Living the Dream, part 1

Living the Dream

By: Malissa Madison

I remember the first time I saw my Momma, I was eight years old. My mother hated her because my father had left her for Momma. I didn’t understand about things back then.

Momma showered me with love and attention, always eager to accept whatever face I presented. At first I thought she didn’t like me because she would quickly discourage me from acting like a girl. But then I noticed it was only when she was afraid that my Father would see. He wasn’t a nice man, my body showed the scars to prove it, but when you’re a little girl trapped in the wrong body all you want is the love and acceptance of a Daddy. Something I would never have, no matter what I did to try and please him.

And I tried so very hard to be the little boy he wanted, but it wasn’t me. I cried, oh how I cried so many nights. My tears soaking my pillow, but Momma would comfort me when she could, she just didn’t quite understand what was going on yet.

And then I hit puberty, age thirteen, my girl hormones warred with the boy hormones of the body I inhabited. Up until then I’d been able to ignore to a degree the differences between my body and that of Genetic Girls.

But seventh grade Gym class and the showers in the locker room brought the reality down around me harder than I could accept. So I rebelled. I cut classes and skipped school. I hid at home during the day, discovering a freedom I’d longed for.

At home alone during the day I could be Malissa Madison. I would dress up in my sisters’ clothes. And dance and prance and fantasize that my family accepted me. That my body was that of a girls.

But as with everything in my life that to ended with the school year. I’d become addicted to it. I needed it to survive I convinced myself. I had to get away. The mother found out and oh how she prayed and pushed trying to get the evil demons out of me.

So I fled to my fathers, in hopes that my Momma would be able to help me.

At first Momma was afraid, she pretended not to notice when things would go missing from the laundry. For a whole year she tried to just let me be myself whenever possible. But that too came crashing down around us. I got caught wearing her clothes.

Those scars from that beating still linger, though faint and hidden from all but those who know where to look. She got beaten too when she tried to interfere, to protect me.

But then my momma did the only thing she could do. When he was away she threw everything she owned and everything of mine I wanted to keep into the back of her car and ran with me.

We never stayed anywhere more than a few weeks at first. She got a job, and changed the registration of her car.

And always she let me dress the way I wanted. She would smile whenever someone asked about me. This is my Daughter Malissa, she would say.

Somehow she found a few friends willing to help out. She got her name changed to Dotty Madison. And they changed my own last name to Madison.

I remember being scared when she took me to see the judge over my first name.

“What name do you prefer?” He asked me.

“Malissa, Malissa Dawn Madison Sir.”

“So polite, you are young Malissa. What grade are you in, in school?”

“I should be in ninth, but they won’t let me be a girl in school.”

“Well if I grant you the name change, you have to go to school. You have to have a source of permanent record to verify that you are using the name, as well as proof that you are living as a girl full time.”

I remember my heart sinking, almost crying that it wasn’t fair.

“I’m going to give your Mother,,,”

“Momma, my Momma,” I said.

“Your Momma the name of a school that accepts Gender challenged girls like yourself. You would have to live there during school. But you can be with your Momma on weekends.” He assured us.

“There really is such a place?” Momma asked in amazement.

“Perhaps you’ve heard of Miss Clara’s Academy for Exceptional Girls?”

I could see that Momma had heard of it before.

“Isn’t that a state girls home?” she asked.

“No it’s not been a correctional facility for almost eight years. Not since right after Miss Clara purchased it from the State. It’s for teen orphans, unwed teen mothers. And a select few ultra-rich who can afford the tuition. She accepts what she terms Transgendered girls. They live in the same dorms as the other girls.”

Momma agreed to try to get me in, and he signed my temporary name change. Pending acceptance at the Academy.

She took me with her for the first meeting with Miss Clara, who was very beautiful. So elegantly mannered. What most people would call High Class.? The interview went well. Miss Clara said, “I’ll accept her tuition happily. I think she’ll do well here.”

But the look on Momma’s face when she saw the first year’s tuition caused me to lose hope. It had to be so far beyond anything she could afford. It included school, as well as room and boarding for the entire school year.

I remember Miss Clara saying, “Karen, would you please show Ms. Madison and her daughter the forms for the scholarships programs?”

In the outer office my heart was in my throat as I cried quietly, my one chance at becoming a real girl had just been killed by a dollar sign.

A very nice looking man in a business suit came over and asked if he could help.

I snuffed back the snot threatening to drip from my nose. “No sir I’m sorry, I just had my hopes on getting into school. But my momma can’t afford it and now I can’t ever be a real girl because the judge said I have to go here or he won’t change my god-awful boy name.” I hadn’t even realized I’d said it out loud.

He stood up and reached his hand toward a girl standing beside him. “It’ll be ok,” she said as they walked past Karen’s desk into Miss Clara’s office.

Momma collected up all the forms, and we left for the motel we were staying in. It was going to be close. It was two weeks before the next school year started.

“Malissa, why don’t you run down to the café and bring us back a couple of burgers while I get started filling these out.” She handed me a ten dollar bill, one of the last she had. She’d been working as a maid at the motel to earn money to live on.

I was waiting for our food when someone said, “Hi I’m Tiffany St James. I saw you at Admissions. Are you going to be going to the Academy too?”

Frowning fighting back the tears I said, “Probably not. My Momma can’t afford the cost of Tuition.”

“Tiffany, who’s your friend?” a man asked her.

“I’m Malissa” I held out my hand and he shook it. It was the same man from the reception area of the Admissions office.

“Malissa Madison?”

“Yes Sir”

“Is that for your mother?” he motioned to the Burger.

“Yes I’d better get it to her before it gets cold.”

He handed Tiffany a Twenty Dollar Bill, “Why don’t the two of you go across the street and see a movie. I need to talk with Malissa’s Mother about applying for tuitions.”

“My Momma needs all the help she can get right now. If you know some miracle to get me a scholarship I’d really appreciate it.”

I don’t know why but something said trust him. So I followed Tiffany across the road to the cinema at the local shopping Mall.

Tiffany said they were going home in the morning as we reached my room. I thanked her for helping me feel better and told her to be sure to thank her Daddy for the movie.

“Yes, yes we’ll be here tomorrow. Yes I’ll wait by the phone, thank you. Thank you.”

“Good news Malissa. Tiffany’s father Richard put me in touch with a private tuition grant sponsor. It’s called the Jennifer Grant. He thinks you qualify, and said he’d call tomorrow to set up a meeting.”

I tossed and turned all night, falling asleep around three AM or so. But I woke to the ringing of the telephone in our room. Momma wasn’t there so I answered it. “Hello?”

“You got it Baby, you got the grant.”

“Momma where are you?”

“You were sound asleep when they called from the school, so Miss Clara said to let you sleep. But you got the grant.”

“Really,” I squealed. “Oh Momma please don’t tease me.”

“Get up and get dressed, I’ll be there soon. We have a lot of shopping to do. And we have to get you set up with your Allowance Account. You need uniforms and everything.”

The grant came with an initial $5000.00 Necessities expense to cover the cost of uniforms and any other items I might need for school.

I was to have a minimum of seven knee length pleated pink plaid skirts, seven white button down blouses, three ladies dress ties. Two school jackets with the school logo. Three light pink pull over sweaters also with the school emblem. Two pairs of black patent pumps with two inch heels. Two pairs of tennis shoes for gym class. Three tennis skirts, and tops. I was to have fourteen pairs of white cotton panties, and fourteen white cotton bras three of which were to be sports bra’s for gym class.

Appropriate after class attire befitting a proper young lady. That was a bit vague. But I had several nice Denim skirts. Also listed was appropriate sleeping attire. And two swim suits for swimming classes.

Under other necessities was listed grooming items. Hair brushes, two. Tooth brush, two. Jewelry, pierced earrings, one quarter inch in diameter, silver or silver finish, (No hoops or drops).

Modest makeup, eye shadow, liner and Mascara only for Ninth grade. Also light pink nail polish and manicure set.

Hair bows, ribbons, clips and head bands as necessary for beauty class.

And a book bag, shoulder type.

Then there was the list of normal school supplies, notebooks, paper, pencils, pens, ruler, erasers, pencil sharpener. And at the end was listed personal journal.

Momma and I were careful shoppers. They’d given us the $5000 up front in cash. And I was to receive my grant Allowance card after I got my school ID. By the time we finished getting everything on the list plus a few more nice clothes we still had just under two thousand left.

Momma took me to get my ears pierced. I bit my lip and took the sharp sting. Smiling knowing my Momma was proud of me. The lady who did it asked, “Are you going to the Academy Honey?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“I have the perfect studs for you then. They meet with Miss Clara’s standards.” They were quarter inch sterling silver beads.

“Here’s some cleanser for your ears. And you’ll want to twist them at least a full turn twice a day for the next four weeks. But don’t take them out before then or you’ll have trouble getting them back in.”

Momma was worried because she wasn’t able to get me scheduled for a school physical before it started. But Karen in Admissions said that was ok, she’d add me to the list, and I could see the school’s doctor.

We packed the car on Saturday night. And I went over the list for the thousandth time in two weeks.

“Calm down Malissa, you’ve got everything on the list. Including a purse that wasn’t on it.” She’d given me an address book with important numbers. Her motel room phone number. The number to the front desk in case of emergency. And the number for the used car dealership where she’d gotten a job. Plus the number for the local Jennifer Grant Trust Fund offices.

At about noon on Sunday we turned down the road toward the front gates. Momma had a parental pass stuck on the windshield of the car, and the guard at the gate waved us through.

“What if they don’t like me Momma?”

“What’s not to like Baby?”

“Momma? What if I want to leave, if they pick on me because of, you know?”

“Then I’m only a few minutes away, and I’ll be right here to pick you up.”

She pulled into a parking space at the Administration office. “Deep breath, let it out slowly.”

We got out of the car surrounded by strange girls and their parents most seemed to know where they were going. But there were a few who seemed lost. A rather pretty young woman stood on the side walk and began calling off names from a clipboard. I heard my name near the end and bit my lip. Momma urged me forward. “That’s us Malissa.”

She looked at me, “Name please?”

“M, Malissa Madison.”

“Freshman Dorm F2 room 306. But first stand over here with the other freshmen who haven’t gotten your ID’s yet.” After a few minutes she said, “Ok Ladies my name is Myra, I’m one the dorm mothers for F2. You’ll meet the rest in orientation. Grace, I’ll take the first bunch. Parents, we’ll meet you at the dorms over there after we get ID’s taken care of. Ladies follow me please.”

Someone touched my elbow, “Hi I’m Cassidy, this is Laura, and we’re roomies.” They both smiled. They were holding their new ID’s and room assignments.

When it was my turn I stood and waited for the flash, then signed the little card before it was taken to be laminated with my picture attached. In the upper left corner was a capitol TG. It was still hot from the laminator when it was handed to me with my room assignment. F2/306.

“See we told you so, come on let’s get our stuff before Tiffany gets here and claims the bed by the door,” they giggled. I looked at their ID’s and noticed both of theirs had a GG where mine was TG.

“I think they made a mistake,” I said.

“Let’s see? Nope no mistake,” Miss Myra said. “F2/306 Cassidy, Laura, Malissa, and Tiffany St James. Tiffany checked in this morning.”

“Crap. She’s already claimed the good bed.”

“Miss Cassidy, young ladies do not use the word Crap in public.”

“Yes Ma’am, sorry Ma’am,” she responded.

Momma helped me carry in my things. And realized I was standing in shock looking at all the other girls running around, most half naked in panties and bras. Some only in panties. But there were quite a few in lacey nighties, who had checked in the day before.

I only had three pretty nighties, but I’d left them behind thinking I wouldn’t be allowed to wear them.

In our room Tiffany said, “See I told you not to worry. I hope you like being near the window. These two Heifers prefer to be by the door.”

“You guys know each other?” I asked.

“We were roomies last year. But Sandra got knocked up over the summer so she’s in the single mother housing now.”

“Is this like normal? I mean having a TG in the same room as three GG’s?”

Tiffany gasped, “Oh my god, you mean you’re a GG?”

“Ummm, no?”

“So we’re the first room with two and two. They all high fived.”

“Look,” Tiffany said. “The easiest way to learn to be accepted as a girl is to live with them 24/7. And if they accept you then you gotta accept yourself, right. Besides you don’t have anything we ain’t already seen before.” They all giggled.

“What about bathrooms and showers?”

“There are doors on the toilets, and shower stalls, but the only real rule we pay attention to is don’t leave the room without panties on. Right Silver Spoon?”

“Silver Spoon?” I asked.

“She means me,” Laura said. “I could be in one of those swanky private schools. But no Mommy and Daddy insist I grow up in touch with reality. So here I am livin’ it up on the edge.” She giggled. “And totally loving it.”

I sat on the edge of my bed watching as they changed into their School uniforms right in front of me. They weren’t the least bit shy, and in deed Tiffany was Transgendered like I was. I started to cry, these girls whom I’d just met accepted me as one of them. In my whole life the only one who ever accepted me was my Momma. I had to explain to them why I was crying, and it ended in a hug fest.

“Hey do you want a bed next to the door?” Laura asked.

I snuffed back snot, “No I really do like being next to a window.”

Our room had no dividers but it was set up as four separate areas. Each with a bed, wardrobe locker, night stand, and a study desk with a lamp. On our desks, stacked neatly, were our books. All brand new. I’d never seen new text books before.

“We’ve got thirty minutes till orientation,” Tiffany said. “Then we go to the dining hall and eat dinner.”

I discovered that my roommates were all fourteen, where I was fifteen. I’d been set back a year in grade school. But it didn’t matter to them, they accepted me as one of them.

“Come on grab your home room note book and your journal,” Cassidy said. “We gotta go to orientation.”

Orientation was in the common room on our floor.

“My name is Gina, to those of you who are knew here at the Academy that’s Miss Gina. The rest of you already know we use proper titles. I am your Dorm, Floor Mother. This whole floor is one class. Each of the floors makes up its own class. So as you know that’s six classes of forty girls each.

There were ten rooms on each floor not including the double room of the Floor mother, or the bathroom and showers. The common room was at the top of the stairs across from the Dorm Mothers rooms.

“We have a new treat for you this year,” she pulled a cover off one of the tables. On one was lined up in neat order, pretty pink, Princess style phones. “Each room gets one phone. This is a new privilege, if one of you abuses it, your room will lose its privilege. And yes the number to your phone is matched with your dorm room.”

Our room phone was 314-553-2306. “Wow,” my roommates said, “last year only the Senior’s had Phones, and they had to pay for the installation.”

“I know you’re all curious about why you suddenly have this new privilege. After last year’s incident it was decided by our founder Miss Clara that every girl needed a way to contact home or other means of crisis intervention. Rayanne Sommers has returned again this year but she is in Myra’s Den this year, for those of you who wish to welcome her back. The others involved are no longer with the school. And currently enrolled at the Tri-State Girls correctional institute. So you see it doesn’t matter how much money Mommy and Daddy have, ‘We’ will not tolerate violence or Prejudice of any nature.”

“The phones by the way are a contribution from the Second Sisterhood and the Jennifer Grant Program. Now if there are no more questions I need to see the following Girls, the rest of you may go get ready for Dinner.” It was the first time I’d heard of the second sisterhood.

There were four names called, mine was one of them.

“We’ll wait for you Malissa,” my roomies assured me.

“You four weren’t able to get physicals prior to the beginning of school. So we’ve scheduled you for them this following week. Malissa, you and Rochelle will meet me here tomorrow after social studies. We will be going to see Dr. Ashton. Sandy, Holly, you are scheduled for Wednesday to see Dr. Crews at the same time, you two can go get ready for Dinner.”

“Malissa, Rochelle, Dr. Ashton specializes in Transgender Medicine. He’s not only a Physician, he’s an Endocrinologist. He’ll be overseeing and tracking your Hormones to ensure you don’t run into any problems.”

“Hormones? They can track that?” I asked.

“Of course they can, didn’t they explain that to you when you started your HRT?” said Miss Gina

“What’s HRT?” I asked showing my ignorance.

Gina reached out touching my small budding breasts, “Aren’t those real? They certainly look and feel real.”

“Oww, yes but I’m not on HRT, whatever that is.”

“Hormone Replacement Therapy,” answered Rochelle.

“If you’re TG and you aren’t taking Hormones, then we definitely need to get you in to see Dr. Ashton as soon as possible. Is your mother available to meet us there?”

“My Momma is staying at the Super Eight. I have the number if you need it.” I offered.

“Thank you Honey, I’ll call as soon as we’re done.”

“Miss Gina? This won’t get me kicked out will it?” I bit my lip.

Her hand caressed my cheek. “No Malissa, it just means we have to be extra careful with your dosages, and your Mother has to sign permission for you to start HRT.” She saw the look in my eyes, “What’s wrong Honey?”

“I don’t mean to sound rude, but She’s my Momma, not my Mother. My Mother didn’t want me.”

She hugged me tight, “Malissa, I’ll make sure everyone knows that she’s your Momma, not your Mother. And by the way, I’m also assigned as your transitional Therapist. We’ll meet every week for the next two months then once a month when we’re sure the hormone dosages are correct.”

“What’s the big hang up about your Momma?” asked Rochelle

“Rochelle, you’ve never been rejected by your birth mother have you?” asked Miss Gina.

“No she’s the one who got me into School here, after my Dad left us.”

“Mothers and Fathers can and often are Mommies and Daddies. But for some of us there’s a huge difference. And that difference is in the displays of Affection.”

“Oh god, you mean?” began Rochelle

“Yes Malissa was rejected, persecuted even by her birth parents. Yes Malissa I read your file, as well as that of the judge who granted you your name change, he called me after he got your petition to find out if we could help you here. So you see, you’re in the hands of people who really care about you.”

“Why would he be that concerned about me?”

She lifted my chin with her finger tips, to look into my eyes. “Because Honey, he’s my Daddy. And our story is pretty close to yours, just more in the past.”

“Now you two run along and get changed, I’m sure you don’t want to wear uniforms to Dinner on a Sunday night.”

“So what did the Dragon Lady want?” Tiffany asked.

“She’s not a dragon lady. She’s very nice. I have to go take my physical tomorrow afternoon, and do some tests so they can start me on hormones.”

“What you aren’t on hormones? Oh my god, you’re actually growing Jugs without them?”

“Tiffany?” It was Gina in the hallway outside our open door. “Please close the door if you are going to use crude unladylike language. They are Breasts, not Jugs, Hooters, Boy Magnets, Tits, or Face Pillows.” We were all fighting the urge to laugh.

“Yes Ma’am, sorry Ma’am.”

“Next time it’ll be a thousand word essay on how vulgar slang has degraded our society.”

I made a quick call to Momma to give her my room phone number and tell her that Miss Gina was going to call her.

I slipped out of my uniform and into a short skirt and T-shirt, with a pair of strappy sandal type heels. “Don’t forget your purse, and your ID,” they warned me.

The dining hall was set up as a cafeteria, each one served Four Dorm buildings. With all the girls and the staff that was fifteen hundred meals a day. There were three dining halls on campus, run by hired help. But most of the workers looked pretty young.

“They’re from the single mothers housing,” explained Cassidy. “They work here to pay for their expenses, plus they get a regular pay check on top of it as well as schooling at their own pace. Look there’s Sandra.”

I stepped in front of the girl to get my mashed potatoes and gravy.

“Is this her?” She asked Tiffany.

“Malissa, Sandra. Sandra, Malissa.”

She gave me extra gravy, “I’m glad to see they found someone nice and pretty to replace me this year.”

Miss Gina followed behind those of us on her floor. “They all do that,” Laura explained. “If one of us misses a meal they have to account for why. So if you are going to miss a meal during the school week you better let them know why.”

Home room was American History. Boring! We had Social studies after lunch, and after that was Physical Education, aka PE. I’d always hated PE in junior high. But today I wondered what I was missing as six of us rode in one of the school’s mini busses to the doctor’s office.

Momma was there waiting for us. The receptionist handed me a stack of forms to fill out. And Momma was helping me. She’d signed the permission form already to start me on HRT.

I was breezing through the questionnaire until it started asking about sexual contact and activity. The nurse noticed the sudden change and nervousness. They wanted to know everything, things I’d never even told Momma about.

“Ma’am how would you like to see what we do? I’ll explain the tests and procedures to you so you won’t be so worried.”

As soon as they left the room Gina took the clipboard from me, “Just tell me which ones to circle Honey.”

“Have you been sexually active?” “Yes.”

“Was it consensual?” “Yes and no”

“Were you ever forced into sex?” “Yes.” Gina drew a circle around the no above and the yes below.

