Okay, I may have asked this before, but I'm a little frustrated.
Other than pay sites and of course the ones mentioned here, is there any other sites that have TG stories posted or can be posted to?
I have no qualms with what this site has to offer and I'm actually grateful for it, but a part of me yearns to spread out if that's the proper way. I know that so many sites offer some choices but most degrade down into smut and I'm looking for ones that care about the craft of writing. Yes there is smut out there that is crafted but I'm sure you know what I mean.
BigCloset along with a few others carries works that go beyond the normal stories of TG. I'm not putting down others works and I don't feel mine are really that great but I guess I'm looking beyond the sentimental stories. Its so hard to find works that can carry my interest.
As any who have read what I've written I'm, I don't know, more into a realistic setting. Perhaps I'm pushing myself and I've read many great stories here. Those with the hardships of being transgender and so on. But its what goes beyond them that I find interesting.
Perhaps I'm looking for stories that go beyond the way others view TG's, the stereo types of where its the person that matters the most. The inner struggle and so on.
I'm looking for stories for the likes of writers; Steven King, Issac Asimov, C. J. Cherryh and so on that can have a TG element to them but is not the main focus.
Maybe it's me as both a reader and a writer and I see the same scenario's and I'm becoming a little bored with them and I yearn for more.
I've read various classic, SciFi and magic.
Maybe I'm just yearning for a story that hasn't been written, and hoping to break the barrier that separates the boundaries that people define as a must in stories. Or maybe its just me.
But as I've asked, if any know of such a site I'd greatly appreciate it.
I'd like to see . . . .
more people post to "LG Tales" that is a rather specific niche though.
As for other sites, all the ones I know are the usual suspects.
PS. I think we have quite a few SciFi & Fantasy/Magic fans here. :)
And some Gamers too?
It makes me very happy to know you'd like more content from LGTales.Com :)
We (Cat and I) spent a lot of time trying to get permission from authors to post stories, then coaxing them to post more.
I really wish the site had been more popular, but it's still one of our favorite sites to have built.
Stephen King
How many stories have you read? There are dozens of writers here with professional level skills. Perhaps you're barking up the wrong tree looking for realistic stories in the sci-fi and magic genre? Maybe, maybe not. There are some great stories in those genre.
At one time this site had a random selector for older stories. It was turned off, as I recall, because it attracted spammers. When it was in use people found my old stories quite frequently. I believe this one is realistic with a story that has a TG element, but where TG is not the main theme.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
There are some 'mainstream' books with TG elements
Many of Jack L Chalker's books have TG in them.
"I Will Fear No Evil" by Robert Heinlein is based on TG.
To name just two, quite famous writers. I'm sure there must be many more.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Oh and ...
In one of the later "Lazarus Long" books, Robert Heinlein changes Mr. Long into a Miss.
Lazarus Long is the Martian born human orphan who was raised by native Martians and then came to Earth in what is likely Heinlein's MOST famous novel "Stranger in a Strange Land".
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
I have the book
I'm a Robert Heinlein reader as I have several of his works as well as Jack L Chalker's. I'd have to dig them out but Chalker's to me was the better in showing how a man deals with being a woman. But that was years ago and it fell into the same trappings that bedevil many writers.
There were others but the writer returned them back to their selves unharmed by the experience. Perhaps its just that to them it was a novelty. Readers were not ready to read them so were dropped. Or perhaps the pressure of their publishers and so on.
Lazarus Long was the immortal
Lazarus Long was the immortal born in early 20th century US appeared in many stories including "Methuselah's Children." Valentine Michael Smith was the human born on Mars raised by Martians before being repatriated to earth in "Stranger in a Strange Land."
I don't remember Lazarus Long ever becoming female, although two female clones Lapis Lazuli and Lorelei Lee were made by replacing the XY with XX. Andrew Jackson "Slipstick" Libby was brought back to life as female in one of the later books.
If I'm remembering rightly...
To Sail Beyond the Sunset is not one of the Lazarus Long books. That's the book where they transplant the brain of a dying man into a young woman's body.
~And so it goes...
Time Enough for Love is the transplant story. To Sail Beyond the Sunset is the one about Lazarus Long's mother. Heinlein basically wrote it in the last months of his life, apparently just to get another check from his publisher for his soon-to-be widow. It's a terrible book.
Two of his books, Number of the Beast and The Cat Who Walked Through Walls, have great beginnings and sort of fade off into ramblings near the end. He wrote them during two different bouts of ill health, but even they are better than To Sail....
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
My recollection...
As I recall, there is a (minor) TG element to the Lazarus Long story line, but it's not Lazarus himself who changes gender. The character who changes gender is Andrew Jackson Libby.
There are also two clones of Lazarus who have their Y chromosomes removed and are created with a duplicated X instead.
a few others
Tanith Lee's Don't Bite The Sun features a person who begins the tale in a male body but later switches to a female body. Don't Bite The Sun was followed by Drinking Sapphire Wine, and the two volumes can be found in an Omnibus edition called Biting the Sun.
