This is part of a campaign for motorists to pay attention to bicyclists on the road, although it certainly doesn't seem like it at first:
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
This is part of a campaign for motorists to pay attention to bicyclists on the road, although it certainly doesn't seem like it at first:
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(please don't nobody blab)
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Here in Hong Kong
And also in Brisbane(Australia) many cyclists seem to think the rules of the road don't apply to them. They go through red lights and they exceed the speed limits on cycle tracks and get irate when called to account. Courtesy goes in both directions and so does awareness. So, if you are a cyclist, obey the rules and, particularly, watch out for pedestrians. If you want to get me on a rant, no problem,
Cyclists are people who ride sensibly
those who you mention are just morons on bikes, sadly they occur all over the world and get those of us who do cycle within the law, a bad name.
Remember too that pedestrians have responsibilities for their own safety as well. I regularly have to brake or swerve to avoid pedestrians who are walking without care on roads, or who cross within yards of a 'crossing'.
Most people are lazy and stupid by nature, which explains much of human behaviour.8)
I used to ride quite a bit. One particular day I rode across the city to Bondi Junction to see my endo and then back... As I was coming down a hill in the city a guy just jumped out in front of me, suit tie, all very proper. Had I hit him it would have hurt him, a lot and possibly me, I swerved and flipped the bike in the middle of Pitt and Hunter Sts Sydney, a 'slightly' busy intersection. Luckily I wasn't hurt, he stopped for a sec, called sorry and bolted. Luckily all the traffic was stopped, half probably in fascination at the acrobatic show. I twisted the handlebars back into a straight line and rode on, muttering just a bit. It was an old Gary Fisher. People do dumb things... even me on occassion. No... sorry I made that up...just that last bit, the rest...
That bear . . .
. . . can really move.
Over here it's those blasted electric trike things the OAP's use.
They think they should get right of way everywhere, despite driving them like complete morons.
They don't look where they are going, drive on the road, pavement, in supermarkets - wherever they damned-well like. They don't care about pedestrians or road users - in fact, they're a complete menace.
Comparatively speaking, cyclists are angels.
Stupid is not a brain function
As a Behavioral Scientist I can say without trepidation that there are no stupid people. Stupid is an act not a mentality. People do stupid things but they themselvesd are not stupid. Stupid acts occur when the cognitive thought process is not functioning properly in regards to the motoring functions of an individual. ie. they have one thing on their mind when they should be paying attention to their imediate surroundings.
Here in Delaware for some reason people walk on the road side when there is a perfectly good sidewalk just feet away. Cross walks often go unused. I believe we are a society of immediate gratification, ergo shortcuts, refusal to heed basic traffic rules for pedestrians and motorist. Remember some of these pedestrians are also motorist and cyclist.
Thats why they call it defensive driving, one has to be aware of their surroundings at all times when they are behind the wheel of a car, riding a motor cycle or pedaling a bicycle. I often go fo a walk and where I live there are not a lot of sidewalks. I walk facing traffic. I have had to on occasion jump onto someones lawn so I would not get run over by someone who thinks the shoulder of the road is another traffic lane.
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
I beg to differ...
Not on the direction of what you're saying, but on one bit.
The vast majority of people (that I know - okay small sample) consider a stupid person to be one that is well below average on the intelligence scale.
That said - Stupid actions (as you indicate) are performed by people of all intelligence levels. And, it seems to me that they are almost MORE common by those of greater intelligence. Go figure.
Perhaps we all need to be more defensive in our driving, cycling and walking. As one teacher put it, we need to drive for ourselves as well as the person in the other car that forgot to drive for themselves. (That, and a big chunk of stupid actions are taken by impatient people that decide that their convenience is more important than any other humans on the face of the earth... Sorta like a 2-3 yr old. :) )
I'm against prams or strollers if you prefer. Particularly those big pump up tyre cross country things. Absolute bloody menace they are. Nearly as bad as shopping trolleys... and don't start me on chewing gum...
Bicycle awareness
As a motorist, I'm always aware of cyclists. The buggers are very maneuverable and if I'm not careful I might miss. ;)
Karen J.
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I plead poor eyesight and advancing years
Not only did I not see the bear, but I also lost count of the number of passes.
I'm not sure what that goes to show but it must go to show something.