic, "Watchdog, this is Guardian, we have the package", gets in the SUV, and hears a reply over his ear piece, "Roger Guardian, proceed to McGuire, take the ladies to the BX, no side trips, understood"? Suit, "Copy Watchdog". Turns towards the back.
Suit, "Ladies, welcome aboard, our little trip will take about 20 minutes, my name is Mac, and this is Fred, 'pointing to the driver', and that is George and Wilma in the trailing vehicle".
Betty, "Thank you Mac, Nicky and I really need this little trip, poor girl has nothing except the clothes on her back".
Nick, "Betty! 'blushes' I'm sure Mac does not need to hear that".
Mac, "Its OK Nicky, you and your Mother can talk my ear off if you wish".

Sometime later they arrived at the bases main gate, by that time poor old Mac had his earful from Betty. The bases Security Force officers were flagging vehicles over that did not have military tags or military vehicle for ID checks. Both of their vehicles were waved through and they proceeded to the BX.

Mac, speaking into his wrist "OK, Wilma and I will stay with the ladies you two gents top off the vehicles and meet us outside when they are done with their shopping".
Fred and George, "Copy".
Wilma, "OK ladies lets go shopping".

Evening with Mac pushing for them to hurry, and Wilma doing all she could with helping Betty and Nick out they were just coming up on two hours when Betty said, "OK, I think we have everything".
Nick, Wearing a brand new outfit, "Thank God".
Mac, 'whisper', "Amen", then in the wrist again, "We are done here, meet outside in two minutes".
Faint, "copy".

Stepping out of the BX, all carrying bags and bags, Mac looks for the SUVs, sees one pulling up, as he reaches for the passenger door when suddenly its forced open from the inside throwing him off balance, he is then shot in the chest falling back. A second shot is fire, Wilma falls, another hit to the chest. A figure jumps out of the back, grabs and throws Betty inside the SUV, then reaches for Nick and is stopped, no matter how hard this man tries he cannot touch this woman, turning to the other he yells "GO!", jumping in the passenger door pulling it shut. The driver, looking back, hits the accelerator but is stopped cold, turning to the front he sees a woman standing there, he is burning rubber and they are not moving.

Shifting to reverse, he tries to back up, but again is stopped cold, looking back he sees the same woman, panic is starting to overwhelm any sense of logic, how is this possible! He shifts to drive once more, but again they are not moving, he knows the wheels are turning and the engine is at max, but they are not moving. Looking in the side mirror, he sees the wheel is off the ground, checking the rear mirror he cannot see the woman from before. He yells at his pardner, "Where is that bitch"?
The other man looking back, "My God, she is holding the rear end up off the ground"!
Driver, "Shoot her dam it"!
Other man, "Right", brings his gun up when Betty starts hitting him, "No! Don't you dare hurt Nicky!, NICKY Watch out"!
Other man, "Dam lady, quit", he back hands Betty knocking her out cold.
Suddenly the SUV is on its side, tossing everyone around inside, the roof is torn off and Betty is removed by Nicky. Nicky then reaches in and pulls both of the would be kidnapers out, giving both a little love tap.
Checking over Betty, her hand glow slightly over her, Betty begin to stir, quickly moving to the down agents of her escort, she sees they both had on vest and are ok, again her hand glow slightly over them as she checks them. By this time the Security Forces are arriving.
Officer, "Freeze"!
Nicky, 'pointing at the two sleeping would be kidnapers' "There's the bad guys Officer, they tried to kidnap this woman and me, and tried to murder these two Homeland agents".
Watching as they cuffed, she warns the Officer, "be sure to double the guards on those two, the last time we had any of them in custody they manage to escape killing two guards".
Officer, "Yes Ma'am"!
Nicky, "Can you have someone check the other SUV, we missing two more agents".
Officer, "Yes Ma'am, Charlie, go check the other SUV and report back ASAP"!
Charlie, "Roger", moving at a run with weapon drawn he approaches the other SUV, it dark windows make it impossible to see inside, slowly the officer open the one side door, and with a quick peek and duck sees two bodies in the back. Moving to the back, he opens it, a quick look and he yell back to his pardner, "Mark, they are both dead here".