“Did you know the other person?” “Yes”

“Did you report the incident(s)?” “No.”

“What types of sexual activity were you involved with,” I pointed to them, and she marked them. “Oral, consensual, Anal, forced.”

I was crying quietly when Momma and the nurse returned.

“What’s wrong Malissa? Honey talk to me.” I looked up into her eyes.

“I’m sorry Momma, I’m not the good girl you think I am.” I handed her the clipboard and turned away from her, waiting for her scorn.

It didn’t come, instead she wrapped her arms around me tight, rocking gently. “Baby, you aren’t a bad girl. You were curious, like any other girl your age.”

“If I wasn’t a bad girl, why didn’t he settle for the blow jobs? Why couldn’t he wait for me to be ready to go farther?”

“Because honey, he didn’t love you. All he wanted was sex. If he cared for you any at all he would have waited until you were ready and then he would have done his best to make sure he didn’t hurt you.” She answered.

I could tell by her tone that she’d figured out who it was. He’d left me torn and bleeding and barely able to move from the harsh rape. She’d asked and I’d lied saying I’d fallen off a horse. Three days later she’d piled us into the car and took off for Arizona as fast she could drive.

My natural hormones were about half of what a natural girls would be at my age, three times higher in the Estrogen and progesterone levels than a natural boys would be. Had I been put on full HRT without being tested Dr. Ashton said I’d have probably died in about a month from the overdoses if he’d given me the androgen blocker and hormones before checking the existing levels. It was enough to scare me into not trying to cheat on the dosages.

I started out with the Androgen blocker. “We’ll check your levels again next week Honey,” he said. “Then we should know a safe dosage for you to maximize your developments naturally.”

The next day we had Women’s studies in place of PE. Cassidy giggled and said, “Welcome to Health class.” We were given homework. A three page essay on breast development. As well as a notice that next Tuesday was Breast Exam day, I broke out crying because everyone else’s were twice the size of mine, and I was a whole year older than most of my class.

“Leave it to Tranny Twit to get emotional about not having Tits to examine,” someone said. I never got a chance to see the speaker before I heard the thud of a fist impacting with someone else’s face.

“Miss Kraft, Detention now. Report to your Dorm mother.”

Laura said, “It was worth it, nobody calls my roommate a Tranny Twit.”

Laura got a weeks after school detention for violence. She was put on dishwashing. Rhonda Howard got a week’s detention scrubbing toilets and showers for degrading another student, (me) and use of improper and harmful language toward another student and for provoking violence in class.

Today in gym we played dodge ball. I think Miss Priscilla conveniently ignored that Rhonda got slammed by everyone in class. Her whole team took a dive, just so they could watch her get creamed by all ten balls at once. It’s going to take a lot of concealer to cover her other black eye now.

I dreamed about Laura defending my honor. And how it made me happy knowing she cared. I woke up in the middle of the night with a tent in my panties. I slipped on my robe and slippers to go try to relieve myself. But as I passed her bed Laura pulled back her covers and pulled me in next to her, She was naked.

“Now where do you think you’re going?”

“I have to pee,” I said as she pushed me back onto her bed.

“I know you got this dreaming about me,” she whispered.” And since it’s my fault don’t you think I should take care of it for you?”

I was afraid to protest, I didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

I let it happen, she moved over the top of me and I thought about all the stories I’d read in Penthouse Forum and in Momma’s Play Girl Magazines.

“Laura, you’re a greedy bitch you know that?” Tiffany asked when I went back to my own bed, “I thought we agreed to share.”

“Will you two shut up? Malissa, are you ok with what just happened,” Cassidy asked.

“Yeah, it, it was my first time with a girl,” I admitted.

Suddenly they were all three on my bed. We talked for hours. And then suddenly the wake up bell was ringing. The four of us giggled all day, even though we dragged along from lack of sleep.

My roommates had admitted to waiting until I’d gone to sleep before sharing beds. Cassidy and Laura taught me a lot about making love to another girl. It was as beautiful as it was exciting and satisfying.

Thursday night tiffany crawled into my bed. “No pressure Malissa, I promise.” She was cuddling me from behind and I felt her pressed against me. “Just think of me as one of the girls.”

I let out a soft giggle, “Now that’s going to be hard to do with your boner pressing against my ass,” I whispered and twisted around in her arms.

“I’ll understand if you don’t want to, considering what happened to….” I pressed my mouth over hers, slamming my tongue in hard. Her Woody twitching against mine.

“I, I want you so much,” I panted into her mouth. “Please don’t ruin it by telling me when you’re going to cum.”

I lost control with her slipping into the floor on my knees as her fingers entwined in my hair. I took her all the way into my throat holding her there as I gagged and swallowed. Over and over again. I came up for air, “I want you in my mouth, all over my face.” Then twisted my mouth around swallowing her again.

I felt her swelling in my throat. As I began backing off she blasted into my throat and mouth as I locked eyes with her just as the tip slipped past my lips. It covered my face getting in my eyes. And I kept blinking against the stinging. All the while slurping and smiling looking up into her eyes.

“Oh my god that was amazing. How the hell did you manage to swallow that whole thing?”

I giggled as I scooped her cum out of my eyes. “You have to want it really bad.” I didn’t say she’d just given me validation as a girl.

“Doesn’t that sting?”

“Hell yes it stings. You could be a sweetheart and lick me clean.” But it was my other two roommates who took care of that.

Friday, we had to run twenty laps in PE today. Of all the day’s to forget my sports bra. My nipples were so sore.

Miss Priscilla called me to her office after class. “How do they feel? Are they sore?”

“Y, you mean my breasts? Yes, very, very sore.” I was almost in tears they hurt so much.

“That’s a good sign they’re growing. Here take off your top and bra,” she helped me. Then she took out a tube of Ora-Gel.

“When that wears off go to the bathroom and put some more on. Here take the tube. I’m surprised Tiffany didn’t tell you about the Ora-Gel. I taught her last year.”

We hurried and changed into our normal clothes, as I was about to leave for the dining hall the phone rang. “Miss Madison please.”

“Speaking, may I ask whose calling?”

“This is Karen from Admissions, your Allowance card Arrived today. Could you come sign for it before you go to Supper please?”

“Yes, thank you. I’ll be right there.”

I’d forgotten all about the Allowance card.

“Now you understand this is actually a credit card? It currently has a three hundred dollar a month limit on it. But anything you don’t spend gets added onto the next month’s total so it’s actually possible to save it up. Don’t worry you won’t lose any unspent allowance.” She explained.

“On the other hand if you go over, it gets deducted from your available allowance the next month. Now here’s your expenditures register, you are expected to keep track of your own expenses. It helps you to learn how to be financially independent,” she smiled.

“This says I can use it anywhere, or to draw cash from ATM’s.”

“Yes you can, even use it at the local pizza parlor. A lot of girls do that on weekends.”

I looked inside the register, “This must be a mistake. It says here I have a balance of nine hundred.”

“No honey, it isn’t a mistake. The monthly amount starts on the first of every month. And each new grant student begins there initial deposit on the first day of their birth month. It was back dated when you were approved.”

I fought back the excitement. “Thank you Miss Karen,” I hugged her and stuffed them both into my purse. Then hurried to supper, knowing Momma would be here for me when she got off work.

Momma bought me a little wallet to go in my purse. It had a section to hold the ledger, and slotted pockets for cards and such. There was a coin pouch and a section for cash.

She showed me how to keep track of my expenses.

“You write the actual numbers here in the first column. Deposits and expenditures both. This column is for deposits only. And the next is for expenditures.”

I looked at hers, the first and last column didn’t match up.

“That’s because I round up in the last column. It’s my way of creating a safety bumper. Just in case I forget something.”

“What’s this entry?” I asked pointing to one I didn’t recognize.

She smiled, “that’s another Miracle, Mr St James helped me get a Parental support grant. It’s just three hundred a month. But its letting me rent a real apartment instead of a motel room. And I can afford to get you nicer things when you’re here on weekends.”

“Momma all I need on weekends is you.” Then I giggled, “Is that why that foreigner answered when I called your room at lunch time?”

“Oh god baby, I should have told you I was moving into the apartment. I really wanted it to be a surprise. And you even have your own room.”

Her apartment turned out to be two towns away. It was closer to where she worked now. She was making more money, saving up to help me with my operation when I finished school. But she’d gone out and bought me six frilly lace baby doll nighties for school.

On Saturday I told her she really needed new tires on the car. “Those are getting pretty thin,” I said. “And I don’t want you getting stranded in bad weather.” She promised she would get new tires. And we spent the rest of the day window shopping together. She giggled and said, “Those guys over there are totally checking you out.”

I blushed and said, No they must be checking her out because she was definitely MILF material.

“I’m what?” She asked.

“Face it Momma you’re totally hot. Sexy. And too young to be my real Mother. So you’re a MILF.”

“And just what young lady, is a MILF?” she asked with a grin.

A young guy at the table next to us leaned over, his hand caressing her butt. “A Mom I’d Love to Fuck,” he whispered.

“Young man, please take your hand off my Ass. You probably wouldn’t know how to satisfy, let alone get me excited. Now piss off and let me finish my private conversation with my Daughter.” I was fighting back the urge to giggle.

That was the first time I saw Donnie, he had gorgeous dreamy blue eyes. And they kept drawing mine to him.

He was dressed in a Military Academy uniform, momma saw me looking and said, “Hey you see some eye candy?”

“He really is kinda cute,” I blushed.

“Well if it isn’t Malissa, what brings you to the mall here?”

I looked up to see Bambi Pierce, she was in the same Dorm but on the first floor.

She looked from me to the boy. “O M G you got the hot’s for my brother.”

“Shut up Bambi, Twin or not you better not intimidate someone I like.” He said.

“But you just felt up my Momma!”

“I had to get your attention somehow. I mean you wouldn’t even look at me before.” He tried to explain.

“Is that all I was to you then? A means to meet my Daughter?” I wasn’t sure if Momma was mad or amused.

He blushed, “Sorry Ma’am, but yeah I had to meet her. I’m Donnie by the way, Donnie Pierce.” He held out his hand.

“And she’s not old enough to date yet, she’s only a freshman like us. Besides Daddy and Momma said stop tail hunting and come on to dinner before they cancel our reservations,” Bambi huffed.

He stooped quickly and kissed my hand. “I’ll see you again My Princess.” He left a single carnation threaded quickly into my hair. And then he was gone.

Momma’s hand waved in front of my face, “It’s bad luck to watch them out of sight.”

I blinked and shook my head gently, “What?”

“It’s bad luck to watch your true love until he’s out of sight,” she said again.

“True love? No Momma, it’s nothing like that. I don’t even know him.”

She smiled that knowing smile of hers. “Not yet sweet heart but you will.”

We finished eating, and I wore the carnation in my hair the rest of the evening. The mall where she was now living was twice as big as the one near the Academy. The shops had prettier dresses, more expensive too.

“That’s because the Wittmeier Girls Academy is just down the road. And the Boy’s Military Academy is just outside of town,” she explained. “He probably goes to MMA from the uniform he was wearing.”

On Halloween momma got invited to a mother daughter event at school. I was curious because not everyone got invited.

Gina winked at me, “Yes you are to wear your school uniform. But you’ll want to wear your bathing suit under it.” The school had put up the non-local mothers in the guest house. There were two girls however whose dads were invited since they didn’t have a mother.

We were nervous, and I saw Bambi there. She was talking to a girl in her class whose father was invited. I tried to remember the girl’s name.

We were all gathered in the schools pool which had been covered over with a retracting floor. After the dinner, Miss Clara stood and introduced the guest of honor, Miss Julie Newmar.

She said how happy she was to be there for the evening’s events, then turned it back over to Miss Clara.

“If everyone would please move to edges while the caterers remove the tables.” Once the tables were gone they folded up the sections of floor covering the swimming pool. Miss Newmar stood at the foot of the low diving board with Miss Gina who held a box. Several older girls, I suddenly realized every one of them was a TG, shed their school uniforms and jumped into the pool.

“As your name is called you will come forward and receive your pin. Then you will immerse yourself in the waters of the Second Sisterhood to be welcomed by your new sisters.” I watched in astonishment as one by one they stepped forward then jumped into the pool. “Bambi Pierce,” she squealed and kissed her mother then practically ran to the foot of the diving board. It went on, “Jennifer Vandine.” The other girl walked quickly yet with a regal grace. Two more names were called and then I heard, “Malissa Madison.”

Shaking I hurried, Miss Newmar pinned me. “My I can see great things in your future,” she said.

The water was warm, and made warmer by the hugs of welcome from my new sisters.

It was a magical night, I mingled with others like myself and then Bambi sought me out. She giggled, “My Mom said I was supposed to give you this.” She handed me a folded piece of paper.

“Malissa, My Lady Fair,”

“Your eyes outshine the clearest morning, and your smile can brighten the darkest of moments. I count the days I sit in the garden searching for that perfect flower that is you.”

Folded in with the note was a business sized card that read ‘Cadet Sgt. Donnie Pierce, MMA’

“Crap I should have known it was from him.” She said.

“You don’t think I’m good enough for your brother?” I was suddenly aware of the contradiction.

“It’s not that, it’s just. Well we’re twins and he always has to horn dog my friends. Except he hasn’t chased after anyone since he saw you that day in the mall.”

“Oh, tell me about him. Is he nice? How old is he, what’s his birthday, what’s his favorite color?” I asked.

She stepped back and looked straight at me. “You’re serious?”

I shook my head yes.

“He’s very nice, he’s the same age as me fifteen, and we’re twins. His birthday is the second of July.”

“No, no way? We share a birthday and we’re the same age.”

Cautiously she said, “His favorite color is Blue, like your eyes. He has a thing for blondes.”

“Ahh, you gave her the note didn’t you?”

“Ma, Ma’am,” I stammered.

“Vincent said you were quite a stunning young vixen. His words didn’t do you justice. I’m Donnie’s Mom, Monica Pierce. You know his twin sister Bambi. I’m happy to meet you.”

I blushed, “Same here.”

“Mom, can we mingle. Besides she needs to go rescue her own Mom from Mr. Vandine.”

“Bambi, You’re being rude. I’m sorry honey I wanted to meet you and see who it was who caught my sons eye for a fleeting moment in time.” And then she was gone into the mingling crowd.

I saw Momma talking with Mr. Vandine, and she was smiling. My god my Momma was actually smiling like I’d never seen her smile before.

“Hi, I’m Jennifer.”

“Malissa, how long have they been at it?”

“About half an hour now. Oh my lord, not my baby pictures. Daddy, please don’t.” she rushed forward to interrupt the picture showing.

He slipped the pictures away again.

“So what have you been up to?” Momma asked me.

“I got a little note from that boy in the mall. His mother delivered it by way of his sister. But I don’t think they approve of me.”

“Oh, which one’s his mother,” Mr. Vandine asked.

“Monica Pierce, Daddy. You know Pierce, Pierce and Crouch?” Jennifer explained.

“Oh, you don’t want to get mixed up with him honey, he’s a love em’, and leave em’ playboy. He’s had more girlfriends than you can count.”

“Oh, so that would make me just another notch on his bedpost.”

“I hate to say it Princess, but yes I’m afraid so.” Mr. Vandine was brutally honest. I started chatting with Jennifer and we began to laugh about things.

Around eleven the party began to break up, I ran into Miss Newmar again just before we left.

“Don’t give up on him sweetie, if he sent you his card, he’s serious about you.”


“He sent you a note with his card, but his mother and sister don’t approve. All I’m saying is don’t give up on love. That boy would move heaven and earth for you, I can see it in his eyes when he looks at you.”

We walked our parents back to their rooms.

“Malissa? I’m a bit embarrassed to ask you this, but do you have a condom or two I could borrow?” asked Momma

“What? Momma, after all the times you badgered me about always keeping some in my purse just in case.”

“I know Baby, I just never thought I’d meet anyone I wanted ever again.”

I smiled and took out four of the six I’d gotten in health class. “If he makes you happy Momma,,”

“Oh god, baby I don’t want to make things awkward for you.”

“Momma, stop worrying about me. I haven’t seen you this happy since, well never. You made me happy, now it’s your turn to be happy. I’ll see you in the morning at breakfast. And I want details.” She smacked my bottom playfully.

“You better get back to your room so he can visit.”

As I stepped out into the hall, Jennifer was standing at the door to her father’s room. “For heaven’s sake, here that’s all I have. Now go rock her world. I think you both deserve some happiness for a change. Just go slow, and remember, you don’t need my approval or Malissa’s. This is between the two of you.”

I waited near the door for her, “I think we just gave our parents the same speech,” I said.

“You don’t mind my Daddy boinking your mom’s brains out?”

I giggled, “I told her to rock his world and not to worry about us. Then I had to give her a handful of condoms.”

Giggling she said, “My Daddy asked if he could borrow some from me too.”

“Ewwwwwww,” we giggled. “Used condoms, I hope they don’t think we want them back.”

“What are you two doing out here this late? Oh sorry I trust your parents are safe in their rooms.”

“I hope not,” Jennifer said.

“Well I hope your Dads safe with my Mom anyway.” I admitted.

“Dad hasn’t had sex in a long time.”

“God I hope my Momma doesn’t break him.”

“Oh it’s you two. Should have known. Don’t worry we won’t let anybody disturb them. Including you two. Now come along I’ll walk you to your dorm.”

The next morning they weren’t in their rooms. We found them in the dining hall holding hands over a cup of Coffee while their breakfast got cold. Everyone was staring at them.

We both sat down next to them. “Good morning.”

“Yes it is.”

“Did you two have fun last night?”

“We sure did.”

“Can I have a puppy Daddy?”

“Sure honey get us a fresh cup too.”

“Momma I got knocked up last night in a gangbang.”

Not blinking or looking away from him she said, “I heard you honey. But I doubt you got knocked up or had a gangbang.”

“What?” He stammered. And we giggled.

“You said I could have a puppy,” Jennifer told him.

“Don’t be absurd you’re allergic to dogs.”

Momma was blushing, “That won’t stop you from my favorite position I hope.” Then she kissed him a said “Rrrrruff.”

Miss Clara came over with her Coffee, she never sat with students. “Excuse me.”

“Clara, to what do we owe this pleasure,” he asked?

“Sorry to interrupt what’s becoming quite a show of affection. But I need a favor from the Jennifer Grant.”

He was suddenly all serious. “Just ask.”

“One of our eighth graders lost her state funding. And without a grant she won’t be able to stay here. She’ll be put back in the state home. And I’d hate to see that happen to someone who qualifies.”

“Jennifer?” He asked.

“You’re talking about Constance Doe aren’t you?”

“Yes, dear.”

“I’ve seen her grades. For a thirteen year old I think she needs to be in ninth grade.”

“Really? I thought so too she’s already doing advanced classes,” Miss Clara stated.

“Ma’am. I’m down a Roommate already, I’ll sign the ok if you move her into ninth grade and put her in that empty bed.”

“What about your other roommates.”

“Sookie won’t mind. And Bambi won’t cross me.”

Jennifer looked at me, “You don’t know anything ok?”

“Sure, but Damn this is so huge. I promise. I cross my heart.”

“Come on we’ll go see Karen and I’ll sign the forms.” She made a come here motion to Tiffany.

“Malissa is in on the secret.” she said.

“God it’s so good to not be the only one who knows who you are. So what’s up with your Dad and Malissa’s Mom? Did they get down and dirty last night?”

I smacked her arm, “Tiffany!”

“Personally I hope the hell they did more than that, I think it’d be nice to have a sister for a change. And daddy stopped dating women who were trying to get at his money.”

“Jennifer?” I asked puzzled.

“Malissa, your Momma isn’t like all those others. She didn’t know he had money until Miss Clara interrupted them. And I really want to know what it’s like to have a Momma who cares about me.”

“So like what are you saying?”

“She’s saying she wants your parents to hook up permanently you dip.”

“Look I just want my Daddy to be happy. And your Momma makes him happy.”

“That’s all I want for my Momma too.”

Jennifer looked up from the papers at Karen, staring straight at her. “Not a word Karen. Not one word.”

“You got it Honey.”

Jennifer turned around and hugged me. “I always wanted a big sister. Of course it might be nice to have a little one too. Just not too much older or younger.”

“I’ve had my fill of older sisters, but younger ones I can corrupt would be cool.” I giggled.

As we closed the office door behind us Tiffany asked,” Jennifer Vandine what the hell was that all about?”

She smiled, “Remember you promised, Operation Mommy and Daddy combined with Operation Little Sister.”

I was ready when Momma called the next week to ask if it was ok with me if she visit with Jennifer’s Dad.

