Another attack

I can't say that I'm feeling too joyous right now. I just got another review on Amazon and I am at a loss. Let me post the review:

This story goes from bad to worse. I kept reading to see if it got better, but no chance. The adoptive parents needed therapy as much as the child. A child that has lived four years of abuse needs extensive therapy, not surgery. The whole point of this story was to push the agenda of "transgender, find your inner sexual identity, I'm a boy/girl trapped in a boy/girl body crap". Abuse causes mental problems that can be resolved with counseling and therapy and a lot of love. A four year old who's parents dress him like a girl and call him a girl will be confused and surgically altering his body is a mistake. God help the child.

This "Review" is from God Bless the Child.

Many people might wonder why I ask for reviews all the time. This is the reason why. If you came across reviews like this, would you be eager to buy my book. I need 5-10 reviews to counteract this one.

God Bless the child is kind of my baby. It was the first thing where I said I am going to try to give my very best and tell a story that could explain being transgender. Many in the community realize they are transgender from an early age and wished there was intervention back then. I tried to come up with a compelling storyline to what would make a child change gender at an early age. So when I see reviews like this one, it hurts. There is a growing belief that you shouldn't respond to reviews yourself but I need to vent.

Okay. One, I didn't get the transgender agenda playbook, so I didn't know there was one. Could someone email me a copy. Find my inner sexual identity? No, it found me. I'm a girl trapped in a boy body crap? It is crap, it is a lot of pain and shame and confusion and a lot of bigotry too. I wanted to open some closed minds, not I just want to tuck my tail and hide. I could be writing a nice baseball story and having fun with zombies or space aliens. No, I got to get reviews like this. Grr. I so want to give up writing right now.

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