Kidnapped chapter one revised

Kidnapped Pt 1 Revised

By Kyle

This is my story, I posted it here around three years ago under another name. I decided to revisit this uncompleted story revised it and complete it.

My son was taken from me when he was only eight years old. That event that shattered both of our lives, but my son was hurt far worse than I was. I have been trying to heal him. He will not talk about what happened to him, but it was bad enough that it turned a kind and loving eight year old boy into a boy full of anger and hatred by the time he was thirteen.

Is there anything I can do to help him? Can he become that kind and loving boy that I used to know?

I should start from the beginning. It was hot day august day. It was his fathers weekend to take him so we were getting him ready to spend the weekend with his dad. I had no choice in that matter, because he did have parental rights and the damn judge had given him every other weekend, so I had to let him come and take him. I remember my son didn’t want to leave that day. He cried and told me he wanted to stay with me. I had to clean him up and get him ready to leave.

He was dragging his feet that morning, trying to draw the process out as long as he could to spend more time with me. I went into the house and yelled down the hall, “Come on Jimmy. Your dad will be here shortly so please lets do this.”

He cried out, “But Mom, DO I have too?” He looked up at me. “Look at what that bitch did to me last time I went there. I still can’t get the curls out of it since she gave me that perm.”

I did my best to fix his hair. Apparently, his father was seeing another woman and she liked to tease Jimmy. She put rollers in his hair and curled it. Apparently she made him sleep with the rollers in his hair. I complained to his father about that to no avail. But I made it very clear that I would call my attorney and police if she did that to him again.

I told Jimmy, “I know your hair looks silly, but we talked about it and he won’t let her do anything that stupid again. I told him if he lets that woman hurt you again, that he will never see you again.”

His young face looked at me with hope. He nodded, “I hope he listens to you mom. This still sucks. I hate that god damn judge.”

I agreed and he said, “Judges are stupid. “

I pulled my son tightly into me. I didn’t want to let him go, but I had to. I knew if I didn’t, then the judge would rule in my ex husbands favor and he would then have sole custody. I would lose my son then. But, if he kept letting that bitch humiliate my son then he would lose and I would get sole custody. I didn’t want that to happen.

I kissed my sons cheek again and told him to go wait outside. He ran outside with a smile . I walked out after him.

My ex husbands old pickup pulled in the driveway sooner than we expected. Paint flicked off of the truck like snow falling as his old pickup pulled in. His truck had brown rusty holes in the hood and the bed. It pulled to a dusty stop and opened the door and Ted came out.

I shook my head. Ted had never really left the early nineties dingy grub look. He wore an oversized plaid shirt that was unbuttoned and another dirty tee shirt under it and his jeans were ripped. We could see though the holes in his jeans. His face was unkempt and a dirty beard covered his chin.

I felt my son hold on to my leg tightly, hoping against hope that some way could be found to get out of this. But there was no way out. Jimmy had no choice.

“Be a good boy Jimmy and go with your dad. I will be here when you get back.”

I frowned as Ted approached. I walked toward him holding my son's hand. I said firmly, “I will check him when he gets back to see if you or that bitch did his hair or put makeup on him, Ted. Make sure he sleeps in his clothes, no more nightgowns. He better be alright and back on time!“

“Now, now, Jessica, you know I won’t hurt my son. There is nothing to worry about.“

“Alright Ted. No more hairdos, makeovers or visits to the beauty salon anymore. You better understand that. Just make sure you do or there will be hell to pay.“

I sounded very unsure about this as I handed Jimmy over to Ted. I felt a tight knot in my stomach.

I saw that younger blonde in the truck as my son ran stepped in. She began fawning on him as he saw beside her. Ted got in and they drove off. There was nothing left to do but go back into my house and lay down. I slept in Jimmies bedroom so I could be close to him even when he wasn’t there. I snuggled his his teddy bear he kept in his bedroom as I feel asleep.

The golden rays of the morning sun and filled my bedroom and woke me up. I groaned as I woke. The suns golden rays glaring though my window caused her to squinted as I slowly become accustomed to it. I realized that I'd fallen asleep in Jimmy's bed. The house was empty, my beloved son was not in the house with me. I rose up and prayed that my son would be returned tomorrow on time.