He called to ask Jennifer the same question.

On the following weekend though they both showed up at the same time.

They were holding hands and momma was smiling still.

Jennifer hugged her daddy while I hugged my momma, and they still held hands.

“Daddy, I want to see it, please.” She looked up at Momma smiling then reached for her hand.

The instant sparkle flashed bright in the sunlight. Jennifer wrapped her arms around Momma’s neck. “You got me a Momma for my Birthday, thank you Daddy.”

I giggled, “Can I have a pony?”

“What? No you may not have a Pony,” Momma answered.

“I was teasing Momma, thank you for getting me a real Daddy for Christmas. But I really think this is one present I want early.”

“Your birthdays not until next week honey, so I figure this will give my girls time to find dresses.” He informed us.


“Yes Honey, I can’t get married without Brides Maids can I?”

We giggled, and I squealed.

“Jennifer, you’re going to be off all next week, and we were thinking that maybe since Constance hasn’t got any family to go to, she might like to come home with us.” They said.

“And of course she’ll need a bride’s maid dress, we don’t want her to feel left out.” Momma said.

Tiffany’s Daddy was the Best Man, and Jennifer, Connie, Tiffany and I were Momma’s Brides Maids.

They had the ceremony at the school, they wanted to get married where they met. Of course 24 hrs was a huge rush to get our dresses ready. They took off on their short honeymoon. Then came back on Wednesday to pick us up for the Thanks giving holiday.

“Excuse me,” Miss Myra knocked on Jennie’s Door. “I was told to bring Constance to the administration office.”

“Why? We’re getting ready to leave.”

“All I know is I’m supposed to have her there in ten minutes to meet a couple who applied for adoption.”

We were all of us shocked, “No,” Jennifer said.

“Look I’m sorry but Karen has a court order to have her present to meet the prospective couple.”

There was a growing crowd of girls following behind us. At Karen’s office we said, “Look if we don’t like them they aren’t taking her anywhere,” Jennifer and I said.

Momma and Daddy were standing there as we pushed our way into the office. “Daddy, someone is trying to adopt Connie,” Jennie said.

“Yeah you can’t let it happen,” I agreed.

“But Malissa, you asked for a Pony so we decided to get you both a little sister instead,” Momma had her arms wrapped around Connie already.

Jennifer wheeled around on Karen, “You knew! You knew and you let me go through all that hell on the way over here!”

Karen Smiled, “Yes I knew. But I figured I’d show you that I can play hard ball too.”

The garage was huge big enough for six cars. There were eight bedrooms in the house. Four upstairs and three plus the master bedroom down stairs. The kitchen was humongous.

Momma’s old Barracuda was parked in the Garage, I ran my hand across it lovingly. “You’re getting old girl, but you still have a lot of miles left. I’ll get you those new tires. Don’t worry. I won’t let them scrap you.”

I heard someone in the kitchen. A large black woman stepped back and looked me up and down. “Why you must be Miss Malissa, right?”

“Yes’m, but who might you be?”

“Anna,” Jennifer squealed from the other doorway and ran to hug her. “Malissa this is Anna. She helped Daddy raise me.”

“Hi Anna, I’m glad to meet you.”

“Same here, now tell me did you start the coffee?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Goll darnit, that’s about all the Mrs. Will let me do in the kitchen. And here you’ve done, done it.”

“I’m Sorry, I didn’t know.”

“Good morning Anna, I see you’ve met Malissa. Connie’s in the bathroom, she’ll be down in a minute.”

Anna got Momma a cup of Coffee, “Mmmm, nice.” Momma looked at me. “If you’re going to be in charge of the coffee on Anna’s days off you better learn to make it her way.” Momma winked at Anna, who pulled out the pot and did something over the top then poured a fresh cup to hand to Daddy as he stepped through the door.

Connie came in right behind him. “What’s for breakfast?”

“I don’t know what do you know how to cook?” Momma asked.

“It’s alright I don’t mind fixin’ up something.” Anna started toward the cabinets.

“Anna, remember our agreement. I want my girls to be self-sufficient. You can lend constructive advice but they do their own cooking. With the exception of the big meal. I just love your sweet potatoes. But you need to spend it with your family not here serving ours. Are you sure you can’t convince them to come join us?” Momma asked.

“Daddy what would you like for Breakfast?” I asked.

“Fried potatoes, scrambled eggs, biscuits, gravy and sausage. But if you aren’t up to it I’ll take a bowl of Cereal.”

“This may take a while,” Connie said.

Daddy smacked Momma’s butt. “Then we’ll wait out on the patio with a cup of coffee.” She giggled and grabbed up her cup following him outside. I started looking through cabinets.

“Anna? Who set up this kitchen, I mean did you set it up or did Momma come in and Change it?”

“We compromised on a few things. She set up the pots and pans and the spices.”

I smiled, “Thank you. Jennie you chop up the potatoes, and I’ll get the Onions.” I pulled out Momma’s Cast Iron skillet and put it on the stove. Turning on the burner I crossed to the refrigerator. Taking out a roll of sausage and a slab of bacon. After a moment I put the bacon away.

She watched as I opened the roll of sausage and dropping it into the pan.

“Child, you’re going to ruin that skillet.” I ignored her as I let the meat start sizzling on low. I took out the ingredients for biscuits and turned on the oven. I noticed the bird was already in the top oven. Jennifer just looked at the potatoes. “What do I do?”

Connie grabbed a knife, and started peeling, “Jennie why don’t you take over cracking the eggs into a bowl. With this many I figure a dozen and a half.”

I had the biscuit mix done and paused to stir and crumble up the sausage. Then turned back to rolling out the biscuits.

Connie was now chopping up potatoes, I looked over in the sink. “Yeah that should be enough.”

Jennifer was busy picking egg shells out of the bowl. I slammed the big baking sheet of biscuits into the oven and turned up the heat under the big skillet.

As soon as the sausage was done I had Connie add the potatoes. Then started on the onions. I lit a candle and put a slice of bread in my mouth.

“Here let me do that,” Connie said. “Do you know how to grate cheese?”

Jennie reached in the fridge and pulled out a package of pre grated cheddar.

When the onions, sausage and potatoes were done, I scooped them out into a big bowl then we scrambled the eggs. They only took a few minutes.

Next I strained the grease off the stuff in the bowl and turned up the heat a little more. Anna was sitting on the edge of her chair now watching. I added the flour a little at a time constantly stirring browning the flour. When it was ready I began adding the milk, pausing to add salt and pepper.

“Girl where’d you learn to cook like that?” I smiled

“From my Momma, here tell me if it needs anything.”

“Just a biscuit or two,” she grinned.

Then she about had a heart attack as I up ended the bowl into the gravy and stirred it all together. Then added the cheese. I had Jennifer carry out the plates and silverware. And Connie carried out the platter of biscuits.

Momma was smiling, when Anna sat down with us she said, “Didn’t I tell you my girls could handle it?”

“Well I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect but it do look pretty good. And yes Ma’am Malissa sure knows how to make gravy.”

Daddy broke his biscuits apart, “Are these homemade?”

“They surely are, I watched Malissa whip em up her own self.” Supplied Anna

He scooped out the mixture onto his plate, “Now this reminds me of my years in the Army.” He took a big bite. “Dig in girls, we got us a breakfast cook.”

There wasn’t anything left over, but everyone was full.

Momma had cooked two turkeys with stuffing. And she and Daddy left to take Anna home. Right after they left Jennie started feeling sick. In a few minutes she was doubled up in pain. Her face was white and she had a high fever. She said the pain was coming from the left side of her groin area.

“Oh shit, Connie call an ambulance.” I said panicking.

“I did, it just rings.”

I grabbed the keys to Momma’s Barracuda off the hook, “Get our Purses.” I picked Jennie up in my arms and carried her to the passenger seat. “Connie get in.”

I pushed the garage door button and started the car. Halfway to the hospital we passed Momma and Daddy going toward home. But I didn’t stop I didn’t know how much longer Jennie could hold on. When we screeched to stop in front of the emergency room she seemed to be almost lifeless until someone tried to move her then she screamed in pain.

“Get her to the OR, we have a burst appendix. Move damnit.”

I turned to look at the cop who’d been trying to stop me for the last ten or so blocks. “God kid you can drive that thing?”

Momma and Daddy showed up, “What happened? Where’s Jennie and Connie?”

“Jennie’s on her way to the OR, Connie’s probably thanking god she wasn’t killed by my driving.”

“Why didn’t you call an ambulance?”

“No time and no answer when we did try.”

“You did the right thing, you got her here safely.”

Jennie came through surgery ok they managed to catch it just before it actually burst. The newspaper picked up the story, and then it was on TV news once.

I woke up to Daddy in the hallway, “I don’t care, you are not ever going to see her. You threw her away and it took me too many years to get her out of that hell hole you put her in. So you just go get your lawyers and we’ll see how far you get.” He was furious.

“Who was that, Daddy was arguing with?” I was asking Momma. But it was Jennifer who answered.

“That was my Dear, heartbroken pathetic excuse for a Mother, the infamous Jocelyn Vandine. The Evil Bitch.”

The next day she came back with a phalanx of lawyers. But Daddy was ready for her.

“Look I just want to see my Daughter,” she screamed. Of course there were news camera’s there.

“Ms. Vandine? Would that be the Daughter that you swear in paragraph C that you never had and never wanted? Or the Son, that you Swore to never attempt to Contact in Paragraphs A and B. we have the child’s birth certificate right here, that shows mother refused to be identified with child.” Said one of Daddy’s lawyers.

“Look you asshole that’s my son in there, he’s been warped into thinking he’s a girl.”

“We’ll make all these legal documents available to the press showing that you have withdrawn all claims to any child anywhere. And state that you never had a child.”

Daddy stepped forward and handed one of the lawyers something. After he read it he grabbed her by the arm. “We have to go now! This is over,” he practically dragged her out of the hospital.

“Wow Daddy what did you tell them?”

“I reminded them of a certain clause, where in it states that if she attempts to make contact with the child she claims never to have had, her estate will forfeit twenty million for each hour until such time as her estate is bankrupt or she withdraws any further attempts. I wrote in the time she arrived yesterday.”

“That was twenty five hours ago?” Jennie grinned.

“Holy shit, you mean she just forfeited five hundred million dollars?” Connie asked.

“Yes and it all goes into Jennifer’s trust fund which also funds the Jennifer grants.”

“She thinks I got rich using the Money she used to pay me off so I’d stop making a scene about her putting Jennifer in an institution while I was in the Army. I haven’t touched a penny of it, and Jenifer only touches what she needs to keep the grants going.”

That was the first time that Her being the Jennifer behind the Grants was mentioned in front of Connie.

“You, you’re like filthy rich?”

“No, I just have some money. Daddy has his own and he set me up with a trust fund. So since I consider everything from my mother to be tainted blood money I use it to do good things for others like me.”

“And that reminds me,” Daddy said. “I need to change the status of yours and Malissa’s credit accounts.”

Jennie was released from the hospital on Saturday, and we had moved her things down to one of the spare bed rooms so she wouldn’t have to climb the stairs.

I noticed Daddy in his den, sitting at a drafting table. I brought him a fresh cup of coffee, “So what are we looking at?”

“Blue prints for a new shopping mall.” He eyed me curiously, “Have you ever seen real blue prints?”

“Not for a building. Are they anything like the ones they make up for Guns?”

“You’ve seen weapons blue prints?”

“My Father, was a Master Gun Smith. I could probably make one from scratch just from memory.” I admitted.

He flipped all the way to the last page. “The rest of this thing is pretty sound, but I’ve found a couple of problems with this basement level. Do you know load bearing equations?”

“You mean like this one here that shows the strength of the columns?”

“Yes, and this shows the projected weight of the upper levels.”

I scrunched my eyes furrowing my brows, then traced the lines on the paper. He studied me as I studied the page.

“This one here and this other one over here won’t support the weight. Not once you add whatever the shops above are going to sell. And that means this whole section will collapse in on itself. Daddy you have to fix this before they build it!”

He hugged me, “I already have. And just so you know, this shop here is where you and your Momma, and sister’s jewelry comes from.”

“But, if it’s been fixed why were you staring at it?”

“It’s calming to look at and know that I fixed someone else’s mistake and saved a lot of grief for others. I was a fresh out of the Army Engineer, and I was working for the company that was building the Mall. They fired me when I started warning them it had to be changed. But enough people saw and understood how dangerous it was. So now I own my own company and I do a lot of Engineering Consultations.”

That was the first time I ever saw those blue prints that would later play an important role in my life.

Connie and I went back to school on Sunday, promising to bring Jennifer’s home work to her the next weekend.

We helped her get caught up and she insisted on going back with us. She refused to be bedridden. Damn she was stubborn, but thankfully she healed fast and let us help.

We got out the week before Christmas, two whole glorious weeks at home with Momma and Daddy.

“No, it isn’t two weeks at home. We always go skiing between Christmas and New Year’s,” Jennifer informed Connie and I.

On Saturday I found Daddy in the garage winterizing his pretty BMW. He looked up from under the hood. “I was just about to start Tuning up your Momma’s old car.”

“I thought maybe she got rid of it when you bought her the Mustang,” I admitted.

“Now why would she do that? She promised it to you, when you got your license didn’t she?”

“Yes sir,” I smiled.

“She tells me you’re pretty good with a wrench, Wanna help?”

I popped the hood open.

“Why don’t you go put on a pair of jeans, so you don’t get your skirt dirty?” he suggested.

I looked down at my skirt. “You’ll wait till I get back?”

He crossed his heart, “I promise.” Momma was in the kitchen teaching Jennifer and Connie how to make Gravy, and Glaze a Ham.

I skipped happily up to my room and changed into my favorite faded stained Denim Skirt, and a ratty old T-shirt, and my old strappy sandals with the two inch heels. They gave me the extra height needed to get up over the engine.

“Malissa? Where are you going?” Momma asked as I skipped through the kitchen.

“I’m going to help Daddy tune up the Bitch.”

Connie and Jennifer giggled.

“I really wish you’d give her a different name Sweetheart.”

I laughed, “You named her not me.” I was through the door and into the Garage.

“Isn’t it a bit chilly in here for that outfit? Besides you’ll get grease all over that pretty skirt.”

“I always wear this when I’m working on the Bitch,” I told him. I caressed the fender, “Isn’t that right Baby?”

He started to help, but then stood back and watched me work.

“Daddy, if you have all that money why do you still do your own oil changes and tune-ups?”

“Because this way I know it’s done right and I know enough to check a real mechanic’s work if I need one.”

I took out the plugs and gapped the new ones before replacing them. Then I popped off the distributor cap and got to work on the points and condenser.

I set the old ones aside, then adjusted the new ones. Bumping the engine until they were fully open.

He handed me a feeler gauge. And I used it, then got a match book out of the console. “What’s that for?” He asked.

“Another five miles to the gallon on the highway, and about eighty more RPMS of surge on takeoff. She’ll pop up out of the hole faster and not fishtail as bad from a stand still.”

“I see,” he said.

I started it and adjusted the timing by ear. When I shut it down I said, “I think she has a bad plug wire”. I ran them down checking each one, but couldn’t find it.

“Start her up again,” he said and turned out the lights.

“Holy crap we could use her for the Christmas tree.” The wires were arcing all over the engine. “She needs a new set, I’ve patched those so many times they’re way to short anyway.”

He smiled, “I got a set over on the work bench.”

When they were on and I had the timing readjusted again he said, “She runs so smooth. You really know your way around a car.”

“Thank you Daddy.” I hugged him tight. Fighting back the urge to cry.

“Did you bring your learners permit home from school with you?”

“It’s in my purse.” My excitement was growing.

“I really want to get some new tires on her just in case your Momma has to drive her.”

“Well I wouldn’t want her driving her now, she has two bent rims that we couldn’t afford to replace. I plan on doing that when I get my license.”

“Tell you what, I’ll buy you the tires and a set of whatever rims you want, after we grab a sandwich. How’s that sound Princess?”

My heart fluttered and I had to catch my breath, Oh my god I thought. He just called me Princess. I was still flushed as we entered the kitchen.

Momma was looking at me funny, I wolfed down a sandwich.

“Slow down Princess,” it happened again. I was now Daddy’s Princess. “You can drive, and I’ll let you pick them out, and you can bargain for them too. But I’m paying for them ok?” I hopped into his lap and hugged him, then I kissed his cheek.

“I know just what I want Daddy.”

I rushed up the stairs to change.

“What did you do? I’ve never seen her so giddy.”

“I told her I’d buy her new tires and rims for the Barracuda, whatever she wanted.”

“No that wouldn’t raise that kind of reaction.”

“Wait, you called her Princess and she practically squealed. I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.”

He smiled, “A set of flashy chrome rims, and Mickey Thompson tires. You know wide in the back, narrow in the front.”

“You really don’t know my girl do you.”

“I’ll bet you a pony ride that’s what she wants. That’s what all the teenage girls want these days.”

I came down the stairs slowly, a pair of three inch heels, my shortest denim skirt, lowest cut blouse. Wearing an imitation fur jacket that didn’t fasten in front, with my purse over my shoulder. My hair in loose pigtails, and just the slightest hint of makeup.

I saw him swallow hard, “Damn Princess its freezing outside.” My heart skipped again and I blushed. “It’s ok Daddy, I won’t freeze. The cars got a good heater and the garage is heated. Plus the show room will be heated so they can get customers to look more.”


“Yes Momma?”

“Behave yourself.”

“I will Momma, I’m just going to bargain for tires and rims.”

I sat in the driver’s seat adjusting the seat and the mirrors. When I was satisfied I started the car, then pushed the door remote.

We chatted as I drove testing the traction of the road for ice. I made one full pass along the strip where most of the tire shops were in town.

“This one looks good,” I said and turned on my blinker. When I parked right by the door I said, “You’re really going to let me do the haggling? And pick whatever I want?”

“I said so didn’t I? Here you can even hold the credit card.” I looked at it wide eyed, it was a Platinum American Express.

I gasped as the icy wind blew up under my short skirt and giggled at the way my nipples hardened like diamonds under the thin blouse.

The sales girl looked up, “Can I help you sir?”

“My daughter is looking for a new set of tires and rims for her car.”

She started over toward us. “I haven’t had a chance to look yet I’ll let you know when I’m ready.” I told her.

She huffed up and spun around to leave, I could see it in her eyes. ‘Another spoiled little rich bitch brat,’ is what she was thinking. I knew because that was the image I was going for when I chose my outfit.

I spent most of the ten minutes looking at the Rims on display. Then glanced at the tires before the owner came rushing out. “Deloris, why aren’t you helping the customers?”

“Sorry sir how may I help you?”

“I need new rims and tires on my car,” I said. “Do you have any of these Craiger’s that would fit a ‘66’ Cuda?”

He glanced out the window at my car, “Sure do Honey.” He turned to Daddy, “These rims over here would shine a lot more though, or maybe a set of spokes?”

“It’s her car, you need to be talking to her not me.” Daddy told him.

“Alright Miss, I know they’re more expensive but just think of the shine and sparkle,” he began his sales pitch.

“Yeah those are nice if you don’t ever drive your car. That set is too thin, if I barked a curb I’d be having to replace a bent rim. The spokes are too time consuming in maintenance to keep them clean.”

“Very well then, now I assume you want sevens in the front and tens in the back.”

I interrupted him, “No I want sevens all the way around.” I pressed my breasts against his arm slightly and he didn’t pull away.

“Ok a set of seven by fourteen’s?”

“Yes and a set of Tiger Paw GT’s”

“I’m sorry we don’t have any tiger paws that would fit those rims. I could get you Mickey Thompson’s.”


“Pirelli, Scorpion’s,” he gestured to the tires on display.

“Oh hell no.” I hugged his arm to my breasts. “I don’t want mice, insects or snakes. I am not a street racer, or a drag racer. I’m more of a fluffy kitten type. I prefer Tiger’s.”

“But we don’t have any in stock and it would take a week to get them in.”

I spun around on my heels, my skirt flaring up as I started toward the door. “Come on Daddy, let’s go to Andersons down the street. I’d rather have steel rims than crappy tires.”

“Miss wait, I think I can get you the Tiger Paws today.”

“Really? You just said it would take a week.”

“Deloris, check the warehouse and see if we have any Tiger Paws,” he hesitated.

“215/75/14,” I said.

She flipped through a book. “Yeah we have twenty of them.”

I smiled and hugged his arm again, “Thank you,” I pecked his cheek. “I guess I’ll have to keep whatever rim is the best for a spare. Mine is shot, and it’ll need a new tire too.” I pouted. Then turned to Daddy, “Look they have an alignment rack, could we get the front end aligned too?”

