A Quiet Strength - Chapters 22 - 26

Aponi.jpgA Quiet Strength
by Anon Allsop

-Part One-

-Twenty Two-

After half of a day, including a bit of trial and error, the beautiful young 'mother to be' discovered if she put feathers upon the opposite end of her arrow shaft, she would have much more control. It took several tries before she realized that there was only one way that they could be positioned to prevent them from being shredded off each time they were shot.

Attaching the feathers was simple enough. She went only as far as a nearby pine tree and utilized the sap as her glue of choice. Satisfied that it would work, she began to create over two dozen of the straight little wooden sticks. First by notching out one end allowed it to rest on the string, then she began the tedious task of gluing the feathers to the shaft.

She took a walk to her favorite location to find little shards of slate, she carefully placed the sharp stone into a leather pouch she had and carried it back to the cave. With a rounded stone, she would break off pieces to create a definite point at one end and a relative square on the other to attach it to her arrow shaft.

Her only problem from this point forward, aside from working around her distended stomach, seemed to be coming up with the correct weight of the actual arrow-tips. Too heavy and it would impede the accuracy, to light and it had no knock down power. It was a fine line between success and total failure, her very life depended upon the ability to provide food for her and her yet unborn child.

Setting cross-legged on the floor she diligently finished with the attaching the sharp points upon the shafts of the arrows. Only by using a successful test point as a visual reference could she decide which of the little pieces would work and which would not. She paused during her work and stretched out her legs, she needed to stand, the cramping she was feeling had become quite uncomfortable.

Rolling to her knees she crawled to a rock and slowly stood, a severe pain arched across her body from stomach to back. Using the wall of the cave to move toward the little doorway, she attempted to gradually stand upright, but could not.

Again a sharp pain raced throughout her body, centered upon her stomach, coursing to her back and then returned. She cried out in pain as the feeling almost made her knees buckle. Fear began to percolate into her mind, even though she had not been a lifelong female, she knew something must be terribly wrong.

Mentally she again counted off the time since she arrived, as best as she could figure, she was still about a month and a half from being due. To her, this was not supposed to happen, at least not yet!

She gently eased herself outside, hoping the cool mountain air could clear her mind. Yet another sharp stab of pain caused her to grasp her middle. As the pain slowly passed, she was able to straighten up slightly.

Thinking back to her military training as Parker, she remembered taking a first-aid course where they briefly touched upon childbirth. She began one of the breathing techniques that they taught to help herself through the pain, it allowed her to momentarily fight her way through the latest bout with cramping.

She had no real way of knowing how soon her time was before she would be forced to give birth, but a sudden urge to prepare came to the forefront. She placed a piece of long, thin hide into her mouth and each time the pain returned, she would bite down.

Again and again they would recur, steadily growing more stronger than the last. Tears from the pain that she endured began to stream down her face, forcing her to make little audible gasps. She was slowly getting to a point where the breathing technique no longer helped

Her mind screamed to her, the unnatural desire to push began to work against her. She returned into the cave and pushed closed her little door made of sticks, as she was walking toward her bedding, she felt a strange silky water rush from between her thighs.

The unintelligible words that left her mouth were only elevated to a piercing shriek. A great surge of pain brought her to the floor, she caught herself and supported her weight by her arms. All of her limbs began to shake and the desire to push grew so strong, she felt her muscles involuntarily complying.

Her legs began to shake uncontrollably, almost to the point of being unable to bear her own weight. Again grew the desire to push. Again her body complied. Looking back between her thighs, a strange sight to behold from this angle. Her child was entering the world.

Easing her rear lower, she reached back and gently guided the slippery child to the floor. She began to earnistly despair for it as yet was unable to breathe. Unimaginable goo was covering the small flailing infant, it's mouth agape in a silent scream.

Quickly she turned and began to clear the infant's face and airways, the grayish blue cast caused her to hurry. It was almost as though the child was waiting for one grand moment to make itself known, as for up to now it only held its mouth open and shook.

The scream that came was long and ear piercing. As if it had been building and drawing in air for this one announcement into the world. The cry of the child caused the young mother to smile, to her it was the grandest sound on this godforsaken planet. She sat back and quickly cleaned the infant with a rabbit pelt, the soft side doing all of the work. The young mother gathered the child up in her arms and held her close, she smiled and looked upon the rosy face of her young son.

After she had tended to the necessary duties to clean both herself and her child up, severing the cord which attached the two of them. She began the delicate process of feeding her young charge. Anyone who flippantly says that nursing a child was a divine and beautiful experience, would have been sternly chastised by this young mother. It was a painful but necessary chore, and she knew that all mothers here, would have to go through it without the benefit of artificial means.

It did not take long for the child to discover what to do, in practically no time at all she could hear it swallow. Amazed that there was anything within the womanly globes, she realized that all the while her body had been preparing her for this very moment. The thought did cross her mind that she seemed slightly enlarged from what she had been directly after her change.

Between the wincing pain she had as he nursed, and the gratifying expression she held watching her son, a passer by might be unsure on how to read this young mother.

