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Xenophobio, at 18 had been raised to understand his Mother Dearest's attitude towards the need for discipline for boys and in particular his need for it.
Valoria Mother Dearest-Thumpsdale had always been strict, but her stern attitude increased with the teen's age and he knew it would just continue that way.
Mrs. Mother Dearest-Thumpsdale had no intention of letting up on her son and was always finding ways to increase his shame and the regularity of his now routine spankings.
She simply believed it was his cute girlish bottom that needed the attention and his bare bottom at that. She saw it as a separate entity to her son and when he misbehaved, it was his cheeky bottom that had misbehaved and needed to be dealt with in the most severe manner.
The fact that Xenophobio possessed an extremely plump rounded bottom for a boy was a constant irritation to him and more so as his Mother Dearest constantly reminded him of the fact.
He often studied his long smooth bare legs which his Mother saw to it along with the rest of his body was kept shaved and hairless in the mirror and could not help but notice the way his swishy buttocks were rounded and upturned like a girl. His shaven genitals were the most humiliating part of his body particularly in Physical Education class.
Mrs. Valoria Mother Dearest-Thumpsdale often commented that most girls would die for such a rounded high cheeked bottom. She especially admired the natural sway and wiggle to his derriere as he walked around during her home tutelage wearing a tight skirt with high heels and of course with the required panties underneath.
This made her son very conscious of its feminine fullness but not as much as when vulnerable over his Mother Dearest‘s lap with the skirt lifted and the panties down baring his girlish bottom elevating it high into the air for a lengthy leathering from one of his Mrs. Dearest- Thumpsdale’s many straps.
The fact that the pretty teenager was still also kept in extremely short pants when outside the home in warm weather did not help his predicament and especially as some of his shorts exposed a large portion of his generous bottom cheeks often reddened by a stinging switch.
Some of the tight lavender shorts were buttoned down the back. One pair of his feminine shorts had twenty two small buttons which the young boy was unable to do and undo by himself.
Having his Mother Dearest undo these shorts some afternoons before a spanking was a slow process but it allowed for Mrs. Dearest-Thumpdale’s long scolding and prep talk about some disobedient or disrespectful reason for what was about to happen to his very vulnerable and sensitive bottom.
Being a good looking boy with big soulful brown eyes and shoulder length blonde hair whose personality had become submissive and feminine allowed his Mother Dearest to easily reduce him to a lip pouting, blubbering, shaking and frightened child even before his spanking began and together with the impending pain keep him fully under her stern control.
Part of her regimen for feminizing Xeno was the shots and pills she gave to the totally submissive teen that were doing a good job of filling out the bra she insisted he wear.
Discipline was always separate from punishment in the Dearest-Thumpsdale household.
Punishment was when he seemed to break one of her many, many rules or seemed to disobey her in some tiny way. It could be a carelessly acquired run in his stockings, or a lock of curly untidy hair, or some small matter in his bedroom such as forgetting to close his lipstick or giving in to a bad bathroom habit of standing up to urinate when going to the toilet. “Little sissies sit to urinate and while doing it are careful not to touch their genitals too much and achieve an erection.”
Discipline however, was an entirely different matter. It involved very regular spanking of his bare bottom and thighs, front and back. It was designed to keep Xenophobio behaving at his best, to remind him he was under his Mother Dearest's rules and control and to make him continually try harder to be pleasing, mannerly and at his most obedient.
The shy youngster even had what his Mother described as 'good boy spankings' and these were usually lengthy affairs.
Mrs. Dearest-Thumpsdale’s theory was that if he had been a good boy, it was because of the hard spankings he was receiving and therefore needed more to help him continue in that manner.
Some of Xenophobio's friends were spanked, some more than others, and some on their bare bottoms, but mainly when they had misbehaved and had done some misdeed.
Xeno, however, was spanked on his bare bottom on a very regular basis with a variety of implements. Some of these "discipline" spankings were actually worse than his punishment spankings and could involve up to four or five implements, all chosen by his Mother Dearest for his particularly rotund buttocks.
