Alright first off, the state of dis-union. I am holding in my grubby hands the next installment of RiH for kindle. I have been sitting on it for awhile. Why? No real reason I can fathom. I came up with 3 more story ideas this weekend alone, bringing my fracturing attention span to an all time low.
Now that you have a little background; the first question - if you were me, which story would you next choose to give the kindle treatment to? That is, to prep for potential sale?
Try to think of possible legal concerns and attention span issues.
The second question is related to an idea I had. I mad a blog some months ago when I started trying to gain recognition - it hasn't really taken off. The idea was to use yet another story idea and write a story specifically for that blog, with regular updates. The problem with that idea is I'd be writing yet another story, and trying to make deadlines on it.
On both questions I'm indecisive, so I'm relying on such fans as I have to vote by post. The deadline for such will be a week. Oh and if you lurk and don't post, you have only yourselves to blame if the vote goes against you! No excuses, you can send me private messages if you want.
Thank you for your time in advance.
I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure :)
Priorities! That has to be the way to organize yourself. Decide what you need and put that first. Do you need income, publicity or what? Only you can determine that.
I would recommend not starting yet another new story. In that way lies madness. It will only be a prop allowing you to not decide what to do: procrastinators are good at that, and I speak from bitter experience.
Write down all the details you can and file it somewhere. You can always come back to it another time once you've sorted yourself out.
yeah, keep a note of the
yeah, keep a note of the ideas, most writers end up finding ways to sneak them into there on-going stores that must be worked on, i like being teased out by RiH's unfolding (ahhh they are so going to fall in love and he/she is going to become the time queen of hell~ <3)
for me having stuff coming out reg makes me like a writer more but not so much what it is, i honestly keep a look out for your name, here be dragons got me hooked in the same way as RiH wile i have no idea why i keep putting off coming back to Vagrants (maybe becasue we see the changes so far ahead with no knowledge / when it was not even asked?) but who knows what will catch us random fickle readers attention for all of me telling you that.