41 years married

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I would like all my friends to know that 41 years ago today I married my bride TRISSA at the age of 19 . We have 2 boys that we are very proud of and 41 years married only 9 more for the GOLD



erin's picture

You both deserve them.

More hugs,

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


Do you think Trissa's a keeper? I mean 41 years isn't really long enough to make up your mind is it? We're slightly ahead of you and I'm still undecided :)

Go for Gold!


41 Years

Congratulations on staying together for so long. May all your loving be long and strong, and your arguments be few and short.


Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Good on you guys... A wonderful feeling isn't it? To wake up every morning knowing the love of your life is there beside you. People I know started taking notice when my wife and I pasted the quarter century mark. Most people we know our age are on their second or third marriage.

We're looking forward to the gold as well. We've got you by a few years. It's amazing that after all these years love has grown and is still growing.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann