I try really hard to put out stories that haven't been done before. I know there are a lot of people who want escapism and fantasy, but there are thousands of stories that fit that niche. I write reality, for the most part, trying to give voice to a segment of society that really doesn't have much to say in fiction. I tend to stay away for masturbatory fodder or the man in disguise motif. For the most part, I have been more commercially successful than most transgender authors, having the ability to appeal outside the narrow confines of the community.
That said, somewhere along the way I have alienated the community. I don't know when it happened. I don't know how. And, frankly, I am now at the point where I don't care. It is enough that I get people commenting openly how they never read a word I write. Their loss, because I write some really good stories that cover a wide spectrum. But for a person to first comment negatively on my story publicly and then private message me that my story is boring really pisses me off.
I made a deal a long time ago with Erin that I would not withhold stories from Big Closet even though I sell them commercially. For the longest time I didn't mind because I figured I owed it to her and also I know some people don't have the residual income to afford a few bucks on books. But I'm tired of being attacked. I get it from all sides.
I don't know where I will go from here. Honestly, right now my instinct is to take my ball and go home. But, we've been there before and I always change my mind. So, I will instead go to sleep and hopefully when I wake up I will be in a better mood and things will be resolved. I don't know if I will post The Stranger at the table. I don't want to bore anyone. And Monday I start the fourth God Bless the Child novel, so I'm going on hiatus anyway.
Also, many people claim they don't read me, but they have, just not as Katie Leone. So pbbbt on you anyway.
do it for yourself.
Don't worry about who or how many people read your stories. It only matters if your trying to publish it for money. Write for yourself. Because your muse woke up and would not leave you alone. write to release the burdens that you carry. Do it to enrich yourself and the story will enrich this website.
I do not read much of your work. Sorry but when I come here I'm checking for new chapters of my favorites or new stories in my favorite story universes. I have dabbled in writing. I suck at it. However, no matter how bad they were what short stories and poems I have written were from the soul and I felt the need to share them.
Jessica Marie
P.S. Don't worry about alienating people. Pissing them off is just half the fun of living.
Someone who goes out of their way to point out how bored they are with one's stories seems to me to need to get a life, and can't find anything better than sniping. Huh, not even constructive criticism? Jealousy?
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Please stop doing this to your self.
Opinions & Tastes vary wildly.
You get Good Reviews & you get Bad reviews, so what!
Nothing is for everyone, As long as there is some who like your work it is worth it. And that goes double when you throw gender variance in to the mix, even within the LGBT community. So it is not their cup of tea, let them go read someone else, and those who like your stuff will keep reading it.
I will say this again:
One of the first reviews for "Star Wars" was,
"An intergalactic toy store of junk!"
Do you think George Lucas should never have gone and made the rest of them? Just because some did not like it?
So you niche(niches?) is not as big as Star Wars, but you do have one, so keep filling it. And those who like your work will keep reading it. So keep writing it. Please!
*sends a burst of pixie dust for your muse*
~Hypatia >i< ..:::
Sometimes you remind me of me. There are a number of things you might consider.
There is no doubt in my mind that (unlike me) you are a writer of quality. I have spent many full days reading your works. Have I read em all? No, and it is unlikely that this atheist will read all of them. But be assured that you are always on my reading list.
Very often I come here to read something light for a few spare minutes. I do not read your works then as they merit deeper thought. Your work is not work to be read lightly.
Sturgeon said that ninety per cent of everything is crud. That is certainly true for "literary criticism". Do not let crud comments from those who could not hold a candle for you get you down.
Like me you look to see the worst in yourself, and like me, the worst is often in others. Ask yourself, how does someone who does not read your work feel entitled to criticise it. Seems to me they would be coming from some strange place, possibly under a bridge.
So Katie, just let it go knowing that they say more about themselves than you or your works.
Curl up in a ball?
If you're seeking universal popularity and approbation, forget it. You can't get it.
If that's what you're seeking, quit ...right now.
Or ...
Grow UP! Write for yourself. Write for your audience. Write for those of us who appreciate you.
Regardless, give up the whining. Accept that which is, and get on with it.
Red MacDonald
I love playing galge
I really love playing galge, it's a Japanese style dating game in which you try to hook up with various girls. The opposite is otome, in which the player tries to hook up with various guys, but I don't like it because it lacks depth.
In both kinds though, the player makes a choice. One choice may make you more attractive to one person, while making you hated by the other person. At the end of the game, you're often presented with the ending, which could be the individual character's ending, or something called true, good, great, normal or bad ending.
See, even in games you're told that you should expect to be able to satisfy everyone. Just ignore the people who drive you up the wall. It's great fun reading the nice comments your readers post though, so remind yourself that and everything will be fine.
I bought your last story as soon as the first chapter appeared
So I haven't been commenting at BCTS. Please know that many people appreciate the level of your writing and, while not all your stories will appeal to everyone, I'd dare say that almost anyone here would like a few of them. You even note that you write varied types of stories. I do hope you keep at it.
Live your life for yourself Hon.....
And let the bad things slide off your back. I know - easier said than done, and I am not exactly the best at taking my own advice, but please heed this little bit.
You are an outstanding author, and if a portion of this community is bored by your writing, well, there will always be that certain percentage of people who only read for the tingle they get from reading sex scenes and the like. Far be it from me to judge anyone - I have more than my fair share of issues - but to those who only read to get some physical gratification....... There are plenty of porn writers out there. Go find one and leave the rest of the group alone.
You have a knack for writing that which is in my heart and my soul. At times you have brought joy to my heart, making my soul fly - and at others you have expressed the anguish that I feel, letting loose the torrent of tears I hold within. Your talent is without bounds, at least that I can see from where I sit.
I have greatly enjoyed your writing, and hope that you choose not to leave our little group. If you do decide to go, please know that my life will be a little less bright for your passing from it.
Your fan, and hopefully someone you might call friend,
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus