I know the reaction to Op Rescue: In Plain Sight has been very significant (judging by comments and kudos). That makes me wonder if the audience as a whole considers this better than, on par with, or less than Op Rescue: New Co-Ed. The main reason I ask is that while New Co-Ed has a lot of hits, it has few kudos. That makes me wonder if it was as good as my latest effort, or worse. Or is it an artifact of posting a link to a PDF file (as opposed to a 450+ page story in the form!) so the kudo button wasn't accessible? Was it because New Co-Ed was too long for most people's tastes?
Just curious, since the perception of characters will influence future stories in this and other universes.
Also, does having a story in a PDF link affect your ability or willingness to give kudos or leave feedback / comments?
I really think it must have
I really think it must have been timing because though I like all Operation Rescue stories. Co-Ed is by far the best, period!
I will say this, and this is ONLY MY OPINION, (though its perfect)
They go as followed.
1. Co-ed
2. The Protester (LOF)
3. In Plain Site
4. Origin
5. The things we do for love
This in no way lessens the impact of each story...
I really liked
both of them. If I had to pick a favorite I would say "In plain sight" but "New Co-ed" was very good too because it went into such depth exploring the characte and situation. "Plain Sight" appealed to me because of the plight of the main character. It touched on issues from my own life which made eager for each new chapter.
I do tend to like the longer tales just because I want a lot of details, but like I said, I really enjoyed them both.
I liked New Coed best, and
I liked New Coed best, and not only because it was large. Yes, I confess, I like large big um.. stories. :) But, also, imho New Coed had better character development ( just a bit ), and I liked the general more positive theme more.
But both will be read again a few times, don't you worry.
And many thanks for sharing them.
Not fair!
I really liked them both. Co-ed was detailed with a lot of personal feelings shown during the story, while Hiding in Plain Sight did much the same with slighty different issues. If I had to choose I would go with 'In Plain Sight' though because of the depth of emotion and healing that happened in that one.
I really enjoyed Sight, but
I really enjoyed Sight, but I'll confess that The New Co-Ed appealed to me somewhat more. I think part of it is that there is more character interaction. IPS is very focused - as it should be.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I'm not sure.....
I truly loved all of the Operation Rescue stories, and I really don't know if I could pick a favorite.
The one that hit me the most though was Origins. I almost couldn't finish that story. As I read through to the end of the story and got to the point where the main character had to decide whether or not to stay as a woman or to change back and save his/her marriage, I lost it so bad that it was about two days befor I was able to go back and finish the story.
That really struck a chord with me.
I loved them all. The New Co-Ed had me in tears repeatedly, and In Plain Sigh was just as good. With every one of them, I found it hard to put the story down and take care of the needs of my real life.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I haven't read the newest one yet
However I read the first two stories on FM as I'm sure a lot of others have. So I would expect less kudos on the 1st two stories as people may have already read them elsewhere.
elrod, I would go by the hits
elrod, I would go by the hits to gouge if a story is popular, comments are rare. I get very little comments but hits are good. But as to writing anymore, I write what is interesting and as long as I think I nailed it, I am happy but of course I hope the readers feel the same way I do.
My Vote's for Co-Ed
I love them all but as another writer said, I like long stories.
Comment from a newcomer
I'm a complete newcomer to Op Rescue - I don't think I have read any of these stories. However, maybe that in itself is an advantage, for I can speak without any preconceptions or prejudice that your regular readers may have.
I think I should start by pointing out the obvious. The number of hits is a simple measure of how many people have been attracted by the title, photo, author, synopsis, etc and clicked on the story. They may stop reading within five seconds, so all the hits tells you is how many people have clicked on the story, rather than how good it is.
I love Kudos scores because they are giving the overall impression of your stories from the thousands of people who click on a story. It's only clicked by those people who reach the end and enjoy it. In my case, it is typically a low percentage of the hits - my last story was popular and Kudos points equalled 2.5% of hits, but in many cases it's less than 1%.
I have noticed that the Kudos/hits ratio has improved for me over time, but that may be part of a general trend, or simply that more people are enjoying my stories. Whatever, the Kudos score is the actual score of your stories' popularity. Even if a dozen people here say that they think all the stories are as good as each other, it's the Kudos score which is fact, whilst their opinions here are simply that.
The only exception to that is that you must compare like with like. By using the system of PDF attachment, you have corrupted the ability to compare Kudos points. Of course you won't get many Kudos, if people are not able to easily give a Kudos. I feel that any kind of complication is going to reduce the number of people enjoying your stories, so I would avoid like the plague.
I know I'm rabitting on a bit, but I think the point I want to emphasise is that the opinion of a few people who see and reply to this comment is as nothing compared to the thousands who click on your story link, and then decide whether to read, and then give a Kudos.
Hope this helps you make good decisions about the stories you write in the future.
Best wishes
I think that neither way of
I think that neither way of counting their popularity is going to be real accurate. Asking like this will be very helpful. I don't don't know how many people are like me. I've only recently (last 6 months) been consistently giving feedback, and usually just kudos.
I really enjoyed all of the stories. But it's really close between New Co-Ed and Hiding in Plain Sight as to which one I enjoyed more. Both stories touched me very strongly in different ways and for different reasons.
Having a pdf link doesn't affect my enjoyment one way or the other, unless there are maps or additional information there. If I like the story I give it a kudo.
Not affecting your enjoyment
but your ability / willingness to give kudos, since it's possibly a little more difficult with the pdf link.
Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein
I have not read every operation rescue story
which makes judging different. I basically went in my deep funk about the time they were written, that and I also gave up on Fiction Mania, as some of the stories, not yours, caused me real emotional distress.
My reading has increased, being bed bound contributes, and my emotional state has improved a lot since I started transitioning.
If the series of stories are posted here I will make it a point to read them. It will be too late for this pole, but the fact is I enjoy all your work. I think In Plain Sight was a masterpiece, in the classic sense of the word.
I haven't totally given up on
I haven't totally given up on Fictionmania, but I've been extremely disappointed in it. Sometimes, it seems like the site should change it's name to "Femdom Crossdresser Abuse.com"
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I should read the others, but
I should read the others, but I did like the new one :)
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Have a mew of a day!
Even though I try and always
Even though I try and always give kudos if I like a story ,I very seldom comment as it usually causes me problems as I am very outspoken and often blunt. But I must say now that I have never read a story by you that I didn't enjoy immensely, you are a very talented and skillful writer & I hope you never stop...Thank you for your efforts
I really liked your longer stories
I love the longer stories you have written the most because it feels like you have had the most time for character development and growth in the story.
One thing I hate to see when an Author does is leave multiple ending it always leaves me wounding what the author truly preferred for the main ending of the story.
"Cortana is watching you!"