Disappointed and Upset
I try really hard to put out stories that haven't been done before. I know there are a lot of people who want escapism and fantasy, but there are thousands of stories that fit that niche. I write reality, for the most part, trying to give voice to a segment of society that really doesn't have much to say in fiction. I tend to stay away for masturbatory fodder or the man in disguise motif. For the most part, I have been more commercially successful than most transgender authors, having the ability to appeal outside the narrow confines of the community.
That said, somewhere along the way I have alienated the community. I don't know when it happened. I don't know how. And, frankly, I am now at the point where I don't care. It is enough that I get people commenting openly how they never read a word I write. Their loss, because I write some really good stories that cover a wide spectrum. But for a person to first comment negatively on my story publicly and then private message me that my story is boring really pisses me off.
I made a deal a long time ago with Erin that I would not withhold stories from Big Closet even though I sell them commercially. For the longest time I didn't mind because I figured I owed it to her and also I know some people don't have the residual income to afford a few bucks on books. But I'm tired of being attacked. I get it from all sides.
I don't know where I will go from here. Honestly, right now my instinct is to take my ball and go home. But, we've been there before and I always change my mind. So, I will instead go to sleep and hopefully when I wake up I will be in a better mood and things will be resolved. I don't know if I will post The Stranger at the table. I don't want to bore anyone. And Monday I start the fourth God Bless the Child novel, so I'm going on hiatus anyway.
Also, many people claim they don't read me, but they have, just not as Katie Leone. So pbbbt on you anyway.