Nicky hearing this turns to the officer, "I need four things, one, get more SPs here to secure this area. Two, get a meat wagon to take care of the dead, three, get these two agents and Mrs Farley to your ER, and four, make dam sure to lock those two up so they are separate from each other and keep the cuffs on them".
Officer, "Yes Ma'am". Then gets on his radio requesting more help ASAP.
Nicky moves over to where Agent Mac is, squatting down next to him she reaches for his wrist radio, keying it as she seen them do, she speaks into it. "Watchdog, come in". Pulling his ear piece from his ear she puts it up to hers, "Watchdog, come in".
Male voice, "This is Watchdog, who is this and where is Guardian"?
Nicky, "Guardian is down at BX, attackers, two gunman captured, SPs on scene, two agent dead, two injury, the packages are alive and well, send backup ASAP".
The voice, "Roger, backup in route".
Nicky, "Roger they can fine us at the bases' ER, out".
Turning to the officer, "OK you are in charge here, I am going with Mrs Farley and the two agents to the ER, Homeland is in route, be sure to direct them to the ER, and double check any IDs that come for those two prisoners".
Officer, "Yes Ma'am"!


Thank you, Janice Lynn for your helping with the current titles of the forces responsible for Air Force base security.

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I like this story. I am happy

I like this story. I am happy that Nicky's wife, Betty, is not discarding her husband simply because of a change in gender and abilities. I realize it may eventually come to that, however Betty seems to be making the best of the situation and is willing to help Nicky adjust to what happened to him, now the new her.


Hey thanks for that information, soon as I hear from you I will edit that section we spoke of. again thanks.

That girl

doesn't put up with crap from the bad guys but accedes to her wife's demands(shopping) I, too, like the fact that they are still together.

I love the story so far. I'm looking forward to the next installment.


Sexy and Super

So Nick is now Nicky, 20 or more years younger, female and super powered. If he wants to change back he would be mad!

This is a great story. I'm looking forward to the further adventures of SuperNiki :) Thanks for sharing.

200 MPH seems a bit much but it IS Sci-fi --grin --

Several questions come to mind.

Why does Nicki give in so quickly to her wife's suggestions about living as a young woman?

No resistance at all.

Does she trust her implicitly? IE he always deferred to her in the marriage or at least when it came to fashion and their kids?

Who was behind this super soldier program and why?

Misguided patriots or power hungry?

How did the bad guys know where they were so as to nearly pull off the murderous kidnappings?

Is there a mole or a leak?

John in Wauwatosa

P.S. and a BIGGIE, What are Nicki's limits? What is/are her weaknesses if any? She must have some limitations. Heck that she has loved ones makes them a weakness of sorts.

And last, what of her sexuality? She is now a young woman. Will she develop a desire for men, women , both or...?

And what of his wife and their now large age gap? Though the way they are acting they appear to be settling into a mother daughter relation.

John in Wauwatosa

Power hungry mad men? Maybe.

1. Late night bed room talk, two twin beds, Long walks around the clinic, High School Sweethearts, the small smile overhearing her son saying she was a fox. Savage first question is the very same, leak, mole, or just dumb luck in the next part? Maybe the interrogation of the two prisoners will bring some light to that. As for her speed, check this out;

As for limitations, hard to say right now, has anyone noticed the glow from her hand when she is checking someone? Will this also brought to light? Maybe, we will see.

Nicky still loves Betty with all her heart, same with Betty towards Nicky, but they both know that their marriage as Man and wife is over. Nicky and Betty have accept this and strive for something that will keep their bond.

They can't stay at the clinic forever, someday they will leave and try for a normal life. Mother daughter team would be the best, still that leave Ted but maybe the nurse girlfriend for him, new IDs witness protection etc..

Only time will tell

Great Story but where is the rest of it?

What a Great story but where is the rest of it? You cant leave us hanging with the what happened next syndrome.
Is there going to be any more?

Part 3

Just post it today, sorry for the delay, I been under the weather a bit.

too short

needs editing I hope you finished it, it is good so far.