Season of Change - Chapter 20

Season of Change


There were only a few things in Harry Potter's life that never changed, he was the son of Lily and James Potter and that he was born a male. What happens when he discovers the truth.


Disclaimer: I own nothing, all of it belong to J.K Rowling, I am just playing in her sandbox for a while.

Authors Note: AU: Its not my first fanfic but its my first Harry Potter, so I hope you enjoy it. The story starts at the end of the 5th Book.

Language Note: "I'm speaking a different language"

Black family Etiquette : Note as someone pointed out in the Black family tree (I have a lovely copy of it) how technically Narcissa and Andromeda are not Alya's Aunts, you are correct. However, in many families including my own, it is common to call older cousins, usually those near our parents age Aunt and Uncle. Members of the Black family do the same.

Chapter 20

During the time of Merlin, the Wizards Council functioned much like the Muggle ruling assembly called the Witena Gemot, which advised the rulers of England. By the time of Harry Potter's birth, its name had changed to the Wizengamot and had evolved into a parliamentary like governing council, responsible for administration and organization of Magical Britain.

The position of Chief Warlock had changed as well, instead of ruling Magical Britain, it now acted as an impartial executive figure of the Wizengamot offering sagely advice to the Minister of Magic. Those who were politically shrewd knew that the position was often the power behind the throne, especially during times of weak or ineffectual Ministers.

With Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, reinstatement as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Cornelius Fudge hoped that he could use the Wizard's influence to remain as Minister of Magic, especially if he could manage to garner the support of Harry Potter. For many of the other fifty or so purple robed individuals who made up the Wizengamot, they knew that his tenure was actually over, however who became Minister next was still up for debate.

"Good Afternoon, Chief Warlock." R. J. H. King nodded amicably as he headed up to his seat. Dumbledore greeted the man, who had once been on the same Quidditch team as James Potter, with a friendly smile. As he watched the Potter Proxy take the stairs, he looked around noting that the others were in place as well.

Dumbledore had not expected Amelia Bones to push for today's meeting, expecting her to pass over the information about Peter Pettigrew with little fuss. That might have normally been the case except that Fudge's rule was tenuous as best. The Headmaster now believed the Director of the DMLE would use Pettigrew's capture and the raid on the Malfoy manor to remove Fudge from office and then take his place.

What Dumbledore didn't know, with all of his secret meetings and midnight owls to make sure his own candidate became Minister, his plans, and not just those for the Ministry would begin to unravel with just a few simple Administrative tasks.

"Good afternoon, Edward." Elphias Doge greeted one of the many solicitors who worked with the Wizengamot. "Administrative business, I assume. How many houses do you represent today?"

"Only three, Elphias." Solicitor Edward Tonks greeted the man warmly as he approached the Chief Scribe, passing him a folder. Common tasks were often combined, allowing different houses to complete often-bothersome business before meetings.

While the scribe began reading, he tried not to look up at the Chief Warlock knowing that he would soon be objecting to the contents of the folder.

"You seem to be missing – "

"Sorry." Ted passed over several more documents with a grin.

"Must you Solicitors always be so bloody dramatic?" Doge wearily flipped through the pages then waved his wand, making a copy of the folders contents before signing the top copy.


"One moment, might as do them all at once." Ted set down another folder in front of the Chief Scribe.

As he opened it up and began reading, the scribe's eyes widened slightly recognizing the seals on the documents. "Are they ready to take their oaths today?"

"Of course." Ted said confidently before setting down the final folder on the table in front of the Chief Scribe.

"Unbelievable." The old scribe murmured as he made copies of all the documents before returning the originals to Ted Tonks.

"Is there a problem, Elphias?" Dumbledore looked down from his lofty perch, suddenly realizing exactly whom the solicitor might represent.

"Not at all, Chief Warlock, just unusual; we have three new members taking oaths today." The Chief Scribe passed the copies to Percy Weasley.

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. "Indeed."

A portly little old wizard with a green bowler hat walked past the group without a word before taking a seat next to the Chief Warlock.

"What's going on, Elphias?' The green bowler hat man bellowed.

"Nothing to worry about Cornelius." Dumbledore replied to the Minister of Magic in his typical grandfatherly manner. "Just some Administrative business."

"Fine." The Minister waved his hand dismissively before frowning at the empty seat next to him. "Where's Dolores, Weatherby?"

Percy Weasley nervously stepped forward. "I'm not sure, sir."

"Well what are you standing there for boy, go find her." Fudge grumbled.

Most were surprised when R. J. H. King suddenly walked down from his seat to stand before the Chief Scribe. "Elphias, you have need of me."