“Freddy, pull this young ladies car in and start getting it ready for a set of these Craiger’s, and tell Martin to hightail it over to the warehouse and bring back five 215/75/14 Tiger Paw GT’s.”

As they pulled it into the shop Daddy said, “Princess you really need new shocks on that thing.” It was bouncing way too much.

“We could take care of that for you sir, I could do a set of Monroe heavy duty’s for about half price. And I’ll throw in a matching spare rim and the alignment. Take about an hour and a half.”

I shook his hand, “Thank you Sir. We’ll go across the street and have a hamburger or something.”

The wind blew my skirt up in back as I wiggled next to daddy walking across the street to the Dairy Queen. I picked a booth by the window where I could see what was happening to my car.

“Ok I can understand the rims, but why all the fuss over the tires?”

“Mickey’s are only good for showing off and doing burnouts. Pirelli’s are for street racing, and Cobras are for drag racing. But Tiger Paws are a good all-around tire with the best braking traction, and curve handling on the market. Plus if I feel like it I can still do all those other things with them,” I explained.

He took a long look at me, “You know you totally flirted and teased your way into what you wanted over there don’t you?”

“Yes but he’s happy because he’s still making a hell of a big sale. Plus all the work they’re doing would cost about three times that if I hadn’t flirted a little bit. And letting the wind blow my skirt up in the back was like giving him a bonus on top of it. I bet he remembers the Vandine Girl for years to come.

Now Daddy smiled even bigger, “I like the sound of that.”

“What that he’ll remember me?”

“No the Vandine Girl.”

I giggled, “Why not Daddy you have four of us.”

He reached across the table and lifted my eyes to his. “Well your Momma, Jennifer and Connie are. But I was afraid to ask you if you wanted me to adopt you to.”

“Daddy, I already consider myself to be your little girl. Why wouldn’t I want the world to know it?”

Someone from the tire shop came in and said, “Excuse me Miss? Ummm?”

“Vandine, Malissa Vandine.”

“Miss Vandine, your car is ready whenever you are.”

I smiled my brightest happiest smile, “Thank you.”

We paid for my cars work, and Daddy said we didn’t have to go home yet. “You really can drive so much better than any girl your age. But do you know how to drive on ice and snow?”

“Momma taught me that last winter,” I said.

“Let’s go someplace away from all the traffic and you can show how much you know. And you can get used to your new tires and shocks.”

He gave me directions out to an old quarry then said, “Go ahead honey have fun with it.” I didn’t want to admit that I already knew where the place was, or how I knew it.

About an hour later I said, “Daddy I think we better stop and get some gas. Besides Momma’s probably getting worried that something happened to us.”

I was pumping gas into the tank and he was looking at all the ice and mud on the car. “We better go through a car wash on the way home or we’ll get busted for sure.”

He was smiling the whole time I walked along the viewing windows watching my car go through the automatic car wash. I was sipping a cup of hot cocoa, and didn’t notice all the boys staring at me. When it came out the other end it looked like a completely different car. It had a coat of wax on it and actually shined.

One of the boys held my door for me as I got behind the wheel. And as soon as we pulled out onto the road I got pulled over.

I dug out my learners permit and had it ready when the officer reach my window.

“Excuse me miss, may I see your license?”

`I handed it over with the registration.

“Your car matches the description of one that was spotted out at the old quarry.”

“John,” daddy said. “I’m sorry. We were out there having a few driving lessons for my Daughter.”

“Oh Dave, I’m sorry I didn’t realize this was one of your new girls.” He looked at me, “Malissa Madison, you go to school with my niece I think.”

“I don’t know, what’s her name?”

“Mercedes Andrews. She’s a freshman at the Academy.” He tapped the parents parking permit on the windshield.

“Well sorry to bother you two. I hope Mercedes isn’t having too much trouble fitting in.”

When we got home he said, “You go ahead in Princess, I’ll get the garage door.” I grabbed my purse off the back seat and practically floated into the house.


“Yes Momma?”

“Did everything go ok?”

I smiled and I couldn’t help it. The tears started running down my face. I hugged her so hard. “Thank you Momma, everything went perfect. Better than perfect.”

“What happened? Did you behave yourself?”

“She flirted her tail end off, and got new shocks a front end alignment and a free matching spare.”

“But that’s not the best part Daddy, the best part was at the Dairy Queen while we were waiting.”

“What happened at the Dairy queen? Did you meet a boy?”

“No Daddy wants me to be a Vandine,” I was hopping up and down with excitement. “Thank you Daddy I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek then ran up the stairs.”

“You asked her?”

“No, not exactly. She sort of told me. And I said yes. And then we went out and I let her get used to her car with the new tires and shocks on it.”

“Is that why it looked like it had just come from that fancy car wash?”

“Guilty, now where and when would you like your pony ride.”

“Girls,” Momma called out up the stairs. “You’ll have to get your own supper. Daddy and I are going to be discussing the finer points of his car verses mine.”

Of course we kept peeking through the garage door from the kitchen. They went from his back seat to hers.

That night just before bed Daddy asked me, “So why don’t you like Mercedes Andrews?”

“She hangs out with another girl named Porsche Carrera. And they talk down to anyone they think is poor or a TG,” Jennifer said.

“Yeah that figures. She’s hung out with Porsche since they were in grade school together. And they’ve gone from one school to the next.”

“Well if they aren’t careful Miss Clara is going to kick them out and then they’ll both be in Juvenile corrections together.” Jennifer said.

Monday we were shopping with Momma trying to find something for Daddy when we ran into them at the food court.

“Well if it isn’t the Tranny triplets,” Porsche started. “Look Mercedes. They actually let them out in public.”

“Porsche please not here.”

“Oh don’t worry they won’t retaliate, they’re just wannabe rich bitches but oh wait they can’t because they have dicks.”

She started towards me taking the lid off her orange Julius cup.

But it never touched me.

“Stop it, stop all this stupid shit right now. I’m not going to Juvie for you.” She was looking past her at the cops headed our way.

“So you’re a tranny lover now. Have fun in the slums bitch.” She turned and the cops grabbed her.

“Miss are you alright?” they asked Mercedes.

“Yes I’m fine.” She was crying. Looking down at her ruined dress.

“Porsche Carrera? Well, well, what do we have here? I suppose you have a receipt for this?”

They were taking jewelry out of her pockets that still had the tags on it.

“Mercedes? Aren’t you usually with her?”

“Not today she isn’t,” I said. “Today she’s with us.”

They lead Porsche away in handcuffs.

“Come on Mercedes, let’s find you something clean to wear.” Connie and Jennie just looked at me like I’d grown horns. “Momma, I’m going to be over at Marie Clair’s.”

She let me lead her to the store.

The clerks looked up and said, “Not you again?”

“Excuse us we have a dress emergency, what do you have in her size?” Momma and my sisters had rallied behind us. With Momma there we didn’t have any trouble using their restroom to help her clean up. And we found her a really pretty dress to replace the one that had been ruined when she stepped between me and the orange Julius.

She looked at each of us, “I, I don’t understand. After all the mean shit. The crappy way I treated you three in school. Why are you helping me now?”

“Because you’re not the same person you were a week ago. Because you stepped in front of me. And because you’re an Academy sister in need.” We told her.

“Oh god, she was my ride home.”

“We’ll give you a ride honey,” Momma told her.

We talked for a long time on the way to her house, she’d ridden with Porsche to the Mall even though she had her own license.

“Are you going to be ok Honey,” Momma asked her.

“Yeah, my folks aren’t home. They took off for the Bahamas. So it’s just me, and my two Asshole brothers. I’ll be ok as long as I keep out of reach when they get drunk.”

Momma slammed on the brakes. “What?”

“It’s ok I have a really good lock on my door.”

“And your parent’s know about this?”

“It’s what I get for being a girl instead of another boy. I would have gone to Porsche’s but they promised me a car this year.”

Momma pulled into the gated driveway and turned around. I could see the rage in her eyes as we headed for our house.

And then she ran the stop sign. “Oh shit,” she was slowing down and pulling over.

“Mrs. Vandine?”

She handed over her license, “Sorry I was upset and ran the stop sign.”

“Mercedes? Are you ok? You’ve been crying.”

“I’m fine Uncle John. I had a fight with Porsche but I’m all better now.”

“Penny wants you to come to the house on Monday.”

“I can’t uncle john. If I don’t spend the day at home I won’t get my car. Besides you don’t need me and my police record screwing up your job.”

“You know I don’t care about that. But I am happy to see you weren’t with Porsche when she got arrested earlier.”

“I, I was with her but I didn’t do anything bad. And, and my real friends stood up for me.”

He gave Momma her license back, “Be sure to drive more careful ok?”

“Mercedes, I’m proud of you.”

She called her parents from the house and told them she’d been with us when Porsche got arrested for stealing. And she really just needed some time to think away from the family and other bad influences.

Momma took the phone, “She’ll be fine with us. I think she’s beginning to realize that following Porsche is only going to lead her deeper into trouble that she can’t get out of.”

“Yes, that would be fine. Yes the Vandine’s thank you.”

After momma hung up she said, “Mercedes, your mother said you could stay here, and they’ll have your present delivered her on Tuesday. And they will call around noon to see how much you like it.”

“R, really?”

“Yes really, now if you’d prefer, you can go see your aunt and uncle. And if they call before you get here we can say you’re out driving your car.”

Her aunt and uncle picked her up twenty minutes later. Daddy came home from his shopping spree, stuffing presents under the tree. They were all small things, but we could tell they were expensive.

“Dave you’re spoiling them,” Momma said.

“Dotty my love, What’s the use of have beautiful Daughters if you can’t spoil them?”

On Monday, Daddy said, “Ladies it’s my turn to take you shopping. Your Momma got her turn yesterday.” He winked at Momma, “we’ll be at the Mall.”

“Do you think you can handle three teenage girls in the Mall?”

“We’ll behave Momma,” we promised. As we went upstairs and changed out of our nighties for a day of shopping with our Daddy.

We hit two jewelry stores and then lead Daddy into La’ Boutique. Where we helped him pick out lacey frilly nighties and other things for Momma.

“Are you sure they’ll fit? Lingerie is not something you want to buy a woman if it doesn’t fit.”

“Daddy,” I said. “Momma and I wear the same sizes. Well except for Bras. She has bigger,,,,”

“Knockers,” Connie finished. We all blushed.

“My love life is in your hands,” he said. “I just hope I don’t end up sleeping on the couch.”

“If you do we’ll keep you warm.”

We took a break to eat in the food court. I wanted a Coney Dog, but everyone else wanted a burger. So I went alone to that shop to get mine and was going to meet them at the table.

“Hi there Princess,” someone said behind me. “I finally caught you without your sisters around.”

I turned and looked into his eyes, and was captivated.

“You really look beautiful today. I’m glad I decided to come shopping.”

“I, I am too.”

“My sister said she gave you my note. But I didn’t hear from you.” He was disappointed.

“Sorry but I got the feeling your, Mother and Sister don’t approve of me.”

“Did they tell you that?”

When my order was ready he paid for it along with his. And said, “We should join your Dad and Sisters before he comes over here and lynches me.”

I looked at him carefully, “God you’re gorgeous, but I’m not going to end up as another notch on your bed post.

“W, what?” He almost dropped the tray with our Coney Dogs and drinks.

“You heard me, I was told all about you. And I’m not going to be another one of your conquests, to fuck and move on.”


“Sorry Daddy, just being open and honest.”

“If that’s what you really think I want then I might as well slit my own throat right now.”

“Don’t you want to get me in the sack? Have my panty’s hanging from your rearview mirror for the world to see?”

Daddy was about to choke on his hamburger.

“Heavens no, you’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. And I intend to marry you no matter what my parents or family thinks.”

Daddy, started choking. And then gasped for air.

“Whoa, slow down there. This is only the second time we’ve met. And the first time you started off by publicly groping my Momma to get my attention.”

“Donnie, I see you’ve found her.”

“Yes Dad but I think I killed my chances of ever getting to have a civilized conversation.”

He started to get up.

“Dave,” his dad held out his hand.

“Vincent,” they shook hands.

“You look like you’re about to have a cow.”

Daddy leaned across the table, “Son. Don’t ever grope my wife in public again.”

“Daddy that was before you and Momma got married. You didn’t even know each other. Besides he was trying to get my attention not Momma’s.”

“Look Malissa I was wrong, I should have found another way. But I was wrong. And now you obviously have the wrong impression of me. I’m sorry.”

He got up to leave, and I sat there staring at his heart broken eyes. When he turned around and hung his head in defeat, Daddy said, “You’re just going to let him walk away?”

“But Daddy, you said he was a Player.”

“Was, Princess, Was. I don’t think he’s been chasing anything since he met you.”

I looked up at his Dad, who shook his head no, “He hasn’t taken a call from a girl since and he keeps asking Bambi about you.”

“Oh god,” I moaned. “What do I do?”

“Follow your heart Princess.”

I flew across the food court, catching him at the edge near the movie theater. “Hey, let’s start over.”

“Really? You mean it?” his voice was filled with hope.

“One step at a time. The way it should have been in the beginning,” I said. My hand found his and we walked back to the table together.

“Daddy, this is Donnie Pierce. And he wants to date me.”

“Sir,” he held out his hand. Daddy shook it.

Daddy looked me in the eye, “Princess, this is one of those full disclosure moments. He needs to know everything before you two get into something that might get one or both of you hurt in the end.”

Donnie looked at Daddy, “I already know sir. My sister made sure to tell me.”

“What? What did she tell you?”

“That you are just like she is, except you haven’t gone to Sweden and had the operation yet. But I don’t care about that. I care about you. I knew you were the one the first time I met you.” He was holding my hand.

“What about all those other girls?”

“People talk too much, there was only one and that never went anywhere.”

“But Bambi said.”

“Bambi listens to her friends too much. People claim to have slept with me but the truth is I, I haven’t ever been with a girl that way.” He was blushing, and oh how sexy it looked. He kissed my hand.

Then looking across the food court and back into my eyes, he asked very seriously. “Would you like to see a movie together?”

I looked at Daddy.

He looked in the direction of the theater then over where Donnie had been looking. “Go ahead Princess, we’ll meet you back here after it’s over.”

I hugged him, “Thank you Daddy.”

Donnie was in a hurry to get to the theater, looking over my shoulder I saw his Sister and Mother talking with his Dad and Daddy. I didn’t even pay attention to what movie was playing as he bought the tickets.

He let me pick the seats I wanted. We were in the darkest least occupied section. And the movie had already started. So we walked in on an R rated love scene.

“Oh crap,” he muttered. “I’m sorry I didn’t even think to check the ratings.”

“Don’t worry about it, we’re both here together. That’s all that counts, and we don’t really have to watch the movie do we?” I pushed him down into a seat and sat in his lap.

“I want to know everything about you,” I said.

He kissed my lips. And we became oblivious to everything around us. God he was an awesome kisser. We gasped every time we came up for air. And I felt his hard on twitching against my butt in his lap.

I guided his hand up to my breasts, with our foreheads pressed together I said, “I don’t want today to end.”

“I don’t either.”

“But the movies about over, and you have a kind of problem,” I wiggled my butt in his lap and he bit his lip blushing. Even in the dark I could see his face redden.

“Sorry,” he apologized.

“Well it’s my fault,” I said. “At least let me take care of it for you.”

He didn’t protest as I slipped into the floor and opened the front of his pants.

“Ohh, ohh damn, ohh god,” I stifled a giggle as my lips slid all the way down. He only lasted a couple of minutes. And I swallowed everything I could. I looked up into his sparkling eyes as he zipped up again. Then he pulled me back up into his lap and kissed me on the lips, his tongue darting into my mouth to entwine with mine. As we kissed his hand slid up under my skirt. “You have a similar problem,” he said as his fingers caressed me through my pantys. I pressed my lips to his to stifle the sound as I came in my pantys.

He held me tight letting me catch my breath. Then I kissed him hard and said, “Thank you, you’re the first person to think about my feelings and needs too. But I think we should probably be getting back to our families.”

“When can I see you again?”

“We’re going to Veil day after tomorrow. And then it’s back to school. But you know the home phone number right?” He nodded. “And my room number is 2306. Same prefix as Bambi’s.”

He laughed. “That was the next number I was going to try.”

“What?” I asked as I stood up and adjusted my skirt.

“I’ve been trying to call you for weeks, but Bambi wouldn’t tell me your room number. I’ve been trying every one, one at a time.” I giggled.

He had his arm around me as we walked out of the theater. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder.

We turned around to face Bambi.

“Look, I want to apologize. You aren’t the social climber I thought you were. And I really want to make amends.”

“Why Bambi?” He asked his sister.

“She gave you head in the theater, and you made her cum in her pantys. That tells me she’s really special to you. Which makes her special to me to. But you two better duck into a shop, because Moms headed this way.”

He said, “I don’t think so.” Turning he stood his ground, his arm around me protectively waiting for her.

“So Missy, you found him again. I hope you enjoyed yourself. Come on Donnie it’s time to go.”

“I’m not finished yet Mom.”

“Honey, she’s not the marrying type. Not for you anyway.”

“Momma, you don’t know anything about Malissa Vandine,” Bambi said. “Besides I like her she’s got spunk.”

“Well we’ll see how long it lasts,” she spun and stormed off toward his Dad.

“Thank you Bambi,” I started to say.

“I really meant it, you’re the first decent girl who’s caught his eye. The first one who didn’t make up stories about sleeping with him to try to look important.” She turned and walked away.

He walked me over to where Daddy and my sisters were waiting. And Daddy saw the sparkle in my eyes. “So I take it your first date went well?”

“What’s that smell?” Connie asked. “Kind of musty like moldy leaves or something.”

“Never mind Pumpkin, you’re not old enough to know about such things.” Then he reached out and said, “You have a bit of Mayo left.” And wiped at a spot on the front of my blouse.

As soon as we got home Momma took one look at me and knew.

“Dave, did something happen while you were out.”

“Malissa went to a movie with a boy,” Connie tattled.

“Well that would explain a few things,” Momma said. “You better go upstairs and change. There’s a spot growing on the back of your skirt.”

“Dave, can we talk in the kitchen?”

“Please don’t be mad at Daddy, Momma.”

“You go on up to your room, I’ll be up in a few minutes.”

I ran up to my room, and started changing clothes. Standing near the heater vent.

“Dave, I’m not mad I just worry about her. She’s been through a lot that you don’t know about is all. And if she’s chasing after strange boys in the Mall.”

“Dotty, he wasn’t a strange boy. Besides I think the two of you have already met before.”

“What, when?”

“I’m guessing just before we met. She said something about him groping you to get her attention.”

“That handsome young Cadet? What was his name? Donnie something.”

“Donnie Pierce, his Fathers law firm manages the trust funds.”

“Oh, I didn’t know. But still she needs to be sure he knows everything before they get too involved.”

“Dotty, I’ve known the Pierces a long time. Vincent handled my divorce and the other settlements plus he helped me get Jennifer out of that god awful asylum. And he went to Judge Browne personally this morning to handle a special request for Malissa.”

“But, what if they get serious and then she gets hurt?”

“I’ll personally cut his balls off,” daddy answered. “She’s my Princess and I won’t have anyone taking advantage of her.”

I pulled on clean pantys and skirt then hurried down stairs. “Daddy?”

“Yes Princess?”

“He didn’t take advantage of me, I took advantage of him first. He just returned the favor.”

“Malissa Honey, I know what a cum stain looks like on the back of a skirt when I see one.”

I blushed, “That was mine, not his Momma. His is on the front of my shirt. Well the part I couldn’t swallow.”

“He didn’t,,,”

“No Momma, he didn’t. And he didn’t even ask me to do what I did. I did it because I think I love him.” I ran back upstairs to my room again and threw myself across my bed.

She came in a moment later and sat down next to me. Her hand gently rubbing my back.

“I’m sorry, Sweetie. I just get so worried and over protective of you. Can you understand?”

I rolled over and she cuddled me in her arms. “He knows about me Momma, and it doesn’t matter to him. And, and he said he intends to marry me.”

“Goodness, so soon?”

“Momma, he wasn’t kidding about it, and neither am I.”

I heard the phone ringing down stairs.

“One moment I’ll see if she can come to the phone? Dotty, Honey you have a phone call.”

It was him, I could feel it. I slowly followed her down the stairs.

“Yes,” she said into the phone. “Thank you for the courtesy. Yes you may come to dinner tonight and properly introduce yourself. No nothing fancy. It’s just family. Alright then we’ll see you around Seven thirty.”

