Here are ten of my random thoughts this morning.
First, I have no idea what I'm doing half the time. The other half I'm generally in over my head. Supposedly as an adult who adults, this seems to be the norm.
Second, I will take any help. If you have suggestions, pointers, find mistakes, or anything else that I should know, please pass the information along by comment or PM.
Third, where does everyone get their pictures they use in the title blurbs? I can do a google image search, but I'm like at least 78% sure I can't just take any picture and use it. I know this is a thing, but I don't know what it entails. so could someone please explain how to acquire a picture to use or send me a link to the info?
Fourth, I've got quite a bit of work that is overall uncompleted with only small parts of it done. That may change as I get better since I may rewrite what I have already written. But with what progress I have made, I will be posting it and it will seem to come rapidly, for what I guess, will be the next month or so, and then taper off as I get into the parts I have scheduled and never got to. I have a few posts on my blog about why my writing is the way it is, if you're even remotely curious, or just bored and you need something to kill time. I understand. I've been there.
Five, I hope I didn't confuse you with four.
Six, This goes with the first, but I'm kind of winging it when it comes to the formatting in posts. I have no idea if I'm leaving out things that should be included with every story post beyond title and blurb.
Seven, This writing thing is fun, which might be a bad thing, but it's fun.
Eight, I do not have the ability to estimate how long things will take. It's beyond me. My mind draws a blank. If you ask me how long it will take to cook dinner. My mind cannot produce an answer. I may say something. Five minutes, a half hour, a few hours, but I really don't know. So to let you in on a little secret, if I make a length of time reference, I actually don't know if it's correct or not. This is for both inside and outside my writing.
Nine, I have high functioning autism. This comes packaged with not being capable of interpreting body language in others. I do know that body language exists. I have memorized some of it and when it should occur in specific people. I'm like 92% sure this is reflected in my use of description in my writing. I struggle with this.
Ten, You've made it this far. Congratulations... good, great... so... I heard you like mudkips.
Thanks everyone. I hope you have a good Memorial Day weekend if you're in the States. And if you're not, you can still have a good weekend and a good Monday.
First of all
I LOVE your tags on this post!
Second: mudkips? Psssh. Treeko all the way!
And that's really all I've got to say.
Melanie E.
I haven't played Pokemon since Red back in high school. The 'I heard you like mudkips' is a thing my friends say, and I picked up.
Internet High Fives All Around
( •_•)>⌐■-■
My Deviantart
I wrote a character with HFA, inspired by people I know. Your post reminds me of something I wrote for James (the autistic boy) to say to his father:
Dad, I'm odd, not stupid!
I wish I didn't have autism, but it is what it is.
Internet High Fives All Around
( •_•)>⌐■-■
My Deviantart
I have never used pictures in my work here, but for other things I've used, They offer royalty free photos. Each photo comes in multiple sizes. The smallest of them are free and the larger they get the more expensive. If you choose the small one and have the software to resize, it's all good. However if you choose one of the larger sizes, you only pay the one-time fee and can use it as you like. Be sure to read their terms and conditions.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Thank you
I'll check out that site and see if there is anything useful.
Internet High Fives All Around
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My Deviantart