Mother Dearest-Thumpsdale did not believe a responsible parent could have too many implements available for a plump bottomed teenaged boy and she was always looking to add to her bed box where she kept them. A steel spatula in her local market may be viewed by most as to its use in the kitchen, but Valoria 's (what all her friends called Valoria Mother Dearest-Thumpsdale) first thoughtful image was that of her girly/boy/son with his panties down bare bottom or plump thighs as she discreetly slapped it into her open palm.
Checking the hairbrush and bath brush section of a store was second nature to her now and the hardware store also offered many useful tools to help teach her full breasted sissy/son the many lessons required to permanently form the submissive, feminine, mannerly personality which Mother Dearest required.
Occasionally she visited the local horse riding store to examine some lengths of leather or some pieces that could be used to secure her son’s wrists or ankles for a judicial caning which he occasionally received.
Mrs. Dearest-Thumpsdale often mused on the tales of her own Mummy when a leather harness maker could be visited and a choice piece of leather ordered to be made for a recalcitrant son or daughter. Some were even said to have a bench at the back of the store where a young boy’s uncovered bottom could be positioned over a specially made spanking bench and left there as the Mother or Aunt went shopping.
The harness maker could then study the bared backside of the miscreant to help choose the finest piece of thick leather to assist its guardian in chastising it thoroughly.
On her return, a few choice pieces would be ready and could be tried out with 'the impudent one' secured across the bench.
Some responsible Mothers took the opportunity to deliver an overdue lengthy strapping while choosing the best piece. The new strap was then left to be oiled and polished and narrowed at the handle, before being collected some days later.
Mrs. Dearest-Thumpsdale always kept a strap and cane hanging on Xenophobio's bedroom wall close to his bed and a paddle on his bedside dresser to remind the usually trembling, shy adolescent of the quite regular routine of a hard spanking at his bedtime, a routine copied from her own Mother as she dealt with her brother for all those years.
A bedtime spanking was mainly to focus Xeno on the next day and he was encouraged to continue his good behavior, if he had behaved well that day.
These sessions were also used to help train the boy to "present" his bottom to the strap, a lesson that needed continual training for an agonizing treatment of his upturned buttocks.
Valoria was never happy with Xenophobio's efforts at pushing his bare bottom up high for the relentless strap; at least she never let Phobio feel she was happy. She did note however his nice attempts to "help" his Mother strap his bottom exceptionally hard, by pushing it up for her as high as he could, even though he was in some severe distress at her full force wallopings.
She also knew that despite his best efforts to avoid his discipline, his bottom would in time naturally start to rise up to the strap involuntarily, a secret she learned from her Mother Dearest. The reason for the phenomenon was not explained to her, but she reveled in the fact that she had started to see traits of it with Xenophobio, even though he didn't realize he was doing it.
Mrs. Dearest-Thumpsdale knew deep down that in time to come he would be pushing it off the bed as high as he possibly could the instant he heard his Mother say 'Up'.
This is also the reason she used the word continuously during a 'training strapping' as a type of hypnosis for the boy. During a strapping, a stranger outside the door would hear the word mixed in with the continual instructions to "Give me your bottom panty-boy, up. That's it good girl, up higher now. Up for Mummy, up Missy Prissy, up higher, that's it hold it there. Push it up now like a good sissy. That's it. Stick it out for me.”
The intense pain was all directed at his very round and very bare bottom usually over two pillows, and on and on she would instruct during one of his many lengthy strappings.
The suffering boy also knew of course that if Mummy was displeased, the strapping could continue for some time until she was pleased enough to start to deliver the full amount he was due. This could take up to twenty minutes on some occasions along with her continual scoldings.
Valoria believed strict scolding was part of raising a boy and keeping him under control. As her Mother Dearest used to advise her, spank him hard and often, scold him harshly and continually, and control his bare bottom and his naughty penis, and keep the pantywaist in feminine clothes and she would have a very well behaved boy regardless of his age when his will was broken.
Of course she had seen this with her brother, even into his 20s.