I took an early morning shower and then sat in the recliner worrying about my son. I had decided that sitting in the house worrying wouldn’t get me anywhere. So I would go shopping. I needed a pair of new heels anyway. I got myself dressed to go out. I chose a pair of platforms heels and got in my car then drove off.

I went shopping for some new clothes and a pair of stiletos. The shopping trip lasted most of the morning and succeeded in getting my mind off of worrying. Then I ate a nice lunch at a restaurant. Shopping and buying two new pairs of shoes made me feel a little bit better. I felt a little better but When I made it back home, my worries returned. I still felt something was very wrong. I didn’t know what to do so I just sat and red a book until the evening hit. Then I decided to fix something for dinner.

Fretting over the matter wouldn’t make the time pass any faster so I decided to make myself something to eat. So, I went to the stove and started preparing some lasagna to eat.

Out of everything there was to eat, I loved Italian pasta the most. I craved the stuff. Pizza souse, pepperoni, noodles, tomatoes, olives, I loved them and my son Jimmy followed. He loved pasta too. We never could get enough of it.

An hour later I was waiting for the lasagna to cool enough to start eating a slice.

The wondrous smell of the pasta filling the room wasn’t enough to ease my thoughts that something was very wrong.

A loud ring shook me thoughts and made me jump. Picking the phone up and answering, “Hello?”

“Hey Jessica, do you mind if I come over? I know you are alone and afraid worrying about your son with that bastard. I wondered if I could come over and give you some comfort?”

She was my best friend Cheryl. Cheryl was always good help when I needed a friend. No reason she couldn’t come over. “Yes, I would appreciate that Cheryl. “

I heard Cheryl’s laugh on the other end, “If I guess right, you have a hot pan of lasagna getting ready for you to eat and your mind is filled with what terrible things Teds girlfriend Sandra could be doing to your son. Am I right?”

“Yes. You always know me,” I answered uneasily. “But, now the feeling is much worse and I’m so scared. He’s very frightened lately and he’s getting worse. Cheryl please come over I have a really bad feeling about this.”

My tone must had been very alarming. Something in the way I said it made Cheryl realize that I was very serious. She said ok and I heard her hang up the phone

I had a plate full of steaming lasagna in front of me when Cheryl came through the door. She smiled, “Do you mind if I have some, Jessica?”

“No go ahead. You are always welcome.”

She sliced a square off and sat down beside me and started eating.

“Yum, Jessica you are really one of the best cooks. Your pasta is the best, but today, this Lasagna is truly the best I ever had anywhere. Even in Italian restaurants. Wow!”

“Gee, thanks Cheryl. Have as much as you want I made more than enough. I want my son to have some when he gets back tomorrow. “

Her forehead wrinkled as if she was thinking about something troubling. I said, “If he gets back. I can’t get this sick feeling out of my mind that I have a feeling that Ted won’t return him this time. It’s just one of those feelings. I pray that I am wrong.”

Cheryl felt my worry and laid a comforting hand on my arm. “I hope so too Jessica. Jimmy has brought so much joy so our lives I really don’t know what we would do without him. I really love your son a lot.”

I met Cheryl’s eyes, “I know and he loves you too,“ that made her feel a little better and we returned to eating the lasagna.

My tension didn’t ease even after we finished eating, we both sat down on the fluffy sofa and started watching a movie. I always loved The Princess Diaries.

I said, “Oh thank you Cheryl you are the best friend. This is my favorite movie.”

We held each other tightly.

Cheryl must had fallen asleep because the movie had ended and she didn’t move. I stood up and she didn’t seem to notice when I left. About an hour later she called out and I told her I was in Jimmy's bedroom. I was lying on his little bed when she came in.

She looked around his bedroom. She picked up one of his pictures and asked, “Jessica who’s this girl?”

I didn’t notice that picture was still there. I answered disgust, “Oh that. That is my son Jimmy.”

She looked at the picture a little closer then cringed, “I’m sorry I didn’t recognize it Jessica. Now that I see, it is Jimmy. I was mistaken by the makeup, the curls in his hair and that sequined dress he has on. Why did she do that to him?”

