Imagine That Part 16 end of this book

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Part (16) It’s a big dangerous world out there

This is a fan-fiction set on Terahnar the world created by L.E. Modesitt for his Imager series. I have no rights to any of it and don’t claim to. I just wanted to see what a story about a MTF transgender person set in the time just after Rex Regis consolidated Lydar into Solidar would be like.

As this story comes to an end I want to thank several folks who have helped me produce a story worth reading. Anne has been with me from the first and except for one or two slip-ups, which were my fault, the reason that any of the 16 parts were worth reading was because of her efforts, suggestions and help.

In response to my recent plea for help two folks have stepped forward: DJ and Randy and have really helped with this final part. Thank you so very much, my talented editors and thanks to you, those who have read this little tale and let me know your opinions on this effort at fan-fic. JH


I was tired from my work done researching the information for the meetings and then the excitement at the meal. I started to yawn and suddenly I saw a ball of fire landed on the deck of a ship right in front of me. It was so real, I stepped back to get out of the way.

“Joli, what’s happening?” asked Vaelora “You look like you’ve seen a bear face to face.”

“I just had a nightmare except I’m not asleep.”

“Did you recognize where you were?”

“Yes, I was on a ship, like the one I sailed on when I started my journey to Westisle.”

“We call such things farsight visions and usually, its best not to tell others about them, unless you see a clear danger and the person in danger needs to know what to watch for. The problem with telling others is that by trying to avoid the situation, often worse things happen.”

“I did have a dream about the sailors that attacked us in Lantiago, and then it happened just like in my dream.”

“farsight is usually something limited to people with Pharsi lineage. Are your parents Pharsi?”

“My maman is. See taught us how to speak Pharsi and told us the old stories.”

“That explains much. I feel safer already. See you in the morning.”

* * * * *


It’s a big dangerous world out there

Farsight flashes; that’s what the Lady had called them. When I thought about it and remembered some of my dreams, I realized that several times I had dreams that had come true. Apparently my dreams, it seemed, had included such flashes for some time. However before today, I’d never had one while I was wide-awake. Now I ad the information to understand what I had been seeing.

What had I seen in the flash?

I was on a ship and a ball of fire was coming at me and in fact one had landed at my feet.

Did this mean that I should never get on another ship? If I did that, how would I get back to Westisle?

The Lady had said that trying to avoid what was revealed in the flash tended to make things worse. I’d just have to be more aware especially when I was on board a ship.

* * * * *

I had first meal the next morning with Lady Vaelora in her office along with Imager Captain Lhandor.

“Can either of you detect another imager?” she asked.

“I cannot,” said Lhandor, “but I know that some imagers can. Captain Khalis can for example. He told me that Commander Quaeryt’s shield’s were the brightest he had ever seen. At least that’s what he said. I’ve never seen brightness around any imager.”

“Do you have a shield in place now?” I asked.

“Yes, it’s a habit that’s saved my life more than once.”

“Would you drop it for a moment. What you just said was something I’d never heard or thought of.”

I watched Lhandor closely, it looked like he had been walking in sunlight and stepped into a shadow.

“Now bring your shield back in place.”

Now he was back in the light, or rather he seemed to be shining.

Interestingly, the Lady had a glow as well. Not shining like Lhandor, but a glow. I looked at Myldryd, the Lady’s Chamber maid. She didn’t glow or shine.

I realized that I thought that everyone could see the same way I see things. When I thought about it everyone at Westisle either shone or glowed. The senior imagers shone brightly while the new imagers were dimmer. Some, like most of the kitchen staff didn’t shine at all. Jynen glowed. I hadn’t realized that before.

“I think I can see when someone has imaging abilities,” I said. “it just came to me that not everyone sees people glowing or shining. I just realized that I have always seen people this way and I didn’t think anything of it. I thought that everyone could see what I saw.”

“I know of only one other imager, Captain Khalis, who can,” said Lhandor.

“Please let us know if you see anyone who is glowing and who is not a known imager wearing gray, so that we can be aware of the potential danger. We know that it is likely that not all imagers in Antiago were with the Autarch when his palace was dumped on him, so keep watch for any shining people,” said Lady Vaelora.

“Now let's go over today’s meetings and what I can expect,” she said.

For the next glass we went over the names and backgrounds of those attending the morning and afternoon meetings. We covered those who held some official position first, then the rest of those attending. I followed Vaelora and Myldryd into her dressing room and continued my briefing as she dressed.

