Questions at the end, but have fun reading through this.
My weeks been a rollercoaster of thrills and feels.
To start, my sleep has been oh so wonderful since last Thursday. I woke up Thursday morning from a night filled with crazy dreams to find half my face swollen. I had to take the day off for the swelling to go down. No one has any idea what caused it. I think I may have had a moment while half awake and asleep where I smashed my head into my end table next to my bed while I wore my cpap. I vaguely remember something along those lines but not really. I stopped using my cpap until last night.
But that's not entirely what this is about, but kind of the background. Basically I have really annoying sleep issues.
Last night, I had a terrible nightmare. I've had quite a few nightmares in my life, but this one wins. It was so terrifying I woke up and my chest actually hurt from how fast my heart was beating. I hyperventilated. It's not fun hyperventilating while using a CPAP. Most CPAPs cannot keep up with the rate of breathing while hyperventilating. Every few breaths when you suck in air, the machine is still thinking you've exhaled so it's reduced the airflow. That's really fun.
The nightmare was a variation on The Thing. This is the life-form that can mimic other life it comes in contact with but also consume it at the same time. Most of my family and friends were in the nightmare. One of them was The Thing. We realized quickly each of us that one of us was it. None of us could pin it down because unlike The Thing, this version in my nightmare was sentient. It knew when we were onto it and would change hosts instead of just consuming them. Finally we were down to five of us. We were in a hilly forest type terrain and I was in the lead. Someone yelled out to stop for a break. I did. I could see the them. I waited, and every time I turned away one of them would disappear until all that was left was my best friend James, and myself. He smiled, he stepped towards me, I saw there was no one else, I knew he was The Thing. I ran as hard as I could, and right before he attacked, I woke up. My heart beating a like a jackhammer in my chest, my lungs grasping for air. Wide awake and it was only 12:30 AM. I had to rip my CPAP mask off to breath. After about a half hour I was able to calm myself down and go back to sleep.
I've had some really bad nightmares before, but not this bad. The rest of the night I tossed and turned and got craptastic sleep even with my cpap. I've had a hard time concentrating all day, and now I want to sleep. All my writing is stalled now because of how messed up this made me feel. Combine this with what happened Monday and Tuesday with my cars, it's a wonder how I got anything out this week.
But I want to know, does anyone have really bad nightmares like this and what do you do if anything to deal?
Tiny Demons
I dreamed I was standing in front of a class full of 15 year olds, talking absolute rubbish. And when I woke up, I was.
Seriously, 21 years as a secondary school teacher, and still the nightmare returns. I'm late for the lesson. I can't find my way to the classroom. And I haven't got anything prepared. Sometimes I get there, but no one listens to me.
I can deal with it because I know it's just memes fighting for control of my subconscious. They mine my episodic memory for recurring anxieties. I'll never stop them, for the simple reason that 'I' am as much a product of their conflict as my dreams.
Little sods.
I'll be honest here, my happy dreams involve what would be nightmares for other people (your thing dream would be tame to me, I'd be loving every second of it) and my nightmares are of things like being stuck in Oz with the lollipop guild singing around me.
I'm pretty screwed up.
(P.S.- but seriously, screw those lil lollipop guild jerks, they creep me out.)
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That's okay.
I've had dreams that should have been nightmares but were not.
I vaguely remember my dream from a few hours ago. I had thought to myself, I didn't need to be concerned with something. I don't know what that something is or was. Then that detail which was overlooked caused my dream self to die. I woke up gasping for air yet again and found myself turned around 180 degrees on the bed. I managed to get back to sleep for an hour, but I have a killer headache right now from the lack of air I encountered.
It's not so much content overall, but just how it ends that makes it terrifying.
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I used to have nightmares all the time
most of them I couldn't remember on waking, just the fear, and me screaming.
When I started dealing with my PTSD and my gender issues, the nightmares stopped, although I still get weird dreams.
Like last night I dreamed some woman tried to turn me into a girl ...
(looks at herself)
"Oh boy..."
Haunting dreams
There is one type of dream I have, and they are rare. When I wake up, the feeling is so haunting but in the good way. The kind of haunting I'd do almost anything to return and have that feeling again. It's the kind of feeling that I've never felt it outside a dream.
The first time I remember this happening, it was back in high school. I had a dream of girl me in bed with guy who was my best friend at the time. I woke up and it felt like I had the best most perfect piece of my life ripped from me. Last time I had a dream like this was much the same. I thought I had woken up and was a completely female but everything else in my life was unchanged and it was the happiest day of my life. I went and did things and life was good as girl me, and then I woke up, and it was a dream and I was devastated, but I had felt it. I had lived more while I dreamt than while awake.
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I know your feeling to the tee. I would dream I was a girl and I would be so happy in my dream ii would wake up woth a feeling of completenes like for this minute amount of time my life was right, I was right and who I should be, but then I would realise it was all fake and just break down and cry until I passed out. I cried because this amazing feeling was being ripped from me and it felt like my soul was just ripped from my body and also because I didnt know why I felt so happy then so shitty(this was before I realised who I really was)
I remember I had a dream where I lived my entire life from birth to death as a female. It was the most realistic dream id ever had. So real that i fell in love had my heart broken and experienced things that i had no prior knowledge of. I experienced child birth and motherhood and parenting.( i havent fought with my parents since, i respect them so much now)and I woke up questioning reality, the last thing I remembered was saying good bye to my family as I died. it screwed me up so bad that I thought I was in some sort of hell that i had been damned to eternal punishment as a preteen boy. and I had a nervous break down.