“His girlfriend is sick,” I said. That’s how he looked when that bastard returned him two weeks ago after his court scheduled visitation. He apparently had some pictures taken, this was Ted's new girlfriend’s idea to dress him like that. Jimmy wanted to destroy those pictures, but I thought it was a good idea to keep them. You know, if it happens again this time I have some evidence to show the judge. “

Then I said, “She has serious issues. Jimmy said that she first saw him, she told him he was too pretty to be a boy. She had been dressing him behind my back. Ted was letting her. I warned Ted to make it stop. We will see if he takes me seriously this time. I will have to do something if he doesn’t. I must protect my son!“

I started crying thinking about what Jimmy could be going though at that moment and I was helpless to do anything about it.

We fell asleep in each other’s arms that night.

We didn’t wake up until around ten the next morning. I expected Teds old beat up truck be pulling up off any time to drop Jimmy off. But, no one showed up. One hour passed then the second hour passed. I was really starting to pace the room in panic by the third hour. Ted usually dropped my son off between ten and noon and it was one in the afternoon already.

I was in complete panic by the sixth hour. It was already five PM and Ted had not shown up yet. I waited another two hours before I gathered my stuff up got Cheryl and headed toward the police station. I knew in my heart ted was not going to return Jimmy. My son had been kidnapped.

The police gave me the usual runaround. I strolled up to the desk officer and told him about the custody agreement and my son has not been returned yet. He referred me to another officer who told me that nothing could be done until twenty four hours. It could not be ruled a kidnapping until twenty four hours had passed. That’s pretty stupid, but I waited.

I went home and did nothing at all. Cheryl tried to comfort me but how could a mother get any comfort after her son was kidnapped. I didn’t sleep or eat. I just waited another twenty four hours.

I went back and reported the kidnapping the next day. They took my report and asked me some questions. I showed them the court agreement and his picture. It went out all over the state. They called an amber alert. Local stations stopped whatever they were doing and showed his picture and asked for information. It went out all over. But nothing came of it. He was long gone.

My life never returned after that. Cheryl was the only friend that stayed by my side even when I was drifting from her. She refused to leave me even when I was being a bitch. She totally understood and I thank what ever higher power that I had Cheryl’s support. I went through my life, my job and home. But, nothing was fun or exciting anymore. I stopped living for five long years. All the excitement left me. I tried to find him. The police tried to find him, but no one could find my son.

Then a miracle happened five years later. My phone rang and I picked up. It was that bastard’s voice. He asked, “Do you want your son back.”

I screamed, “Of course I do you bastard, where is he!”

He answered, “You better restrain your anger or I will just hang up and forget the matter. Can we talk civilly?”

What was this bastard on? But he did have a point. I didn’t want him to hang up, so I pleaded in desperation, “Yes please. I will do anything you want just give him back“

He answered smugly, “That’s much better Jessica. If you want him back meet us at the bus stop on fourth street. You know where it is. No police and be alone. If I even think there’s police waiting you will never see us again. Understand!”

“Yes Yes, I understand. I will see you there.”

I left immediately. I didn’t bother to dress up or even clean. I ran out the door.

But no one was there. I waited for nearly an hour and my cell rang. I answered and he told me to meet him somewhere else across town. I went there and waited another hour.

He told me to meet him somewhere else after waiting there for nearly an hour he called me and told me to meet him at another place in the next town. So I drove there and waited. After thirty minutes and two buses had stopped and left, the third one pulled up and they all got off. I watched as people left the bus and walked away. My heart sank as none of them looked my son. Men women, young children all left. A young girl was the last to leave the bus and I nearly cried. My ex husband was just playing a sadistic game. The girl looked around, she looked strange. Then her eyes met mine and I saw a fierce look of hatred as she approached me. She approached me almost with total confidence and something like hatred in her demeanor. She stood in front of me wearing heels and a dress and top. “Hello, Mother. I am Jimmy, You may now call me Jessica. Are we ready to go?”

I took a step back from this intimidating young woman. My voice faltered, “Jessica, whats going on?”

