Darin Dares - Chapter 6 of 7

Darin Dares

Chapter 6 of 7

© 2014 by D.L.

At the bell for the third period I headed outside and over to the sports block. Given that I really don't like having to use the changing rooms, and that I have threatened to boycott the lesson, I was apprehensive as to how the next hour would unfold.


As per usual I was in no rush to get over there. By the time I arrived everyone else was already in two lines, boys on the left, and girls on the right, ready to go in. While tempted to stand with the girls, I knew it would be pointless, so instead lined up in my normal place with the boys.

The sports teachers were already waiting outside supervising us. This wasn't always the case, and often we would be stood waiting. Given that both teachers were present from the moment we started lining up, I suspected that they were expecting trouble. Considering this would be the first time I would be attending P.E. dressed as a girl, and that I was threatening to boycott the lesson, I assumed that this change in behaviour was related to me.

My suspicions were confirmed when we were all instructed to go into the gym instead of the changing rooms. We are all told to sit in a big semicircle. I'm asked to come and sit in centre in front of everybody. This didn't bode well.

"There have been a number of rumours flying around about this person here," Mrs Rush stated, indicating me. "As you can see, Darin is dressed as a girl. Some of you have questioned which changing room he will be using, and I know some of the girls are concerned that he may be using the girl's facilities. This is not the case. Darin is legally and physically male, and therefore won't be using the female facilities for the foreseeable future. Even if he were to be legally recognised as a transsexual, she would not be allowed to use the female changing rooms while still being a functional male. Alternative arrangements would be made instead. I know some of the girls have expressed concerns over this issue, and I hope that clarifies things."

Mrs Rush was not stating anything I didn't already know. I can only imagine what some of the rumours going around might be, especially as to some it might appear that the school is bending over backwards to accommodate my apparent change in gender.

"I have also heard some rumours," Mr Lamb took over. "I understand that some of you boys are no longer happy to be sharing a changing room with Darin, and I know the feeling is mutual as Darin has already declared that he is uncomfortable changing with the boys. However, you are all male, whether you like it or not and therefore have to share the changing facilities. Some of the comments I've overheard are exceedingly homophobic, and I won't stand for any trouble that any of you might want to cause. I will not tolerate any pranking, hazing or bullying in my lessons. Do I make myself clear?"

John raised his hand to ask a question, at the nod of the teacher he spoke, "Mr Lamb, you have just stated that the segregation of students into changing rooms is based solely on their physical sex, rather than their overall gender, which is understandable. However, Mrs Rush, you inferred a second criteria of being a functional male. I assume the definition of being functional is to be able to sexually reproduce. My understanding of biology is that we don't become fully functional until we have gone through puberty. I suspect it's easier to tell when a girl reaches that milestone as it would presumably be when she has her first period, but how exactly do you plan on telling with a boy? Even very young boys can have erections, even if they can't produce sperm. Does this mean that any individual who has yet to go through puberty could potentially use either changing room?"

I like John. Not in a romantic way, but as a good friend. He is highly intelligent and an excellent debater. This is not the first time I've seen him tie somebody in knots using outlandish logic.

"The answer is we can't tell," Mrs Rush replied, "therefore you are all assumed to be fully functional in that sense even if you haven't reached that stage of development, unless a medical professional states otherwise. A transsexual would normally be on a hormone regimen which would effectively castrate the individual after a period of time. For reference, the council run sports facilities use the age of eight as the cut off point where children are allowed in to the changing rooms with a parent or guardian of the opposite sex. As you are all now entering your teens, you are well beyond that age."

"I know Darin doesn't yet have an official diagnosis," John continued, "but the way you clarified things earlier seems to suggest that you are expecting such a diagnosis to be given. Does this mean alternative changing arrangements will be made for her already? Or are you going to force somebody who you suspect to be transgendered to use facilities they are obvious exceedingly reluctant and embarrassed to use. You're very quick to assure the girls that a boy won't be joining them, but seem happy for a girl to use the boy’s room. Sure, we know she shares the same physical characteristics as us, but I know from now on she is going to be doing her best to hide that portion of her body, so the net effect for the rest of us will be we will be seeing and more importantly perceiving her to be a girl. I know I'm not the only one who is having difficulty thinking of Darin as a boy now."

I can see several of the other boys, and a few of the girls, nodding in agreement. I had already told my friends my plans for using the toilet cubicle and showering while at least leaving my underwear on. While I was keeping myself to myself in the library during the break, my friends had been gathering the opinion of my classmates on the subject.

"Darin has been dressing as a girl for a day and a half," Mr Lamb declared, "I find it hard to believe that all of a sudden you all regard him as a her."

"John is right," Gary stated. He was the last person I expected to speak on my behalf after all the trouble I have had with him. "We've known something has been off about Darin for ages, we just didn't know what it was exactly. Now that the final piece of the jigsaw has been put in place we can suddenly see the whole picture and wham, things start making sense. She hasn't even started to use a feminine name, and she certainly looks boyish with that haircut, but when she puts that wig on, I have real trouble seeing a boy. Its weirding me out and I'd rather not have to shower with it."

The use of 'it' drew several withering looks from various people in the room. Seeing the annoyance, Gary immediately tried to correct himself, "Er, sorry, her. Him? Crap this is confusing."

