Reader input

Friends, Readers, Closetfolk: Lend me your ears.

Glitch has received an incredibly good reaction as did Naughty or Ice and I've been telling you all about Syryn's Song, the other story I have in the works for my Hyperverse. I have run into a snag though. You see Syrn's song is already well over 25000 words and I'm not even near the end of book one yet. So this is where I'm asking my readers what they would like.

Given the sheer length that book one alone is working it's way toward, would you all like to see Syryn's Song as a serial which I will update whenever I have enough written to make it worth it to the readers? I was thinking of possible blocks of 10,000 to 12,000 words. If you all want to wait for the full story I will do that, but if not I will post the first chapter whenever you like. This won't be something with a regular update schedule just when I finish a big enough block like with I Wish. Let me know what you all think,

Thanks and big hugs


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