Back in January 2011, I couldn't believe I'd written episode 1234 of Bike. I wondered if I'd get to 2345. Now I know the answer. Why? is probably best not asked. Astonishingly, there are one or two people still reading it - still, there's no accounting for taste.
My best wishes to all my readers and thank you for encouraging and supporting me this far. I'm not making any predictions about 3456 even I might have run out of ideas by then - or will I?

You seem to be an overflowing
fountain of ideas - both tragedy and comedy - regarding Cathy and family.
Here's to 4000
The thanks go to you for writing such a readable and wonderful story. I have mental images of all the characters and locations and each day the words come alive in my mind. You write and we will enjoy.
Ideas are like fireflys, as one dims another lights up.
"Type it and they will come..."
As a 'baby Bike fan' - I'm only up to 328 - your opus has been a wonderful find.
How many really are the "one or two people still reading it". As long as there enough at the cutting edge to give feedback and encourage you on such a work will draw new readers like me. I have images of creating one of those viral memes to draw in the masses until there is a "Bike Revolution"
Rhona McCloud
Ang, You are a Goddess.
I am so glad and grateful that you are still writing Dormouse. My day simply isn't complete without it. I also really appreciate your super courtesy of leaving a quick note when you can't leave a chapter. That is a gift for I truly will and have stayed awake til stupid o'clock waiting and hoping. Girl, you rock!
Thank You,
July 16, 2007 , Monday
That's when you posted the first episode of Bike. Charlie has gone from a very mixed up college kid, to a very shy cross dresser who had to be forcibly kicked into having a go at becoming his/her true self, by getting knocked off his bike, by a loony woman too brash to give a damn about societal mores.
Over the next 7 years she has gone from a bloke in a skirt on the verge of going into a right fit of screaming meemies to a dignified mother of a platoon of children who would idolize her. She was inexplicably picked up by a gentle giant what must have got stuck by lightning in the parking lot or summat. That she could have found him and spilled wine on him and still found love is tantamount being to the most extraordinary plot device I have ever heard.
That she could find herself in the place that he could so idolize her that he would try to kill his liver when he thought that she did not want him speaks to me in the most powerful way possible.
Over the years, I have seen Cathy go from an insecure, childish young woman to one so seasoned and certain of herself that she is an inspiration to me in the most delightful way.
Her life has so paralleled my own experience so closely at times makes me think that you might be a representative of the most high in spite of the fact that you discount his existence. Or perhaps you have the Russians, or MI5 following me about.
May I just come and cook and clean for you? I would happily sleep in the cupboard under the stairs. And I will not talk about God in your presence, no not once.
Much peace and all the blessings that you can stand.
The account is quite tasty, thank you.
I started reading it in the summer of 2007, as a new post-doc who’d recently come out of denial (or more accurately realised that there are in fact people who _are_ comfortable with the gender they were assigned at birth, and it’s not just that they are so much better than me at playing the role). Since then, I’ve watched Cathy’s academic career progress at about the same pace as my own, although with some rather high-profile appointments here and there – I may have got enough of a head start to reach full professor before her but there’s no chance of ever becoming a director in a major bank. And she’s done so much outside the academia, too; but of course she hasn’t spent a major part of the last seven years reading an ongoing story about a transsexual dormouse researcher who collects children and fights the Russian mob.
I’m looking forward to chapter 3456. Now, 12345 might be pushing it... ;)