I bought a fence for my doggelle and put it up today. Now I'm in pain, hope to be feeling better after taking pain meds but need to flake out for a few hours at least.
The doggette had a good time in the yard though, she caught a three inch long grasshopper. :) It was almost worth kranging my back to watch her. She didn't know whether to attack or run and hide. :)
Teh dog is funneh, fershure. :)
- Erin
Erin I Have Two Puppies
And they are both females. They are a joy to watch as they chase the odd critter that comes into the yard. I hope that you enjoy watching your puppy as she protect her turf.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I have two puppies too. Even if they're almost 5 and a half and 6 now, well hey... all dogs are puppies. They're the kids. And just like kids there's all sorts of stories from fun to silly to frustrating to sheer joy. One thing with pups, treat them well and they're yours forever. Nothing quite like it for sheer devotion. Enjoy Erin.
I wanna see the puppy!
Please Erin? Favor us with a picture of the great grasshopper hunter!
Hope you woke up today with yesterdays back pain a fading memory.
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
A fuzzy black spot. Seriously, pictures of her don't come out well, she's all black except for some chocolate freckles on her nose. I need to wait for a nice bright sunny day to get some detail to show up in a picture. :)
Unfortunately, the back pain is still there, just not so immediate. Usually takes a day or two to fade.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Were attached to Bonzi's whiskers when he came in earlier. Unlike your hound, he does seem to know what to do. Couldn't find the body of the unfortunate avian, just piles of feathers. Looks like Bonzi got himself a take away!
Hope you feel better soon.