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After meeting a mysterious girl, a man is seduced into a magical sexual world.


Chapter 1

I woke up in a sweat. For the past couple nights, I've had this recurring dream of a mysterious girl with rainbow colored hair. She's dressed up like Rainbow Brite and in it, I'm drawn to her as she beckons me with her piercing eyes and lovely smile. She pulls me in for a kiss and I feel myself changing. When I look down, I'm dressed in an outfit just like hers. We kiss passionately and she reaches underneath the skirt I'm wearing in the dream and then I wake up.

When I wake up, I'm extremely aroused and in a confused state. I've never seen this girl before in my life. Eventually, I get out of bed and go about my business and the dream fades into the back of my mind as I become preoccupied with either work or running my day-to-day errands. One night, after work, I decided to head down to the local pub for some drinks to round off my week. Though I've tried my luck talking to girls around here, I've always been kind of shy around women so after a couple times of either being rejected or having no promising leads, I usually end up spending my night out at the bar, just looking around, contemplating whether or not I should just call it a night.

That's when I saw her. From across the room, the girl with the rainbow colored hair. It was as if the crowd had parted. She was wearing a short dress down to her knees and she was staring straight at me. At first I thought I was dreaming again and some time must've passed in between my frantic thoughts because the next thing I realized she was standing right in front of me. Those same piercing eyes were seemed to stare straight into my soul. She leaned in close and whispered in my ear.

"I've been looking for you. Come with me, and I'll make your wildest dreams come true". She punctuated her offer with a small, soft lick on my earlobe. I looked back at her shocked, and then looked around me. The pub carried on its usual business. It was as if no one even noticed her there which should've been impossible considering how much she stood out amongst the bland crowd. She smiled and took my hand and before I realized it we were back in my apartment, sitting on my bed.

"I suppose you have some questions you'd like to ask me?" she said as she crossed her legs and gazed at me with those eyes of hers. If I concentrated hard enough, I could see dazzling colors dancing around her iris'.

"Who...who are you?" I stammered. I knew this would be my only chance to get an explanation for the dreams I had been having night after night.

"Who I am isn't as important as what I am, but you can call me Rainbow" She said with a perky smile.

"Ok...then what are you? Why have you been invading my dreams? What do you want from me?" I realized then that I finally had the chance to be with an insanely attractive women and here I was interrogating her instead of taking advantage of the situation. She giggled. I didn't know it then, but it seemed like she could read my thoughts.

"I...am a Rainbow Girl. I'm a bit like a fairy, kind of like a nymph, and sort of like a succubus" she said. That last part alarmed me.

"A succubus?! You're going to steal my soul?!" I exclaimed. Somehow though, her gaze calmed me down and I was back in the faint ecstasy that she brought to my mind.

"Not exactly. Well, sort of. It's not really what you think". She said. Clearly, she was toying with me. "Allow me to explain: I come from a place called Rainbowland, where...'beings' such as myself roam sexually free in pursuit of all of our desires. Yes, sometimes we steal into people's dream and rob them of their life force but I am not looking for sustenance, I'm looking for companionship. When I first encountered you in the Dreamscape, I knew you were special and I just had to have you". As she said this, I felt a stirring, a longing inside of me with an intensity I had never felt before. She noticed, smiled, and continued. "I can see into your soul, I know your deepest desires and I want to take you into a magical world where those desires can be fully expressed and fulfilled. I want you, all for myself". She leaned in closer, her hand softly grabbed the back of my head as she pulled me to her lips. "Give yourself to me, and I will make your wildest sexual desires come true" she sensually whispered. Her eyes shone with thousands of colors as they hypnotized me. I knew this is what I wanted.

"Yes. Yes, I want to! What must I do? Please take me!" I said to her. She pulled herself away and faced me.

"There are two things. 'catches' if you will, in order for me to do that" She said. She knew that she could say anything. She had me in the palm of her hand.

"Yes, anything you want" I said softly.

"One: I would need to change you into a female. Rainbowland is inherently a feminine place, and if I am to take you into my world, you would be changed. I will make you into a Rainbow Girl, just like me! Something tells me though that this is exactly what you want, is it not?"

"Yes...it is. You know me. You see right through me. I would never be able to turn back now" I said.

"The other thing is that the portal into Rainbowland lies within me. I would need to take you into my body, fully, wholly. I will take you into my womb and you will emerge, transformed, on the other side, in Rainbowland, as the Rainbow Girl you were meant to be"

"Oh yes! I want to be a Rainbow Girl. Please, Rainbow, take me!" I practically shouted. I knew now that my dream was going to come true in ways I couldn't have possibly imagined. She smiled.

