I'm proud of myself a little

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I am kinda proud of myself for something that happened yesterday.

I had to get my car registration renewed, but I discovered that I had accidentally thrown out my insurance paper. Normally, such a mistake would send me into a spiral of beating myself up, but I instead focused on breathing while I figured out the best way to fix the problem. Soon I had phoned my insurance company and had them send a copy to their office downtown, went downtown and picked it up, and returned to the registration place to get my new sticker.

This may not seem like a big deal, but for me, to keep myself from beating myself up about it and work on a solution is a big step forward.



Better than I'd have done, I'd have told myself "I'll do it tomorrow" went home, wrote a ton, and maybe remembered in a week.

So yeah, good job. :)


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I love Geico...

erica jane's picture

Besides the funny commercials, their app on my phone allows me to show my info whenever needed, and I can get an insurance card sent to my email for printing. Plus, with a call, they'll send proof of insurance to the authorities whenever required.

*Big Big Hugs* Yay for solutions!

~And so it goes...


I dont throw anything away, I also scan everything and keep it on a hard drive.


shiinaai's picture

Being an obsessive-compulsive person with severe paranoia, I understand your feelings. Many times, things that was small to others felt so big and heavy to me, because I wanted everything to be perfect and great. Instead of saying, 'screw it, just get on with this', I went through the trouble of finding every little flaws and panicking myself over it when things didn't go my way despite my 'perfect' planning.

It's good that you could calm down and think things rationally. I'm still learning that trick myself.

Progress indeed

Patricia Marie Allen's picture



Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann