Well, here's the rub. I. Am far too old and ugly to ever consider dressing 'appropriately'.
So here I am in hospital with those horrible 'open' backs. So, the floor sister hands me another one to put on 'backwards' and all of a sudden I am wearing a 3" above the knee skirt. Albeit it is made of two pieces. I never realised how comfortable a skirt would be.
...until the wind blows! Hee hee.
or on a...
Or on a really hot, muggy day, with no breeze, and the thighs... TMI? Probably...
(There's a reason you see some chaps wearing kilts. There's even the Utilikilt. I seriously considered one - back when I thought the chances of a transition would never happen...
I remember that feeling, those improvised "dresses"...
...in my teens and early twenties, I had long nightshirts that I'd pretend were dresses.
I hesitate to mention this next part, because it reads so much like cliché TG fiction, but it did indeed happen:
When I was about nine or so, I remember having a red button-down flannel shirt that must have been two sizes too big on me. I wore that thing constantly. Back then, I had a little difficulty with relieving myself the male way (opening my fly and...you know) because I'd always splatter the front of my pants. So I'd pull my pants and underwear down, stand there and go (I didn't sit because that was what girls did, and at the time I didn't want to be caught doing anything girly).
My stepdad got fed up with this and demanded that I do it the "right" way. When I tried to explain why I didn't, he said to me, "OK. For the next week you won't wear pants at all! That'll make it real easy for you!"
The next day I walked around my parents' apartment in nothing but my long red flannel shirt and my leg braces. The shirt just barely reached my thigh, as I recall, and I remember thinking, "is this what a dress feels like?" After that, I felt a lot better (though without fully understanding why) and a great deal less self-conscious. I'd literally forget I had no pants on. Mom more than once had to yell at me to get away from the glass door leading to our balcony. =) (The balcony faced the street, so people could see in).
My mother, bless her heart, put a stop to the punishment after three days. But truth be told, I could have done the week standing on my head--well, maybe not that, since my "dress" would have fallen down over my head. =)
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

Skirts for ever
Now that you have tested it once. Get yourself a thin cotton skirt and use it at home. Especially if you are entering the warm summer period. I did so and then hated to be forced to go back to trousers again. And since then I have only used skirts when it is possible. Walking in the Alps at close freezing point is the only time I use trousers and then only in female cutting. It was a real relief. And I once got the comment that my calves was to "die for" from a GG. So go on into the liberation of your legs. But chose the length that feels comfortable.
Welcome to the skirt-gang.
But I can't join the gang. I am not out and I don't think that coming out would improve my situation. I am just too old and hideously masculine
Be brave girl.
I wear a skirt and I certainly don't pass. The more of us that do it, the more commonplace and less contentious it becomes.
Sometimes I wear 'less-than-a-skirt' now that is contentious but to hell with them.
Um. Kids in law and in politics.
I don't think their interests are best served by a public revelation.
It's not...
It's not just THEIR best interest that is important. Yours are two...
There are politicians in my family as well - though, a tad more distant than yours... (One may well not know - but then that's also probably why I wasn't invited to my aunt/uncle's funerals, one might be there and the other's mostly retired.) But gays in the family haven't stopped them before.
But everyone has their own lives to live - you included. And, you have to live with yourself and your decisions.
Best wishes.
I can't speak as to your appearance....
...because I've never seen you, but we all have flaws we feel we must disguise or minimize. This is as true of cisgender people as it is of us. In 1994, I not only went out and got dresses and skirts (my first) but within four years, I went full-time. This despite cerebral palsy which left one leg permanently bent, a severe spinal curvature, and acne scars (puberty really did a number on my skin). You couldn't possibly look worse than I did those first couple of years, when I was still navigating the ins and outs of clothing, shoes, and makeup. But I think after sixteen years of full-time, I'm figuring out what works for me and what doesn't.
I don't know your situation, but if appearance is the only thing stopping you from getting that skirt, take heart that most if not all of us were where you are right now, and felt much the same way you do.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

My precious.... sorry, where was I?
Oh yes. Unless I am on the bike (cycling shorts) or at work (cargo trousers and safety boots) I rarely wear anything else.
I could not get away with it.
But.... Now where did I see those utilikilt ads......
That is a possibility.
the best part of my week
is when I can ditch the pants I wear for work and put on a dress or skirt.
Skirt ?
I just went thru that kind of skirt wearing GET WELL SOON and who told you that you are ugly they lied to you Beautiful :-) HUGS & KISSES