-Twenty Three-

It was a cool morning as Etu bid goodbye to his new friend, Kutkutuk and his family, before beginning his trek back to where he had been chased and injured by the Algonquin. Brilliant orange, yellow's and reds of the trees went as far as he could see. He quickened his pace, it would not be long before the crisp air of fall turned to the vicious bite of winter.

Once outside of the village, Etu broke into a jog. His pace was quickly putting distance between himself and the Mohawk village, ever narrowing that of he and the Aponi female he desperately wanted for his own.

Throughout the next two days he retraced the steps to where Kutkutuk saved him from certain death. As he began to near the area where he lost track of the female, he became wary for this is where he had been jumped by the Algonquin warriors. Keeping to the shadows he began to skirt the meadow, watchful for danger.

As he disappeared among the tangled forest, he cautiously edged along a great towering waterfall. Hesitating at the bottom of the falls, he reached out and took a moment to take a drink. Etu scanned with his eyes, searching for a path up the mountain, deliberately moving as quietly as possible. After a few moments of searching, he discovered an ancient trail. Cautiously he began his ascent, slowly at first but as it widened out, he began to eagerly get to a high point where he might look for sign of the pale female. There just ahead, two of the tiny white sky dancers were flitting and fluttering on the trail. Instantly, buoyed by a sense of certainty, he knew the little dancing aponi were showing him the way.

Climbing up the last few steps, Etu stood atop a boulder and scanned the horizon. He wasn't sure what exactly he was looking for, but anything out of the ordinary might be important. As the aponi swirled about his head, he followed them with his eyes. Slowly, as he rotated his head, dark eyes focused upon the horizon. A cool breeze gently caressed his face, carried to him like a kiss from the beautiful Aponi female he still sought.

He inhaled deeply, the breeze carried with it too, the scent of wood smoke. Though far from his home, he knew of few who actually lived in these rugged mountains. His trained eyes kept returning to one spot in particular, it was about half way up a mountain on perhaps a half day's walk from where he stood right now. While he could not be positive, there was a faint haze which hung in the air. It could easily have been missed, and was probably nothing, he thought it might be wise to see if that was the smoke he might have been smelling.

One last time he gazed across the land of his fathers, he longed for the day that he would show his sons this land, instilling in them the great pride he held for this hallowed ground. As he began climbing down, he thought to himself that more than anything, he would cherish the stories he'd tell his children about the pursuit of their mother.. his desirable Aponi.

-Twenty Four-

It was just a flickering shadow that broke the sunlight which pierced through the separation between the tied stick door. Her crystalline blue eyes quickly glanced up toward the opening. Nothing was there, she again returned her attention to the infant nursing at her breast.

Once more the sunlight was briefly blocked, startled she glanced toward it, her focus on it much longer this time. After quite some time passed, she let her eyes drift down to the this young one suckling at her breast. Never before in her life had she ever held something so precious, so perfect. She leaned forward and kissed the rosy cheek of her son.

Again her attention was diverted from her charge, she quickly darted her eyes to the opening. The late afternoon sun was creating a pattern from the sticks upon the cave flooring. She carefully brought her son up and began patting his back until she was rewarded with an audible burp.

She smiled and brushed her own soft cheek against that of her sons. The loving caress she gave him was beyond her, because one year ago this would have been unfathomable, And now here she was holding her own offspring, a strange combination of her old and new self.

Suddenly, the room grew entirely dark. Her eyes quickly raced toward the opening.. something was out there, its shadow preventing the sunlight from entering. She drew back in fear, slightly turning her back to whatever was outside the door in an attempt to protect her young infant son.

Through what little light there was, she could see something large just outside the door. It was working diligently at attempting to figure a way past the strange item that blocked it's path. A low growl emitted from the creature outside, and it began to pull at the wooden stick barrier. The young mother stifled a scream as she saw long black claws testing the door. She quickly laid her son on the furry pelt, and struggled to her feet and put herself between the lurking menace and her newborn son.

She lunged for her spear and arrived at the door just as the beast tore it from the opening. The terrified mother began to thrust the tip into the hairy beast as it tried to enter. The black bear backed from the doorway in rage and pain, taking swipes at the hurtful object which inflicted torment.

She advanced toward the doorway as the bear backed away, often sweeping its great paw at her, trying to dislodge the weapon from her grasp. Several times she thrust forward, the spear tip drawing blood each time she struck. As she stabbed at the bear, it briefly knocked the spear away, it's great raking claws nearly catching the young woman as it passed. The sound of the two combatants was deafening, the woman screaming and crying as she fought the bear, desperately preventing it from entering the cave; and the bear growling in rage from the wounds she inflected with her spear.

-Twenty Five-

Trekking from one mountain to the next one over is no easy task, even if they are nearby each other. It took Etu almost a full day to pick his way down into the valley between and then slowly begin crossing the great expanse between.

A small stream ran between them, several large boulders lay where ancient glaciers had deposited them eons ago. Etu's pace was brisk, always keeping a trained eye upon the faint haze that he felt was smoke. From time to time, a downward breeze would carry the hint of a campfire to him.