“Dave we’re going to have a guest for Dinner.”

He smiled at her, “And you my love will be amply rewarded for being so nice about everything.”

“I hope that doesn’t mean you’re going to be all soft and gentle. Because I was kind of hoping to get treated like a naughty school girl after our guest leaves.”

She looked at me, “Your young man is coming for dinner, so tell me, what do you plan to fix?”

“Oh shit, I mean crud.” I ran into the kitchen and started looking through the refrigerator. “Momma!”

“There’s a roast on the bottom shelf I was going to fix tonight.”

“But that’s like so informal.”

“Trust me, he’ll love it. Especially if he knows you fixed it.”

“Me, fixing Dinner? Oh Momma this is like huge. Majorly huge, what if I screw it up?”

“I’m here to guide you. Besides when was the last time you screwed up a meal?”

I spent so much time fussing over dinner I didn’t realize I hadn’t gotten ready yet or taken time to think about what I was going to wear.

“Crap momma I don’t have anything.”

“Baby, it’s in the slow simmering stage. You run up and grab a shower and find something nice. I’ll keep an eye on Dinner.”

Jennifer and Connie were beside themselves giggling about how silly I was acting to impress a boy. It took me forever to finally settle on a nice frilly dress. And heels. Then I had to do my hair. And my nails. And then my makeup. I heard the doorbell ring at seven o’clock.

“Come right in Son. I’m afraid you’re a bit early, Malissa’s still upstairs getting ready.”

“Wow, I thought this was going to be informal,” Jennifer said.

“Sir, my card.”

“Thank you Cadet. Dotty, come meet Cadet Sgt. Pierce.”

I heard them talking down stairs.

“Momma, was that the doorbell?”

“Yes Honey. Your young man is here for dinner.”

I rushed out of my room, and stopped at the top of the stairs.

“Holy shit, she’s wearing a dress,” Connie breathed.

I slowly descended the stairs one at a time.

Momma was holding a bouquet of flowers, and he handed me a single pink Carnation.

After a few minutes momma said, “Honey you better go check on Dinner. Girls, would you help your sister set the table please?”

We sat together at dinner and he and daddy talked about his schooling. He was an Engineering student at MMA. And Daddy asked if he was familiar with Blue prints yet.

“I’ve read a few. I’m a bit advanced in my classes at the Academy. And I’ve already got a scholarship for MIT when I graduate in three more years. I figure with my current studies and schedule I can have all my electives out of the way by then and only have two years left to get my engineering degree.”

We were finished with dinner, and I was helping Momma and my sisters clear the table.

“Princess, we’re going to be in the Den,” Daddy said to Me , then to Donnie, “I’d like for you to look at some blue prints that gave me a bit of trouble when I was just starting out. You see if you can spot what I spotted.”


“Quiet Princess, this is our bonding moment here please don’t spoil it.”

Fifteen minutes later Momma smacked my hand. “Ladies don’t chew on their nails. Here strangle a hanky,” she handed me a pretty lace handkerchief.

“It’s awfully quiet.”

“That’s a good thing,” she assured me. “He’s certainly lasted longer than anyone else.”

“What do you mean? Anyone else?”

“Well there was the Garrett boy who came asking if he could take out Jennifer two weeks ago. And Ray, Anna’s grandson asking if he could take you to a movie.”

The door opened, “Oh I agree Sir. It’s very important that the industry keep Apprenticeships. How else, are we to assure the standards are maintained?”

“Then you’ll consider one this summer?”

“Absolutely Sir. It’s an opportunity of a lifetime. Not many people my age get a chance to learn from an Engineer of your caliber.”

“Dotty, Malissa, could you come in here please?”

He winked at Momma. “I think you had something you wanted to ask my little Princess.”

Donnie swallowed hard, then dropped to one knee holding my hand. His other hand came out of his inside jacket pocket.

“Malissa my love, I promise to love you every moment we are together and apart and every moment in between. Will you promise to give me a chance to prove my love to you as well?” I felt the cold band as it slipped over my finger.

“I know it’s just a promise ring. But once we become seniors I’ll get you an Engagement ring.”

“You don’t need a ring on my finger for me to promise that, but yes, yes I will. You and only you till the day we die.”

“My god,” Momma breathed. “That’s as big as my Engagement ring.”

I almost hyperventilated at sight of the Diamond.

Daddy said, “Come on Love let’s leave them alone for a bit so she can thank him properly.”

“Oh you are so going to get rewarded tonight,” Momma promised Daddy as he pulled the door closed behind them.

It was nearly ten when we finally realized how long we’d been in there together.

“You have to be up early to catch your flight,” he said. “And I have to catch mine in about an hour. We’re going to spend the week in Tuscany.”

“Donnie, tell your Momma to call me when you get home from Italy please,” Momma said

“Yes Ma’am I surely will.”

“Goodnight son, pleasant traveling.”

“And to you sir.”

Anna had showed up while we were in the den to find out what Momma wanted her to do while we were away.

Spotting the ring she said, “My god Child, you be real careful with that rock, you hear?” I giggled.

“I will, I don’t care if it’s real or not. He gave it to me that’s all that counts.”

I practically floated up the stairs.

Tapping on the door, Anna asked if she could come in for a minute.

“Child, you doubt that stone is real? You need to learn the difference.” She pulled out a small glass mirror, then held out her hand for the ring.

I reluctantly took it off and handed it to her.

She quickly dragged it hard across the mirror, making a scraping sound. Then she tapped the edge and it fell away into my trash can, at the scrape mark. “Only a real Diamond can cut glass. And no child it didn’t hurt it.”

She gave the ring back. “That young gentleman sure must be serious about you.” She closed the door behind her and I sat at my vanity staring at the ring in my hand.

The next thing I knew momma was standing behind me smiling. “Well that’s certainly a new way to etch a mirror.”

I had to giggle because scrawled across the vanity mirror in cursive was ‘Malissa Vandine Pierce’. “Oh god Momma I think I ruined the mirror.”

“Not unless you two break up.”

I slipped the ring back on my finger. “It fits and everything, Momma. How’d he know what size to get?”

“I’ll never tell. But he did say a promise ring. And that’s an Engagement ring no matter what he wants to call it.”

“Thank you Momma,” I hugged her. And she giggled.

“Your still looking at the sparkle aren’t you?”

I giggled, “Yes.”

“Baby promise me you’ll take it slow. Don’t push too fast. Just let things take their course.”

“You won’t let Daddy cut his balls off will you?”

She smiled, “Only if he knocks you up before you graduate.”

“Thank you Momma.”

I dreamed about him that night. We were old sitting on a porch watching grand children play in the yard.

Our ski trip went well Connie and I did pretty good learning to ski. Then Momma asked if we wanted to go see Trinidad.

“You mean the island where they do the operations?”

“No Connie,” Jennie said. “It’s a small town about thirty minutes away. But yes it’s where they do the operations.”

We had this one last day before we had to head back for school. So we spent it touring the hospital the day after New Year’s.

When we were half way through one of the nurses asked if we’d like to have our blood typed.

“I think we’ve all had enough of that until we get back to school.”

“Oh what kinds of test do you take?”

“Endocrine screenings to track our hormone levels.”

“Oh, oh wow. I thought you three were Genetics. We get a lot of curiosity seekers here. Did you come to find out if you could get the Op now that they changed all the restrictions?”

“They did what?” Daddy asked.

“They changed the restrictions. Thirteen, still have to be on HRT and have parental consent and proof of lifestyle. Plus a letter from their Doctor.”

“We didn’t know they’d changed it,” Momma said. “When did that happen?”

She smiled at us, “Actually it went into effect yesterday morning.”

“How, can we find out?” Momma asked.

She picked up a phone. “Jeanine, is Dr. Santana in today? I have some young ladies who would like to speak with him.”

“Are they the three taking the tour wearing the Second Sisterhood pins?”

“The what?” We each pointed to our pins.

“Yes, yes they are.”

“He’s been in his office for the last fifteen minutes on the phone. Bring them on up.”

Jeanine, was nice and wore a pin of her own. “Let me guess your Clara’s Academy Girls, right?”

“Yes,” Momma answered.

“Dr. Santana is on the phone with Miss Clara at the moment. Excuse me, Dr., the Vandine family is here?”

“Show them in please. Clara, I’m going to put you on speaker.”

We talked and She said she’d have all the necessary letters hand delivered by courier. On the next available flight. Then gave him the numbers for Dr. Ashton and our individual Therapists. “We’ll send your books along too so you don’t get too far behind.”

“Thank you Ma’am,” we echoed.

“Now the new law states you have to be at least ‘Thirteen, have been on HRT and lived fulltime for a minimum of one year, verified.”

“Crap I’ve only been on it since the beginning of school.” Connie ran out of the room crying. And Daddy went after her.

“Isn’t there any way around any of that?” Momma asked.

“Those requirements are for an Adult. And given Breast development I’d have to say all three qualify. There’s at least two to three years of development showing already. Even Constance shows about a year and a half. And if she’s enrolled at Clara’s then we can waive the other requirement as well.”

Momma went to the door. “Dave, tell Connie if she wants the operation she better get back in here.”

“Are you sure? I don’t think she can take another big letdown. She’s pretty upset.”

“Connie, honey look at me. I’m going to ask you one question. All I want is an honest answer.”

“Ok,” she snuffed back her snot and wiped her eyes, smearing mascara on her white blouse.

“Do you want to undergo Sex Reassignment Surgery with your sisters?”

“Yes, but I don’t want them to have to wait for me.”

He handed her a pen, “Then all I need is for you to sign here. And then your parents to sign.”

“Now I’ll go by age. And we’ll do one surgery every other day. Starting tomorrow. Malissa you’re scheduled for nine AM on the third. Jennifer, let’s see. Nine thirty on the Fifth. And Constance, you my angel are going to be scheduled for the seventh at Nine AM.”

“Malissa, I hope you aren’t too hungry. Because you can’t have anything to eat after six tonight.”

“Crap, it’s five thirty.” I giggled.

“We’ll get you three a room together, but for now we need to get Malissa all checked in.”

A nurse came to lead me to admissions.

“Wow, now that’s a serious rock. You better let your Momma hold onto that for you. You can’t have any jewelry on during surgery.”

I hesitated taking it off, “Please don’t let anything happen to it Momma. Please.”

“Don’t worry Baby, I’ll keep it safe.”

“I wish I knew how to get ahold of him so I could tell him,” I said.

“He’ll understand.”

I got all checked in, had all the pretests and labs done. And at Nine PM they came in to shave me.

“I can do that,” I protested.

“No Sweetie, rules are rules. We have to do that for you, we can’t afford to miss a single hair. Infections you know.”

Jennifer and Connie sat on their beds watching.

“So I bet Donnie’s going to be surprised when he finally gets to see your aftermarket equipment,” Jennifer said trying to ease the tension.

“Donnie?” The nurse asked. “Is that who gave you that huge rock everyone’s been buzzing about?”

“Wish I could find a man like that, you’re lucky he isn’t Here Honey, you won’t want him seeing you for a while after surgery. Trust me.”

“She’s right wait until your equipment’s fully operational, he’ll enjoy it a lot more.”

I barely slept all night. I wanted Donnie, I wanted to hold him and hear him tell me it was going to be ok.

At eight Thirty they gave me a shot. And transferred me to a surgical bed. Momma walked the entire way holding my hand. “I’ll be here when you wake up Baby, I promise.”

I couldn’t feel anything, I was floating. And then I could smell the old spice mixed with his scent. I kept trying to look at his face but my eyes wouldn’t open. I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t move.

And then I heard his voice, “I’m here Love. I’m here.”

“D, Donnieeeeee,”

“Sshhhh, its ok rest now. I’m not going anywhere.”

I could feel his hand holding mine.

“Am, am I ugly now?”

“No you’re still the most beautiful, most wonderful creature in the universe.” I felt his lips kiss my cheek, and suddenly there was this urgent beeping.

“Off the bed young man, what happened? Why’d the monitor freak out?”

“He kissed her, that’s what happened,” Jennifer said.

I squeezed his hand as tight as I could, “He said I’m still beautiful. Do you still want to marry me?”

“More than ever Princess.” Beeeeeepppppppppppppppp.

“Holy shit, I never saw one do that before. Son you need to stop exciting her.”


“Yes Sweetie?”

“Did it work? Am I a girl now?”

“You’ve always’ been a girl Honey, but yes now you have all the right parts.”

I drifted off to sleep again, and woke up in my room, my sisters sitting on their beds. Donnie asleep in the chair next to mine holding my hand.

“Shhh, you’ll wake him up.” Momma was right there. “Does it hurt honey?”

“No momma, I can’t feel anything.”

“Don’t be brave, if it starts to hurt just push the magic button.”

I giggled, “What’s that do?”

“It gives you a small dose of Morphine. Just enough to take the edge off.”

“Ohh,” I giggled. “Momma,” I panicked. “Where’s my ring?”

“Right here,” she said. And slipped it back onto my finger.

“How long has he been here? How long have I been here?”

“He’s been here two days. He got here just after you went into surgery. And he hasn’t slept until about an hour ago.”

“Where’s Daddy?”

“Getting some coffee.”

“That sounds so good, I hope he brings me some.”

“Sorry Princess,” Daddy said. “You’re on water and Jell-O for a few more days. Dr. Santana’s orders.”

“It’s a good thing I like Jell-O,” I giggled. My stomach rumbled. “I wonder if they have a cow shaped mold.”

Donnie started snoring. And his head settled deeper against my arm.

When a nurse came in pushing the Shaving cart she frowned looking at him. “We really should boot him out until we’re done. But damn that boy loves you to death.”

Jennie said, “Its ok he’ll probably sleep right through it and never know he missed his chance to get a peek at his sister in law.” She giggled.

I tossed an extra pillow at her. And the movement caused him to stir and snort, and we all giggled. And woke him up.

“Well if your well enough to throw pillows at your sister, you can live without Prince charming for a few minutes.”

He kissed me and said, “I’ll be right back Love. Can’t have me getting a peak at Jennies goods now can we. They might slip and cut it off prematurely.”

She threw a pillow at him and he caught it. “Thanks I need this to cover my head so I don’t have to listen to you yakkin’.”

Donnie had to go back to school the next day. But he promised to visit every chance he got.

They finally let me get out of bed and walk to the toilet on my own. It still felt like I had a telephone pole shoved up my crotch though. And they took away prince Morphine so I wouldn’t get addicted to it.

They kept me in there until Connie was ready to go into the physical therapy treatment. And we all started doing it together. I got to see Donnie twice before we got to go home.

Anna was absolutely ecstatic that Momma was letting her help out more while we recovered. All total we were out of school for two months.

The week after we got home I looked out into the garage, “Momma? Where’s Bitch? My car is missing.”

“Calm down, she’s not missing. Daddy took her to get painted for you, but pretend you don’t know about it.”

Mercedes came over every weekend with our homework. And Bambi came twice to check on us. I think she still didn’t approve of me.

On Thursday I got the mail, and saw a large envelope for Momma and Daddy, from school. “Momma, I think our grade cards are here.” Momma carried it in and put it on Daddy’s desk.

“Good morning Princess.”

“Good morning Daddy,” I kissed his cheek.

My car had been delivered under a full cover in the garage.

“Can I take a peek,” I asked?

“No it’s a surprise. Not until you get your license.”

“What color is it?”

“Oh I think you’ll be happy with it.”

Oh god I thought anything but red, or yellow or green.

After breakfast Daddy went into his office and then came out with a file folder. “Dotty, I’m taking Princess with me today.” He tossed me the keys to his BMW.

I drove carefully, and he said, “Pull in here by the diner we have time for a donut and coffee before the office opens.”

The only place I could find to park was in front of the diner, and I parallel parked like a professional. I giggled as we found a booth and he held my hand as I slid into the seat. “Scoot over we have company coming.”

I looked up to see a State trooper, below his name badge was ‘Testing Officer’.

“Joe, have a cup and a donut.”

“Beautiful morning to take a test. Not much traffic.”

“So in July when I turn sixteen you’ll be giving me the test?” I ventured.

“In July? Really?”

He reached across for the folder Daddy handed to him.

“Looks really good, ‘A’ plusses in every class. No bad marks in drivers Ed. Full recommendation from my sister for the early drivers incentive program. And I already saw her parallel park. I don’t see a need for the written. She already has that twice, at a hundred on both tests. This should be a breeze, How about it? Do you feel like going for a drive this morning?”

“W, what?”

“Do you feel like getting your license this morning?”

Daddy slipped out of the booth. “I’ll be here when you’re done Princess. You have my keys.”

I followed Officer Joe across to the DMV, where I filled out all the forms. Then giggled as I saw all the kids taking the written test. I spent twenty minutes driving around and then parked in front of the diner again.

“Come on lets go get your picture taken.”

I had to wait ten minutes for the laminating machine to warm up before I could get my license.

“Congratulations Honey, not many manage to get their license on the first try.” She looked at how I was dressed, “And you didn’t even need to use your assets.”

I giggled, “I didn’t know I was going to take the test until I was here.”

“Well?” Daddy asked.

I pulled it out of my purse with a huge smile.

“Ok, it’s time to go see your car.”

I drove home and everyone was waiting in the drive way.

“Well?” Momma asked. “Let’s see it first.”

I screwed up my face in the worst possible frown, “It’s horrible Momma.”

“What? You didn’t get it?”

“No momma, the picture. I didn’t get a chance to fix my makeup or my hair.” I fished out my new license to show her.

“Baby there’s nothing wrong with this picture,” she said. “Hell it’s a lot better than mine.”

But I couldn’t help giggling. “You should have seen your face, Momma. It was priceless.”

She smacked my butt, “That’s for teasing me. Here you got this from school today.”

I ripped open the smaller envelope that had obviously been inside the bigger one with my grades and test from Drivers Ed.

‘Student Parking, Miss Clara’s Academy’, and then there was a registration number. A short note stated that a space was reserved by name in front of my Dorm. Only the dorm mothers had reserved spaces at our dorm.

“Momma, does this mean what I think it means?”

“That you can take your car to school with you? And you can drive your sisters back and forth on weekends?” She smiled, “Yes it does.”

Jennifer handed me a small package. I ripped the paper off of it and pushed the button. And a garage door started opening up. But it was the wrong one. Inside sat a rusted out POS ‘69’ Camaro.

“Crap,” Daddy said. “Connie?”

She handed me another remote and behind the right door sat my Bitch, in full glory. Freshly painted in Candy Apple Blue with Metal flakes sparkling in the dim light.

I squealed, and wrapped my arms around him, “Oh my god it’s perfect Daddy.” I ran to my car and hugged her, then I walked around her taking in every detail. There was a huge butterfly silhouette stenciled on the inside of the back window. The seats had been reupholstered and there was now a tilt, Hurst T-shifter.

I started it up and it sounded different, still finely tuned but almost like new. I slowly eased out of the garage into full sunlight. Then I got out and lifted the hood. The engine was clean and freshly painted, there was a chrome air filter housing and the chrome valve covers were Edelbrock’s. It had a Holley carburetor now.

I stood there crying, “Thank you Daddy. How did you know my favorite color?”

“I had a little help from Mistress Morphine,” he admitted. “You’d be surprised about all the things a person reveals under the influence.”

I blushed beat red, “Daddy you didn’t. Please tell me you didn’t interrogate me when I was too drugged up to know it.”

“Only about your car Princess.” The license plate said ‘PRNCSV’.

I caressed the CB Antenna. It looked like a really expensive one. The CB was one of the new forty channels that had just come out.

He smiled, “Do you like that? We can keep in touch while you’re on the road and you can call for help if something happens.”

I giggled and looked again at my Vanity plate, “Princess V, I love it.” Then I said, “I guess that means Jennie is Kitten V. and Connie is Angel V.”

Momma pointed to herself, “Momma V.”

“Daddy V,” he said. “Go ahead. And take her for a spin. But watch out you don’t run into Prince Charming out there. I want you home for Supper.”

“Prince Charming?” I asked.

“Too late,” he said as a black GTO turned into the driveway. I knew who it was right away. Donnie had talked about his car for the last two weeks. It was almost finished.

“Daddy? Please tell me that isn’t my car,” Jennifer was pointing to the Camaro in the garage.

“I thought that was what you wanted, you said a ‘69’ Camaro didn’t you?”

“Well, yes but I didn’t think you’d get me one that was ready for the junk yard.”

“A little hard work and some paint and you’ll have it fixed right up. Besides the engine is Cherry.”

She was almost in tears, “Dave. Stop it,” Momma said. “Don’t tease her like that.” She looked up at momma. Who pushed a button to open the last door on the garage. Behind it was a beautiful candy apple red ‘69’ Camaro.