“Joli, when we leave any meeting, I want you to go ahead of me, then bring up your concealment shield and slip back into the meeting room and listen to the conversations that happen after I leave. Be very careful. Don't make a sound, or even breath hard. I don’t want to have to explain why you are there eavesdropping, but do this for all our meetings unless I ask you not to.”

I understood how important such information would be. I also understood how dangerous and damaging it would be if I were discovered listening behind a concealment shield. I promised myself that I would be extra careful when doing this listening-task.

Both meetings today were held here in the large meeting room on the second floor. The first meeting was with the Lantiago City Council. As the bell sounded 10th glass, I entered the meeting room followed by Lady Vaelora. The councilors were already present and they all stood as we entered.

The Chief Councilor was the owner of a handling and storage enterprise. He had a stocky build and must have been very impressive when he was younger. His workmen loaded and unloaded almost seventy five percent of the goods that used the harbor. His warehouses provided half the available warehouse space for holding goods temporarily between being shipped out or sent off in a wagon to somewhere in Antiago. Now that the continent was one country, Solidar, there would be no tariffs for shipping anywhere in the new country. He might be worried now but I suspected that once he got used to Rex Regis' rule this man would be an enthusiastic supporter.

There were eight other Councilors. Two were members of the trade guilds: a furniture maker and a stonemason. Two others were factors: a produce factor and a dry goods factor. Two were involved with the harbor as tug and barge operators. Two were elected by a vote of the people of Lantiago and could be from any vocation.

After she was introduced by Governor Alazyn , Lady Vaelora said, “Councilors, I have been asked by Rex Regis, my brother, to present an overview of what he expects from his subjects and what he sees as his obligations to you. I will also refer to elements of our Code of Laws and Tariffs to highlight certain elements and requirements that our Rex believes are most important to a just and well operating society. I would like to follow this format: I will present a topic, issues and expectations, after each topic I will attempt to answer or respond to your questions and concerns.”

“A little more than 6 years ago, our Rex sent out copies of a Code of Laws and Tariffs all across Solidar. This code and laws replaces and supersedes any code or laws that were in place before. In addition to the Code, our Rex instituted a structure of governance that put in place governors over regions of our country. Here in Antiago, the Governor is Commander Alazyn. You are fortunate in Antiago because he has been here from the start of unification. He understands the changes that have been required of you, in terms of local, regional and national control.

The next step in the growth of Solidar is the creation of the Regional and National Councils. The local councils in each region will appoint two representatives each to the Regional Council. There will also be two at large representatives, appointed by the Governor. These at-large councilors must have their residence in the region and be current in their taxes and fees in that region.

Your two national representatives will be selected and elected by a vote of all of the councils in the Antiagon Region. The National Council meets twice a year for one month each time, in L’Excelsis. These meetings will focus on addressing issues of national concern

Are there any questions?”

The ensuing hubbub ended when Governor Alazyn banged wooden mallet on the table until he had everyone’s attention.

“Gentlemen, gentlemen, if you will return to your seats and raise your hands, Lady Vaelora and I will respond to your questions in an orderly fashion.

“Councilor Hayesabyl, do you have a question?” asked the Governor.

“I certainly do. In all my memory and the memories of all here, I cannot recall a time when the Autarch of Antiago, demanded such oppressive governance. Why has Rex Regis put this burdensome structure on our backs?”

“Let me speak to that, if you will Governor,” said Lady Vaelora.

“First you should understand that Tilboar, the home of Lord Bhayar, now Rex Regis, has been using this system of governance for generations. We know how it should work and how to fix it where it doesn’t.”

“Your form of governance under that Autarch was fine if you overlook the corruption and the way laws and rules weren’t applied evenhandedly to everyone.”

“We’ve learned in governing not only Teleran, but Tilboar and Bovaria that rules that change at the whim of whoever is in power at a particular place and time are a sure recipe for discontent and rebellion.”

“You claim, without direct knowledge, that the structure of the code and governance is burdensome. My answer is that it’s equally burdensome to all. If you don’t care to follow the new code, you will have to accept the consequences of defying it. I’d suggest that you visit the burial mound of the Autarch before you make that kind of decision.”

Her words caused all the councilors to look sideways at each other and shake their heads. The questions asked for the remainder of the session were focused on specifics of the code or procedural issues. There were no other questions about why Antiago had to obey the laws the same way the rest of Solidar follows the code.

When the time allocated to the meeting ended, Governor Alazyn stood and thanked everyone for attending and said he looked forward to seeing them at the ball tonight.