Xenophobio's penis control was a totally separate matter but she knew it went hand in hand with his regular bare bottom discipline. Basically it was not to be touched, felt up, played with, stroked, rubbed on items or used in any such manner other than when urinating and even then he was to be careful and of course sitting like the ‘he/she’ her beloved son had become.
When he was being undressed for his preliminary scolding however, it could be used as part of his humiliation and could of course be examined, stroked and even smacked by his Mother with the penis strap, if she felt the need.
To this end Valoria often took the boy along or astride her skirted, stockinged or bare thigh in preparation for a spanking. Valoria understood how most Mothers used an over the knee position and stuck to it for the odd time they took their teenage sons across the knee.
Valoria however came to learn that many variations of over, along, astride, up on, back on, pinned in, even kneeling up on her knees, could be used in the chastisement of her boy. She continually tried out new positions on or about her knee and could often be found in her bedroom practicing a new position with a thick pillow.
Once she was very happy with starting with the boy/girl standing at her closed together knees and leaning over her shoulder and she would reach around him and smack at his bottom and flanks. She would gradually slide both of her knees between his thighs and start to force them apart. This caused him to slide down her shoulder and she would scold him for that, telling him to 'get back up over her shoulder for his well-deserved spanking'.
After a period of this he had to 'climb on' to astride her knees and facing her and then lean his head over her shoulder or under her arm. In time with the slaps he would gradually be made to kneel up on her knees and the proximity of his privates to his Mother's face made for a very humiliating excitement to the boy’s burgeoning manhood causing extra punishment with the penis strap.
Valoria knew these positions did not allow for the very hard type of spankings she liked to administer, but the pushing, pulling maneuvers, shame and scoldings along with the ultimate use of the penis strap it allowed for more than made up for this.
She also knew she could vary her scoldings, her boy's attire before and during a spanking, and indeed her own attire and demeanor in the course of administering the many, many spankings that went on in the Dearest-Thumpsdale household.
Each piece of Xenophobio's clothing was chosen with some care (skirts and bras and other frilly lacy things) and designed to keep him as a well spanked and feminized boy should be kept.
Valoria Dearest (as her Mother used to call her) had taught her that there was nothing wrong with keeping a boy appearing in a feminized manner that always invited a firm spanking, especially if he possessed a chubby round bottom like Xeno did.
Shirts, tops, blouses, halter suits, knee socks, ankle socks, ribbons, shoes all had a special place in Xenophobio's wardrobe but most importantly in particular his underwear and pants. Valoria believed Xenophobio's bottom was best suited squeezed into exceptionally short tight pants or on most occasions shown under an extremely short tight little skirt. She also used very short wide legged loose pants which fitted onto his upper bottom and when they went shopping, she paid close attention to how each pair looked, how it would shame him and how it might suit one of his many spanking sessions.
She felt he needed to be constantly aware of his well-rounded bottom and the need for clothing that helped show it off in its 'sticky out' fashion. She knew she often had those fleeting thoughts about his bottom as she went about her daily work when he might pass her or be seen bending over for something or on hands and knees playing and the thought was of 'he needs a sound walloping with one of his thick leather straps ..... I think I will spend some time this evening, helping him learn to push that bottom of his well up for the strap …. Hmm, yes, that will do him no harm.'
"Xenophobio dear, I think a good strapping will do you good this evening dear, and we'll make it a very sound one, okay dear?”
A subdued reply of “.... Y ... yes Mummy Dearest," was quite usual as the shivering teen let the new information sink into the consciousness of his bottom in his very tight pants and panties became all the more aware.
"And perhaps a lengthy session with the bath brush on those fat bare cheeks of yours will help prepare you for the strap and get you crying properly."
The following "Y ... yes Mummy … uh … whatever" was intoned with a little more alarm as he knew his Mother usually turned such a statement into a full shaming for him, but more importantly despite some of his leather straps being quite severe, he was really more terrified of the dreaded bath brush.
