I was lying in bed reading and Cuddles lying next to me. Some big truck passed on the street and shook the house. Cuddles decided someone must be in the house and started growling. I got up to go to the living room with her, she wouldn't go alone, to show her no one was in the house. She was right behind me. In the living room, I stepped on her squeak toy and she turned around and ran smack into the heater! It wasn't on so no harm done but what a brave little dog. LOL.
- Erin
Our cat's the same
He's quite a big lad, but he's got all the bravado associated with the proverbial "scaredy cat".
The other day he went out of his cat flap and next door, the dog barked.
I don't think I've ever seen him move so fast--too fast for the cat flap (an infra-red job), smashing straight into the locked perspex flap, which is where he stayed until the detector decided to let him in.
When the 'click' finally happened, he shot through the kitchen, leaving a nice set of paw-prints all over our nice clean floor through the kitchen, lounge and up the first couple of stairs too.
He does make us laugh, but I fear it's for all the wrong reasons.
Cats have no sense of humor
Not about their own dignity, at least. I've seen them do some hilarious stuff and then try to pretend it never happened. And careful of laughing at them in public if they know where your shoes are. :)
Dogs are jokers though, they like a good joke even on themselves. :)
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
You got that right
Our Rotty was an absolute hoot.
We went out walking near a river one day and I came across a plank of wood that jutted out into the shallower area. I stood on one end trying to take a photo while Toschkar (the dog) toddled off along the plank, oblivious to where she was.
When I stepped off however...
Pen was less than chuffed as it was her car we were travelling in and an 115lb rottweiller that's soaking wet isn't the best travelling companion.
The dog seemed to think it was hilarious. She shook at least three times in the car, much to my amusement and Pen's annoyance.
I miss her a lot.
Coward the dog
We have Delta Dog who is an absolute coward and scary cat. The problem is she is Rotty/lab mix and weighs in at a good solid 80 lbs. Unexplained noises, or even the wind blowing can have her hiding in the closet. You don't even want to talk about if its raining or thundering. 80 pounds of dog is entirely too big in have in your lap! On the other hand she is good natured and LOVES to ride.
realpolitik dog
I had a roommate once that had a little dog, wasn't known for her bravery. One day we wondered what
would happen if I was to attack Jim. I did, while he yelled "Help me, Spot! Help me!'. The dog went after him,
biting and shaking the cuffs of his pants. So then we had to try the reverse situation, me batting inefficiently at Jim while he strangled me .......... Spot attacked me. The dog consistently went after whoever looked like they were losing the fight. Not one of your nobler canines! (Most dogs, I would say she knew we were really
just playing, but Spot was- well you'd have to know her. Special. Never got the whole concept of play.)
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Throwing the blame
Just this morning, our 11 month old lab was laying on the floor, head resting on his paws, watching my wife get ready for work. He farted and then raised his head and glared at my wife like it was her fault! She protested that it wasn't her, but with both the dog and I giving her accusing looks she didn't have a chance, she just left the room!
Mr. Ram