With that, Ted Tonks formally announced. "R. J. H. King, the Potter Family thanks you for your years of services as Proxy to the Wizengamot. At this time, however your services are no longer required."

"I see." Shocked, the wizard looked over to Dumbledore then back towards Ted. "May I ask who is taking my place?"

"One of Mr. Potter's cousins."

"Oh, family." The man gave a generally warm smile. "I completely understand. Will you please pass on my good wishes to Mr. Potter when you see him next?"

As Dumbledore watched the former Potter proxy take off his purple hat and head towards the exit, he turned towards the Chief Scribe but before he could say anything, Elphias stood up and passed a copy of the paperwork to the Chief Warlock.

"It's all in order, Albus."

"Nonsense, I am Harry's magical guardian."

"I'm sorry, that is incorrect. His guardians, magical or otherwise have always been his grandmother's family." Raising his voice, Ted Tonks placed a large red envelope with a golden seal directly in front of the Chief Warlock.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, as a legal representative of the Black family, the Potter family and Gringotts, I hereby summon you to a meeting with the financial officers of that institution to discuss some improprieties discovered during an official audit. This summons also includes a legal writ that requires you to return any and all items currently in your possession owned by those two families."

"I see." The stunned wizard looked at the gilded red envelope as if it would attack him. "I'm sure it's all a misunderstanding."

Throughout the hall, voices of Wizengamot members filled the air as the news of the summons reached each of the rows. Wanting to stop the murmuring going on around him, Dumbledore looked down at the paperwork. The name of the new proxy came as a surprise.

"Will Nymphadora Tonks please step forward to appear before the Wizengamot."

For Ted Tonks, it was a proud moment when his daughter stepped out of the green room dressed in purple robes of the Wizengamot. As she approached with her head held high, he remembered how she almost fainted when Alya asked her to be the Potter proxy.

Up in the gallery, in one of the Noble and Ancient House sections, three women in forest green hooded cloaks entered, a third, a large man stood behind them with wand at his side. One of the women, Ted knew to be his wife had her hands on her mouth as their daughter took the oath.

"Will Miles Sinclair please step forward to appear before the Wizengamot."

Dark haired and broad-shouldered, much like his Scoto-Norman ancestors, the middle-aged wizard was quickly recognized as the former ambassador to the Spanish Ministry of Magic. What interested most was that Sinclair would be sitting in for Alya Black. Although Head of House, due to the 1778 Wizengamot law, she could not take her seat officially until she turned seventeen.

With the oaths completed, Ted Tonks offered his congratulations. "How's your wife, Miles?"

"She annoyed the healers so much; they tossed her out of St. Mungos this morning. Right now, she's home with my mother and the children."

"Fudge." The former ambassador gave the Minister of Magic a sarcastic grin. Due to Lucius Malfoy's influence with the Ministry, he had lost his appointment. So of course, he could appreciate that he would be part of the group that would remove Fudge from office. It was even more ironic that they would also be using the Malfoy vote to do it.

"Will Lyra Munroe nee Black please step forward to appear before the Wizengamot."

If the other two names didn't cause a commotion inside the Wizengamot, the daughter of the famous Phineas Black most certainly did. With long stark white hair, she moved through the gallery with surprising grace for someone almost a hundred years old. However, it was the news what family she was sitting for that shook the room.

"Impossible." Regina Farley nee Flint, a member of the Traditionalist Party, stood up and yelled.

"I object as well, this woman from a known blood-traitor family tarnishes the seat of House Malfoy." William Montague also raised his voice, which was followed by more the cries from other Wizengamot members objecting her presence.

"Silence." Dumbledore using a Sonorous Charm, managed to disrupt the arguments now going in the room.

Fudge now looking confused asked. "Elphias please explain."

"Of course, sir." The Chief Scribe turned in his seat to look at the Minister. "As Lucius Malfoy currently resides within Azkaban, he has lost the right to approve or disapprove seating in the Wizengamot."

"What about Narcissa." Regina Farley grumbled. "I doubt she would approve."

"I'm coming to that, Regina. According to the paperwork we just received, Narcissa Malfoy's marriage contract was declared invalid by her Head of House and Gringotts; she no longer makes decisions for House Malfoy."

That caused a tremendous commotion as people to begin to talk among themselves, all having different viewpoints on the Malfoy marriage.

"Even so." Byron Higgs stood up. "Draco Malfoy – "

Elphias interrupted the rant from the head of the Traditionalist Party. "Before Narcissa Malfoy's marriage contract was deemed invalid, Draco Malfoy became the ward of another family. The Head of that House is now responsible for the proxy."

