Just a note about Patriot Games that was just posted.
Marina Kelly posted this story on another website a couple of years ago. Because she has improved as a writer over these past years, she wanted to rewrite it and post it here.
I believe that it is a better story now. However, she is concerned about the reception of the story. If there is any negative feeling about the story, she is willing to pull the chapter and not inflict the story on you.
Thank you,
Monica Rose.
There is none from me. I
There is none from me. I remember reading on the other site and I think it is better.
Not read the story
Simple question: is there any reason she might feel the tale is not for this site? There are an awful lot of things I don't read here, but that is between me and my own personal taste, not the authors.
There are all sorts of categories and warning tabs here. The overriding thing is letting people pick what they want to read without being bitchy about it.
The writing skills seem fine.
I just do not wish to read about cadavers and vomit.