It was long, hard and heavy and it impacted so "perfectly" with his bare bottom as the Martinet put it. But it also stung something terrible and his Mother Dearest seemed to like using it for an exceptionally lengthy time. So what may have been a straightforward bedtime strapping could now turn into a full blown disciplinary session and that thought just terrified him.
He hated the bath brush and more so as it always played a big part at his twice or thrice weekly bath times. It always made him think about how his beautiful Mother could be so stern and how methodically she went about gathering two fresh towels, and taking the bath brush down from its hook on bath nights, a harbinger of bedtime pain.
"We'll see if we can have you thrusting that big bare bottom of yours up a little higher tonight for the proper, thorough ‘brushing’ it deserves. If not we can fetch out the prison strap which as we both know always helps you to concentrate on your bare behind when I am chastising it, don't we, dear?”
"Y… yes…. yes Mummy, I will try my best, Mummy."
"Oh, you'll try your best alright, believe me sweet boy, you will try exceptionally hard to please me and the thick strap I will use on you. It's all boys like you understand, isn't dear? A thick leather strap across their bare backsides."
As far as Mrs. Thumpsdale was concerned, Xenophobio thrived under firm discipline and he would continue to do so as long as he lived with her. She also believed that the young him/her thrived under the continual verbal reminders of his constantly diminishing status as a male member of the family into a very controllable wimp.
His Mother Dearest teased the sissified panty-waist unmercifully with the threat to change his name to Pansy deVille so his friends and family would have another reason to laugh at him.
Phobio wondered why his breasts seemed to be growing and the nipples seemed so sensitive with the vitamins he was taking. He now did not need to pad his bra. His growing breasts did that.
Certain items were used for different types of chastisement. For example, the oval polished clothes brush was used solely for a furiously fast walloping with the struggling boy locked tightly between her thighs with his bottom being almost squeezed upwards for her attentions.
The boy's wrists needed to be secured for these spankings. With the blistering pace of the hard spanking, Valoria figured she applied enough good firm smacks over a five minute period.
Xeno usually started bawling after about ten smacks and she liked the way he just settled into a nice helpless crying rhythm and heaving of buttocks during these furious discipline sessions.
There was no scolding with these spankings and she did nothing but concentrate on delivering the spanks hard and fast to about two areas on his bottom cheeks evoking from her son, “Please Mummy, not in the same two spots. Please!”
Of course this was completely ignored by Mrs. Dearest- Thumpsdale who enjoyed watching the two spots turn red and then purple eliciting a delightful reaction from her squirming son’s painful ordeal perpetrated upon his disobedient behind.
So, Xenophobio knew what was to happen if he was sent for the oval clothes brush which sat in a drawer with a length of soft rope. No other type of spanking was administered with this brush.
The riding crop was mainly for his thighs. He stood naked and raised a thigh for his Mother to strike it six times on its top. Then he lowered it and raised the other for her.
This went on and on as the thigh was usually not 'held up properly' for each of the six spanks, allowing for a prolonged treatment. This was also used for his 'prancing' training again designed to prolong.
A switching was dreaded by Xeno because it was not only painful but made him feel like a majorette dancing in a parade because his Mother Dearest made him wear a cute pantied skirt like a strutting member of a high school band.
Firstly, as it took a while to get the preparations right and secondly as they were usually quite intense for the boy.
Out of the blue his Mother would announce a switching. It involved him going to his room and stripping down and selecting a pair of light see-through panties worn under the majorette costume in which he had to march while strutting his parade of pain under the slender branches of wood dancing out welts on his bottom and thighs while his burgeoning breasts bounced in the air.
The fear-ridden boy did not like the way his Mother described the types of switches she wished him to go and cut for her as the descriptions generally leaned towards one that will 'sink nicely into those fleshy buttocks of yours'. He also knew all three switches would be used on him till he was more than in agony.
On occasion this chastisement would not involve just his bottom as Mrs. Dearest-Thumpsdale may decide she wanted to stripe 'every single inch of his plump thighs, front and back'.