She hugged Momma tight, “Thank you Momma.” She stuck her tongue out at Daddy, “Meanie.” Then she giggled and hugged him. “Thank you too.”

“Don’t thank me yet. You girls are going to do the engine swap, Not me.”

“It’ll be fun I told her. But first I want to go for a drive.”

“If you’re going to play chase, go to the Quarry. You won’t get in trouble there.”

When we got there Mercedes was there driving like she was pissed off at the world. Two other people were leaving laughing about how she was driving.

Pulling up beside us she said, “I guess you saw my asshole brothers. Bastards!” She screamed in their direction. “I wish I had a car like yours. Then they couldn’t catch me anymore.”

“What’s going on,” I asked her.

“The usual. I had to come home or risk losing my car. And of course Mommy and Daddy left right after I got home. So I tried to get away but they have faster cars.”

“Mercedes, you don’t need a faster car out here. Actually it’s more of a liability if you don’t know how to drive in this shit,” Donnie said.

“He’s right,” I agreed. “Come on let us show you how it’s done. You start off and we’ll follow you down to the pit. Then all you do is try to lose us. That way you’ll get a feel for how it handles.”

We were out there for almost three hours. The three of us driving chasing each other pushing her farther and farther. Finally I said, “Hey we need to stop for gas.” I flagged her down. “Mercedes? How much gas do you have?”

“Crap I’m almost empty.”

“Let’s head up to the truck stop and fill up,” Donnie suggested. “You’re already better than your crap ass brothers.”

“Hey Prince Charming, do you see who I see?”

“Sure do princess V.”

We were side by side filling up with Mercedes on the opposite side of Donnie.

“Hey little girl, you handle that hose pretty well. Why don’t you let me do that for you?”

“No thanks I don’t want gas dribbled on my new paint.” When I was finished I popped the hood to check the oil and Donnie looked over at me, I shook my head no.

He pressed up against me from behind, “Here let me check your oil for you.”

I spun out from between him and the fender. “Get lost jerk.” I grabbed a can of Quaker state ten w thirty. And the cleanest spout I could find. Then put it in, before it was done he pulled the can out drizzling oil all over the valve cover.

“Oops, looks like I dribbled some.” He was holding the can in one hand while I put the fill cap back on. ?

“Are you finished harassing me and fucking up my car?”

“As soon as you give me your phone number.”

“Here,” I said and slammed my hood as I kneed him in the groin. He was screaming bloody murder his hand caught in the edge of the hood.

“Ow you fucking Bitch my hands broken.” I danced back out of his reach.

“Here let me help you,” Donnie offered lifting the hood. He hadn’t lost any fingers but there was blood everywhere. He flopped onto the ground holding his hand and Donnie wrapped his greasy rag around it.

“John, John arrest her she slammed my hand in her car hood.” He said to Officer Andrews, whom we hadn’t noticed before.

“Virgil, she told you to leave her alone and you sexually assaulted her. It was self-defense.”

“Damned right it was,” several of the nearby truck drivers agreed.

Her brothers had been drawn like flies to a rump roast. “What’d you do to my friend?”

“Taught him some manners in how not to treat a lady, you wanna be next Dickheads?” I snapped.

They looked at Donnie and then John, “No not here.”

Mercedes stepped into our midst. “Tell you what, I’ll race you at the quarry in thirty minutes last car still running wins. And when you lose you leave me and my friends alone. You don’t speak to me or even come within a hundred feet of me.”

They laughed and said, “Sure thing Baby sister, but when we win you gotta stop running away from home.”

“God I hope you two are sure about this?”

“Look at what they’re driving, a Porsche and a Maserati. Both built for black top. And you just spent three hours learning all about how good your car is off the pavement.”


“It’s ok Uncle John. Time for me to grow up some more. I’m done running either way it goes.”

“What did they mean by you have to stop running away from home?”

“After the race, ok Uncle John?”

“Ok honey.”

Word had spread like wild fire. There were so many people around that it was hard not to realize how popular the Quarries were for settling grudges.

“I can’t get involved,” John said.

“Ok you three line up at the top. You go around the crane at the bottom then around each gravel pile and piece of equipment and back up here to win,” Donnie said.

I leaned in the window. “Let them take the lead all you gotta do is push them a little they’ll do the rest for you.”

“You mean like when you and Donnie pushed me earlier?”


They were out ahead all the way down but she kept catching them in the curves. Near the bottom the Porsche lost traction and slid sideways into a dump truck. The whole passenger side demolished. It got close down on the bottom of the pit. But Mercedes was holding her own in the obstacles.

She came around the last rock crusher sliding in front of the Maserati, and her hand shot out the window flipping him off. He didn’t realize he was lined up with the conveyor tail when he down shifted and floored it.

He realized his mistake too late and tried to get in front of her as her car pushed his right back into the tail section. The entire back half twisting as the fiberglass shattered. She got out and checked to see that he wasn’t hurt. Then got back in and drove slowly back to the top.

“You did it, see what’d I tell you?”

“Nice driving Honey,” Daddy told her.

Oh shit, Momma and daddy were here.

But someone else more volatile was there.

“Mercedes Benz Andrews, that’s it young lady. Look at what you’ve done. You tore up your car. The car I bought you. It’s ruined. And where the hell are your brothers?”

“They’re down there Mother!”

“Don’t take that tone with me young lady, get in the car. Charles call a tow truck to haul this to the shop.” She directed her chauffer.

“And why the hell were you out here racing young lady, I expect that from your brothers. Why can’t you be more like them? And where the hell are they, your fathers out here looking for them?”

“They are at the bottom mother. And for your information I was racing them for the right not to get raped every time I come home.”

“Mercedes, you stop making false accusations like that, and in public by the way. That’s it, your ass is going to Juvie with your little tramp friend Porsche.”

“Fuck you mother,” She took off through the crowd.

“Oh my god,” Momma said. “Dave we have to do something.”

“Where’d she go, she just disappeared.”

“We have to find her before her mother does,” John said. We each took off in a different direction. Crap she couldn’t have gone far.

I got on the radio, “Princess V, Anybody pick up a young girl on foot?”


I was driving slow trying to look out across the open fields

A reflection in the back window caught my attention. She reached up between the seats for the microphone.

“Officer Friendly, Annie Oakley, why don’t you grab that girl’s purse out of her car so we can get her picture out there?”

“Sure thing Annie Oakley.”

“Momma V, Princess V, I’m headin home I doubt we’ll find her tonight. Let the cops handle it ok?”

“What are you saying Baby?”

“Look I know Mercedes, if she doesn’t want to be found she won’t be. Besides Annie Oakley seems to know what she’s doing.”

“Ok, Baby we’ll finish our sweeps just in case and meet you at the house, Daddy V out.”

She started to climb into the front, “Stay there I think your mom’s chauffer is behind us.”

“You know this has to be the most uncomfortable back seat I’ve ever been in.” She complained.

“It lays down into a bed, dummy.”

“No wonder you love this car.”

“Shut up, and let me think.”

I pulled into the driveway and opened the garage door. When it was closed behind me I said, “Ok you can get out now.”

We were sitting in the kitchen when momma and daddy got home.

Momma hugged her, “Thank god you’re safe.”

“Crap the cops are here,” Connie said.

“Let them in,” Daddy told her.


“Dave, they’re still looking. I wanted to stop by here on the way to the station and make sure we got her purse out of the car. There were a lot of unsecure cars sitting around out there.”

“Officer Friendly?”

“Good to see you Annie,” he smiled. “I think we got your purse by mistake.”

She took it from him. “Thanks for bringing it to me.”

“George why don’t you go wait in the car? I’ll be out as soon as I ask a few more questions.”

“But, that’s her sitting right there.”

“George, that girl’s name is Annie. Isn’t that right Annie.”

“It’s ok we get confused for each other all the time,” She pulled out an ID that said her name was Annie Oakley and gave an address on south Waters St.

“See what’d I tell you?”

“Ok I’ll tell them we’re on our way.”

“No tell them I’m stopping by my house to get a current photo of My niece Mercedes.”

As soon as he was gone John said, “Look we need to get you back to school tonight. If you’re at the school they can’t touch you. Call Vincent Pierce’s office Monday morning he’ll help you so they can’t touch you. But you have to get your little tail back to school before they find you, otherwise they can VOP your ass right into Juvie.”

Donnie showed up, “What’s the game plan?”

“We’re getting Mercedes out of town. She has to get back to school before her Parole officer calls up there to look for her.”

I was on my way to the garage with my book bag and clothes.

“No way,” he said. “You’re a sure target to get stopped. So is Bambi.”

“What are we going to do? How are we going to get her back to school?”

“Can I borrow your phone?”

Daddy motioned to go right ahead.

“Hello, Aunt Bernice?”

“Donnie? Since I’m on speaker I assume you’re either in trouble or trying to keep someone else out of trouble.”

“The latter, actually its two someone’s.”

“Ok I’ll bite what’s going on, I have to report in for a missing teenage girl.”

“She’s not missing. Well not technically.”

“I thought you weren’t interested in anyone but that cute little Vandine girl your mother doesn’t care for.”

“Aunt Bernice, she can hear you.”

“Sorry, I just can’t see you falling for Mercedes Andrews either.”

“She’s a friend of mine that needs help. I’d do the driving but I don’t have a pass to get onto the school grounds without questions. And she’ll surely get stopped before she gets there.”

“Hold on a minute, I think I have a solution.” She used her radio from her house. “Six twenty nine, call two eighty four on personal land line two.”

“Who’s that?”

“Someone who is both official and has a pass to get into the school.”

“Bernice, you almost missed me, I was getting ready to take Rhonda to school, since I don’t know how long we’ll be searching for this Andrews kid.”

“I need you to run over to,” I said the address, she repeated it to him. “There’s a girl there heading back to school too who desperately needs a ride that won’t be questioned.”

“That’s the Vandine house. Didn’t their oldest just get her license today?”

“Yes, she did.”

“Mr. Tarkington? Please tell Rhonda it’s a Sisterhood favor.”

“Look my nephew is going to leave there with the girl, he’ll be following his Fiancé’ who will most likely get stopped. She can handle the search end of it. I just need you to make sure he keeps going and I’ll meet you at that rest area and they can take Rhonda on to school from there.”

“That’ll leave us to search for the Andrews girl.”

“No Bernice, I’ll go drop Rhonda off at their house. I’ll take Mercedes up to the school myself. If they stop her with Rhonda in the car then they’ll be satisfied that she isn’t there. And we’ll stop your nephew along the way to cover his ass too.”

“Yeah and then she can get in her car when they get stopped together up this way. And save Rhonda from being embarrassed by getting dropped off in a cruiser.”

“Thank you Aunt Bernice,” I heard Rhonda yell.

Fifteen minutes later Mercedes left in his car. Rhonda and I left with Donnie following me.

Sure enough we got pulled over and searched twice by the time we got to the highway.

I saw a patrol car following us on the highway. “Prince Charming. Do you see them?”

“Roger Princess V they probably think we’re going to stop and pick her up on the way.”

Rhonda giggled, “No that’s my Daddy making sure you don’t get stopped again. So tell me why are we helping Mercedes?”

“Because ever since she helped me in the Mall and split up being friends with Porsche she’s been trying to make amends for all the bad things she did to other people.”

“So tell me, what’s it like having a boyfriend? Have you two like you know gone all the way yet?”

“It’s really awesome and no we haven’t. But I wouldn’t tell you if we had. He’s like the world’s best kisser though.”

“Where you scared when you had your operation?”

“Yes I was, but mostly scared that it would go wrong or something.”

“Did it hurt lots afterwards?”

“It hurt like hell, but you get meds to take care of that, and yes if I had to do it all over again I would. Because I feel complete now.”

She reached over and held my hand, “I get scared thinking about it, but I can’t get it done until Daddy takes his vacation this summer. And he won’t be able to be there after I come home because of work.”

“Hold on a second,” I got on the radio.

“Momma V you listening?”

“Yes baby, is everything ok?”

“Yeah I wanted to ask you a favor.”

“What’s that honey?”

“Can Rhonda come stay with us for a while after she gets home from the hospital this summer? Her daddy doesn’t get enough vacation time to stay with her the full two months of recovery and she’s worried about him losing too much time at work.”

“That sweet little angel is welcome here anytime. You know we have guest rooms that never get used.”

We passed another state car about halfway to the school. And sure enough the one behind us turned on his lights and pulled out ahead of me. We sat there on the side of the road with the flashing lights and the Halogen search lights blinding everything. No one seemed to notice as we were escorted to his car or when the three of us walked back to mine. A semi pulled off the road as we were getting ready to pull back on.

“Princess V, he held out his hand, Joe Heart. My daughter wanted to help out seeing how you’re the talk of the radio.” Four more big trucks pulled off one behind and two in the slow lane. “Mercedes honey,” He looked in the window. “I owe your Uncle John a few favors. Angela’s going to ride with Malissa here, and you’re going to ride with me. Ok?”

“Shit Tom. They put out a FBI BOLO on her,” Bernice gasped.

“We’ll come in from the other side of town. I’m coming to see my daughter who was visiting Miss Vandine.”

The trucks all took off and both patrol cars turned around at the next overpass. We pulled off at the turn off for the MMA, and Donnie and I Shared a super long kiss.

“Sorry I ruined your weekend.”

He kissed me again, “Talk about adding spice. I’ll come see you tomorrow. Motel Six?”

“Four o’clock.”

We both headed out toward our schools.

They were waiting for us at the gates, I pulled off noticing that Angela’s father’s truck was already in front of the guest house. They had us all out leaning with our hands on my hood while they searched my car. They went through my purse, then Rhonda’s and then they went through our bags.

One of the local officers smacked his flashlight down on my fender.

“That’s a new paint job you asshole,” I rounded on him as Miss Clara arrived, summoned by the gate guard.

He grabbed my arm and shoved me back across the hood of my car. Forcing my hands behind my back to cuff me. “Your under arrest little lady.”

“On what charges?” Demanded Clara.

“Assaulting an officer, and aiding a fugitive.”

“Curtis, are the security camera’s on?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Did you see Miss Vandine strike this police officer?”

“Yes, on private property, after he intentionally damaged her car. Also while on private property.”

“No this is a state school.”

“It hasn’t been a state school since I purchased it in nineteen sixty seven.” She looked around, “Karen, please call Vincent Pierce, his private number is on my desk. Tell him that the police are here damaging student property and making false arrests on school grounds without warrants or stating the purpose for being here.”

“We are here trying to find out which of these girls is helping Mercedes Andrews avoid being apprehended for parole violation.”

“Mercedes? Impossible, she’s been here all weekend. She’s in her room right now probably sound asleep. She has third quarter finals Monday.”

“We’ll have to see her for ourselves.”

“Karen, call Myra and have Miss Andrews meet us.”

“I’d rather see that she’s in her room if you don’t mind.”

“I do mind. But we aren’t going anywhere until Miss Vandine is released.”

“Ma’am,” Curtis said. “Mr. Pierce is on the phone for you.”

“Vincent, I’m sorry to wake you. But there’s like a hundred cops, storming the school looking for a student,” she over exaggerated. “And they stopped your son’s fiancé here at the gate and beat the hell out of her car with a flashlight. Then arrested her after she slapped him.” “No, no, the car is inside the gate. As was Miss Vandine at the time. Yes I told them they were on private property. And no they have no warrants that I’ve been shown.”

“Yes I’m aware that Miss Andrews is a parolee, and her parole stipulates that she is either here or at home. Yes thank you I’m sure Judge Carlisle can get it sorted out.”

“Charlie get Miss Vandine’s information and give her a card so she can have the shop send us the bill for damages to her car. And get those cuffs off her right now.”

“But look at my face, her damned nails are sharp.”

“You’ll survive, but your career won’t if you don’t get those cuffs off her and apologize right now.”

He un-cuffed me. “And the Bureau can afford a couple hundred to fix the damage to her car.”

“What? A couple hundred? Are you fucking insane. That paint is nine hundred dollars a quart. And just look at all the scratches they made rubbing up against it with their gun belts. You’re lucky I didn’t claw your eyes out Asshole. Beating up my car.”

“Miss Vandine! That is quite enough. Granted the gravity of the circumstances I’ll forgive your un-lady like outburst. Now as soon as these gentlemen repack your belongings we’ll proceed to the dorm so they can see for themselves that Miss Andrews is in her room either sleeping or studying.”

They were shoving our things into our bags, “Hey get your pervy hands off my pantys, god I’m going to have to wash everything now,” Rhonda complained. “And why were you going through our personal belongings if you’re searching for a person? Do you think we chopped her up and are stupid enough to carry the evidence with us?”

“But of course were and what you can search is on the warrant, but I guess since you don’t have one you figure you can search anything, except this is not pursuant to an actual witnessed crime.”

“Who the hell are you kid?”

“Rhonda Jo Tarkington. My fathers a state police lieutenant. And he’ll hear about this.”

We finished packing our personal things back in our suitcases and I was careful to slip Mercedes school ID bracelet into my purse as I put things back in it.

Miss Clara refused to allow them to drive onto campus, they were forced to walk. We were just getting our things to the door when they got there.

“Ladies,” she announced. “There are gentlemen in the dorm.” Everyone was running around half dressed having been looking out the windows at all the commotion.

They were running to their rooms for tops and robes.

“Stop leering you pervert,” Bethany Case said to the one whose face I’d scratched with my nails when I slapped him.

“Myra where is Mercedes?”

“She’s in her room I think.”

“Has she signed out this weekend?”

“No Ma’am. You can check the sign out register.”

“We crowded over to the book and signed back in.”

“Why did you three come back so early?”

“My Daddy is stuck up in this stupid search thingy for Mercedes.”

“I brought Angela back from my house so she could visit her dad who has a two day layover.”

“Your dad?”

“Yes he drives that truck parked over at the guest house. Now can I go see him please?”

“Go ahead Angela,” Myra said. “We know where you are if we need you.”

“She’s not in her room Ma’am.”

The agents smiled.

“She’s taking a shower, washing the soda out of her hair. And whining about having to redo her term paper for English Lit.”

She stepped out of the shower room in just a pair of panty’s rapidly drying her hair with a towel. “Oh shit,” she squealed and ran back into the shower room.

“God why didn’t one of you tell me there were men in the dorm?” I heard her say through the door.

A moment later, towel wrapped around her she stepped out into the hallway.

“Why didn’t you take clothes with you,” tall and ugly asked her?

“Duh, girls Dorm, no men allowed.”

“Where are your dirty clothes?”

“In my room waiting to be washed when it’s my turn to use the washing machines.” She reached into her room and grabbed her things out of her clothes basket.

“Why are they all sticky and wet?”

“It’s called Root Beer soda. It tends to go everywhere when it gets shook up.”

“And you’ve been here all day?”

“Yes, and I’m going to have to completely redo my homework.” She pulled a sopping wet mess out of the trash can. “Why are you here asking me questions without my parole officer being present?”

“Can you tell us where your car is?”

“Yeah it’s at home. I got a B instead of an A on my Algebra so my dear loving mother took it away from me until I get my grades up again. I rode back with Malissa and Mrs. Vandine last week.”

That was actually true. I smiled at her. We didn’t tell them that she’d ridden home with us yesterday. Or that she was required to sign out through Karen’s office.

“Does your mother Drink or take excessive prescriptions?”

She burst out laughing. “Oh my god, is she in the hospital again hallucinating?”

“She claims that you wrecked your car at the Quarries racing your brothers.”

“I don’t even have my keys. She kept them don’t tell me she wrecked my Baby. Did she get drunk and wreck my car!!!”

“Sounds like your mother needs some help. Sorry about your car. I hope you can recover your homework for school.”

“Ma’am, we’re sorry to have disrupted things here.”

Miss Clara walked them to the gate.

“Oh My God,” She breathed.

“Malissa,” Bambi glared at me through the open door. “Did you drag my brother into this?”

“Bambi, Shut the fuck up. You don’t have a clue what’s going on.”

“No I don’t. But if you’re involved he probably is too.”

“Then why don’t you call him and ask him yourself?”

“Because he isn’t talking to me because of you.”

“Mercedes! Phone call.”

“Excuse me,” she said. “Which phone?”

“The one in Malissa’s room.”

I followed her upstairs to my room.


“Mercedes Honey, please call Mr. Pierces office. On Monday. First thing. He needs to talk to you.”

“Ok Uncle John.”

“I’m happy to hear that it wasn’t you down here getting into trouble. Tell everyone thank you for me, please.”