As Etu moved toward the farther mountain he thought about his reason for being on this quest, whether it was a fool's errand or not. He knew that he may be chasing a ghost, like a wisp of smoke from the great fire of life. But deep down he felt that this Aponi Spirit had taken on flesh and blood for some reason, she had been put before him as part of a great plan.

He realized that he must keep his wits about him, to not pay attention to his surroundings could mean death. With powerful muscles carrying him onward, it would seem by afternoon he began to climb upward, toward the smoke.

He had no doubt now that this was a campfire, and whoever was tending it, was quite knowledgeable in masking their location. He smiled to himself as he crawled over a particularly difficult boulder, 'They were indeed good - yet he knew he was better.'

At one point during his climb, he thought he heard a low growl far off in the distance. He instantly recognized it for what it was, and began to put distance between himself and the bear as quickly as he could. The sound though seemed to be coming from all around, echoing against the rock wall and boulders, making pinpointing the exact location very difficult, and dangerous.

He began to climb higher, he wanted to have a position above the angry bear if he were to come face to face with it. Being below such a creature would be taking your life in your own hands.

Etu climbed until he found a smooth path that must have been a ancient game trail. He feared the bear would be using this same trail, so he began to scale the rock even higher. Though he could still hear it, it now seemed as if it were slightly below his position and seemed to be full of rage.

Crawling out on a overhang Etu could see a smoky haze seep from a small hole just below him, sticks and brush were diffusing the smoke that filtered through. He smiled at the ingenuity, and scrambled across so he could discern why the bear was sounding so angry.

He crouched quickly down and worked his way toward the edge, peering over until he could see the large black bear angrily shaking his head from side to side. It was raking it's powerful claws at the opening, trying to get at something or someone inside.

From his vantage, he watched a spear being thrust out, obviously preventing the bear from gaining entry. The warrior inside the cave was putting up a valiant fight, yet the angry and visibly injured bear was persistent. He could see blood from several wounds on its front paws, chest and face.

With the realization of what was happening just below him, Etu began to investigate a access to climb downward to assist this warrior defend himself from the bear. Slightly over the height of two men upon each others shoulders, Etu gathered himself for battle, positioning to drop between the cave entrance and the bear.

-Twenty Six-

In mid leap, he heard a very feminine scream just as the bear was redoubling its effort to gain entry. As the spear again jabbed outward, the bear backed up and Etu dropped suddenly to the side of the thrust spear. He quickly grasped the spear with his right hand and yanked it from the beleaguered warrior inside the cave.

Without turning, Etu began to thrust the spear into the angry beast who lunged at this new foe. Quickly ducking below the claws like sharpened stone, he penetrated the bear with the spear. Caught in bone, the bear backed up and took the spear with it. Etu unsheathed his knife and prepared to die, only if he were going, he would not sell his life lightly.

Etu clutched at the shaft of the spear as it swung wildly, nearly getting raked by the long claws in the attempt. He tried to wrest it from the angry beast, but the huge bear tossed him and almost caused him to lose grip on the weapon.

Throwing itself toward Etu, pinning him against the rock wall it gnashed its teeth so close to the warrior's neck that he thought he would be killed. He could feel its hot breath as he snapped at his shoulder, only missing by a fraction.

The warrior rolled under the outstretched claw, and drove his blade into the beast several times. Turning to face this agile attacker, it came close to pushing Etu over the edge by the spear that protruded from it's chest.

The startled brave clutched at the spear, then spun himself around until his feet were once again firmly upon the cave ledge. The great black bear was slowing down, bleeding from several deep wounds that both he and the unseen warrior had dealt.

With almost a herculean effort, Etu held onto the spear. The great bear's leg collapsed under its own weight and then he knew, the beast was growing weaker. Redoubling his efforts, Etu began to push against the spear as the bear started backing away. The greater he pushed, the more the beast fought back, even it too knew its demise was near.

As the two combatants fought, they closed the distance to the edge of the cliff, where suddenly the bear stepped off the edge. The stumble caused Etu to falter enough that the bear raked his long claws along the brave's chest and shoulder. Etu fell backward and for a split second the bear reared up to finish the young man.

As Etu scrambled to his feet, narrowly missing being gnashed by the bite of the powerful jaws, the bear's other back leg slipped from the ledge. As if being pulled over the beast fought hard to keep from falling, digging his huge front claws into the earth in a desperate attempt to stay his fall.

Scrambling to his feet, Etu clutched onto the spear and pushed against it, driving the beast from the ledge. At the point it left his sight, the warrior limped to the edge and peered over. The bear was a short distance away, the spear being pushed entirely through and the point was protruding out its back. It lay lifeless, killed in the fall.

Etu sighed, nodding in quiet admiration at the great black bear's final battle. Turning back toward the cave he listened, no sound was coming from inside. Slowly walking toward the entrance he hesitantly glanced inside, cowering in the corner was the Aponi Spirit.

To be continued...

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