She pushed me back and said, “I was Jimmy, the one you abandoned, left with that guy. You didn’t want me so you sent me away and they spent the last five years abusing and changing me. He sent me back to deal with you. I’d like to know why you didn’t love me or want me but he said because your new boyfriend didn’t want to raise another man’s son so you sent me away. But, I’m back and you’re stuck with me, bitch!”

I grabbed her to hug my child but she viciously pushed me back, “Don’t touch me!” She snarled. “Just because im yours doesn’t give you the right to touch me. You didn’t love me then so why should I let you try to love me now. I hate you!’ She whispered.

I nearly cried and said, “Okay I guess it will take a while. Lets go.” I led her to my car and we drove away. She just sat in the back, quietly and coolly composed. I was left wondering what the hell was going on. Some answers were obvious. That asshole stole Jimmy, changed him and spent the last five years telling him I hated him, that I sent him away. That I didn’t want him anymore. It was all lies. I wanted my son back more than anything. But, take a kid and spend five years keeping him in isolation and telling him his mother hated him, he will probably end up believing it. The question now was, what was I going to do with this kid that hates me and believes that I hate him? How was I going to convince Jimmy, or Jessica that I didn’t send him away?

Before I was even going to try to work with this girl, I had to meet police and inform them that I had my son back and that this was indeed, my son Jimmy. I was his mother so I knew that without a doubt. This was my son, His face was there, eyes, almost everything else was changed. She was now totally a girl, the body was a girls, and her gestures was girlish, almost right for a thirteen year old girl. Except for the burning rage I saw within her. And some sort of terrifying competence, a cool composure. She barely moved in the back. She just saw and watched outside, almost looking bored. We stopped by the police station and I asked Jessica to get out with me as I walked her into the station. Approaching the front desk, I said, “Can you get Detective Anderson, please and tell him my son has returned.”

He looked at me and down at the girl beside me. I said before he could say anything, “Yes that is my son Jimmy. Apparently, they abused and changed him in five years. That needs answers too which is, another reason why we are at the police station. Wouldn’t you call this a crime?”

The officer looked at me and at the kid, a disgusted horrified look crossed his face and he said, “Yes absolutely. If what you say is true it’s one of the most horrific crimes. And I have seen some really horrible stuff. I will get him for you. He’s in his office.”

The Officer left for a few minutes and returned with Anderson. He led the two into an interrogation room and left for a few more minutes. It was just an empty cold room with a large table in the center. A large one way window covered one of the walls. It looked like a mirror to us. We sat on one side of the table facing the door waiting.

Anderson returned with a woman holding some things. He tried to settle my son, “Jimmy, you aren’t in trouble. We just need some answers.” She approached Jimmy, took his fingerprints, put a qtip in his mouth and swabbed some saliva from his mouth and left.

We waited a few more minutes and they returned. Anderson said to us, “Well, its pretty much confirmed. That is indeed your son Jimmy. Fingerprints came back positive. The DNA can take months to come back but fingerprints is enough. Those don’t chance. Now, we need to clear up a few things. Like where has Jimmy been and what happened. Where were you these past five years?”

Jimmy said, “I prefer you call me Angel. If you have seen me officer you know it is silly calling me Jimmy. Do I ‘look’ like someone named Jimmy?”

He said, “No. If you prefer Angel that’s fine. Angel so where have you been?”

Angel replied, I’d like to have known that too, Offer. We moved around a lot. When mom sent me away, He took me on a plane and I think we spent most of the time in Venezuela. I had to learn Spanish to talk to anyone. I was isolated, I wasn’t even sure where I was. People met me, did things with me, and taught me things. And my body was changed in every way. We moved to other countries in the area but, I spent most of my time in Venezuela. I spent the final year in a Riyadh. That’s where I received my final instructions and training, and the final part of my transformation. My father told me they had the best doctors skilled in male to female transformations there. Only problem was, I always had to wear a black cloak when I was there.”

“Riyadh,” Said Anderson.

“Yeah, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”

Detective Anderson seemed to be writing it all down then he asked, “What happened to you?”