I led the way through the door, in front of Lady Vaelora, brought up my invisibility shield and went back inside before the door closed, just as we planned.

“What do you think of having a woman telling us what we have to do?” asked Councilor Hayesabyl to the room in general.

“This woman happens to be the sister of the Rex and the wife of the imager who destroyed, the ruler of Boveria and Antiago,” someone said.

“I think we have a choice: live within the new rules or move to another country,” said Dysrt, the Councilor who had been a stonemason.

“There is a third choice,” said Cyclyrt, one of the Factors, “you could oppose them and end up buried under your own home.”

“I heard that there was an attempt to assassinate Lady Vaelora last night and that the assassin is in a cell here in the Chateau and that he didn’t even get close to her. One of her imagers dropped him like a sack of potatoes.”

“As I see it,” said Dysrt, “we can learn to play this game by the new rules or be destroyed when we fail to comply.”

They all left within a few minutes of this discussion.

I went to the door that Lady Vaelora used, and dropped my shield as I opened it. I went to her office and told her what I had heard.

In a little while our lunch was brought up to her office and we talked about what we expected from the afternoon meeting.

* * * * *

The afternoon meeting with the High Holders was much like the morning meeting with the Factors except more so. Each High Holder had something to say although their meaning was the same again and again: “leave us alone, we’re High Holders so we can do whatever we want.” The spark that started the fire was Lady Vaelora’s opening statement.

“Rex Regis well understands the privileges that are the essence of being a High Holder. He has many High Holders in his ancestral land Telleran, and in the lands who have mistakenly attacked us, Bovaria and Antiago and are now part of Solidar. When his armies marched up the river Aluse, only those High Holdings that failed to pledge not to attack our armies were in any way punished. Even when our armies appropriated supplies, we left payment and an accounting of what was taken. No other army has ever done that in the history of Lydar.”

“Even among the Bovarian High Holders along the border with Antiago, who refused to meet with our representative, only those who fled into Antiago and did not return and submit to our Rex’s rule, lost their holdings. And several who have come back and pledged allegiance to our Rex now have their Holding in the hands of their offspring.”

“With privileges come responsibilities. In the new Code of Laws, High Holders still retain the right of Low Justice, the ability to mete out punishments for lesser crimes, however High Justice for crimes such as robbery, murder and the like are the domain of the City or Regional Justicer. Anyone brought before the justice system for a high crime, will be represented by a court appointed Justicer if they cannot afford to retain one themselves and the trial will be held in a city or regional court room.

“Before the new code, High Holders were a law unto themselves and answerable to no one and now you can only deal out punishments for small crimes and small punishments.

“Perhaps you believe that because Solidar is a big land, it will be impossible for our Rex to punish a High Holder in the depths of Antiago for ignoring the new code and continuing with the practices that they have been doing for generations. I want to dissuade you of that notion,” said the Lady. “Please use the example of what happened to the Autarch of Antiago, the King of Bovaria and several High Holders who have opposed the will of Rex Regis. To a person, they or their kin, no longer exist. I urge you to verify my statement by asking the High Holders who remain alive and well after our battles in Bovaria, Antiago and Tellerand.”

There was a lot of huffing and puffing but no overt challenges to the Lady’s statements.

When I slipped back into the room inside my invisibility shield, the consensus seemed to be a wait and see attitude. As long as the country was run fairly, meaning that they maintained the ability to hold on to and increase their Holdings, nothing needed to be done, for now.

I returned to the Lady’s suite and reported on what I had heard and my impressions of the feelings behind the statements. We had a light meal while she and her maid worked on her hair in preparation for the ball.

“You need to go get ready so that we can go down to the ball room together,” she said and shooed me out of her room.

I had a dress made especially for occasions like this and I started to get ready from the skin out. I had my under clothes on when Myldryd, Vaelora’s maid entered my room and begin directing my dressing. She had a large box that contained all sorts of powders, creams, oils, paints and things I had never seen before.

“Sit here and look at the picture on the wall,” she directed me and started to apply powder, paint, and other things to my face.

“Its too bad you do not have pierced ear lobes, the Lady wanted you to wear these little gems in your ears tonight.”

“What do you mean by pierced ears?”

“Like this,” she said and drew back her hair and showed me her ear lobes. They had a tiny hole in which a small pin was placed.

“Can you take one of them out so I can see the hole?”

“Yes, here, have a look.”