They chalked it up to temporary schitzophrenia caused by stress. But I think it was me remembering a past life all in the span of one night. I can remember every detail and tell you every name of every person. I just cant remember what my name had been. Well I really ranted lolz.
I've waken up crying from
I've waken up crying from them as well when they're gone. Glad to know I'm not alone in this type of dream.
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My nightmares are...
so strange, "bizarre" is far too weak a word to describe them. The most notorious was a rape nightmare, taking place early in my transition. A scruffy, bearded man with greasy black hair climbs into my bed (I had a queen-size bed then) and anally rapes me, screaming gibberish.
Worse, at the time I was in that half-asleep, half-awake state of sleep paralysis, so I could see my surroundings, but also see the nightmare figure as he attacked me. It made the whole experience all the more horrifying, because for about fifteen minutes after I awoke I could swear it actually happened. I don't know how long it took before I stopped shaking.
To make the whole experience even stranger, I saw a fellow on "America's Most Wanted" who bore a frightening resemblance to the phantom figure of my nightmare.
One I had more recently (about three years ago) is one I call "M.C. Escher Hospital." I had a doctor's appointment that my mother drove me to (she was still alive when I dreamed this). She waited for me downstairs while I went up for my appointment.
Right about then, my motorized chair's battery runs out of power. Fortunately, I have my charger with me, but I get into an argument with the nurse, who doesn't want me to use hospital power. Soon, it's a moot point, because the hospital's power goes out at that point (strangely, they have no backup generator).
So because I have no wheelchair power, I grab a pair of crutches and try to walk toward the nearest staircase. Because I haven't used crutches regularly in years, I stumble in pitch darkness all the way down the hallway to the stairs, only to discover they lead nowhere.
I look for other staircases, but find they're all the same--they look as though they lead to where I want to go at first, but when I climb up or down them, I end up back where I started. In the meantime, my increasingly impatient mother is yelling for me to come down, while the nurse is yelling at me for leaving my powerless chair behind. All in all it takes about eleven hours of wandering before I find the way down, and I have to face my now-irate mother. The hospital's power never comes back on.
Then there's what I call (only half-jokingly) my "reincarnation dream", because it seemed for all the world like accounts of so-called past-life dreams I've heard. More like a "wishful thinking" dream, because I was a nine-year-old girl in it.
The girl had been rendered paralyzed in one leg by polio. I had an older sister about fifteen who was diapering me in the back seat of what looked like a '46 Ford. (Apparently the girl, like me, was incontinent because of her disability.) She could stand, but she wore a heavy, uncomfortable leg brace.
I sit up and look out the side window--I see '50s-era cars, tail fins and all. A year pops into my head--"1958".
The scene shifts to the deck of a medium-size private boat--I as the girl am wearing a yellow dress, and remember the air felt a bit chilly around my legs. The man who's supposed to be my father hugs me and disappears. The rest of the family is traveling from Nantucket to relatives in Nova Scotia (yes, I knew the exact locations in the dream).
I find myself in the sleeping quarters of the boat, and feel trapped. I want to get up, but my brace is off, the boat is pitching and I can't move. Unfortunately, that's all I remember before I woke up, in a cold sweat.
The last of the three dreams I've wanted to adapt to a story for this site, but I could never quite answer some questions, such as why I was on a boat, and why my "father" couldn't join the rest of the family.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,
read above comment
Mime started in the early 30's(may 8th ,1932) and ended in the mid 90's (january 5th,1995)
If I'd had a dream like that...
...maybe I'd feel less bitter about not having the feminine childhood I wished. On the other hand, I could end up feeling as you did, emotionally devastated once I discovered it was all illusory.
I did not know any details about my "past-life" self, or my family beyond what I mentioned, either. Sadly, I know neither their names nor my own. Since the whole thing was from my POV, I don't have much of an idea what I looked like, for that matter. At no time did I see my own reflection.
I'd love to think it's evidence of reincarnation, but I think I added too many details from my real life (and my desires/fantasies) into it for that to be so. And felt so real. Rarely do I have a sensory dream, in which I have access to all five senses, but that dream certainly fell into that category. I felt how rough my "father"'s hand was, the wind on my legs, the texture of the fabric of the dress. All I can say is that the brain is a remarkable organ, in that it can produce elaborate scenarios like that.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,
If you believe in past lives
If you believe in past lives and reincarnations these details you feel might be contaminated by your current self, might actually be the opposite and your current self is built with the parts and pieces the previous lives have leaked through. It could work either way
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anyone ?
Ever repeatably dream that you are waking up and getting your day started before actually waking up for real. after the first couple you are thinking am I awake or still dreaming, but you can't seem break the cycle. Of course eventually you do actually wake up.
Repeating the morning
Many times, especially if I have work on the brain. Hate it when it happens, oftem more tired when I wake up.
Unfortunately for me, when I am stressed or really tired I often have hypnagogic hallucinations, or also called Sleep Paralysis/Night Terrors. When I was really young it used to upset me (screaming in the middle of the night doesn't endear you to people) thinking someone or 'thing' was in the room with me. Either holding me down, or standing by my bed.
Now-a-days I often, but not always recognize it and wake myself up.
PS I often have historical sort of dreams of a sort. When I was in seven grade I had a dream that I was a Revolutionary War solider bayoneted in battle. One of my favorites is walking around a Victorian mansion wearing a beautiful white dress.
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
It's not common, but it happens. It feels like my brain is a practical joker leading me on and then pulling the rug out from under me, yelling PSYCH!!! GOT YA!!! at me.
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