There's also a fairly strong TG element to Rudy Rucker's novel Master of Space and Time.
One of Gregory Benford's Galactic Center stories has a minor TG element, but I don't recall which one exactly. It might have been the second one: Across the Sea of Suns. There's a character who ends up in a failed relationship and who opts to change genders following a period in suspended animation.
M.A. Foster's Morphodite Trilogy involves an individual who is trained as a super spy/assassin and can completely restructure his/her body. Changing is a non-trivial act and is done very seldom, but does usually include a gender change each time.
Paolo Bacigalupi's novel The Windup Girl (which won the 2010 Nebula Award and tied for the 2010 Hugo) has a minor character who is a Thai "Ladyboy".
I'm sure there are more I'm forgetting.
I blogged on much the same
I blogged on much the same topic here just over a year ago. There were about 30 comments, most of which I'm sure you'd find very informative. I'd link to it, but I don't know how.
I think you mean ....
This one.
The way to link to it is to use the following HTML string:
<a href="http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf">BigCloset</a>
Simply replace the "http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf" part with the correct URL you want to us and the "BigCloset" part with what ever you want to appear on the page.
And, you can always find that code string on this page: http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/filter/tips, which in turn can be found by clicking on the Input Format link below the text entry box, and then following the "More information about formatting options" link at the bottom of that.
I've thought about posting my stuff...
On other tg story sites, mainly because I don't get as much feedback as I would like. Although I think that's true for most writers.
But I don't. Mainly because I don't want to chance getting little or no feedback, my confidence in my writing is pretty slim to start with. It needs no extra body blows.
~And so it goes...
After what
After what I've received from FM any feed back would be better than what I've received there.
I've heard some horror stories about Fictionmania.
One person told me this, "If you're not writing Ed Miller-esque stories or Forced Feminization/Torture Porn, you're wasting your time on FM."
Still... I know I'm writing stories that I'd like to read, I'm just beginning to believe that I may have very eclectic tastes.
~And so it goes...
Fictionmania is tame compared to Literotica. If you post TG stories in literotica, the insults will be so bad, you will take your computer, throw it on the floor and jump on it until it's in pieces. In fact, the only LGBT stories on literotica that gets praises are those with rape, lesbian or cuckolding (where the husband afterwards were turned into gay sissy). Literotica totally destroyed my writing drive when I was 18. It took me 6 years to make another attempt at writing. Even so, to this day I can no longer write a good sex story. So all the stories of mine that you can see are those with no sex and even if there were, it's shallow because I can not longer write smut.
I liked many stories in fictionmania, in fact, I discovered sapphire place (now no longer updated) first, then I found fictionmania and only after that I found bigcloset. I do agree that fictionmania readers can be nasty, though.
Sapphire's Place
Oh I miss Sapphire's Place. Well, it's still there. I go back and re-read stuff like Bek D Corbin's Lady Lightning among others. Sigh. It was such a fantastic site.
I've never been to Literotica. From what you're saying, I'm not sure I want to go there.
Like you, I found Sapphire's Place, and I found BigCloset from there.
I love this community. I just wish I'd get more feedback from it.
~And so it goes...
There Are Some Gems on FM That Get Reasonable Feedback
DreamWeaver, Marianne Wright, and Brenda B come to mind as authors who post on FM that write stories with interesting characters and worthwhile plots that go well beyond moving from one sex scene to the next. Their stories get favorable reviews; although not always a lot of attention.
You won't find many better than this site
I've searched many sites and have found this place the best mix of quality and quantity.
I think Fictionmania has the most readers but I think it can be hard to find a quality story on that site. It can also be hard to be found if you post something there. I don't think many stories ever get a view after the first week on that site.
If you are looking for a sci-fi story I wrote one I like called Mystic Godfather came together pretty well. I really enjoyed writing it.
I highly recommend Brandy DeWinters stories.
Brandy has that certain "touch" with a story that takes you deep into it and makes her characters seem very real. Also, check out Prudence Walker's stories. Carversion is all but a magnum opus and features several writers as characters. It's about as SciFi as you can get without going into space yourself.
Sapphire's place is home to many really superb writers as well. True it's not being updated, but E.E. Nalley, Bec D. Corbin and many other great writers have stories there. Of course, no other site offers what Top Shelf does, but there are real gems found at Brandy's and Sapphire's sites. I'd also recommend Storysite, but it's getting harder and harder to access the stories there.
Hugs 'n stuff,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
There are others
I actually know of four other sites I didnt see mentioned
http://www.tgstorytime.com/index.php this site has several good authors
http://www.bevsbalcony.org/ this site has several of the authors mentioned but they might have stopped updating
http://crystalhall.org/index.html this is a site that features mainly transgender superheroes
and if you want a more artsy place you could try http://www.deviantart.com/ where you can view multiple transgender themes in various different media venues