"Which House?" Fudge asked looking about the room.

"House Black."


Hermione curiously looked at the long green hooded cloak. "Are you sure that I'm allowed inside the Wizengamot today? I thought it was a closed session."

Andromeda lifted up her cloak and set it about her shoulders before replying. "You're Alya's guest so don't worry." The four had flooed into the old Black Family office inside the Ministry; from there it was a short walk to the upper gallery where the Noble Houses had special seating.

"And besides, you're now officially working for the Potter family as a scrivener." Alya said as she raised the green hood over on her head.

"Seems dodgy to me." Hermione frowned not wanting to get into trouble.

"That's the beauty of it." Alya grinned. "It's perfectly legal. I know Dora is going to be too nervous anyway, so it's a good idea to have someone oath-bound to take notes for the Potter family."

"But you're the Potter family."

Alya waved her hand as she stepped through the door. "Don't bother me with details."

As the four passed through the hallway towards the gallery entrance, Andromeda said. "Only Angus is supposed to be allowed a wand, so keep yours hidden. Everyone knows the rule is ignored but we don't want to cause any problems."

"Unless we're attacked then I really don't care" Alya allowed Angus to open to door right in time for them to see Nymphadora approach the Wizengamot.

"Oh she looks so beautiful." Andi brought her hands to her mouth smiling happily, as her daughter took the oath.

Afterwards, as everyone took their seats, Hermione noted that a number of the upper gallery seats were filled with witches and wizards but most of the lower gallery was empty. "I thought Luna and her father were supposed to be here?"

"Dumbledore is not allowing the press inside." Alya sat back in the comfortable Head of House chair as she explained." Don't worry; they won't be kept out for long. Oh, look there's uncle Miles."

"The Minister doesn't appear to be happy." Hermione wondered why it appeared as if Fudge was trying to get away from Alya's uncle.

"A couple of years ago, the Spanish DMLE broke a large Dark artifact smuggling ring." Andromeda leaned forward so the two girls could hear. "What they believe but cannot confirm is that Lucius Malfoy had been one of its financial backers. Afterwards when Miles suggested the DMLE follow the trail back to England, Lucius convinced Fudge that the ambassador wasn't looking out for the best interest of the English Ministry."

"So he bribed him." The disgust in Hermione's voice was apparent. "Oh my, they really don't like your Aunt Lyra."

"The Traditionalist Party is having a fit." Andromeda couldn't help but chuckle.

"It sounds like Mr. Doge is talking about you, Alya." Hermione turned towards her best friend but before she could reply a small squad of Aurors entered the room, followed by Madam Bones.


As the Wizengamot members finally settled down, many unhappily, Dumbledore cursed inwardly, wishing that he had been able to postpone the session. Obviously, House Black had their own agenda, as some members obviously were previously informed of the new proxies and Draco Malfoy's change of guardianship

"Ahh, Madam Bones, perfect timing." Dumbledore smiled as the head of the DMLE entered the room, followed by a number of Auror Captains who took a seat behind her in the gallery.

From what the Chief Warlock could see, every one of them sported a recent injury. So his instincts were correct. Madam Bones would use this session as a means to become the next Minister of Magic, obviously playing up sympathy for the wounded Aurors. What it had to do with House Black, he didn't know.

Suddenly a full squad of Hit-Wizards, who had been Disillusioned, appeared among the members of the Wizengamot, stunning over a dozen of their number.

As panic broke out in the chamber, Dumbledore once again used the Sonorous Charm to silence the room. "What is the meaning of this, Madam Bones?"

"Minister, Chief Warlock." She began as the Hit-Wizards started to levitate the stunned Wizengamot members out of their chairs. "As an office of the court, I have secured warrants for the arrest of these Witches and Wizards as some of their crimes fall under article 5, section 1 of the War Courts Act of 1980."

"You cannot do this in the middle of a Wizengamot session, there is no precedence-"Fudge started to shout until Elphias Doge surprised himself by replying.

"Not quite true, in 1854 three witches were arrested in the middle of the Wizengamot session for being followers of the Dark Lady Tamsin Blight."

"What are the charges?" A nervous Regina Farley asked as she watched the head of the Traditionalist movement levitated passed her.

"Murder, Rape and the Destruction of Public Property, among other charges covered under the War Courts Act." One of the other Scribes replied as she read over a few of the warrants.

Dumbledore ignored the commotion that news caused. "Madam Bones, if you would have spoken to me first we could have settled this in a less violent manner."

"This was the less violent method, Chief Warlock. Otherwise my Aurors would have had to arrest them in their homes."

