Word Vomit

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I have finally finished writing Rumspringa.
It was probably outrageous of me to post the beginning of an unfinished story, but I figured that once I publicly committed to start it, that I would have no choice but to finish it.
Surprisingly, that "fools rush in" approach seems to have worked.
I always knew how I wanted the story to begin. If you've read the story, my original notion ended where part one ends. I also knew where I wanted it to end. And I had no idea how to get from point A to point Z, let alone how to make it interesting. At least I had no conscious I idea how to do it.
But the dots have all been connected now. Sometimes when I sat down to write, my mood was playful and things can get a little silly. OK, more than a little. At other times, I was feeling serious and introspective, so the characters have occasional moments where I hope they're poignant and compelling. I really tried to mix it up.. make it light and fun at times, and romantic and heartwarming at others.
I guess how well I succeeded won't be clear until I've uploaded the rest of it.
I'm a bit anxious, but, like my story's characters, I'm committed. There's no turning back now.



Looking forward to the rest of the Story.

"May you live in Interesting Times" is a promise, not a threat!

Many writers

Many writers have different ways of telling a story. Some say they had penned out the story from beginning to end and only needed to flesh it out, where others say the characters are the ones that drive the story to its conclusion.

For a few gifted ones they know how the story will go only to say that somewhere along the way the story deviated from its intended conclusion.

For me, I hate to admit I write the ending and then jump around like a flea on a dog going from place to place adding here and there till I'm done. Not the most perfect way but it works. For me anyway.

Seek your own path and if you wish to continue your writing, they to will evolve.

We don't know where we're going from time to time but its the journey of discovery that seems to be the joy of our frustration.


Many paths. All leading to the same place.

I'm fascinated to learn about others creative process. It seems we all have our own way of reaching our goal.
I remember hearing Richard Feynman talking about how he and a colleague suddenly realized that they had entirely different ways of solving problems. Each arrived at the same valid answer, but because their mental processes were so utterly different, each of them gained insights into the nature of the problem that was so foreign to to the other that they didn't even know what they didn't know until they began to compare notes.
I didn't start out with a plan. For me, the process of actually telling the story was really the journey of discovering how to get from my premise, to the 'tidy ending' that I had in mind in an engaging way. I enjoyed the journey, and hope that once the whole tale is posted, that others will enjoy the path I took to tell the story.
Thanks for your note. I can't believe it took me so long to discover this wonderful site!