I was keeping out of the argument. I had made my own position perfectly clear and while I was willing to carry on using the boy’s facilities, it would be under protest. I think the teachers assumed that wouldn't be an issue, but they were quickly finding out that they may have more people refusing to co-operate than simply me.

"Hands up those who think Darin should be removed from the boy's changing room?" Mr Lamb asked. My friends took the lead in raising their hands, followed by Gary. Slowly everybody else started to raise their hands, including the girls. I had immediately raised my own hand as well. After a few seconds every student had raised their hand, the last few probably deciding to go with the majority.

"Why are you raising you hands, it doesn't affect you?" Mrs Rush said looking to the girls, who were all sat to the right of the room.

"Just because we don't want her in with us, doesn't mean we think she should be in with the boys," Penny got in before anybody else could respond. "I know I wouldn't be comfortable having to use the boy's changing room and I doubt she is either."

"None of you are willing to have Darin in with you?" Mr Lamb added in surprise.

"You didn't ask that," Kevin said, "I would change and shower with her if needed, but I still feel she should be changing elsewhere. Quite frankly I suspect there are quite a few of us who would much prefer not to have to ever use communal facilities. I for one am not entirely comfortable with it. But we put up with it because we know making a fuss isn't going to get us anywhere and would get us laughed at for not fitting in. I seriously wonder if the school decided that there was only going to be one changing room and both boys and girls had to use it and shower together, how many of us would just get on and do it despite the embarrassment, and how many would dare refuse? Hands up those who would undress with Darin present, albeit unwillingly, if the alternative was being expelled for refusing to follow direct instructions? Girls, how many of you would have put up with it if Mrs Rush had said that Darin would be using your facilities?"

Again, all of the boy's immediately put their hands up. They were joined by about a third of the girls.

"We weren't going to make any special arrangements for the simple reason we have to treat everybody equally and fairly. The school is not equipped to let every student change in total privacy, so we can only make exceptions with valid reasons, such as a medical certificate. If you all feel so strongly then we will allow Darin to change elsewhere, but it has to be on the understanding that nobody else will be allowed such a privilege," Mr Lamb decided.

I can see Mr Lamb is reluctant, and I can see his point about showing favouritism. I've jumped the gun on trying to force a transition ahead of time. I decided I should regain control of the situation. "You don't need to show me favouritism by altering the rules to my benefit. You simply need a valid reason for my exclusion from P.E. until I can get a permanent medical certificate. I'm sure I can lose my P.E. kit between here and the changing room if needed, especially if I take a detour via the pond. As much as you've threatened it, you've never made anybody participate naked. Simon how fast was you going when you fell off your bike and broke your arm? Do you think I could run at the door fast enough to cause sufficient damage, or would I need to jump off the roof instead? "

"Enough," Mr Lamb commanded. "I'm removing you from the changing rooms for your own safety. I have this sneaking suspicion you aren't bluffing. That is all the excuse I need for now. Everybody except Darin, into the changing rooms, we are wasting time. Darin, you will get changed in the staff cubicle in the office. Move!"

I'm escorted into the sports block office and directed to the door at the back where a small bathroom is located containing a shower, a toilet, washbasin, and a small wooden bench. I place my bag on the bench and close and lock the door. I swiftly change into my normal male P.E. kit, folding my clothes neatly and putting them in my sports bag.

I open the door to find the teachers missing. I walk to the office door to see where they are. Mr Lamb comes out of a store cupboard down the corridor carrying a big net of footballs. He instructs me to carry them to the football pitch while he disappears into the changing rooms to call the register and escort everybody else outside.

I notice that the girls are already coming outside and heading to the hockey pitch as I leave the building by the front door. The changing rooms have two doors. The ones we use to enter and leave at the start and end of lessons are in the corridor at the front of the building between the sports hall and gymnasium. The second set of doors at the rear of the building lead directly outside onto the playing fields so we can come and go without trailing mud through the building during winter.

It is a few minutes later that the boys come out. They seem to have taken a long time to change, which leads me to believe that Mr Lamb had more things to say to them about me while I wasn't present. I would ask Kevin about that later.

The lesson continued as normal. We started off practising dribbling by controlling the ball through a slalom of cones. That was followed by some passing practice and finally a short match at the end of the lesson.

At the end of the period, everybody else was sent back to the changing rooms. I had to help the teacher put away the equipment. If that was going to be the ongoing price for using the staff cubicle, then I wasn't going to complain. As I had a shower to myself, it meant I didn't have to wait for others to finish and I could change quickly. Even though I was a few minutes later to start changing, I still emerged from the office as the bell rung. I know some of the other students would take several more minutes to change. It didn't matter as it was now lunch time. It was when you had another lesson to get to did it really matter that you got out quickly.


I caught up with Kevin at lunch to find out what was said in the changing room while I wasn't present. He explained that Mr Lamb had expressed concern over my apparent willingness to self-harm. He warned the boys to be on the lookout for any signs that I might do something stupid as I wasn't acting normally and that might be a sign of stress. I could apparently be on the point of a nervous breakdown and he didn't want anybody pushing me over the edge.

"Great, so I'm nuts now and might need taking to a padded room," I lamented to my friend.

"Well you do want to be a girl," Kevin replied. "Mind you I find all girls crazy, so you'll fit right in."

This got him a few shouts from some of the girls who were in the dinner queue with us. I hadn't had time to make a pack lunch, so was waiting in line at the school canteen.

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