Fun With Text Gendering

Yes, it's *another* blog about the OC rewrite.

So today I decided it would be fun to test what I've got for the story so far and see how a few text analyzing programs read different things about the person who the story is told from the viewpoint of. The results have been interesting to say the least.

For anyone not familiar with the original story, or familiar with it who I haven't confided in with the rewrite yet, Dane/Dana/D is a somewhat gender-confused 15 year old with a love of punk and a love of trying to be witty. The story is from a first person view, with D's opinions and outlook tinging the text everywhere.

With that in mind, here were my results:

Gender -- I actually ran this in two different analyzers and got two radically different results; the first one read the text as about 51% masculine for a rating of "weak male," while the second analyzer I used (from the same site I found the others) read the text as an astounding 82% female. Talk about gender confused!

Age -- I was pretty happy with the outcome here. The analyzer came up with my text being around 28% age-appropriate for someone in the 13-17 range, which might sound low at first, but all things considered is better than I was expecting. The next highest value (21%) was for the next age range up of 18-25, so I kept it pretty well balanced.

Myers Briggs -- This one I was kinda worried about, to be honest. I personally am an ENFP personality on the Myers Briggs ranking scale (barely, 54% for the E,) but I always want my characters to be their own person, not a reflection of me in character form. Luckily I seem to have done well here: D comes out as an ESFJ personality, so pretty different from my own!

If anyone else is interested in trying some of the same tests, the website I used for most of them (including the recommended gendering test since I liked its results best) is uClassify. They have a lot of them available for those interested.

Anyway, have fun!

Melanie E.

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