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Having just returned from Genetic counseling there were surprises.According to the Doctors there, a karyotype is no longer exclusively used to determine gender. She said there are at least two other factors that determine that. Androgen sensitivity is one and the other is very costly to isolate. For DES folk, she acknowledged that and said that there are many other substances beside that which cause birth defects.

She said that also there is a single part on both the X and the Y chromosome that can cause reversal of gender. This is verified in the animal world but experiments to verify it in humans can not be done because of ethics issues.

Most genetic research done now days is with the emphasis on understanding very serious birth defects, so gender issues are rightly secondary.

The Doctor said that she will write a letter saying that I am female.



well, of course you're female

what, you worried she'd classify you as a guy? Not likely.

You are a woman!

Now, if I took those kind of tests, they would show that I am a normal XY boy genetically, its my brain that's screwed up ...



thliwent's picture

Your brain, like mine, is absolutely fine. It's the genetics that got it wrong.

Y is a defective X anyway.

What brought that up?

Wendy Jean's picture

I don't think that there was ever any doubt.

Some one once told me that if you think you are transgender then you probably are. Thoughts like this just don't occur to "normal" people.

There was a time I was willing to die rather than accept I was trans. Accept it I have, and I am much better for it. I say this as a post-op laying flat on my back still feeling the pain.

I view being trans as a very specific brain birth defect. I would have rather not been trans, but I have corrected the core issue. I am still transgender, and I will reach back to my sisters still struggling to help them make it through the hard spots, and come out alive on the other side.

Just remember, you are not alone.