I know that there are some who are concerned about me and really care. As I often do, I will be taking my leave from the site for a while. Unless something major happens or I will the Nobel Prize for transgender literature, I will have nothing much to offer for a while. I am going to be starting on my next story sometime in the beginning of January. I plan on making Growing Up Jenny into a paperback as well after a major overhaul.
Just to give you a heads up of what is planned for 2014:
Off the bat I plan on making Growing Up Jenny and Finding Jenny paperbacks after doing a major overhaul. I ask any writer to look back at stories written a few years ago and try not to cringe. You grow, you learn things, you improve your craft and you look at past materials and go "I would never write something like that, oh wait, I did."
There will be a m2f/f2m romance novel that I may do 2 versions of (Erotic/non-erotic), then again, the erotic version may just be on the site since Katie Leone is now a label and you have to be true to that.
I will do 2 pieces about transitioning. One will be about coming out and the second will be about a families reaction to a child coming out.
The fourth installment of the God Bless the Child saga. This will feature Sean in his senior year and focus on external forces trying to break him and Jenny up. Chase will be running for state senate. In both instances, Jenny's past will crop up.
The sequel to Unreachable - This will have to follow the above because an Adult Jenny will be playing a major role and it's too much of a jump to leave her at 10 and find her at 28
Then I have a tough decision to make. Do I venture away from transgender literature? Will people who follow what I write here follow a sports story or a paranormal story or a Christmas legal tale? I have those in me too. It is a scary proposition for me. See, I can count on sales for my transgender fiction. I've topped 600 sales every month of the past 6. Part of that is new releases and marketing, but another part is I can count on a certain number of fans to buy something because it has my name on it and they trust what I produce. Time will tell.
Non literary things to look for in 2014 - Will Felix propose? I was thinking he was going to today, but I was wrong. He did not go to Jarrod. He keeps saying he will, but you know saying and doing are different things. We are also discussing my leaving the paper and writing full time. As of now, the checks are virtually similar between what I make writing and what I make throwing papers. I make about 1300 writing and 1600 on papers, but take out gas each month and my dwindling paper count and you can see that swapping. Lately I've been eliminating debt. 2 credit cards are paid off and 2 have minimal balances. I could probably pay those 2 off at any time but it actually hurts your credit score to keep a zero balance. I would love to write full time so it is an interesting proposition. We will look at it in June and then again at the end of next year. If I leave the paper the right way, I can always go back.
I want to thank all who support me. I will see you in about a month or so with news of a new release and as is my promise to Joyce, I will post the stories once they are released.
Wow Katie, prolific much?
I'll be here to pester you when you get back, at the very least. As for writing, write what you have in you and let the chips fall where they may. If you don't, you'll only be unhappy.
If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:
We all hope you'll stay in
We all hope you'll stay in touch. I don't think there are many writers on this site who wouldn't be thrilled by a review from Katie Leone.
Your future looks bright
Katie! We will miss you while you are on leave but homecomings are always nice, and your stories or parts of them are always welcome here. Be good, and good luck my friend.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
Awww I will miss you, but I
Awww I will miss you, but I do wish you the best of luck in your many writing endeavours! It sounds as if you have an exciting year ahead.
And I look forward to your other books.
You will be missed, Wish you
You will be missed,
Wish you the best of luck,