I examined the hole, concentrated on having one just like it in both of my ear lobes, and with a short, sharp pin-prick, I had holes in my ears. “Will these do?”

“By the Nameless, I’ve never seen such a thing,” she said and put the little earrings into the newly made holes in my ear lobes.

Next she went to work on my hair, brushing it one way and then another with a little oil or cream until she seemed either satisfied or resigned that she could do no more.

“The Lady wants you to wear these stocking, but you need to remove the hair from your legs.”

I concentrated and felt the skin on my legs tingle and said, “How’s this?”

“Amazing. You have no idea how fortunate you are. I usually nick myself when I use a razor on my legs.”

Pulling up the stockings on my legs produced a new and wonderful feeling.

“Take off your bloomers and drawers,” ordered Myldryd, “you’ll put them back on after the corset so that you don’t have to take off so much when you have to pee.”

Next came the corset. It was pulled tighter than I ever thought possible. There were clips that attached to the stockings. I pulled on my panties and bloomers, then the petticoats and finally the dress. I had to hold on to Myldryd when I stepped into the shoes.

“I’m not used to these higher heels,” I said.

“You’ll get used to them soon enough. Stand up straight with your chest out and shoulders back and your chin up. You are a part of the Lady’s entourage and you must not dishonor her by slouching and plodding around.”

I look at the image of this pretty young girl in the mirror and couldn’t believe that it was me.

My cheeks were rosy, my eyes were lined, my complexion was creamy, the gems dangling from my ears sparkled in the light. I looked down and noticed that my breasts seem twice as large and about to burst over the top of the bodice.

“You’ve transformed me into a beauty.”

“All I did was let your beauty out from under the gray coverings you wear all the time.”

My dress was a very light blue with a light gray vest that came under my breasts and I had a charcoal gray scarf so that I could claim to still be dressed in “Imager Gray”.

* * * * *

“Joli D’ Imager, special assistant to Lady Vaelora,” called out the senior staff in his liveried outfit, followed, after a significant pause by “Lady Vaelora, Minister of Administration and Supply and Special Envoy to Antiago of Rex Regis.”

I had moved toward the left side of the room and looked at all the faces focused on the Lady. There were all sorts of expressions on those faces. Many of the women were looking at her as they would a prized animal, seeking flaws and mentally comparing themselves to her. There were many narrowed eyed men gazing at this most powerful woman. I suspected they were thinking how they could benefit from her or what they needed to do to protect themselves. I got the impression of a young lamb entering a den of mountain cats.

What they didn’t know, but my impressions from my short time serving her had shown me, is that it was much more like a herd of goats, stumbling into the path of the mother mountain cat.

I took my position behind the Lady who was the last person in the reception line as each of the important people went down the line greeting first Commander Paedn, then Governor Alazyn and then Lady Vaelora. I recognized several of those from our meetings. They seemed much more resigned for the most part when they exchanged a few words with her.

After the last person met her, the lady turned to me and said, “move around, get something to eat and even dance if you want.” With that she went to speak with several of the senior imagers and military men whom she seemed to know.

I sampled some of the bits of food and some of the bubbly wine and was standing near one of the windows when a young man, dressed in dark blue pants and coat over a pale yellow shirt approached me.

“Would you like to dance?”

“Yes, thank you,” I said and hoped my lessons were adequate to the task.

As he held out his hand to me and I took it, I realized that he had a glow. He was an imager, although not a very strong one. I wondered if he had discovered his imaging abilities?

“I am Byndt Wlymtt-Alt and I know that you are an assistant to Lady Vaelora, but that is all I know of you. Did you come from L’Excelsis with her?”

“No, I am Joli D’Imager from Westisle.”

“I didn’t know women could be imagers.”

“It does happen, as I’ve discovered.”

“Are you the oldest son of Wlymtt?”

“No, I’m the third, behind my sister and brother. He is the successor to Wlymtt so I must find my own way. I’d thought about the navy. I understand that our Rex is expanding our navy and there might be a place for an earnest young officer,” he said with a smile.

“If you were an imager, you’d have a place and a profession,” I said.

“You mean that you can learn to be an imager? I never heard that was possible.”

“No, imaging is a skill you have from birth or not at all. I just meant that anyone who discovers that they are an imager must come to one of the Collegium, here in Westisle or to Imageisle in L’Excelsis. That is part of our new Code.”

The dance was well underway and we were just standing at the edge of the dance, still holding hands.

“Let us take advantage of the dance,” he said and we stepped and spun to the music.

