Almost a Girl was posted because of Cathy

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About six or seven years back I wrote Almost Girl as a self indulgence piece. The story wasn't completed with an ending. Let's just say chapter ten wasn't there. I forgot about it until Cathy asked me about other stories after she posted Jessica Rabbit for me. Searching the computer brought up a bunch of uncompleted stories including Almost Girl. I sent Cathy the incomplete story.

She encouraged me to finish it while she started cleaning it up. Yes there are hundreds of mistakes in a story that long. Spelling, sentence structure, and all the other gotchus along with sentences needed to be moved in the paragraph to flow more smoothly and orderly in the mind.

You see, writers have all this structured in their tiny little brain and it makes sense. Even though the actual story is a literary wreck. Short stories the readers can rearrange them in their minds. Long stories or novels are beyond the effort of most. Readers are turned off after trying to make sense of what the author meant.

Cathy, bless her heart, dug in and started poking and prodding me to finish as she cleaned it up.

"The readers need more clarity here. You need to have a lead into this explaining why this is happening."

"Don't over do it. Stay on the theme or purpose of why this is happening."

Because of Cathy's efforts Almost Girl was cleaned and posted. I, along with everyone else, was able to enjoy a story long forgotten.

All the "Knudos" and "good story" belongs to Cathy. Uh, did I misspell it again Hon? A little help here doll.

Have fun with life
It's too short to take it seriously



I agree with every word, Barbie

As one of the authors, Cathy helps, I've benefited from her insights again and again. While she rarely changes anything she isn't shy about offering suggestions and pointing out weaknesses.

Without her help my poor scribbles would be much less readable.

Thank you my sister of the heart for all you've done!

Kudoes, Barbie

It's kudoes. Sigh. An editor's work is never done. LOL

Editor Cathy said that.

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Or perhaps it's Gnudoes? Or

Or perhaps it's Gnudoes?


Or Kudos?



{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Actually Barbie it is both of

Actually Barbie it is both of you that made this story great. You had to have written a great story in the first place and Cathy helped to make it even better. I know when I edited stories for other writers I had to have an interesting story to begin with. And yes I would sometimes change a sentence around to make it flow better, checked spelling, but the hardest thing for me was trying to keep the writer's voice or style in tact as that is what makes the story compelling.