"Then, let's get started. I'll need to be really wet in order to slide you into me". She said with a grin. At that moment, she slid off her dress and my clothes came off and we began to passionately kiss and embrace. It was heavenly. She reached for my hand and put my fingers inside of her. I could feel the warm softness of her vagina as she began to get more wet and I was more aroused than I had ever been in my whole life. She grabbed my head and led me down to her breasts and commanded me to suckle on them as she cradled my head. She reached over and began giving me soft wet kisses on my cheek, which gave way to soft, slow licks before she moved over to my ears. It was true then, that she knew me inside and out, for that turned me on so much that I began feeling her up inside deeper and deeper. We moaned in pleasure as she positioned herself on top of me to ride our waves of ecstasy. I was so close to cumming at that point but she wouldn't stop. She continued to lick me, to kiss me, to fuck me until I finally did cum all over the place. Spent but still writhing in pleasure, she lifted off of me and spread open her legs wide. She looked at me, longingly, lovingly.

"Are you ready?" she asked. I had no words I just nodded. She pulled me and I began to taste her. I was lost in the moment with she began to contract and I felt a pulling sensation. Before I knew it, her vagina was enclosing upon my head, first around my ears, then my cheeks, and then my neck. Her walls were wet and embracing. It was like being kissed and licked everywhere at the same time. Soon my shoulders and then my arms and then my waist were inside of her. She was pulsing and throbbing and I could hear her moaning in ecstasy. At this point, it was all her and I didn't have to do a thing for her to continue to pull me in. Finally, she came and all of sudden the rest of me was sucked in and I was wrapped up in Rainbow, an incredible feeling I had never knew possible. She placed her hand on her belly and rubbed it and I could feel slight vibrations rocking me to sleep. I felt myself drifting away. Even if she would just consume me and keep me inside her, I would've been content. I closed my eyes, and as I did, I heard a soft voice enter my mind.

"Sweet dreams, my little Rainbow Girl"

When I awoke, I was on a field of soft green grass staring up at a bright blue sky. I sat up and noticed it immediately. I was dressed up just like in my dreams. I was wearing a short blue dress and a rainbow colored tutu atop rainbow colored stockings. My hair was long and also rainbow colored. I touched my lips and felt the soft feminine gloss and my tongue darted for a taste unlike anything I've ever experienced. I reached towards my chest and felt the soft breasts that had formed under my dress. This was it. I was a Rainbow Girl.

Suddenly, I felt two hands embracing me from behind and a small peck on my neck from Rainbow's lips. I turned and squealed with delight.

"So, how do you feel?" she said to me with a beautiful smile.

"Wonderful! This is amazing! Thank you so much, Rainbow! I am yours forever!" I said, delighted at my high pitched, feminine voice.

"Yes, you are. Now that you're a Rainbow Girl, you can never leave. Not that you'd want to. You are stuck in my fairytale world forever" she laughed.

"I feel like Alice in Wonderland" I said softly. At that, my clothes began to change shape. I felt a tickle all around me as my Rainbow Girl outfit changed into a pale blue dress with puffed up sleeves. Billowing from underneath my dress was a petticoat that swished underneath my legs. Finally, a cute little bow poofed atop my head and long blonde hair draped over my shoulders. I stood up, amazed at the change.

"Wow, look at me!" I said.

"Silly, girlie. You can be whoever or whatever you wish to be in this world. All you have to do is use your imagination!" she said. "Now, you've given me the pleasure of bringing you into this world. Allow me to bring you the pleasure of what it feels to be a Rainbow Girl. She reached under my petticoat and began to touch me. I was no longer a boy, but a girl inside and out as her fingers entered me and I was instantly wet. She kissed my cheek the way she knows how and I fell upon the grass, my legs twitching from the waves coursing throughout my body. She began to lick my breasts and I began to breathe harder and harder as I was engulfed in ecstasy and Rainbow just smiled and giggled and kept saying how pretty I was. When I finally came, my petticoat was spread wide and I collapsed in the arms of the mysterious girl with rainbow colored hair as she stroked my hair.

"This is your life now. Forever. I will always be with you. You're all mine now" she said.

"Thank you" I said as I drifted off into peaceful sleep. "I...love this. I love you" I managed to say before everything went black and I closed my rainbow colored eyes and saw her face look down at me lovingly.

"Sweet dreams, my little Rainbow Girl"

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A Bit Like 2001

littlerocksilver's picture

Is this where it ends?


No. It was originally a

No. It was originally a standalone story but since then a number of fantasies have come from this place. I'm trying to come up a coherent way to tie them all together in this universe. It's taken quite a while but there's a whole bunch of other material. I'm also open to suggestions!

Glad you enjoyed it enough to want more. =)

Welcome to BC

Welcome to Big Closet - I hope you enjoy posting your stories here. I agree with Portia's comment, the story does seem to be incomplete. I suggest you carefully read the text again, there are occasional places where the meaning is hard to understand, for example "She punctuated call with a small, soft lick on my earlobe." I would also class the story rating as somewhat higher than 'mature subject' - definitely adult orientated. I hope my comments are helpful.

Hugs, Bronwen

It is incomplete. It's an

It is incomplete. It's an ongoing story. Thanks for letting me know about the rating. I've edited it accordingly.