After a second dance he asked,“ Would you like something to drink?”

“Yes, some of the white wine please.”

Either he had not recognized that he could image, or he was hiding it because it meant loss of all the privileges that came with being a male heir of a High Holder household. I suspected he was hoping he wasn’t an imager and if he didn’t mention it, nobody would know.

After he returned with my drink, he asked, “how did you know your were an imager?”

“I discovered that I was an imager when I imaged a lit candle in the middle of the night, next to my bed.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t understand,” he said.

“That was the first time I did imaging when someone else was there. I had a bad dream and wanted to see what was scaring me in my dream, I imaged a lit candle in my sleep. Fortunately, my sisters woke up and asked were that candle had come from and we didn’t set anything on fire.”

“You know most imagers have some type of accident just after they discover their ability to image. Sometimes people are killed or injured before the imager learns how to control his imaging.”

I could tell by the look on his face that he was shocked.

“I hadn’t heard that about imagers. I’ll keep it in mind if I ever come across an undiscovered imager.”

“Yes, do that and call on me if ever you feel the need.”

* * * * *

“Have you ever been to a ball like last night?” Vaelora asked me.

“I have never been to a big dance, much less a ball.”

“I think you need to get used to it because you can help make this new land safe for us all. Doing so may involve going to many balls and other places where your unique skills and appearance can be a true advantage.”

“We will be going to Westisle at midday and returning tomorrow.”

“Yes My Lady, I have today’s schedule memorized, I believe. It amazes me that, even though I’ve only been away a few day, I miss the Collegium and the people.”

We had a short meeting with the civic patrol officers of L’Lantiago and then rode in coaches to the harbor. The sea had small waves but the wind was coming from a direction that wouldn’t cause too much trouble between Westisle and L’Lantiago. By the first bell in the afternoon, our ship had cleared the harbor and was running toward Westisle.

We were a little beyond half way when I saw the sails of another ship come around the point of the isle. It seemed to be headed on a course toward us. In a little while, I could see that it was going to go behind us, but rather close. I moved to the stern rail and saw what looked like a catapult on the deck in a clear space between two masts. It reminded me of the one we used at Westisle to train how to stop crocks of Antiagon Fire from landing on troops.

Suddenly I saw an object arch toward our ship and it landed not too far from me, broke into pieces that burst into flames. I needed to get the flames off the ship and away from us! I used the heat of the flames and imaged the pot back together and the material back into the pot. Then I sent the pot back to the other ship at the base of the catapult. When I was done there was ice, thick as a heavy frost on the deck and railing.

The other ship had turned to run parallel to our course. The catapult snapped forward and another object headed our way. I focused and sent it back to the base of the catapult. It crashed into the deck and the fire from the first crock I sent back, doubled in size and men started jumping overboard as fire spread up the lines and engulfed the sails.

I felt weak and grabbed the rail and dropped to the deck as my legs gave out. My head felt like it would split open and everything I looked at had a red haze. The ship’s master was yelling and so was Lady Vaelora, but my hearing seemed muffled.

“Here, eat this and then drink all of this,” Vaelora said and handed me a square of cheese and a mug. The cheese was hard and the mug contained watered beer. As I ate and drank, I felt better and better.

“I can see that Captain Threkhyl has trained you in methods to defend against Antiagon Fire,” said Vaelora. “We all should be glad he did and that you were a star student.”

“Captain Hyrlan, do you know who owns that ship?” asked Lady Vaelora.

The ship’s captain paused for a moment. He had been turning the ship around to see if they could pick up survivors.

“I believe the ship was the Son of Dylker, my Lady, owned by Holder Glythyr. His Holding is on Westisle. He lost several ships in the battle with Teleran. Two of his sons went down with those ships.”

“Thank you Captain Hyrlan. I will be visiting him tomorrow,” said Lady Valeora and she turned and walked across the deck to where the military commander and Major Volytr were standing.

“Major Volytr, I’d like to pay a visit to High Holder Glythyr, tomorrow if at all possible.”

“Yes My Lady, I should like to meet with him also.”

* * * * *

The next morning as daylight was streaming into the courtyard of the Collegium, Major Volytr lead a company of Solarian mounted troops plus the senior imagers and Lady Vaelora and me out of the main gates. My assignment was to ride next to the Lady and protect her from any harm. It took several glasses to reach High Holder Glythyr’s estate but we stopped a mille before the gates to listen to the reports from the scouts.

