Read it all

Okay okay. I admit. I've hardly read it all. I probably haven't even scratched the surface when it comes to what's out there to read. The problem is that most of it, doesn't appeal to me. I often even start reading a story, and then a few chapters in I'm like. Meh! Usually only because the main character suddenly starts fawning over guys. Yes I know. Kind of a lame reason to suddenly not like a story. That's just me though.

I want a story with an actually transformation from guy to girl and this character has to end up (still) only liking girls. No preference for the mechanics behind the transformation, just that there is an actual and complete transformation. There doesn't even have to be any actual romance. That's just 2 things I wish to see in a gender bender story. Unfortunately for me, it seems that that only leaves a small percentage of all the stories written.

Anyone else in the same boat as me? Do you feel like you've read every story that appeals to you? Or do you just not have any reading preferences?

Another thing. There are exceptions of course. "Somewhere Else Entirely" comes to mind. That story is just so good that I can overlook the fact that Keren is a guy :P. Besides, maybe it's a good thing that I don't like every single story. I wouldn't have the time to read them all. Ah well. First world problems. Anyway. Complain away.

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