This is about the Canadian Target Stores; but should be a caution to our american brothers and sisters
I Canada we have 3 major cellular networks; Bell, Telus, and Rogers. Almost all other cell phone carriers use their networks and are partially, if not wholly owned by them. They are often Termed ROBELUS (ROGERS,BELL,TELUS on blogs)
I moved from a large city covered by ______ mobile (one of the few not controlled by Robelus). My _____ mobile phone ROAMS on the Rogers network, costing about 25c/min(rogers) + Regular rate _____ mobile .. so I have been planning on switching
Today, I went to a Target Store, and although they could offer me a excellent deal on a Apple Iphone (i despise apple), and a good deal on an Andriod Touch screen phone (i prefer to keep my phone a phone); I declined, on my way home i found a Samsung Galaxy Phone on the ground. I took it home hoping to locate the owner (as it was about 10mins walk, from my place; but less than 5mins away from both my parents, and my grandparents (i am 29, they are still around)..
The Screen Itself was locked, and pattern entered too many times to be accessible without the original gmail account info. It was a Virgin Mobile Phone (Bell); And the SIM had already been Disactivated.
I called Virgin, asked them if they could contact the subscriber and inform them i located their phone, they asked me the IMEI number, Then told me that the phone was never activated (ei the sim was moved from a previous phone, and placed in that phone) they then asked me for the number on the sim card, and informed me that the account was transferred to a different sim/phone and the phone could be activated.. all i needed to do was purchase a sim card from one of their approved vendors and I would be on my way.
Since my old phone from ________ Mobile was not compatable with their HSPA network this seemed like a good idea, I went to the closest retail outlet that was still open (the same Target Store, I visited Earlier and the same sales rep approched me) I asked if they sold Sim Cards for virgin, she confirmed they did, went to the cabnet they stored them in, unlocked it, then asked me why i had a touch screen phone (since i told her i did't want one)
So I told her how after leaving the store I found it brough it home, was unable to access any data, called the carrier it belonged to, and they told me (after taking my name, address, and phone number) that it could be activated and all i had to do was get a new sim card).
Then she locked the cabinet again, and informed me she didn't know what sim card the phone would accept, Tried (but failed) to call her manager, then asked if she could take the phone into the back to check some of the older sim cards they had in-stock (at this point i am curious because their are 3 common sims, standard, micro, and mini; but her co-worker assured me that they only had the micro and mini up front)
45 minutes later she comes back, with someone twice my size(who has security on his vest) and tells me that the phone is likely stolen.. asks for my name and number or else the cops might be involved. So I give her accurate information.
before leaving the store I decide to ask for the customer care information (ie Mailing address, extra) but the one till open is backed up so I ask a member of floor staff.. She quickly asks what are my reasons, when i explain the situation to her she tells me CELLULAR SERVICES have nothing to do with them (although they are in their store) so I ask for a 1800 number to reach them .. she says it will take a few minutes and mins later or so she re-appears with the store mangers number and informs me that's all she can find
when i get home, it takes me less than 30sec to find both their corprate services ( an american number) and their guest services number (toll free)
then I call virgin mobile, provide them with my name, address, and the imei of the phone, and they ask if i have aquired a new sim yet or not, I informed them of what happened at target. and they told they could give me a free phone, if i signed a contract, but the phone i had was not stolen or lost as per their records
Stupid is as stupid does
We have finally discovered that a new species has been created by our reductive culture. Homo Stupids. They are physically identical to Homo Sapiens but have less thinking capacity than a Timex Sinclair 1000. Or better they are just plan stupid with a stubborn streak. And that are the ones hired as management material. The clerks have the brain of a flat worm.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
That's an insult
to flatworms, Platyhelminthes of the world unite, they've got you taped.
At least here in the US
it is illegal for a store to sequester any item from you that you physically bring into it. As in, LEGALLY ACTIONABLE against the store, regardless of the item's stolen state or not, unless it poses a threat to the safety of those within the store, and even then it must be returned when you leave.
And on the subject of phones -- and again I'm speaking from the viewpoint of a US carrier here -- many retail outlets carry packages containing SIM cards for prepaid services oriented toward different networks. I know you can find prepaid service SIMs for T-Mobile, for instance, or AT&T, or Straight Talk (on both AT&T and T-Mobile networks,) Net 10, and so forth, and usually for around 30 bucks.
I'm not sure how it would be handled up there, but given T-Mobile's stance on the phone I'd recommend contacting the police and getting them to send an officer with you back to the store to re-obtain the phone if possible, then visiting another establishment in search of your SIM.
Melanie E.
Despite any assurances by random authorities that one is free to take and use "found" items (presumably on the "finders keepers, losers weepers" theory of jurisprudence) there are rules that should be followed in most civilised societies to establish legal ownership. In most jurisdictions in the USA, one brings in the "found" (and quite obviously either lost or stolen – unless one posits creatio ex nihilo for the express purpose of rewarding a particular individual) article to a local police station, who have both the duty and available tools to trace items which have been reported as either lost or stolen. If the item is not claimed within a reasonable period of time, the finder can indeed take title to it, but not without that necessary step which serves to demonstrate both that one is a good citizen and that reasonable steps have been taken to return the object to its rightful owner.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style