The group leader of the scouts reported to Volytr, “Sir, the main gate appears to be blocked and there are towers inside the walls, one about every 200 yards. We counted 6 towers with a squad of archers in each tower. The residence sits at the end of the road that is about a half mille from the gate. The road goes along the top of a ridge with steep slopes on either side. The Hold house sits on a cliff that looks over the sea.”

“Major, I’d appreciate it if you would send one of your well shielded imagers with this message to Holder Glythyr,” said Lady Vaelora and handed a rolled up scroll to him.

“The message requires that he meet with us within the glass to discuss yesterday’s attack by one of his vessels, by the authority Rex Regis has given me as his representative to the High Holders of Antiago. It also advises that failure to comply with this request will lead to dire consequences for the Holding.”

“Captain Lhandor, would you be so kind as to deliver the Lady’s message and accept the Holder’s reply,” said Volytr.

We waited almost a glass before Captain Lhandor returned.

When he reigned his horse up in front of Major Volytr, I saw that he was holding several crossbow bolts in his hand.

“Major, I delivered the message to an arms man at the gate and told him I would wait for the Holder’s reply. In less than two quints, I was assaulted by the forces on the two towers nearest the gate.” As he finished his report he handed a bolt to the Major and to the Lady. “I brought these bolts as the only reply I received.”

Major Volytr turned in his saddle and said, “Captain Threkhyl, when we are within your imaging range, I want you and another imager you choose to remove the two towers and also level the walls on each side of the gate so that our company will have no difficulty entering the Holding.”

We rode until we were about fifty yards from the gate and Volytr said “Now would be good Captain.” There were several flashes of light and the gate stood alone with a wide stone road running around it. The towers looked like they had been sliced off about half way up their original height.

As we rode around the gate, I noticed that the air was considerably cooler and patches of ice were turning into puddles on the new entrance to the hold. I imagined an impenetrable, invisible wall extending around the Lady and me. It felt as though I was carrying the Lady on my back, but I kept the shield in place as we neared the Hold house.

We stopped in front of a gate in a second wall, this one about two yards high, more of a stone fence than a wall and Volytr ordered Tynco, an imager secoundus, to remove the gate.

Suddenly I felt a blow on my shields like I had been run into by a horse. I realized that there must be an imager trying to harm the lady. I looked up on the balcony above the double doors of the house and saw a man shining brightly. I tried to image shut the blood vessels in his throat, but I was blocked! He had shields too.

To the right and left of the house I noticed that the other imagers had returned crocks of Antiagon Fire to the bases of the catapults that must have launched them. I concentrated on linking to the fires and using them to break through the imager's shield. I saw the man collapse and in that instant, the attack on the Lady vanished.

In moments a woman ran out from the house holding a white cloth over her head yelling, “Mercy, mercy, we surrender.”

“Enough, stand down, but be ready,” commanded Major Volytr.

“Who are you?” demanded the Lady.

“I am Syryna, Syryna D’Glythyr. That man you killed is my husband, High Holder Glythyr.”

“He is not dead, Lady, just unconscious and unable to move,” I said in a low voice. “He is also an imager of considerable power.”

“Major Volytr,” said Vaelora firmly, “have your men blindfold the Holder and bind his hands and feet. He is responsible for the attacks yesterday and today. We will take him to Lantiago to stand trial.”

“When he is all trussed up, bring him back to consciousness,” Vaelora said to me.

“Yes My Lady”

As soon as he was bound, gagged and had a heavy sack over his head, I released the pressure I had placed on his spine and stimulated the blood vessels around the area. He shook his arms and legs and there was a muffled yell, but then he lay still.

“High Holder Glythyr I charge you with attempted murder and assault on a representative of Rex Regis. You will be transported to Lantiago where a trial will decide your fate. Syryna D’Glythyr, you may provide an advocate for the Holder at the trial, which will be held the day after tomorrow at the Chateau D’Rex,” said Lady Vaelora.

“Major, let us return to the Collegium so we can prepare for the trial.”

We returned to the Collegium then accompanied by several of the imagers and soldiers who had participated in the incident, we boarded a ship and arrived in Lantiago close to midnight. The next morning was spent organizing the people and place for the trial as well as posting and sending notices to the head of the Holder's and Factor’s Council.

After supper the Lady, Major Volytr, Imager Captain Lhandor and I met in her study.

“Imager Joli, tell us what you did yesterday as completely and precisely as you can,” said the Lady.