Fudge started to sputter. "This is madness, Amelia what are you trying to do-"

"My job, Minister." Madam Bones growled. "I informed the Chief Warlock that due to operational security I would not reveal one of our sources for last night's raid on Malfoy manor. The head of the Judicial Committee was informed and he also agreed."

"I'm sorry, Albus." Richard Abbott rose from his seat. "Due to the sensitive nature of the information, the less people who knew the better."

"So who is this source?" Fudge frowned as the last of the Hit-Wizards left the room with their charges.

As the doors finally closed, Madam Bones waited for a moment before saying. "Peter Pettigrew."


High up in the upper gallery, Angus grinned. So far with memories of last night's raid still fresh, he most assuredly approved how Madam Bones just took care of the Death Eater members of the Wizengamot. To him, things were now getting even more interesting. "Well, Madam Bones seems to have stirred up a Pixie mound."

As the shouts continued down below, Hermione asked. "Did you know that was going to happen?"

"Sort of." Alya leaned forward to get a better look. "It's not like it's a secret that there are Death Eaters or at least their sympathizers within the Wizengamot."

Andromeda nodded. "It's good timing actually, Amy is only getting away with it because of Fudge's weak position."

"Appears to me that Madam Bones just gutted the Traditionalist Party." Angus grinned.

Alya nodded in agreement. "Couldn't have happened to nicer people."


As, the Chief Warlock used a Sonorous Charm to take control of the room, Edward Tonks gave Amelia Bones a look. He knew that the old man was off his game, the summons to appear before Gringotts had shaken Dumbledore from the way he continued to flip the gilded envelope in the hands.

After a bit of legal maneuvering his law firm had finally managed to gain access of the Potter financial records. Immediately, Alya had asked for an audit of her vault and a copy of the Potter family Wills. As expected, everything went to her however nowhere did it state that the Dursleys were supposed to gain guardianship of Harry.

Worse, since 1982, quite a bit of gold had been removed from the vault. When it was explained to Alya that some of the gold most likely went for a monthly stipend to support her Aunt Petunia, she blew a large gaping hole in the kitchen wall.

"I'm sorry, that's all I will say; you will be able to question him during his trial. Right now Pettigrew is being held in a secure location until that time."

"What I question is the legality of the interrogation, Madam Bones." Regina Farley nee Flint sneered. "Obviously, you have some ulterior motives in removing some of my colleagues from this room. You could easily have added those names -"

"I still hesitate to speak about an open investigation, but I will tell you that we have a written confession from Peter Pettigrew. It covers when he took the mark in 1979, how it was him and not Sirius Black that was the Potter's Secret Keeper and that he was involved with the resurrection of Voldemort two years ago." Amelia had been shocked that the man had been more than willing to give them everything. His only concession, Alya Black would not be allowed near him.

Fudge looked sick as once again the Wizengamot was thrown into turmoil. With an understanding that his political career was most likely over, he wondered why his Undersecretary had been so quiet when he suddenly asked. "Where's Dolores?"

"She has been arrested, Minister."

"What! "Fudge screamed. "Quiet!" Waiting for the room to settle down, he turned back to the Director of the DMLE. "Why was she arrested?"

"Dolores Umbridge has been arrested for the improper use of a Class C artifact, child endangerment and numerous charges of child abuse." One of the senior Aurors known to have two children at Hogwarts replied in disgust. "Seems she thought it was a fooken good idea to use a Blood Quill on our children during detentions."


Age had done nothing but good things for Milord Carrick Fawley head of the Ancient and Noble House of Fawley. He still had a commanding presence that served him well as Head Boy at Hogwarts during the early 1960's.

With the reports sent to him last night from a friend at St. Mungo's, he wasn't the least bit surprised that the Chief Warlock requested an emergency Wizengamot meeting. In fact, he and his allies expected that Dumbledore would also use it to call for a new Minister of Magic. However, since becoming Head of House a few years later, he rarely had a more interesting day.

With the new members of the Wizengamot added, the older Wizard felt something unexpected in the room, something that he had not felt in many years. The news of Pettigrew's apparent rebirth and Umbridge's arrest just increased that feeling.

"Chief Warlock."

"Yes, Madam Longbottom." Dumbledore wearily recognized the older woman.

Fawley could help feel sorry for the Chief Warlock. A summons from the Potter family had been unexpected and would most likely cost the Headmaster some political clout. However, the second summons, requesting his presence, along with Minister Fudge to answer questions about apparent child abuse at Hogwarts left the whole room stunned.

