I ran over a dog

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The other morning, the 5th of July, I was driving on my paper route and all of a sudden I heard scraping from under my car. At first I thought I ran over a garbage can lid. I got out of my car and some drunk guy starts yelling at me that I ran over his dog. I didn't see the dog then, I didn't even see the dog when I ran over it. I couldn't tell you if it was laying in the middle of the road when I ran over it or if it darted under my car. I know the road looked empty when I started driving down it, I threw a paper out the passenger window, and then didn't see anything prior to the scrape when I looked forward again (My thought is that it darted into the street).

Anyway. This guy was loaded, I could smell the beer on his breath 10 feet away. Since then he has told a different carrier (from another company) that I'm liable for the vet bill if and when he takes the dog to the vet.

First off, I'm pretty upset that I ran over a dog. Kind of happy that it was okay enough to get up and run off. I'm also upset about the vet bill thing, I deliver papers, I don't have money to cover a vet bill. He's going to call my job to file a complaint. I doubt anything will come from that. But the whole thing has me all out of sorts.


Hoping that anyone would tell the owner

that it's HIS responsibility to keep his dog under control and out of the street. No one feels happy about hurting a pet but it's the stupid people, not the pet that really need to be controlled.

Leash laws

I do believe that your neck of the woods has them. It is the owners responsibility to keep their dogs on a leash and keep them under their control while out in public. While it is sad that you drove over the dog, it was the owners responsibility to keep the dog under control. As the dog owner was very publically intoxicated the owner now has two strikes against him. Strike three was him stating to that other Carrier "if and when" meaning that he did not take his animal to the Vet right after the event. This owner should be reported to Animal Control for neglect (failure to keep on a leash and not providing Vet care for possible injuries.) In this case my advice to you is that going on the offense is your best defense.

rules of the road vis a vie dogs

Animals don't have the same 'rights' in traffic as humans do.

While its heart wrenching to go through you have little or nothing to worry about.

You are not liable for squat. The owner would have to prove that you steered towards a fleeing dog before any court would entertain you being liable.

A dog that gets run over is considered by the law to be an unfortunate accident that they owner should have taken better care to keep the dog out of lanes where cars are allow to drive.

In defensive driving courses... one of the things you are taught is that you MUST run over the dog to prevent collateral damages to vehicles, properties and life and limb. No taking out a parked car to save poor dumb dogs.

So mourn the dog, but move on and be wary of his frustration when driving in that area.


Auto Insurance

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Even if you are liable, the claim would be made to you car insurance.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Oh no.

I feel for the dog. I feel for you. It's a terrible feeling to inadvertently cause harm.

I have a much harder time feeling anything compassionate for someone who would let their dog run wild, then accost someone who had an unfortunate encounter with the hapless pet as the the result of the owners reckless endangerment of an animal.

I'm hoping that things all blow over and you can quickly move past the terrible feeling of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


If ur try to make you pay or sue you can claim public intoxication and animal neglect and cruelty. then counter sue for wrongful and frivolous lawsuits.