And believe it or not, from a comedy website. Cracked.
I liked the article. I liked that it was very frank about a lot of the realities of being transgender that many people don't think about. Also with Cracked being a mainstream site, I hope it can open some eyes.
5 Shocking Realities of Being Transgender the Media Ignores
As always, be wary of the comments. Some are good, some are insightful, some are dumb and some are just putrid.
Self Destructive
I think it is actually self destructive self talk to be stuck
Like they'd ever publish
Like they'd ever publish articles on that. No instead they must show off the "men in dresses" because that gets higher ratings.
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Funnily enough
Just a few hours ago I sent the author of said article a message asking if I could link it here. Looks now like there's no need! Excellent!
Melanie E.