The first comes with pix of some very attractive trans women.
The second is a bit darker as the title suggests but perhaps some of the stories on FM are truer than we thought!
Transgender women have breasts!
A story too dreadful to show. See pages 1, 2, 3, 5-20 and special online photographic special feature.
I'm glad you read the Mail.
It means I don't have to :)
I know what you mean! I am just glad there were so few comments thus far. They suck you in and eat your brain....
I wonder which came first
with this very ugly, fat couple - were they evil before they became ugly and fat, or did the ugliness and obesity turn them or at least aid them into becoming such nasty excuses for human beings?
If I looked anything like them, I would run away rather than stand and be photographed. I am sure most of us would.
Notice the Armaments they had accumulated: people don't collect that many weapons unless they are planning to rob a bank, fight a war, or become nasty, sadistic, slave-driving bullies.
I hope they get everything they deserve.
I also hope that the Daily Wail soon goes the way of the "News" of the World. Freedom of the Press is supposed to be a Good Thing, but imho Freedom can only be given if people accept that with it comes Responsibility, and spreading disgusting behaviour around like this is NOT being responsible.
I wouldn't wrap fish and chips in that Rag, lest some of the filth in it came off and got me.
Briar, you're showing your prejudices here
against fat, ugly people! As someone who is fat and ugly in 'Real Life', I ought to be insulted by your comments. I'm not, because I hate it too, and can only dream, as kandijayne, of being beautiful, or even quite nice looking. But we ought to try to remember, on this of all sites, that what we look like does not determine what or who we are.
But some prejudices are acceptable; because you hate the Daily Mail I can forgive you almost anything! I agree with Robi's comment above :-)