I need to whine and get sympathy please?

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I feel like a shameless drama queen tonight and really need a lot of sympathy and hugs. I know I am supposed to be this solid rock "Mom" type, but I'm having a weak moment that is about 9.0 on the Richter scale.

I'm sick, really sick, and don't feel good at all from that damnable flue. This stuff is bloody awful. Strangely, all the actual symptoms have moved on but I am just worn out, tired, discouraged, weepy, and whiny. I have been sleeping more than 12 hours a day and nothing has been getting done. All the dishes are dirty and the other room looks like a pig stye.

I was going from X-ray where they checked for pneumonia, down to pick up a prescription and passed out in the Elevator. Sheesh, another three hours in the hospital.

Every time I tell them I am sick they hand me anti depressants, which is exactly what they do to the elderly.

Some body either shoot me or spank me.



Since everyone has been generous with support for me

elrodw's picture

let me be the first to say that I'm sorry to hear you're under the weather, and I hope you regain your vitality and energy quickly. I've had some creeping crud lately, and it did the same thing (but it's not flu, thankfully). I know what it's like to feel no energy to do anything.

You'll be better soon. Keep your chin up, and know you have a ton of special hugs that contain a bit of emotional support and a touch of 'get well' magic in them.

Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein


That's why a doctor's clinic is called a "Practice"; they are only practicing medicine. When it's time for the real deal - like on Star Trek where Bones just hands you a broad spectrum, fix everything pill - they will let you know. :)

-- Sleethr

Get well soon...

Wendy Jean's picture

no one likes being sick, and you sound like you've been through the cleaners!

I have a

9mm glock 19, an S&W model 19 in a .357 and a 1911 A1 colt .45. I also have a barret model 95 squirrel gun in a .50 caliber. I can explode squirrels at half a mile.


Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.

The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune

sound like...

revolution's picture

Sounds like anxiety more than depression. both have similar symptoms. Anti depressents don't do anything for it though.

One thing i have learned having severe anxiety is that when things start building up and you dont feel well, make a list of the things that need doing and start it. don't think about it just get that first item done. if after you finish it you feel you can do another than keep going. if you don't feel you can keep going. set the list on your table or attach it to the fridge. wait a period of time (i usually wait several hours to a day) and return to it again.

eventually you get to the point where everything is just more manageable.

Hope you feel better soon!

Gwen, a better prescription

would be a high dose of all the water soluble, B vitamins in a complex, plus a gramme of vitamin C daily, for at least a week.

Antidepressants are the last thing you should be given, as they are not that effective and they are addictive. You are NOT "depressed", you are SAD. That is a normal state after influenza. You can order Vitamin B 100 Complex in UK by email from "Natures Best" (www.naturesbest.co.uk)

Forget about vitamins as a dietary supplement - these are in doses that have a therapeutic effect. Only 2 side effects - if you take them before bed they will keep you awake, so take them in the morning, and your urine will be bright yellow. The dose is high so that they can get pushed into the cells by osmotic pressure - it is inside the cells where they do their work. taking antidepressants will only benefit the pharmaceutical companies that make them.

Get well soon,


Plus, some anti-depressants are NOT good

elrodw's picture

Selective Seratonin Re-update Inhibitors (SSRIs) are implicated in a lot of other mental problems. The warning labels caution against increased thoughts of suicide, violence, etc. If they try to give you SSRIs, run, do not walk, to another doctor or the nearest exit. Please. SSRIs can be very bad ganja.

Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein

First Aid

Sorry to hear you're wiped out from the flu. Sounds like you're dehydrated and your electrolytes are seriously depleted. Dr. Pippa (no, I'm not a real doctor) recommends drinking a quart of Gatorade or the cheap sports drink of your choice every 8-12 hours until you feel better. It really helps. At least it helps me during similar episodes. (I avoid the yellow, orange and green ones because I'm sensitive to yellow #5 and it gives me a headache. Read the label.)

You might also try making some mineral-rich soup. Start with some chicken stock and add a whole potato, cut up, and maybe an onion, and simmer the whole thing for a while until the potato is falling apart.

Avoid anything with a diuretic effect, like high-dose vitamins, alcohol, asparagus, etc. You're dehydrated already.

Feel better, Hon.

May be you need wine?

Dry red with some sympathy?..
Actually, if it is flu - vodka with pepper before going to bed... If you have no heart problems...
Me? I'm currently in the same condition as you. Coughing, sore throat and high temperature. Hopefully will be more or less alive by Monday. And yes, dry red is good :-)

Not gonna shhot you. But if

Brooke Erickson's picture

Not gonna shhot you.

But if you hang on and get better, something could be arranged about the spanking. :-)

Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks

Get well soon

Angharad's picture

I hope whatever it is you're down with, gets better soon. I always find a zinc supplement helps me with viral infections.


Sorry, Babygirl

I am so sorry: i.you got the flu
2.I sold all of my guns so I can't shoot you
3. I can't spank you either as I do not reward naughtiness.

Instead, I send special metaphorical chicken soup and healing energy,