Valoria's leather strap collection would be praised in the strictest of orphanages of old. She had eight straps in total and each one had its own particular flavor. She still had her short over the knee strap for when he was much younger and she often mused on how after all the years it still had its uses when it came to Xenophobio's discipline.
There were the two tailed tawse of sixteen and twenty three inches. She knew the sting of such straps and knew that when Phobio howled at each stroke. Her other three straps were plain double sided thick leather, the last being a Canadian prison strap.
A few years back she had been chatting with a Canadian Mother of two boys. This woman had talked on and on at length about her boys’ chastisement, but she noted keenly smiling in glee when she stated what would happen if she caught them masturbating, "Of course if that happens, then it's out with the prison strap for them."
After some close inquiry, Mrs. Dearest-Thumpsdale researched it and finally found one and bought it. The Martinet was even more impressed with it when it arrived one afternoon. In a box about fifteen inches long, she discovered a lovely curled piece of fine crafted leather. Mother Dearest knew at once that the comment from this Canadian Mother as ‘designed for the most recalcitrant boys’ bare bottoms was not an exaggeration.
Not easy to hold at first but she learned the uncurling of the leather was important when delivering a hard strapping with it. A beautiful tan color at thirty inches long with a four inch handle and four inches wide with a solid one quarter inch thickness.
It was a wonderful looking implement. Designed originally for grown women in Canadian prisons, she had found that some were sentenced to thirty strokes a day for the duration of their sentence. This was applied with the offending woman strapped across a horse with a cushion placed beneath her hips for elevation of the buttocks which were bared. Thirty strokes seemed a little lenient but she was happy to learn that often an offender was given many more for 'offensive behavior' during her strapping.
Mother Dearest held it in her hands and swung it about gently. She realized quickly that this strap was designed for over the head lashing and she knew immediately that due to its design, a 'lenient' strapping would be very difficult to administer with it. She placed it out flat on the table and called Xenophobio to her and he arrived sharply and obediently.
She told him to sit and announced the arrival of a 'new disciplinary implement for his more and more deserving bare bottom cheeks’.
Xenophobio stared at the strap trying to take it in and only able to compare it to his other collection of punishment straps but he did not like what he saw. He clenched his buttocks fearfully.
"It's designed for the bigger boy, Xenophobio, or perhaps they said the 'bigger bottomed boy'. I can't recall exactly, but it certainly looks ideal for you, doesn't it dear?"
Xeno was quiet, still trying to take in the picture of the strap on the table. This was surely going to hurt terribly on his bare bottom, he thought.
"There are even some notes with it, isn't that nice"? Valoria picked up and unfolded the little leaflet that accompanied the chastising strap.
She ignored the details about the women's prison and went on, "Let's see, 'Designed to teach the most wilful miscreant the error of their ways, this strap will make a very sudden and lasting impression on the upturned bare buttocks of even the most disobedient subject. It can deliver a most severe punishment with a few dozen strokes and the user will find the only way to apply this strap is with great force. The miscreant should be placed along a bench if available and secured with its bottom elevated to help meet its very striking impact.
Even the most well trained subject will find it difficult to present its own buttocks to this strap and its owner will find training will almost need to be started over'.
Xenophobio noticed the spankee was referred to as ‘it’ as if he were an animal. Is there no mercy? -- Not when he was panties down getting a strapping.
“Honey, it seems you have a new friend. Just think how much fun it will be spending many long evenings getting you acquainted with your new leather friend. We’ll be seeing if we can teach you some new good manners. We’ll have to work on your curtsey. It’s atrocious."
His Mother went on reading the brochure, 'While the amount of strokes in the past with this strap was generally predetermined in the hands of private disciplinary requirements, the user should find their own suitable measures and not limit themselves to the original stipulations '.
“In other words baby, you will need to be strapped at length, even with this strap and that is what I intend to do with it. No sense in limiting ourselves when it comes to the disciplinary requirements of your cheeky bottom, is there, dear?”
