Siren Part 1

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Martin Fleming meets a watery end, but from beneath the surface something new will arise.

I do not own any characters or places created within the marvel universe. This is merely a fictional story using some of the ideas created by marvel. Please enjoy it and don’t take things too seriously.

Siren Part 1
By: Bowrider

My ears would not stop ringing as I pulled myself off of the fence surrounding my school and turned towards my very own tormentor. After three years in high school you'd have thought that someone would get tired of shoving you around or knocking your head into a pole, but not Ian Duncan. Just my luck that his favorite target just so happened to be me.

At only five foot seven inches with a mop of unruly red hair and almost no muscle to speak of it was one of those inevitabilities that I would be a target, but it's not like I ever went looking for my very own personal bully.

"What are you doing getting back up Fleming? I thought I told you to get on your knees. After all you can't beg me to stop if you're still on your feet."

"Sorry to disappoint you Ian, but I really don't have time for this today. So what we're going to do now is you're going to look to your left..." and like the idiot he was Ian began looking left, "And I'll see you next week." I shouted as I sprinted to my right and dashed out of the school’s main gate before the idiot had time to figure out what had just happened.

As I ran down the street I had to hike up my bag with my swim gear in it. Although I wasn't very strong I had been swimming at the local pool since I had been brought to Summer Valley three years ago when I moved here from my last foster family in Connecticut. Today I was scheduled for lifeguard duty and I didn't want to be late and have to explain to my foster mom why I was late again.

Mrs. Birch and her husband ran one of the small gyms and pools in Summer Valley and when they found out that I had my lifeguard’s licence they figured it would be a good way to keep me busy after school as well as avoiding having to interview people for the position. I didn't mind the work either because it was easy money and it gave me a chance to work on my swimming at the same time.

Getting into the gym ten minutes later I saw my foster mother waiting at the main entrance desk talking to the receptionist. Susan Birch was still quite good looking for a forty six year old, but she never seemed to be smiling which made her seem cold to anyone within twenty feet of her.

Listening to her conversation as I walked back to the change rooms I overheard her talking about the latest mutant attacks in the New York area.

"Why don't the police just shoot those freaks as soon as they pop up? It’s not as though they're helping normal citizens anyways. It seems that the only time you hear about those freaks they're blowing something up or fighting with each other and hurting innocent people in the crossfire." She said to the gyms receptionist Sally.

"Thank goodness there aren't any around this area Sue. Most of them seem to head towards big cities from what you hear about on the news. Let someone else deal with them and I'll live my life in safety thank you very much." Sally responded.

Continuing back to the change rooms I just shook my head at how silly the two women were being. Of course there were more mutants in the city, there were more people there. Although I had to admit there did seem to be more attacks recently, from the mutants’ point of view it must seem as if there was a war going on with all the anti-mutant commercials on TV.

Slipping into the pool area after getting changed I took my position on the lifeguard tower and looked into the empty pool. There was never anyone here when I first got in although swim lessons usually started up after about half an hour after I got in. This time usually gave me a chance to work on my own swimming so diving into the pool from the tower I began to do a few laps of the pool.

After my third lap the world seemed to go out of control. The roof began to shake while I was in the middle of the pool and as I looked up a huge chuck of the roof collapsed a few feet away as a man with wings and a large humanoid lizard fell into the pool from the roof. The winged man shot a mass of light all around him knocking the lizard away from him and onto the deck. Unfortunately this also caused the rest of the roof to cave in and I could only watch as a large chunk of roof came at me crushing me down to the bottom of the pool. All I could think was that I didn't want to die.


I slowly became aware of myself after what could have been anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. I realized that I was suspended in the pool, but there was no rubble anywhere. As I looked down I realized that I couldn't even see myself in the pool, I could feel my body, but not see it. Not only that, but I didn't feel the need to breath either.

Scarred and confused I began to "swim" towards the side of the pool to try and figure out what was going on. Upon reaching the stairs out of the pool I began to exit only to find that the reason I couldn't see my body in the pool was that I had been turned into water somehow!

Looking around I found that it was dark outside and thankfully I was alone. I had to get out of here right away before someone saw a bunch of water walking around and started coming after me. I ran into the change room and saw myself for the first time. Staring into the mirror I realized that hiding was going to be impossible for me unless I found a way to look human again, a puddle of water can only get so far.

As I stared at the mass of water in the mirror I realized two things; the first being that I had gotten my wish and didn't die from being crushed by the roof, and the second was that I had survived because I was a mutant. Realizing this I tried figuring out if I was naturally a big puddle or if this was just my power making me like this.

Focusing on the mirror I pictured what I used to look like, what it felt like when my hair touched my skin, how it felt to have clothes on instead of the wetness of the water. Between one blink and the next I went from a puddle to being human again, but not the way I thought.

I just stared at the mirror as I went through the second shock of the night. Looking back at me was one of the most beautiful girls I'd ever seen. Her luxurious red hair flowed down to her waist and her face had no blemishes at all, as if it had never even been passed over by a gentle breeze. Her breasts had to at least be a C cup and looking further down the girls’ thin waist led to a small slit which could only be her vagina.

"It's OK Martin, you're still alive and you'll just deal with this later." I reminded myself once my brain started to overcome the shock.

Wiping away a few tears I didn't remember shedding I numbly made my way over to my locker and began fumbling with my lock as I pushed forward to get what I needed to survive the coming days and nights.

To Be Continued...

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Interesting Beginning

Interesting beginning. It'll be fun to see what you do with this character.

Oh, and welcome.

Ban nothing. Question everything.


Thanks for the assist earlier, hope you enjoy!


Very nice start and well written! I will be watching out for new chapters.



A good start and one is tempted to guess where the story might go, however, I am more interested to see where the writer takes it and me with it. Folklore, fantasy and dreams come together

Hugs, JessieC

Jessica E. Connors

Jessica Connors


revolution's picture

kool start. can't wait to read the next part!


Great start for a story. I'll be looking forward to more.


So, Where Is Everone Else?

littlerocksilver's picture

Was he/she not seen as she entered. Is anyone looking for him? This could be very interesting. Nice start.



Thanks for the encouragement! As for your question, hopefully you'll see in the next part depending on how far I take part two, but if not in part two then definitely part 3.

interesting mutation

"living" water? very interesting


You have my attention!

I do love a good superhero tale. ;)

A truly excellent beginning!

D. Eden's picture

I am totally captivated and can't wait for more. What an interesting character you have created.

But, what happened to the rubble? Who were the other two mutants? And did the whole attack ever really happen?

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Question Time

Firstly, the rubble will be explained in the next part. Second, I'm still working out the details but you'll see them again. Third, yes the attack occurred. If you've ever got any more questions and it won't spoil whats coming next I'll be glad to answer.

origin story

This is a well written origin sorry. I can't wait till the next part comes out.

I'm a bibliophile, a nerd, a gamer, a MMA, and a girl

message me

Hi Bowrider!

I'm along for the ride! More please? Loving Hugs Talia
Ps. Love characters with long red hair!