“I will, thank you Uncle John. You’re more of a Daddy to me than my own is. And tell Aunt Priscilla I love her too.”

She hung up and it rang again. “Hello?”

“Oh god I hope you didn’t have as rough a time as Tiffany said you were.”

“Piece of cake.”

“So you didn’t slap the shit out of a FBI agent and get handcuffed?”

I giggled, “Yes but it was because he beat up my Bitch and ruined the paint on the drivers front fender.”

“It was horrible what they did to her. She’s got scratches all over from their gun belts. And he slammed a flashlight into the fender. Daddy’s going to be furious.”

“We’ll get her fixed Babe. I promise.”

“Donnie, why aren’t you talking to Bambi?”

“Because she’s being an over protective bitch, I don’t care if she was born first. And my mother isn’t helping any.”

“She hates my guts doesn’t she?”

“No she just has these different hopes for who I Marry. Bambi’s lucky, Momma like’s Jon Paul.”

“Jon Paul?”

“Bambi’s French Boyfriend. He comes over every summer, he’s trying to get into MMA as an exchange student.”

“Donnie, listen to me. She’s your sister. Talk to her, just tell her how you feel she really does care about you. She’s all worried that I’m dragging you into things.”

“I don’t want to come between the two of you. I won’t do that to either of you. Even if she is a pain in the ass. Maybe she just needs her hormones tweaked. I love you and that mean’s I love her too, and your Mom even though she hates my gut’s.”

I saw the reflection in the mirror, “Hold on a second. I covered the mouth piece.”

“Is that him?”

I held it out to her. “Talk to him please.”

“No he’s mad at me?”


“Because I’m jealous of you two. You get to see each other almost every weekend.”

“Donnie, let me call you back.”

“Is she crying?”

“Yes, now are you happy?”

“No, I don’t want her crying.”

I pulled her to me and pushed the phone to her ear.

“Just say you’re sorry.”

“D, Donnie, I’m sorry I’m jealous. And I’m sorry I’m taking it out on you. It’s not your fault they won’t let Jon Paul transfer.”

My roommates and I left them some privacy. Five minutes later she came out of the room her mascara all over her face.

I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tight.

“Whoa, no making out in the hallway, freaking lesbo’s”

We yelled, “Shut up Gretchen.”

“All this time I thought you hated me because I’m not good enough for your brother.”

“I’m sorry, that’s my mother’s excuse. I’m just a jealous bitch.”

“Why aren’t I good enough for him?”

“It’s not me, god knows I’d never throw it up in another T-Girls face. But Momma want’s grandchildren.”

“She what?”

“Your, not a Breeder Bitch.”

We both slapped Gretchen at the same time.

We both now had a common enemy, Gretchen Howell.

“He said to tell you to call your Mom. And he’d see you at the Six.”

I kissed her cheek, “Thank you Bambi.”

I called Momma and told her everything that went down. Leaving out the part about my talk with Bambi.

“Don’t worry Daddy will get your car fixed.”

“Momma, can I ask you a question?”

“Anything honey, what’s bothering you?”

“Do you and daddy want Grandchildren?”

“When you and Donnie are ready for children honey you can adopt.”

“You came up with that awfully quick.”

“That’s because Donnie already beat you to it. He asked your daddy if he would mind having Adopted Grandchildren some day when the two of you were ready to start a family of your own.”

“God he thinks of everything, is it any wonder I love him so much?”

“I’d be surprised if you didn’t.”

I fell asleep and dreamed again about our future. We had a huge house like Momma and Daddy’s. There were rows of flowers and a circle drive way, a big yellow dog laying on the porch.

It was thanks giving, and our own Daughters and Granddaughters were helping in the kitchen.

I woke up when a pretty little girl said, “Grandma, can I lick the beaters,” and someone said, “Malissa don’t pester your Grandma.”

Someone was shaking my shoulder. “Get up lazy bones it’s freakin’ Noon.”

“What? Oh crap.”

“You better hurry up Gina says you have a visitor.”

“I have a what? Who would be visiting me here at school?”

“I don’t know but he’s cute and wearing a MMA uniform. It’s kind of like official or so Gina says.”

I ran into the showers and then back to my room, crap all I had left that wasn’t a school uniform or wrinkled from being stuffed in the my suitcase last night was a frilly poufy pink dress with lots of ruffled lace.

“Cassidy, can you go stall for time?”

She giggled. “I think Laura has that all taken care of.”

I pulled on a pair of thigh high white stockings, and matching white lace bra and panties. Then my dress, oh god it was barely long enough to meet school standards, when I was wearing the only pair of heels I had that matched.

I quickly brushed out my hair, pulling it high up into a ponytail. Then did my makeup, I didn’t have time to do my nails.

I opened my travel case and took out my necklace that Daddy had given me for Christmas. Then my tear drop diamond earrings. And finally the charm bracelet that Donnie had given me when I came home from the hospital.

Cassidy helped me tie the bow into my hair.

“God I look silly.”

“No you look like a proper Academy girl.”

I kissed her cheek. “Thank you, but I still look silly.”

She said, “Miss Clara said I was to act as your escort.”

“What the hell?”

“Official courtship Meetings and functions, women’s studies, chapter forty three, remember?”

We giggled, “Oh yeah. I wonder if my Daddy knows he’s here?” We were half way to the admin at the sidewalk junction where it split off toward the dining hall.

“If he didn’t you would not even know the young man had ever been here.” I gulped as I looked up to see Miss Myra. “They are waiting in the dining hall.”

“Oh crap, please tell me they aren’t holding up lunch for me to arrive.”

“I suggest you put a wiggle in it. It’s been twenty minutes.”

I all but ran.

Gina allowed me to sign in for my lunch and when I reached the designated table, oh god it was right up front next to the house mothers and teachers tables, he was standing there with someone I’d seen before but couldn’t place.

Both Cadets stood waiting.

“Ladies,” everyone stood up. “We have a guest today from the MMA, he has come with an escort to be properly announced, and presented his Calling Card in keeping with Courtship protocol. It is my pleasure to present Cadet Sgt. Donnie Pierce. And his escort Cadet Cpl. Randall Craig.”

“Gentlemen you may Seat your ladies.”

As soon as we were seated. Everyone else sat down and then Donnie and Randy sat down. I looked across the room at Gretchen and she was super pissed off. At our table was Bambi, and Tiffany and Laura, and I guess Cassidy had been assigned as co-escort with Randy.

“Damnit, she’s pissed off. I’m never going to hear the end of this.”

“Calm down Randy, I told you to let Chad come, but you were just so sure of yourself.”

“Chad? You mean that boy down the street who’s been trying to date Connie?”

“Yes he’s our other roommate.”

“I don’t understand, if you’re dating Gretchen why didn’t she get assigned as your Co-escort?”

“Her father wouldn’t give me permission to see her. And Miss Clara and the Colonel being old friends as well as old school, go by traditions.”

“Hey Donnie? Where’s Mark? Cassidy asked.”

“Room 12, right next to Malissa and Me, Randy’s in room eleven. But how are we going to let Gretchen know?”

Donnie looked at Randy, “You’re my roommate and all but I won’t screw up my chances to see Malissa officially. I won’t let her break protocol either.”

“Room Eleven, Motel Six?”

“Yeah Tiff,” she giggled. “God this is going to be so fun.”

“What is?”

“Someone she hates delivering the secret meeting location for her lover.” She stood up and they stood up. Miss Myra looked suspiciously at her.

“We’re out of Rolls,” she held up the empty serving tray.

She practically skipped as she went past Gretchen’s table.

Gretchen glared at her, but didn’t follow. It took Tiffany an extra-long time to come back from the kitchens with the rolls. When she did, she paused at Gretchen’s table.

“Here you go, just what you needed.” She took a roll off the top and set it on her plate then skipped off.

Miss Clara, Myra, and Gina were watching us closely. Then when Gretchen’s expression changed I saw a slight smile appear on Miss Clara’s face.

She wrote something on a napkin and handed it to Karen, who promptly went to Gretchen’s table. Gretchen stood up and followed her out of the room.

Miss Clara smiled and shook her head no at me.

When dinner was finished, Gretchen still hadn’t returned.

“Oh crap,” I breathed. “I’m really sorry if I just got her in trouble. Even if she does hate me.”

Miss Clara stood and made the official announcement. “As you all have seen a Gentleman has finally braved the Courtship rituals to visit his Love here at our fine school. So let me just lay it out so there are no mistakes and no injured feelings if someone is turned down.”

“The gentleman must Present himself to the Administration office with his official calling card,” she held up Donnie’s. “It will be on display on the bulletin board for those of you with Gentlemen friends not associated with a Military school. At such time as the card is presented I will make three phone calls. The first will be to your parent’s to verify that you have their permission to Date said Gentleman. The second will be to his Parent’s, and the third will be to the head master of his school to ensure that he has been properly trained in Courtship Protocols and is aware of the young man’s presence here at the Academy.”

“Miss Cassidy? You are to act as chaperone along with Cpl. Craig while the couple is here today. Upon their return tomorrow you or the Dorm mother on duty will act as Chaperone. While the couple is off campus, Miss Pierce will act as the Escort.” Bambi was shocked, but happy.

She made a rising motion with her hands and everyone stood. “Ladies, enjoy your weekend.”

Walking past us she paused, “Cpl. I just want to tell you I think her father is being unfair. Tiffany, well played. That’s ten Merits for having a good heart. Now please destroy this before I have to see it officially.”

“I hope she isn’t in trouble.”

“Officially that note never got delivered. Miss Howell signed out for the weekend before Lunch started.”

“Now, be a dear and figure out how to help a classmate out.” She slowly walked on past us.

Gretchen’s car was at the motel parked in front of room eleven when we got there. Bambi said, “Come on chad lets go watch movies in our room while these two go have some fun.”

“I can’t afford those pay per views.”

“Don’t worry about it I’m sure my Brother will pay for them. Right?”

He laughed, “Blackmailer.”

“No you’re simply taking care of your chaperones. Now shut up and go have fun.”

He kissed her cheek, “Thanks Sis.”

We started out as we usually did, and then I pushed him onto his back in the middle of the bed.

He let out a joyous groan as I swallowed him all the way down and held it as long as I could before coming up for air. It took about six times before I got my reward. But before he could pull me up to kiss my face clean, I swallowed him again twisting my head around as I swirled my tongue around.

His fingers twisted in my hair, and I choked giggling as he grew fully hard again in my throat. He gasped as my tongue swirled around his balls before I came up for air.

Leaning forward I rubbed my breast over his stiff cock looking deep into his eyes, as I crawled up over him. He was totally confused though when I stopped trapping him between my virgin pussy. God it was killing me, I was so wet and just wanted him inside me.

I knew my eyes were sparkling as I slowly rocked my hips on him. Leaning forward I kissed him, pushing my tongue into his mouth as I felt the tip slid downward over my aftermarket Clitoris.

He twitched involuntarily, as it slid between my outer folds. And I wiggled around pushing back slowly.

He was holding back fighting the urge to thrust up into me, I could see it in his eyes he wanted me as badly as I wanted him. But I forced myself to go slow this first time, as I continued to let my tongue dance with his.

When it was all the way in I giggled pressing my forehead to his. We both started slowly, our bodies moving together.

I felt it building inside me, and arched my back, rolling my hips in time to the tingling sensations deep inside of me. When his mouth closed around my left breast I couldn’t hold back any longer. I squealed biting my lip as my first real girl orgasm took hold of me and I started bouncing, jerking as I rode him harder. I collapsed on top of him panting. And he carefully rolled us over until I was on my back.

Still panting I rocked my hips, looking up into his eyes. “Fuck me, fuck me hard,” moaned.

“Let me get a condom,” he said.

I locked my legs around him. “No, please no. I want you inside me. I want to feel your cum inside of me.”

I writhed and moaned and squealed under him as he thrust into me over and over again until I was Cumming again. And then he suddenly went stiff and groaned as his cock blasted deep inside my pussy for the first time.

We were both covered in sweat, and I pulled him down to me kissing him passionately as we both panted hard trying to catch our breaths.

Then slowly he began kissing his way down my body, and while it wasn’t the first time he’d gone down on me I was overly excited. As his lips kissed the beginning of the divide I twisted my hands into his short hair.

I was cumming again before his tongue ever dipped into my pussy filled with his cum.

His face was slick with the cream of our love making. And I kissed and licked it clean, before rolling over on the bed giggling.

“I have to pee,” I said. And dashed into the bathroom.

“God your so sexy,” he said at the doorway. “It’s my turn next.”

I pulled him to me and spread my legs wide. “Just go between my legs,” I giggled sitting there waiting to wipe.

He was trying to aim it into the bowl but the first stream hit my clit and I began to cum again.

“Holy shit,” I breathed giggling. “Where did that one come from?”

He kissed my head. And I saw his cock in front of me.

Sitting on the potty I took him into my mouth again, marveling at the contrasting odors and tastes. Musky yet with a salty tang.

Suddenly he pulled back away from me, a sly grin covering his face.

I started to wipe and he said, No it’s my turn. Lifting me up into his arms. His hands going down under my butt as he lifted me higher.

Slowly he repositioned his hands under my ass, as he lifted me till my head was against the ceiling, my back pressed against the wall.

“Oh, fuck. Oh god,” I moaned as his tongue swirled around me, dipping inside. My fingers locking twisting in his hair. I pounded my head against the wall as I came harder than I realized. Then his arms were around me as he leaned back away from the wall letting me slide down. I wrapped my legs around him as I settled onto his hardened cock.

I kissed his face all over, giggling as he carried my back to the waiting bed.

“What are you giggling about?”

“God I think I’m turning into a total slut.”

He grinned, “Yes but you’re my total slut. And when we’re in the open you are my perfect Princess. All prim and proper.”

I looked at the clock on the night stand. “Your Slut wants it from behind this time. Before the fairy godmother in her stomach turns her into Cinderella and makes you feed her.”

He tossed me onto the bed and flipped me over. I came twice before I felt him starting to grow bigger inside me. Giggling I pulled forward and flipped around.

Looking up into his eyes I slowly swirled my tongue around the tip. “You know what I want,” I teased. My thumb pressing against the vein at the base.

“No what do you want?”

I softly raked my teeth over the crown, still looking into his eyes. And that was all it took, I never stopped looking into his eyes as I swirled my tongue around the tip, and his cum splashed across my face, and into my eyes.

“Only you my love, I’m your slut until you decide to find someone better.”

He pushed me onto my back his lips and tongue cleaning off my face. Then he took my chin between his fingers.

“Before we jump in the shower I want to know what that last comment was about.” He was totally serious.

I tried to look away but he wouldn’t let me. “Malissa, tell me why you think I would ever want anyone else.”

I swallowed hard almost in tears. “I, I can’t ever have children. And your Mom want’s grandchildren.”

“Where did you get that idea?”

“B, Bambi told me. I made her tell me why your mother hates me.”

“Oh goddamnit, Love, my mother has nothing to do with my decisions. And when and if we decide to have children there are plenty out there who deserve to have as wonderful a Mommy as you will be.”

“Do you think so? You really think I’d be a good Momma?”

“Without a doubt. Now stop worrying about what anyone else want’s the only two people in our relationship that have any real say are already right here in the room.”

He giggled, “Well Mr. Cobra, and the twins, and,,,,,”

He never got to finish, I covered his mouth with mine crying happy tears. As he carried me into the shower.

We got dressed and I felt silly wearing my wrinkled dress. And damn was I sore. But I felt proud and more alive and complete than ever before as we knocked on the door next to us.

“We’re going to Dinner, you two coming with us?”

“God your still alive,” Bambi giggled at me. “We’ll be right there.”

Knocking on Randy’s door we waited for him to answer.

“Chow time, throw some clothes on and meet us at Shoney’s my treat.”

“Why? Because we have to figure out how we’re going to get Miss Priss there permission to see you on weekends.”

On the way to the car Bambi said, “Yep, it’s about time you got to do the first walk of shame. I bet your sore as hell.”

“Shame? Hell no, I’m proud to be your brothers slut in the bedroom and his Lady in public.”

“Don’t worry, once you get used to it you won’t always be so sore afterwards. But we’re going to have to work on your walk or everyone in the Dorm will know you’ve been Shagged.”

Gretchen and Randy caught up to us at the car.

“Hey Gretch? How do you do it?” Bambi asked

“Do what?”

“Hide the walk after a really good Fuck.”

I blushed, “Bambi, peace remember?”

Bambi hugged her, “I’m sorry old habits. But we gotta figure out how to keep Malissa from walking like a sore hooker on a Sunday morning.”

She giggled, “Take a nice long, hot bubble bath before you get ready to go back to miss prim and proper.”

We had steaks with mashed potatoes, and Gretchen asked why we were helping her. “And why did you guys go out of your way to smuggle Mercedes back into school?”

“Mercedes parents are ten times worse than yours are,” Bambi said. “Plus there’s the fact that she’s our Academy sister.”

“She’s what? No way?”

“No she’s a GG, born and raised. But she goes to school with us and she is trying to change, rise above her past. Plus she has a lot of really shitty things that go down at home that you really don’t want to know about,” I told her.

“It’s her brothers isn’t it? And her mother and father turn a blind eye to them molesting her every chance they get.”

Bambi and I sat open jawed staring at her.

“We were roommates last year at the school in Philadelphia, she had really horrible nightmares. But I just finally realized what they were about. God I feel so fucking horrible right now.”

Reaching across the table I took her hand in mine, “What matters is now that you know, you’re going to be able to help her whether she realizes it or not. But right now we need to know what it is that your parents have against Randy.”

“It’s mostly my Dad. He thinks Randy’s only after my money. Mom’s ok with it, though she said he has a good heart, but she can’t get in the middle between me and Daddy for some reason. I know he’s fooling around on her but she signed a Prenuptial Agreement and if she gets divorced we lose everything.”

Bambi and Donnie were staring at each other connected as only twins can. “Daddy,” they both said at the same time.


“Our Daddy is the worlds best Family practice Attorney in the States.”

“My Mom can’t afford him, besides my Dad would find out if she contacted him.”

“Listen does your Mother have like a private line, maybe Miss Clara could call her next time. Completely bypass your father. Once your mother gives consent then there’s no more reason for Clara to have to call. She’ll have parental consent from one of your parents.”

“I don’t know if that’ll work or not.”

I looked up and breathed, “Oh shit. Too late now.”

Miss Davis our Second floor Dorm mother and Gina were looking right at us.

“Crap, crap, crap,” Gretchen said about to panic.

“Malissa, Bambi, we thought you two might be here.” They took a table next to ours.

“So how are you enjoying your evening? Bambi I trust they aren’t boring you too much.”

“Ummm, no ma’am. We’ve just been watching movies.”

“Would either of you two happen to know how the parental consent thing works?” I asked. “Like do you call each time we have our designated visitor?”

“Not unless one of your parents calls and revokes the privileges. Like say if Mrs. Howell for instance was to call and personally give your friend Gretchen permission to see a specific young Cadet Cpl. On weekends, We would have no reason to call the contact number to her father’s office. Miss Clara already has the Cpl.’s parent’s consent on file along with that of the Colonel.”

Gina looked me straight in the eye, “If you see her you might let her know that. But since we aren’t here officially, we haven’t seen her.”

Miss Davis leaned across the aisle to me, “Do yourself a favor Honey. Try biting a pillow the next time you feel like screaming.”

Gina giggled. “And I don’t even want to know what it was that was banging the wall in the bathroom. But I hope the back of your head isn’t sore.” I blushed red.

“Here, we brought you something for tomorrow.” Gina handed me a bottle of morning glory scented bubble bath. “About a half hour soak should ease any sore muscles. Now if you’ll excuse us it seems our Dates have finally arrived.” Rhonda’s father, James and another off duty State trooper were walking our way.

James kissed Gina passionately then she said, “Rhonda’s getting suspicious.”

“Not anymore I’m not.”

We hadn’t seen her come in.

“Oh, damn, I guess we’re busted.”

He looked at us nervously, then back to Gina and Rhonda, who had taken a seat beside her already. We were getting ready to leave when we overheard it.

“So ask her already or I will,” Rhonda said.

He swallowed, “You’re rushing a bit aren’t you?”

“No Daddy I’m not. I’m tired of waiting. I’ve been patient for three years.”

“Three years?” Gina said.

“Gina Day,” Rhonda took hold of her hand. “Will you marry my Daddy please?”

“Rhonda, Honey, I will if he ever gets enough courage to ask me himself.”

They both looked at him waiting, when he didn’t say anything, Rhonda said “Fine I’ll go play with the siren and lights until you do.” She ran off in the direction of the parking lot.