Valoria liked the way she used her own words mingled with the ones in the leaflet as Xenophobio sat almost motionless and very quietly still clenching and unclenching his terrified behind. He knew his Mother Dearest’s questions did not always require an answer or response but he suddenly started at "I said, is there dear"?
"No, no Mummy" was his instant response.
"What else is there, if the miscreant is used to other types of leather disciplinary implements, it may be of use to warm up the bottom cheeks beforehand with one or more of their regular straps for quite a while, before introducing its soon to be extremely sorry buttocks to this fine implement. This can be continued for the initial few weeks, but then the buttocks left alone to become white and vulnerable again after a week or two when it may be applied to a fresh pair of bottom cheeks. Punishment can be continued through other methods as hitting the front and back of thighs and the calves while thinking of new ways to humiliate the boy to break his will to a suitable feminine nature.’
“Isn't that considerate, Xenophobio? And what's left, (This strap is ideally suited to the more plump bottomed miscreant, and while quite severe, it may be used on a frequent basis, if very instant obedience is a requirement'.
"If very instant obedience is a requirement! Well that is certainly a requirement when it comes to you isn't, Honey?" Mother Dearest asked as she crossed her legs and looked pointedly at the boy.
"Yes, Mummy it is."
"Yes, it most certainly is and we've spent many hours teaching you and that bottom of yours that lesson, haven't we dear?”
"Yes, Mummy.”
Xeno was still taking in the strap on the table when he noticed his Mother’s skirt riding up her now crossed leg exposing her knee and thigh. Her maternal lap was very well known to the constantly fearful lad as he spent many hours over it, across it and astride it, learning the many, many lessons his Mother Dearest decided he needed to learn.
Just the sight of it alone reminded him of his bawling antics as a brush or paddle cracked repeatedly onto his upturned bottom.
"Well then perhaps it will be required on a frequent basis then, what do you think, my little pansy?”
“Yes, Mummy.”
He could never get used to the way his Mummy incorporated his own agreement into his regular harsh discipline, but he knew better than to disagree. However the young victim did not like the look of this particular addition to the disciplinary family of implements. Thinking about what such an implement could do to his rump almost made him urinate in his panties which would certainly give his Mummy reason to pain his bottom with what she called ‘his new friend’.
"Well, I try my best to be obedient, Mummy.”
"Yes, you do, dear but that is not always good enough now, is it?" The maternal voice had now a sharper edge to it and he recognized it immediately.
“Eh, no Mummy, it isn't".
"Of course it isn't, dear boy and while you may think you are being instantly obedient when I tell you to do something, I may view it entirely differently. Isn't that correct, sweet Zeno?”
"Er, yes Mummy, that is right."
"Of course it is right, my little queer. In fact it may be viewed as being disobedient, isn't that right"?
Xenophobio did not like the way his Mummy had started to sound now.
"Downright disobedient in fact." Mrs. Dearest-Thumpsdale said with a harbinger of inevitable certain pain dripping from her voice. Xeno began to clench and unclench his buttocks in anticipation of the agony coming to them in the immediate future.
"Er, well, I will try hard to be very obedient Mummy; I promise I will.”
"Yes, dear, you say that now when you see this new strap on the table. You see; it’s working already isn't it? Little disobedient boys with such swishy spankable bottoms need the feel of our leather friend here?”
"Yes Mummy .... It is".
"An extremely disobedient little pansy, that's what you are, aren't you?"
It was too late; his Mother had walked him into the trap. To deny this would be seen as blatant cheek and he was too afraid of going there. He had no choice. His cheeks were going to suffer.
"Yes ... yes, Mummy.”
"And what happens to disobedient little sluty sissy-boys, Honey?"
"They get ....punished, Mummy."
"Yes dear, they do. They get punished. Punished long, and punished hard on their very bare bottoms with this long leather strap which was specially designed for disobedient boys and especially those with plump bottoms like yours.
Isn't that right, honey pie?”
"Yes, yes Mummy it is yes".