“After we went around the gate, I placed my strongest shield around both of us. Just after we stopped in front of the house I felt something like a horse running into my shields. It hurt but I didn’t let the blow get through. I looked at the house and saw a man standing on the balcony who was shining as if he was standing in a ray of sun. I guessed that he was the imager who was attacking us so I tried to squeeze the blood going into his head but his shields were too strong. Then I saw the fires by the catapults and I concentrated on using the heat from the fires to break through the imager’s shields and when I did, I made him lose consciousness, then put a pressure block on his spine to make him immobile.”

“That was truly impressive,” said Captain Lhandor. “Major Volytr, you have a really special imager here.”

“I’ve known that for some time. I just wanted to give her a chance to grow up before we send her out to deal with people like Holder Glythyr.”

“Lady Vaelora, what will be the likely outcome of tomorrows’ trial?” asked Volytr.

“I expect him to enter a plea of “for mercy” if he’s smart, but I think his pride won’t let him. If he is found guilty, I want the sentence carried out there and then.”

“Who will be the judge?” asked Lhandor.

“Governor Alazyn will be the Justicer. I want you, Lhandor, to represent Rex Regis.”

“Joli, I want you to stay right beside Lady Vaelora all day long tomorrow,” said Volytr “and for you remember what you did to Urytl when he threatened the other imagers.

“Yes sir.”

“I want you to do that to Holder Glythyr when he isn’t blindfolded. You can let the shield go when I nod at you and then reestablish it when I stroke my chin. We will alternate holding a shield around him so that neither of us will get too tired.”

“Yes sir.”

“Gentlemen, it has been a pair of long, trying days. I’ll see you early tomorrow. Joli, if you will accompany me to my rooms, I’d like to speak with you.”

Myldryd had a bath ready for Vaelora when we entered her bed room and the Lady removed her clothes and stepped into the warm water.

“Joli, I have something very important to ask you and I want an honest answer, not the answer you may think I want to hear.”

“Certainly My Lady, I’ll answer as honestly as I can.”

“Almost certainly, tomorrow High Holder Glythyr will be found guilty of the attempt on my life as well as the attacks on our soldiers. The penalty for such an act is death, without any exceptions. I’m going to ask Major Volytr to carry out the sentence. He will most likely remove Glythyr’s heart. Can you block Glythyr’s spine again so that he feels no pain?”

I shuddered at the bluntness and directness of the Lady’s words and then was amazed that she would ask that Glythyr feel no pain.

“Yes My Lady, but I will need some signal from Major Volytr so that I know when to image Glythyr’s spine.”

“I will ask that Volytr look directly at you before he deals with Glythyr.”

* * * * *

The trial was held in the same ballroom that was used for the “Welcoming Ball”. A platform was placed at the end of the room opposite the double doors that formed the main entrance. Two other platforms, one on either side of the center platform, were smaller than the main platform and had two chairs at each one. The chairs on one of the platforms were for Lady Vaelora and Commander Paedn, the other held Holder Glythyr and his advocate, High Holder Smythclyff. The central platform had a single chair and a table-desk where the Governor would sit.

When Lady Vaelora entered the room, everyone stood up until she took her seat. The Governor entered next and finally Glythyr and Smythclyff. As I came into the room, the blindfold was removed from Holder Glythyr and I applied a shield all around Glythyr an arms length away from his body. The Lady entered last and I took my place standing behind her and Major Volytr took his place behind Glythyr and Governor Alazyn rapped his table with a small gavel.

“The trial of High Holder Glythyr has now begun. Who speaks for Rex Regis?”

Captain Lhandor approached the space in front of the Governor’s table and said, “I speak for the Rex.”

“Who speaks for High Holder Glythyr?”

“I speak for the High Holder, said Holder Smythclyff as he moved into the space before the Governor.

“What are the charges against High Holder Glythyr?”

Lhandor cleared his throat and said, “High Holder Glythyr is charged with acts that would have resulted in the injury or death of Lady Vaelora, the emissary from Rex Regis, and also causing acts to be carried out that would have caused injury or death to the Rex’s soldiers who were supporting Lady Vaelora in her attempt to communicate with Holder Glythyr.”

“How does the High Holder Glythyr plea?”

“He pleads “for mercy”, honorable Justicer,” said Smythclyff.

“Captain Lhandor please provide the details of Holder Glythyr’s actions and present any corroborating witnesses you may have.”

First Major Volytr, then Captain Threkhyl, then group leader Skynert gave their accounts of being attacked after attempting to speak with Holder Glythyr. I was called to describe what my orders were and how I detected an attack by an imager.