“This isn’t exactly how I wanted to do this, but here goes. Gina Day, Will you Marry Me?”

She glanced over his shoulder to where Rhonda was pulling on the door handle to the cruiser.

When she looked back there were tears in her eyes, “Yes, yes and I’ll be the best Mommy Rhonda ever had.”

They were still kissing when she walked back in. “God the things a kid has to do to get a Mommy these days.”

We all giggled. Then Bambi said, “Hey kid, when you get back to the motel why don’t you come to Room twelve. I think they might need a little Mommy Daddy time.”

Giggling she said, “They better.”

“What took you guys so long?” Miss Davis asked.

“We had to drop off the estimates for the repairs to Miss Vandine’s Car at the federal court house. The FBI challenged the estimated cost of the paint.” He looked at me, “If it was ordinary paint your estimate would have been right on. But it isn’t paint, its lacquer, three coats deep. At an estimate of one gallon per coat, and $1600.00 a gallon, that’s the cheapest we could find it by the way, it’s really going to cost them for last night.”

“Wow, your Dad paid that much for the paint job?” Gretchen was in shock. “I wish my Father cared that much about me.”

They were right about the bubble bath helping ease the soreness, but of course it could do nothing to hide the glow of new womanhood. All my Academy sisters however were kind enough not to mention it, as we kissed on the front steps to the dorm.

He reached out and caught Bambi’s sleeve as she started to pass us. “Thank you,” he said

“You’re welcome, you’d do the same for me, I know you would.”

“Yes I would. But what I’m wondering now is why is Dad’s car parked over at Admin?”

Gretchen looked in that direction. “Oh fuck, my parents are here.”

As if summoned Miss Myra came to the door. “Miss Howell, your parents are here.”

“Randy, you better leave.” She urged him.

“No he is my official Chaperone,” Donnie said. “He has a reason to be here.”

“I called Daddy last night, Donnie. I was just trying to help Gretchen.”

Myra winked at us. “Gretchen Honey, I told your parents you were in the showers. So go get your hair wet. And change into something less Date worthy.”

She disappeared through the door as the group came out of the front doors to Admin.

We stood our ground waiting. Oh crap I thought as I spotted Monica Pierce striding toward us with the small group. I had no idea who the others were.

“Son,” Vincent said. “Miss Vandine always a pleasure. Bambi I trust you performed your Chaperone duties adequately.”

“You what the hell are you doing here? Sniffing around after my daughter?”

“Mr. Howell,” Miss Clara said. “This Cadet is a Chaperone escort for Miss Vandine here, and her Fiancé. I will not have you using vulgar language and making unfounded accusations on my Campus. And not in the presence of my young ladies.”

Monica and Gretchen’s mom slipped in through the door.

Vincent put out his hand to stop her father. “Trust me you don’t want to go in there, I made that mistake once, those girls run around half naked most of the time. Very embarrassing for a father to be seeing his daughter’s friends that way.”

A minute later a towel wrapped around her head the two Moms came out with Gretchen. “What’s going on?” She really was confused.

“Baby we have a serious question to ask you?” Her father started. “Your mother has filed for divorce, and we need to know who you wish to live with. Me and my money or your mother and sewer rats?”

I could see the slow burn in Vincent’s eyes at that last remark.

She clung to her mother, “At least she takes time to care about me. Make sure I’m not neglected.”

“Very well then. Valerie I’ll have the Staff pack up all your shit and cleared out of the house.”

“One moment, who’s the leading attorney here?” asked Vincent.

“That would be me.”

“I hereby serve you with legal notice of financial seizure. The house the bank accounts and all property that is declared by your client. And an order of restraint. Your client is not to come within one hundred yards of My Client, her daughter, or the house where in she currently resides.”

“She signed a prenuptial agreement.”

“Which does not include offspring. And as you know as the only declared legal heir, Miss Howell is entitled to half of all assets at the time of divorce.”

“Where do you suggest I live?”

“You might try Stacy’s I’m sure she’d be happy to share you with any of your other secretaries.”

“Mrs. Howell, you now have full custody of your daughter Gretchen. And I’ll have my office contact the security firm immediately to insure they are aware of the changes. In addition here is a courtesy card to use in case any mistakes occur and you are cut off from your finances.”

“You’re doing this for the money aren’t you?” Mr. Howell accused.

“No Ted, he’s doing it Pro bono. But I intend to reimburse him when it’s over. Come on Honey I haven’t gotten to see your room all year. Oh I almost forgot.” She reached out and took Randy’s hand, “You have my permission to visit my daughter on weekends. Whether it’s here at school or at home.”

Mr. Howell and his lawyers left.

“Well I see you’re still around for now,” Monica said to me.


“Mother, back off of her. Donnie’s going to marry her whether you want him to or not. And if I hear you call her a non-breeder one more time I’ll slap you myself. Because whether you want to admit it or not I’m a fucking Non-Breeder too, and it hurts me to the core every time I hear you say it.” Bambi spun around and ran into the dorm crying.

“Excuse me,” Miss Clara said. “I seem to have a Student in crisis.”

“Donnie, I better go give her a shoulder to cry on.” We kissed, “See you next weekend at home,” I promised. But he didn’t let go of my hand.

“Monica, I can’t believe you said that to your own Daughter. You can accept her and Jon Paul, but you can’t accept Donnie and Malissa?”

“Well obviously, Jon Paul is going to remain a summer fling. Besides we aren’t going to Europe this year.”

“Ma’am, Miss Myra isn’t it? Might there be a private room nearby that I could borrow for a few minutes.”

“My door is the first one on your left.”

He dragged Monica toward the doors. “No, no you don’t. I’ll scream, she threatened. I’ll call Andrew Jackson.”

“At the moment Love, I doubt he’d answer. Besides this isn’t play time, you’ve hurt one our children to the core, and you’re going to get a spanking for it.”

She grabbed the door frame fighting him. And he wrapped his arm around her waist. “Have it your way, I was going to do it in private but your being a brat.” He sat down on the bench beside the door pulling her across his lap. Then pinned her hands together, before pulling up her skirt.

“No, no Vincent, you can’t.”

He jerked her panty’s down and covered her bottom with his huge hand.

“God damn it, if you do this you’ll sleep on the couch for a year.” Smack,

“Count them Monica,” Smack, Smack.

She wailed. “You bastard.”

“Flattery won’t help you. It’s only ten,” smack. “But I don’t start the count until you do.” Smack. “Each smack was harder than the last.” Smack.


Smack, “Wrong you skipped over the first five.”

“One, one goddamnit.”


“Two,” she was crying real tears now.

“You know why your being spanked, and you know you deserve it don’t you?” Smack.

“Th, three, y, yes.”

“Yes what?” Smackkkk.

“Owwwwww, four, yes I deserve it.”

Smack, “f, f, five.”

“What’s going on out there? Myra get out of the way.”

Smack, “Siiiixxxxxx.”

“It’s a family discipline issue Ma’am.”

Smaacckkkkk, “SEVENNNNNNNNN!”

“My god there are children watching, we can’t allow this.”

Smack, lighter this time. “Eight,” she squalled.

“Monica, I love you, you know that.”

“Just hurry up and get it over with,” she was crying.

Tap, tap. So light there wasn’t any sound.

He let her go, and she stood up taking her panty’s off. Then pulling her skirt back down.

“Was that really necessary?” Clara demanded.

“Clara,” Monica said.

“Yes, you poor thing.” She shot daggers at Vincent.

“I deserved it, I asked for it even. If he didn’t love me or our children he would have ignored the fact that I’ve been a total bitch to my Sons Fiancé, and hurt my Daughter in the process.” She stuffed her pantys into her pocket. “God it’s going to sting all the way home.”

“Momma? I forgive you.”

“I have to forgive myself first, baby. Vincent, I’ll be in the car when you’re ready.”

“Mom,” I said. She hugged me hard, crying on my shoulder. “I’m sorry can you ever forgive me?”

My free hand dug in my purse and I found my Aloe Vera hand lotion. “If you come up to my room and let me take care of some of that sting. But yes I forgive you for being human. And being a Mom who cares too much.”

“I’m sorry you had to see that.”

I smiled at her, “You mean how much he loves you and your children?”

“God you have to think our family’s crazy.”

I was leading her instead to Bambi’s room on the first floor, “No when you see my Momma, ask her about Valentine’s day.” While Bambi hugged her I smoothed lotion into my future mother in laws well spanked ass.

Jennifer came skipping into the room, “Bambi your dads,,, oh crap did your parents have a fight?”

“Here mom, take Bucky. He’s good to sit on after a spanking.”

“Monica? Are you ok?”

She smiled at Momma, and hugged Bambi and I, “I am now.”

Momma looked at me with a question,

“Valentine’s day.”

“Do you want to talk about it Monica?”

“I’d rather talk about how we’re going to handle their wedding in three year’s assuming they wait that long.”

“They’re good kids, they promised to wait. And they’ll keep their promise. At least Malissa will, she doesn’t want a Spanking from her Daddy.”

“Oh I doubt Dave would ever Spank any of his Girls.”

“God, it’s humiliating to admit, but I’ve had my share of spankings from a loving daddy who cares about me. And believe me, I know the difference. I wonder if Donnie loves me that much.”

I looked out the window and saw him almost at his car. “Excuse me,” I said peeling off my panties. I know they were watching me from the window as I raced across the grass to his car. I leaned in through the window and kissed him as I hung my pantys from his rearview mirror.

“Do you love me as much as your Dad loves Your Mom?”

“Yes, but why are you asking that?”

“Because, I just gave you reason to spank me. Next time we’re together though, not right now.”

“What are you talking about?”

I said, “Your Mom and mine are watching, and when I get home next Friday, I’m going to be due for a spanking. So I’d rather it be from you.”

He took my panties off his rearview mirror and sniffed them before putting them in his pocket. “God your crazy, but I love you. And yes, it’ll be the best Spanking you ever had.”

I kissed him again. “You better hurry or you’ll be late, and that would give you more reason to spank me again,” I giggled.

Momma met me half way up the sidewalk. “So now that you’re a fully active sex machine, are you ready for the talk that you keep avoiding?”

“What? Momma, what makes you think I’ve gone all the way?”

“That womanly sparkle in your eyes, and that new swish to your wiggle.”

I couldn’t help giggling.

“And you made sure to mark your territory I front of the competition.”

I giggled, “I did, didn’t I?”

“Yes you most certainly did. And he was gentleman enough to remove them from view so they didn’t look like a trophy.”

“Oh god, oh god, I hope none of the Dorm mothers saw that.”

“Saw what?” Gina asked

“Umm nothing.”

Rhonda giggled as she skipped past. “I’ll be in my Dorm Momma.”

“I’ll be there to tuck you in around Nine Sweetie.”

“Patience? Did either of us see anything inappropriate in the parking lot?”

“No I would have noticed a pair of pink lace panty’s hanging from a rear view mirror if I’d seen them. But since I didn’t see them, no I didn’t see a thing.”

“Gina?” Momma asked. “Why did Rhonda call you Momma? I thought her Mother was dead.”

She blushed and held out her hand, the diamond almost as big as mine sparkled in the light. “We’re getting married after schools out this summer.”

“Isn’t that when Rhonda’s having her surgery?” Momma asked.

“Yeah but we don’t really need a honeymoon. And I’ll be with her after Jim’s vacation runs out.”

“Why don’t you talk to Clara about taking the last two weeks off that way you can have two weeks together before her surgery.”

“But then she’d be stuck here by herself.”

“She can come home with the girls on weekends. We’d love to have her visit, just talk to Jim ok. He knows we were going to watch her anyway before he popped the question.”

“God, I feel like I’ve really missed a lot. I had no idea she even knew we were seeing each other for the last three years.”

“How long has she been in school here?” asked Momma.

“Two years, she started here when I took the job as a student councilor and Therapist. I asked for a favor from Clara since she came to me asking me to come here. I asked her if we could get Rhonda into school here. She got her one of those Jennifer grants.”

“And you spend a lot of time mentoring and tutoring her right?”

“Yes Ma’am she’s an angel. The kind of girl I’d love to have if I could have one of my own.”

Momma looked at all the jewelry she was wearing, most of it said cops girlfriend or wife. “How much of that do you think she helped him pick out?”

Gina blushed, “Oh god, I never really thought about that before.”

Smiling Momma said, “It explains a lot though doesn’t it?”

We’d been walking back toward the dorm, “Mrs. Vandine? Could I talk with you for a bit in private?”

“Of course you can Gina, but call me Dotty.”

When I got to my room Tiffany and Mercedes were there, “Are you in some kind of trouble that we should or shouldn’t know about?”

“What makes you think I’m in trouble?”

Mercedes knocked on my forehead, “Hello your Mom’s in talking with Gina.”

“And we saw what you did with your Panty’s.”

“Tiff, I was just staking my claim in front of all you hussies. And what my Mom and Gina are discussing has nothing to do with me.”


“Whatever, go play hide the Dildo in the showers. Or whatever single unspoken for girls do.”

“Now who’s being a bitch?”

I laughed, “Sorry I’m just preoccupied.”

“With what?”

“Home Economics, I still don’t know what I’m going to fix yet.”

“You don’t have your meal planned yet? That’s due on Tuesday!”

“Tell me about it,” I absently flipped through a magazine.

“Hell you’re the best cook in our class.” Cassidy said. “I bet you could even do that snail crap on the last page.”

I flipped back to the last page in the Vogue magazine.

“Escar what?”

“Escargot, it’s a French delicacy.”

“What’s it made of? “

“Snails,” Laura answered. “Giant slimy Snails still in their shells. Why? There aren’t any restaurants around here to get them.”

“Malissa’s going to fix them for Home Ec.”


“I was just looking at the pictures.” I said.

“Hey, everybody!” Laura yelled down the hall way. “Malissa’s fixing Snails for Home Ec. Thursday.”

“She what?”

“You know Escargot.”

I sat on my bed banging my head back against the wall, “Crap I was just looking at the picture. Shut up before you get me into something I wasn’t really planning on doing.”

A moment later Momma came to my room, Jennie and Connie in her wake. “I wish you’d told me earlier honey, but I’ll call around and make sure you have what you need.”

“What are you talking about Momma?”

“Your Home Ec. Project.” She hugged me hard, “I’m so proud of you.”

“Thanks Momma, I’ll do my best.”

“Well I better get home, your Daddy’s going to be so proud when I tell him.”

“You know we really don’t have a source for Acquiring that exotic of an ingredient or main menu item,” Gina said.

My heart skipped a beat, Thank you Gina I thought.

“Oh it’s no problem, I’ll call Andre’s at home he can have them sent up.” They were walking down the hallway. And I buried my head under my pillow.

I didn’t know the first thing about snails other than they were shelled garden pests or that if you put one in your aquarium you’d have a zillion in a week.

I punched my pillow and yelled, “Damnit all to hell.”

“What’s her problem?”

“Everyone hates me Bambi.”

“I don’t hate you.”

I rolled over and looked up at her. “I just got shanghaied into fixing Escargot for Home Ec.”

“Why would you pick Escargot? It isn’t even in the menu choices.”

Tiff, Cassidy and Laura were laughing,

“It’s not funny Damnit. Bambi? You spent a lot of time in France. You can get me some recipes.”

“Umm, no I can’t. I don’t know the first thing about French cuisine.”

I looked at the clock, almost Six, I still had some time.

“Where are you going?”

“Library, I have to find a cookbook.”

I grabbed my purse, and took off as fast as I dared. In my heels.

“Library closes in ten minutes,” the librarian announced as I entered.

“Where do you keep the cookbooks?”

She pointed to the stacks on the left.

“Hey aren’t you the Vandine girl? The one they just announced was going to fix Escargot on Thursday?”

I growled, and headed into the rows of books.

I found three on French cuisine, and hurried back to check them out.

She smiled at me, then her hand caressed mine tenderly. “I bet you have a tender little Escargot yourself.”

I blushed, grabbed the books and hurried out headed for the Dining hall.

My plan was simple, eat fast, and go find a recipe in relative quiet while the rest of the dorm was eating.

Miss Grace, was on meal duty when I signed the meal ledger.

“Malissa, I heard about your project. What recipe are you using?”

I held up the books, “Still searching Ma’am.”

“No, oh Honey you don’t want one of those.”

I frowned, “I’m sunk then.”

She smiled at me and spouted off a ton of French, Bambi came in and they both struck up a conversation in fluent French that most people wouldn’t be able to follow. But they kept gesturing toward me as other girls came through signing the ledger.

“Malissa, Ma Petite, I am most sorry you got roped into this. But I will give you the means to save your day. The rest is in your capable hands.”

She waved to one of the eighth grade staff, “I need to run to my room for a minute, can you watch the counter please. Malissa, I’ll be right back but you go ahead and eat.”

I was done eating before she returned. And had almost given up hope. Walking past my table she handed me five folded pieces of paper. “I hope this helps. I had to recopy it from my grandmother’s book.”

“Thank you Ma’am, I’m sure it will.” I hurried to dump my tray.

Back in my room I discovered that Miss Grace had the worst handwriting in the world. I was only about a quarter of the way through deciphering and recopying the recipe when tiffany asked, “Did Grace give you a love note at dinner? She loves Escargot.”

Cassidy said, “She loves mine anyway.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked very perturbed.

“You liked my little Escargot at the beginning of the year,” Laura said.

“Yeah well that was BDP,” Tiffany answered. “She’s a sticker now not a licker.”

I threw my pen at them. “Damnit I’m in this mess because of you three. The least you can do is shut up and help me decipher this crap. And yes I still crave Escargot. And if one of you figures this out for me, I’ll show you how to suck a snail out of its shell.”

They kicked in seriously now, and in about forty minutes had the recipe all translated into readable English’


24 snails

1/2 c. combined sliced shallots, carrot and celery

1 garlic clove, chopped

1/2 c. red burgundy wine

1/4 c. pure olive oil

2 whole cloves

8 peppercorns black and white

1 bay leaf

Open can of snails, drain, put in bowl, put in above ingredients, mix well, marinate overnight or for several hours. Drain from marinate and cook as follows:


12 tbsp. sweet butter

1 1/2 tsp. finely chopped garlic

2 tbsp. finely chopped parsley

2 tbsp. finely chopped fresh chives

1 tsp. lemon juice

Salt and pepper to taste

1/2 c. finely chopped Ritz crackers

Cream the butter in a mixer until light and fluffy. Mix in garlic, parsley, chives, lemon juice and season well with salt and pepper.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Put a teaspoon of herb butter in well of baking dish, then add Ritz crackers to remaining herb butter, toss snails in butter, mix well, put one snail in each well over herb butter.

Bake 8 to 9 minutes in oven. Serve very hot with Focaccia Bread, Pita Bread, or French Bread.

“Ok, I can totally do this,” I said.

They turned out the lights, “Hey I wasn’t done yet.”

“You are until you get our Escargots out of their shells, you promised.”

They took turns sitting on my face. Then after they were all satisfied I said, “Hey my little snail needs some attention too.”

They’d just gotten my panty’s off when Donnie called to let me know he’d heard from Bambi about me getting roped into Escargot. They didn’t stop like nice girls would. They just pulled the phone closer to the bed and took turns.

“Stop it I’m on the phone,” I moaned. And they giggled.

“What’s going on?”

“No, nothingggg, oh shit. Unnnnngggggg, damnit ohhhhhh.”

“Oh my god, your cumming aren’t you?” He was all ears now.

“Can, can I call you back in a minute?”

“Hell no, what’s happening?”

Tiffany grabbed the phone, “We’re coaxing her snail out of hiding.” She giggled.

“I’m, I’m sorry d, Donnieeeeeee.”

“Oh god, I love you baby. I can handle you playing with your roommates. Just pretend it’s me. Or let me listen in.”

He spent the whole time listening as they took turns with me. Then when it was over he said, “Now that deserves a nice spanking. I bet I can make you cum while I’m at it too.”

“God your wickedly perverted you know that?”

“Guilty as charged my Love.”

“You aren’t mad at me?”

Should I be?

“But I promised,”

“You promised not to screw other guys, and I promised not to screw other girls. So I figure no harm no fowl. Besides I got off listening to you.”

Cassidy was reaching for the phone, “Hold on Cassi wants to say something.”

“Dude next time send her home with a cream pie. There wasn’t enough left over for all of us.”

“Something tells me she’s a hose beast.”

I giggled, “Absolutely. But you’d never know it by the way they like snails.” I giggled again.

“Well you better get some sleep. I’ll see your little snail on Friday. Goodnight Love.” We made kissy faces over the phone. Then hung up.

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