Angel stood up, posing femininely and said, “This is what happened to me. Mom sent me away as a seven year old boy. I came back six years later as a girl that she always wanted. I wont answer specifics. They bring back things that I would rather forget. Other things are secret that I am not at liberty to say. Let’s just say, I was changed into a girl in every way possible. I have to wear special pads on my clothes a certain time of every month, I’ve learned to deal with that as girls my age have. I am growing these breasts, their mine. No socks or filling or inserts. Their part of me. I have a girls internal parts too. I don’t know how it happened, but a brilliant and sadistic surgeon in Riyadh did this to me. I told him I wanted to live as a boy, I told my father too. He said he wanted a son but mother demanded that I be made into a girl for her. Dad said he had no choice.”

The detective looked at me and gave me a look. He knew how I was for the past five years. He was there before the kidnapping and saw how much I adored and loved my son. He didn’t believe a word of it, but an accusation like that had to be looked into.

Someone led my son out and he asked me a few pointed questions. He knew the answer and it was done. They questioned my son a little more. I watched though the glass window as another detective approached my defiant son. He asked, “Can you tell me anything about what happened to you, any names or places you were?”

He said defiantly, “No, I won’t. I was taught to be strong like a warrior. I was taught to be a strong girl, not a weak girl like my mother wanted. I can handle myself. That’s all I will say.”

The interview went no where. My son treated them as if they were the enemy and wouldn’t give them anything to go on. That didn’t last long until the detectives left and told us we could leave.

Anderson said, “They are waiting as the hospital for your son.” He gave us directions and he took us there where a few doctors were waiting. They took Angel into one of the hospital rooms. He took off his clothes and laid there while a few nurses and the doctor examined him. The OBGYN said after about twenty minutes of examination, “What Angel said was true. She is a fully functional female. Everything seems to be in order, and functioning appropriately. We will have to run some tests to be sure. I don’t know how this is possible, you say he was born as a fully functional boy and he was that until six years ago?”

“Yes, what happened to my son?” I said nearly crying.

“I don’t know. This isn’t possible. What they did to him isn’t possible with everything we have. We can do male to female transformations. Its extensive and long. But, we cant do this. The transsexual female isn’t fully functional, they don’t have periods or can give birth. Jimmy, Or angel is a fully functional female in every respect, as far as I can see. A few more tests will confirm it, But, I’m sure.”

They drew some blood, did a few more tests. Hooked my son to instruments, did a internal examination. They put a sonogram on him and looked inside some more and told us the results would be in tomorrow. I took my son and we went back to my home hoping he would feel safe there.

I pulled into our place and let him out. He took his large backpack and I led him into his bedroom. I didn’t change or touch anything it was just the same as when he left. He looked around, frowned and said, “Whats this, mom!”

“This is your bedroom, Angel. Is there a problem?”

“Yes,” He shouted. “This is mine when I was seven. And a boy, the ball players and airplanes. I am a teenage girl now. We can change it!”

I knew it wasn’t what he wanted. “Are you sure,”

“Yes, I am a girl now.”

“You don’t have to accept it, Angel.”

“Yes I do and its what you wanted! Isn’t that why you sent me away!”

I tried to pull him into my arms when he pushed me away. “No, it isn’t what I wanted. I want my son back. But I will love you regardless. I know you don’t want this.”

“I don’t want to be a girl,” He yelled at me. “But look at me, I have to accept it. Even if I refused to, the fourteenth of every month will remind me with the pain. So what choice do I have? I must accept the fact that im now a teenage girl. Its what you wanted so please don’t lie to me!”

I knew It would take time to tell my son the truth. He spent the past six years being told it was what I wanted. Somehow, I would have to teach him differently. I watched as he started setting up his new bedroom and I left to relax. I returned in about an hour to see him reading a book. It was Carl von Clausewitz, in German. I saw other books along the wall. There was the five rings in Japanese, and another in Arabic from Salah Adin Yusuf. I wondered what they had taught him while he was away.

I saw a large Katana on his desk. My son sat on the floor, composed himself and closed his eyes. He looked totally relaxed. I felt a chill go down my body, what had my ex husband sent back? Who was this thirteen year old that had red Von Clausewitz. How was I going to deal with him? Could he ever believe that I didn’t want this to happen to him?

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