Having some trouble getting things done, you may have noticed.
It's not just stuff on the site. I need time to recover which I will, I'm pretty resilient about stuff like this but just bear with me while I work through it.
Hugs to all,
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Having some trouble getting things done, you may have noticed.
It's not just stuff on the site. I need time to recover which I will, I'm pretty resilient about stuff like this but just bear with me while I work through it.
Hugs to all,
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Thank you!
We all think you do wonders
and we all love and respect you for it.
me thinks
we all understand that things can get messy sometimes. We probably take this place a bit for granted too which is just sort of how it is if not really right. It means something to many and so do you, um should I reverse that? Well you know, I hope.
Be good and take care because we do even if we don't always show it as well as we might. Gee..who wrote this...
No biggie, Erin
The comments on the blog on contests got to be a bit much but most, all I suppose as I have my own opinions and loyaties and can't fairly critique everyone. In anycase the arguements were interesting and showed the range of thought and opinion here. I won't say which side I lean toward publically. I see the merits of each side, I think the truth lies in the middle somewhere as I posted ONCE and only ONCE.
It got a bit heated at times but not real bad and maybe people need to vent once in awhile.
Get well and we will see you then.
I don't know how you do it and keep your youthful good looks. I'd be pulling my hair out if I had much left to pull ... which I don't.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
nothing off the wall, just-
Hugs, Erin! Hope you're all better soon. You're the best!
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Please Rest Up And Take Care Of Yourself
You have support here to rely upon when you need to rest. Me, I have enjoyed your Birdsong story on Fictioneer.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Hey, Who's Whingeing?
Just point them this way. We'll set 'em straight,