“I felt a very strong force against the shield I had created to protect Lady Vaelora. I looked to see if I could determine who was attacking me and I noticed a man on the balcony staring fixedly at the Lady. It took several attempts but I was able to render him unconscious and the image attacks stopped.”

With my testimony, the prosecution’s presentation was complete.

“Please present your plea, Holder Smythclyff,” said Governor Alazyn.

“I call Holder Glythyr to the witness stand,” said Smythclyff.

“Please tell us you reasons for defending your Holding with force of arms.”

“My family has operated a fleet of ships sailing out of Westisle for more than ten generations. When the Telleran army invaded Antiago, there were several sea battles. As a result of those battles I have lost three sons and five stepsons. The husband of this woman was responsible for sinking all of those ships. My attacks on this woman and her death were intended as balance against my loss. As I see it, I have a blood debt against the ruler of Telleryn and his kin.”

“No further questions your honor,” said Smythclyff.

“Do you have any questions Captain Lhandor?”

“Yes, your honor I do.”

“When did you discover you were an imager, Holder Glythyr?”

“Since I was a little boy.”

“Are you aware of that part of the code of Solidar that requires all imagers to register and submit to the rules set forth in the code?”

“I remember reading something about imaging but I didn’t think it applied to High Holders.”

“Do you recall reading the part that imaging by unregistered imagers that cause harm or imaging with the intent to do harm is a mortal crime?”

“What if it is? It doesn’t apply to me, I’m a High Holder.”

“No further questions, your honor.”

“This court stands adjourned while I review the presentations and testimony,” said Governor Alazyn.

We all stood as the Governor walked from the room and Glythyr was blindfolded and lead out of the room.

In less than a glass we were called back into the courtroom and then Governor Alazyn resumed his place on the central platform. When Glythyr was lead to a place just in front of the center platform and the blindfold was removed I put my shield around him again.

“Holder Glythyr,” said Alazyn “you have entered a plea of ‘For Mercy’. That plea is denied. You have conducted a campaign of revenge against our Rex and his administrators, officers and family. Revenge is not a basis for mercy. I find you guilty of all charges.”

I was watching Glythyr and at Alazyn’s words he seemed to shudder and swell his chest. I reinforced my shield around him by imaging another layer on top of the first one.

There was a flash of light and suddenly ice formed all over Glythyr. It looked to be more that three digits thick all over his body. I released my shields and it looked as if he was on fire, except steam was boiling off him rather than flames and smoke. As the steamed subsided he collapsed in a heap on the floor.

As he collapsed, I put a shield around Lady Vaelora and me. In two heartbeats I felt something slam into my shield. I looked around and two men had rushed into the room from near the windows. The one I was watching looked down at his chest at the dagger embedded in it and then he fell to the floor. I glanced to the other man who was also sprawled on the floor, blood seeping from under the body.

* * * * *

We rushed the Lady out of the ball room and into her parlor, along with the Governor and Commander Paedn.

“Please tell me what just happened,” said Lady Vaelora

“Tell us what you did, Joli,” said Volytr.

“As we had planned, I was holding shields around Glythyr as he was standing before the Governor. When the Governor announced that he was guilty, Glythyr seemed to stiffen and I put another layer of shielding around him. He did attempt some type of imaging because if he hadn’t he wouldn’t have frozen himself. When I saw him covered in ice I released my shields on him and put them around the lady and me. Just after he collapsed, I felt something hit my shields. I kept a shield around the Lady until we entered this room.”

“You next Captain Lhandor.”

“I was shielding the Governor and when Glythyr dropped, I felt a bolt hit my shield. I looked around and saw the bolt came from one of those miniature crossbows the assassins use. I saw a man with such a weapon standing next to the window and I imaged a dagger into his chest and through his heart.”

“I saw two men with those crossbows coming from the windows and when a dagger appeared in the chest of one I imaged a dagger into the chest of the other. I expect that we will find that these men are part of the assassin’s guild I’ve heard about here in Antiago,” said Major Volytr

“Once again, imagers have saved my life and also the Governor’s. Words cannot express my gratitude. I am also extremely impressed with our young lady. She has shown a remarkable presence of mind, for which I am particularly thankful,” said the Lady.

“Major Volytr, isn’t there some way you could reward her?”

“I could advance her to Imager Tertius, a step below Master imager. She has more than enough imaging talent and power to be a Master imager now, but she needs a little more life experience before I saddle her with that burden.”

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