Being cooperative never did help the boy escape his Mother's full disciplinary measures, but he tried hard to reason in his immature mind how it had transpired that a new strap arrives to the house and shortly into a discussion about it he was being told he was an extremely disobedient boy.
"Well, Xenophobio baby, let's not waste any more time on this. You heard what the leaflet said, didn't you? So off you go and fetch two of your straps. Get me the over-knee-strap and the sixteen inch tawse; they should be sufficient to warm you up properly for your first taste of this new big strap. But you can expect a good hand spanking too, you disobedient little miss, for your slow mumbling as you were questioned on the proficiency of this fine disciplinary strap I went to the trouble of acquiring for you.
Sometimes I feel you are totally ungrateful for the efforts I put into your training and discipline. We will have to address that in the next few weeks.
Although this will be your first taste of this fine strap, I intend using it in a full and proper manner across those full buttocks of yours in an exceptionally lengthy strapping. With this strap it may be ok for the normal disobedient boy, but with a little pansy boy with buttocks such as yours that would be of little use now would it?
I intend to discipline you very thoroughly today, Phobio, for the disobedient faggoty boy that you are. I am sure you will be begging me to be allowed to be an extremely obedient fruity boy by the time I am finished with you and I am sure you will be repeating your feelings again tomorrow afternoon when we repeat these measures.
Maybe then you won’t complain about being kind to my friend Samuel when you two are alone in your bedroom.
Xenophobia began to cry.
“But he’s so big … Mummy … so big … Mummy.” responded Xenophobio through his tears.
“Xeno, honey. He’s a real man and not a little swishy/sissy/boy like you. The next time you are in the bath check out your tiny penis. It will never get big enough to satisfy a girl.
Save your tears until this new strap starts tearing up your fat behind. You’ll need them, then. Get it, baby …. tear and tear – you obviously don’t find that amusing … maybe your ‘new leather friend’ will improve your sense of humor.”
“Of course at your bedtime tonight I will still expect full cooperation from your impudent bottom regardless of how well punished it may be.”
“Now over here and let me remove those little pants and panties of yours. You may as well do your fetching bare bottomed today.”
Valoria stood the boy just in the juncture of her slightly separated knees as she slid her skirt back a little. The Matriarch eyed him sternly as she slowly turned him awkwardly to get at his buttons that clasped tightly across his girlish bottom cheeks.
Slowly Mrs. Thumpsdale unclipped each one slowly, as each one allowed a further piece of his plump bottom out. She always marveled at the way his bottom inched out of these pants and the way his generous fleshy cheeks assisted the undoing of each button, as his white silky panties came into view.
Eventually the last button popped open and out fell the soon to be chastised naughty bottom. She slid the tight pants down his legs and he knew to lift each foot to allow them to be removed and folded and placed on the table.
They didn't take up much space and Mrs. Thumpsdale looked at them and wondered how on earth they contained such a bottom. The panties were not much better and she slowly slid them half way down his thighs.
"Leave your panties there as you trot off to get your straps. They won't be there for long, of course, as I'll be removing them completely when you return. I want that bottom completely bare today. Off you go and don't dawdle, boy".
"Y yes Mummy,” was the reply as Xenophobio took himself off to retrieve the straps. The reasoning behind this discipline session was long gone from his pretty little head as he just knew his Mother Dearest had to be right. How was he going to cope with that strap though? It looked terrifying, and the quivering of his bottom as he walked didn't help his plight.
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interesting and good story.
I like it. apparently i'm the only one that likes it here. But, I tend to like brutal and dark tales. And the responses to my stories are like like you have here. Try not to let it bother you. You have me as a fan of your tales. Just one question, where did you get the name Xenophobio? I guess its as good of name as any.
Thanks for the review. Xenophobia is fear of strangers. Xenophobio is male version of Xenophobia. All stories in that genre have mundane names. I wanted exceptional names for fun.
Back story is that his sweet mummy told poor Xeno if he wasn't obedient she would turn him over to strangers who would take him as a slave (as if they could treat him worse).
[email protected]
Have you written anything?
Keep in touch
more please!
any chance of more of this i love it!