Someone linked this over at Facebook. Terrific story! Enjoy!
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
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'Tis a problem
But I'd have to be a bit more desperate before using a dating agency. What is ATM? Is this my age showing?
I looked it up....
ATM in relationships means abstinence 'til marriage.
Love, Andrea Lena
it was a cash machine
Madeline Anafrid Bell
So did...
So did I... And I couldn't figure out how that fit.
.....I think it is probably
.....I think it is probably best if y'all didn't look any further for the meaning, you will only end up with the need for liberal application of brain bleach. ;)
Think tossed salad.....
And I'm not referring to the kind with lettuce Hon!
Not exactly my cup of tea.....
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Somehow, I don't think I should use a dating agency. My wife might not understand. LOL (Always assuming I found a date that way. Besides, I'd rather data my wife.)
That said, I know some girls who seem to enjoy agency based dating (or at least web match sites). I doubt I'd go that route, were I single.
Thanks, Andrea! Now I have a
Thanks, Andrea! Now I have a new web comic to catch up on and follow.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
I must say, that strip...
Hit pretty close to home in all the expected ways (talking about dating, admirers, passing, misgendering, restrooms) but also refers to an issue I've never seen mentioned in a TG-themed strip before: how an MTF transperson's voice can seem to drop five octaves when they cough, thereby giving themselves away to everyone within 100 feet of them. I know I've talked about that on my blog before, as well as the sneezes with more destructive force than Hurricane Katrina--which usually strike in places like the library.
I must also say, though, there are some things I could not relate to--the protagonist is younger, prettier, definitely thinner than I am, not to mention able-bodied. I couldn't help but think that it might fall to me to create a strip about a transgender person with the added complication of disability. One who comes up against the impossible ideal of beauty imposed on cisgender and transgender women alike.
Incidentally, I love her l'il plush dinosaur pal...I have a whole bed full of plush friends, so that kind of tickled me to see.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,