"Chief Warlock, with the recent arrest of Peter Pettigrew and Deloris Umbridge, I call for a vote of no confidence on Fudge's leadership."

"Finally." One of his allies whispered from behind him.

Soon the votes went around the room and to everyone's relief, Fudge was removed from office. Immediately, all other business with the Wizengamot was placed on hold as members scrambled to replace him.

So far, Fawley had not been surprised at any of the names nominated. Madam Bones was a given, especially after what happened today. Cyrus Greengrass, another whose family was also one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, happened to be a good choice as well. He might have even voted for him.

From behind the older wizard, he heard a familiar voice speak. "I have known Milord Carrick Fawley head of the Ancient and Noble House of Fawley all my life. He is a man of integrity, courage and I believe one with a clear vision of the future. Therefore, I nominate my friend as candidate for Minister of Magic."

With a smile, the older Wizard rose from his chair. "Thank you, Albert. Chief Warlock I happily accept the nomination."

Taking a seat, Fawley continued to note some of the other candidates. Amos Diggory, once considered a strong contender, now looked uncomfortable. Not surprising as his strongest supporter, Albus Dumbledore's political reputation had not fared well in the last hour.

One candidate did surprise him, the former Hit-Wizard and current head of the Ministry Judicial Committee, Richard Abbott. Respected by all sides, curiously, the man had always been rather apolitical.

As the first round of voting went by, he watched as several members dropped out either giving their votes to someone else, or not. Neither Amos Diggory nor Cyrus Greengrass survived the second round of votes. Even Regina Farley nee Flint, who had been selected as the Traditionalist nomination since their first choice was under arrest couldn't get enough votes to last the second round. Interestingly enough, many votes especially from so called Grey and Dark families were not being cast as expected.

Suddenly, Milord Carrick Fawley felt as if a bludger hit him in the face. Looking down, he quickly noted how the three new members voted. Potter, Black and Malfoy had given their support to Richard Abbott not Madam Bones.

When the head of the DMLE suddenly stood up, Carrick began to look into the gallery and found exactly who he was looking for.

"Chief Warlock, and members of the Wizengamot from the bottom of my heart, I thank you." Madam Bones began. "However, I believe that my true responsibilities lay in ending the terrorist threat that wishes to destroy our society. Therefore, I would like to pass my votes to my good friend Richard Abbott who I believe will be exactly the type of Minister we need in these Dark Days ahead."

As the votes continued, Carrick continued to stare at the smallest of three green hooded witches in the Black Family box. Since entering the chamber, he felt something, some force pushing events forward. With two of the strongest political parties crippled in the last hour and a Minister overthrown, he finally understood.

"Milord Fawley how do you vote." The Chief Warlock shook him from his reverie.

Rising from the seat, Carrick continued to stare at the green-cloaked figure. Soon, the entire Wizengamot looked up as well.

"Milady Black, since I entered this chamber I have felt a familiar touch, a ghost of powers past that have once again taken up residence in these chambers. It took some time today to realize what I felt but now I understand. Let me say that your grandfather would be very proud of you today."

The voices in the room stopped as Alya Black pulled off her hood and stepped forward into the light. "Thank you, Milord Fawley."

"Perhaps I can persuade you to meet with me sometime next week, Milady. I believe a reunion of our two families might be beneficial to both our Houses."

"I look forward to your owl, Milord." Alya gave a slight nod of the head. However, she was surprised when Milord Fawley immediately passed his votes to Richard Abbott, making him the next Minister of Magic.

What Alya Black wanted to deny was that she, like other individuals, influence events by their mere presence. True, she didn't exactly pick Richard Abbott to be the next minister. It had actually been somewhat of a joke as they were looking to do something nice for the Abbots. Alya said that they should make him Minister of Magic; surprisingly enough everyone thought it was a good idea.

Soon she found herself as the center of attention, speaking to old families gauging their interest. Some who owned the Black family gold, voted with them for that reason. Others, because of her family reputation, most because they saw something in the young woman that she herself didn't understand. Witch and Wizard who would never have spoken to one another, now sat across from one another to make a better world for themselves and their children.

Wizards such as Grindelwald, Dumbledore and Voldemort had been the powers behind the great events of the last century. Harry Potter would have been included but he would never have moved out of the shadow of Albus Dumbledore.

However, Alya Black was all together different and she would outshine them all.


Authors Notes: A special thanks to djkauf for a little elvish editing. If you like the story please leave a Kudos, if you have the time I would love to hear from you. My Muse mugged me with this one, pretty much forced me to write it at pen-point :) Thanks to all for reading! - Elsbeth

PS Dont worry my other stories haven't been dropped, just taking a break

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